mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 14:33:49 +01:00
Code cleaning
This commit is contained in:
50 changed files with 783 additions and 735 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ _ldapsaisie()
local cur words cword
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n "=" cur words cword
# Retreive COMPREPLY using bash_autocomplete ldapsaisie CLI command
# Retrieve COMPREPLY using bash_autocomplete ldapsaisie CLI command
COMPREPLY=( $(ldapsaisie bash_autocomplete ${cword} -- ${words[@]}) )
# If current word to complete contain '=' and if it's a word-break char
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ les possibilités de contribution.</para>
* @author My Name <my.email@example.com>
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
function cli_my_custom_cli_cmd($command_args) {
$objType = null;
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ $GLOBALS['LSobjects']['LSdyngroup'] = array (
'label' => 'Member search URI',
'help_info' => "<p>LDAP search URI or group members. A LDAP search URI is composed of the following parts separated by semicolons :<ul>
<li>The LDAP URI in format <code>ldap://[host]/[base DN]</code>. For instance, to make a request on the same LDAP server, use <code>ldap:///o=ls</code></li>
<li>The retreived attributes (separated by coma, optional)</li>
<li>The retrieved attributes (separated by coma, optional)</li>
<li>The search scope (<code>base</code>, <code>one</code> or <code>sub</code>)</li>
<li>The LDAP filter (optional, default : <code>(objectClass=*)</code>)</li>
</ul></p><p><strong>Example :</strong> <code>ldap:///ou=people,o=ls??one?(&(objectClass=lspeople)(mail=*@ls.com))</code></p>",
@ -101,11 +101,8 @@ LSerror :: defineError('MAIL_01',
$from = $headers['From'];
elseif (LSsession :: getEmailSender() != "") {
$from = LSsession :: getEmailSender();
else {
$from = null;
$from = LSsession :: getEmailSender();
$headers["To"] = $to;
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ function generate_sambaPrimaryGroupSID($ldapObject) {
* @param[in] $attr string The sambaUnixIdPool attribute name that contain next ID value
* @retval integer UNIX ID value on succes, false otherwise
* @retval integer UNIX ID value on success, false otherwise
function get_samba_unix_pool_next_id($attr) {
$unix_id_pool_dn = (defined('LS_SAMBA_UNIX_ID_POOL_DN')?constant('LS_SAMBA_UNIX_ID_POOL_DN'):LS_SAMBA_DOMAIN_OBJECT_DN);
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function LSaddon_showTechInfo_support() {
function showTechInfo($object) {
$dn = $object -> getDn();
// Retreive internal attributes
// Retrieve internal attributes
$internal_attrs = LSldap :: getAttrs(
@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ function cli_generate_supann_codeEtablissement_uai_nomenclature($command_args) {
$data = file_get_contents('https://data.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/explore/dataset/fr-esr-principaux-etablissements-enseignement-superieur/download?format=json');
$items = json_decode($data, true);
if (!is_array($items))
LSlog :: get_logger('LSaddon_supann') -> fatal('Fail to retreive UAI dataset from data.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr');
LSlog :: get_logger('LSaddon_supann') -> fatal('Fail to retrieve UAI dataset from data.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr');
$codes = array();
foreach($items as $item) {
if (!isset($item['fields']) || !isset($item['fields']['uai']) || !$item['fields']['uai'])
@ -451,5 +451,5 @@ LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_list_06',
___("LSattr_html_select_list: Invalid get_possible_values parameter found in configuration of attribute %{attr}: must be a callable.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_list_07',
___("LSattr_html_select_list: fail to retreive possible values of attribute %{attr} using configured function %{callable}.")
___("LSattr_html_select_list: fail to retrieve possible values of attribute %{attr} using configured function %{callable}.")
@ -168,19 +168,19 @@ class LSattr_html_select_object extends LSattr_html{
* @param[in] mixed $values array|null Array of the input values ()
* @param[in] boolean $fromDNs boolean If true, considered provided values as DNs (default: false)
* @param[in] boolean $retreiveAttrValues boolean If true, attribute values will be returned instead
* @param[in] boolean $retrieveAttrValues boolean If true, attribute values will be returned instead
* of selected objects info (default: false)
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval array|false Array of selected objects with DN as key and object info as value or array
* of attribute values if $retreiveAttrValues==true or False on error.
