- LSformElement_xmpp & LSformElement_url & LSformElement_rss

-> Refonte avec l'utilisation de l'héritage de LSformElement_text
  -> Utilisation d'un fieldTemplate commum : LSformElement_uri_field.tpl
- LSformElement_mail
  -> Utilisation du fieldTemplate commum : LSformElement_uri_field.tpl
- LSformElement : Ajout du paramètre $fetchVariables qui contient les variables
  ajouter au contexte de la méthode fetchTemplate()
This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Renard 2008-10-15 18:29:14 +00:00
parent cc0a009b63
commit f691db17c3
10 changed files with 56 additions and 161 deletions

View file

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class LSformElement {
var $attr_html;
var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_field.tpl';
var $template = 'LSformElement.tpl';
var $fetchVariables = array();
* Constructeur
@ -303,6 +304,7 @@ class LSformElement {
$this -> fetchVariables,
'freeze' => $this -> isFreeze(),
'multiple'=> $this -> isMultiple(),

View file

@ -42,7 +42,13 @@ class LSformElement_mail extends LSformElement_text {
var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_mail_field.tpl';
var $fetchVariables = array(
'uriClass' => 'LSformElement_mail',
'uriPrefix' => 'mailto:'
var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_uri_field.tpl';

View file

@ -30,58 +30,17 @@
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSformElement_rss extends LSformElement {
class LSformElement_rss extends LSformElement_text {
* Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément
* Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement
* @retval array
function getDisplay(){
$return = $this -> getLabelInfos();
// value
if (!$this -> isFreeze()) {
$return['html'] = "<ul class='LSform'>\n";
if (empty($this -> values)) {
$return['html'] .= "<li>".$this -> getEmptyField()."</li>\n";
else {
foreach ($this -> values as $value) {
$multiple = $this -> getMultipleData();
$id = "LSform_".$this -> name."_".rand();
$return['html'] .= "<li><input class='LSformElement_rss' type='text' name='".$this -> name."[]' value=\"".$value."\" id='".$id."'>$multiple</li>\n";
$return['html'] .= "</ul>\n";
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSformElement_rss.js');
else {
$return['html'] = "<ul class='LSform'>\n";
if (empty($this -> values)) {
$return['html'] .= "<li>"._('Aucune valeur definie')."</li>\n";
else {
foreach ($this -> values as $value) {
$return['html'] .= "<li><a class='LSformElement_rss' href='".$value."'>".$value."</a></li>\n";
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSformElement_rss.js');
$return['html'] .= "</ul>\n";
return $return;
var $JSscripts = array(
var $fetchVariables = array(
'uriClass' => 'LSformElement_rss'
var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_uri_field.tpl';
* Retourne le code HTML d'un champ vide
* @retval string Code HTML d'un champ vide.
function getEmptyField() {
$multiple = $this -> getMultipleData();
return "<input class='LSformElement_rss' type='text' name='".$this -> name."[]' id='LSform_".$this -> name."_".rand()."'>".$multiple;

View file

@ -30,58 +30,17 @@
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSformElement_url extends LSformElement {
class LSformElement_url extends LSformElement_text {
* Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément
* Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement
* @retval array
function getDisplay(){
$return = $this -> getLabelInfos();
// value
if (!$this -> isFreeze()) {
$return['html'] = "<ul class='LSform'>\n";
if (empty($this -> values)) {
$return['html'] .= "<li>".$this -> getEmptyField()."</li>\n";
else {
foreach ($this -> values as $value) {
$multiple = $this -> getMultipleData();
$id = "LSform_".$this -> name."_".rand();
$return['html'] .= "<li><input class='LSformElement_url' type='text' name='".$this -> name."[]' value=\"".$value."\" id='".$id."' title=\"".$this -> getTitle()."\">$multiple</li>\n";
$return['html'] .= "</ul>\n";
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSformElement_url.js');
else {
$return['html'] = "<ul class='LSform'>\n";
if (empty($this -> values)) {
$return['html'] .= "<li>"._('Aucune valeur definie')."</li>\n";
else {
foreach ($this -> values as $value) {
$return['html'] .= "<li><a class='LSformElement_url' href='".$value."' title=\"".$this -> getTitle()."\">".$value."</a></li>\n";
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSformElement_url.js');
$return['html'] .= "</ul>\n";
return $return;
var $JSscripts = array(
* Retourne le code HTML d'un champ vide
* @retval string Code HTML d'un champ vide.
function getEmptyField() {
$multiple = $this -> getMultipleData();
return "<input class='LSformElement_url' type='text' name='".$this -> name."[]' id='LSform_".$this -> name."_".rand()."' title=\"".$this -> getTitle()."\">".$multiple;
var $fetchVariables = array(
'uriClass' => 'LSformElement_url'
var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_uri_field.tpl';

View file

@ -30,58 +30,17 @@
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSformElement_xmpp extends LSformElement {
class LSformElement_xmpp extends LSformElement_text {
var $JSscripts = array(
* Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément
* Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement
* @retval array
function getDisplay(){
$return = $this -> getLabelInfos();
// value
if (!$this -> isFreeze()) {
$return['html'] = "<ul class='LSform'>\n";
if (empty($this -> values)) {
$return['html'] .= "<li>".$this -> getEmptyField()."</li>\n";
else {
foreach ($this -> values as $value) {
$multiple = $this -> getMultipleData();
$id = "LSform_".$this -> name."_".rand();
$return['html'] .= "<li><input class='LSformElement_xmpp' type='text' name='".$this -> name."[]' value=\"".$value."\" id='".$id."'>$multiple</li>\n";
$return['html'] .= "</ul>\n";
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSformElement_xmpp.js');
else {
$return['html'] = "<ul class='LSform'>\n";
if (empty($this -> values)) {
$return['html'] .= "<li>"._('Aucune valeur definie')."</li>\n";
else {
foreach ($this -> values as $value) {
$return['html'] .= "<li><a class='LSformElement_xmpp' href='xmpp:".$value."'>".$value."</a></li>\n";
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSformElement_xmpp.js');
$return['html'] .= "</ul>\n";
return $return;
var $fetchVariables = array(
'uriClass' => 'LSformElement_xmpp',
'uriPrefix' => 'xmpp:'
* Retourne le code HTML d'un champ vide
* @retval string Code HTML d'un champ vide.
function getEmptyField() {
$multiple = $this -> getMultipleData();
return "<input class='LSformElement_xmpp' type='text' name='".$this -> name."[]' id='LSform_".$this -> name."_".rand()."'>".$multiple;
var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_uri_field.tpl';

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ var LSformElement_rss = new Class({
reinitialize: function(el) {

View file

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ var LSformElement_url = new Class({
reinitialize: function(el) {
@ -59,8 +60,8 @@ var LSformElement_url = new Class({
if (typeof(href)=="undefined") {
href = btn.getParent().getFirst().href;
var name = btn.getParent().getFirst().title;
if (href!="") {
var name = href;
if (window.sidebar) {

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ var LSformElement_xmpp = new Class({
reinitialize: function(el) {

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
{if $freeze}
<span class='LSformElement_text'>{if $value}<a class='LSformElement_mail' href='mailto:{$value}'>{$value}</a>{else}{$noValueTxt}{/if}</span><input type='hidden' name='{$attr_name}[]' class='LSformElement_text' value="{$value}"/>
<input type='text' name='{$attr_name}[]' class='LSformElement_text LSformElement_mail' value="{$value}"/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{if $freeze}
<span class='LSformElement_text'>
{if $value}
<a class='{$uriClass}' href='{$uriPrefix}{$value}'>{$value}</a>
<input type='hidden' name='{$attr_name}[]' class='LSformElement_text' value="{$value}"/>
<input type='text' name='{$attr_name}[]' class='LSformElement_text {$uriClass}' value="{$value}"/>