* of attribute values if $retrieveAttrValues==true or False on error.
public function getFormValues($values=NULL, $fromDNs=false, $retreiveAttrValues=false) {
public function getFormValues($values=NULL, $fromDNs=false, $retrieveAttrValues=false) {
self :: log_debug("getFormValues(): input values=".varDump($values));
// Check parameters consistency
if ($retreiveAttrValues && !$fromDNs) {
self :: log_fatal('getFormValues(): $fromDNs must be true if $retreiveAttrValues==true');
if ($retrieveAttrValues && !$fromDNs) {
self :: log_fatal('getFormValues(): $fromDNs must be true if $retrieveAttrValues==true');
return false;
if (!is_array($values)) {
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class LSattr_html_select_object extends LSattr_html{
return false;
// Retreive/check selectable objects config
// Retrieve/check selectable objects config
$objs = array();
$confs = $this -> getSelectableObjectsConfig($objs);
if (!is_array($confs) || empty($confs)) {
@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ class LSattr_html_select_object extends LSattr_html{
$found_values[$value] = $value;
if ($retreiveAttrValues) {
// Retreive attribute value case: $selected_objects[dn] = attribute value
if ($retrieveAttrValues) {
// Retrieve attribute value case: $selected_objects[dn] = attribute value
if(($conf['value_attribute']=='dn') || ($conf['value_attribute']=='%{dn}')) {
$selected_objects[$value] = $value;
@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ class LSattr_html_select_object extends LSattr_html{
// Retreive attribute values case: return forged array values (list of attribute values)
if ($retreiveAttrValues)
// Retrieve attribute values case: return forged array values (list of attribute values)
if ($retrieveAttrValues)
return array_values($selected_objects);
// General case
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ class LSattr_html_select_object extends LSattr_html{
$LSselect_id = $this -> getLSselectId();
if (LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSselect', null, true) && LSselect :: exists($LSselect_id)) {
$selected_objects = LSselect :: getSelectedObjects($LSselect_id);
self :: log_debug("getValuesFromLSselect(): selected objects retreived from LSselect '$LSselect_id' = ".varDump($selected_objects));
self :: log_debug("getValuesFromLSselect(): selected objects retrieved from LSselect '$LSselect_id' = ".varDump($selected_objects));
if (is_array($selected_objects)) {
return $this -> getFormValues(
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ class LSattribute extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* @param[in] $api_mode boolean True if it's a view in API mode (=all accessible attributes present,
* optional, default: false)
* @retval boolean True on succes, False otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, False otherwise
public function addToView(&$form, $api_mode=false) {
if ((!$api_mode && !$this -> getConfig('view', false, 'bool')) || ($this -> myRights() == 'n') )
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ class LSattribute extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* @param[in] $form LSform The LSform object
* @retval boolean True on succes, False otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, False otherwise
public function addToExport(&$form) {
if ($this -> myRights() == 'n')
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class LSattribute extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* @param[in] object $form The LSform object
* @retval LSformElement|False LSformElement object on succes, False otherwise
* @retval LSformElement|False LSformElement object on success, False otherwise
private function _addToForm(&$form, $idForm, &$obj=NULL, $data=NULL) {
if (!$this -> html) {
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class LSauth extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive auth object types info
* Retrieve auth object types info
* @return array Array of auth object type with type as key and type's parameters as value
public static function getAuthObjectTypes() {
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class LSauth extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
'password_attribute' => self :: getConfig("LSobjects.$objType.password_attribute", 'userPassword', 'string'),
// For retro-compatibility, also retreived old parameters (excepted in API mode):
// For retro-compatibility, also retrieved old parameters (excepted in API mode):
$oldAuthObjectType = LSconfig :: get('authObjectType', null, 'string', LSsession :: $ldapServer);
if ($oldAuthObjectType && !array_key_exists($oldAuthObjectType, $objTypes) && self :: checkAuthObjectTypeAccess($oldAuthObjectType)) {
$objTypes[$oldAuthObjectType] = array(
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class LSauth extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreived LSobjects corresponding to a username
* Retrieved LSobjects corresponding to a username
* @retval array|false Array of corresponding LSldapObject with object DN as key, or false in case of error
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class LSauthMethod_HTTP extends LSauthMethod_basic {
else {
self :: log_debug('HTTP method to retreive auth data is "'.LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_METHOD.'"');
self :: log_debug('HTTP method to retrieve auth data is "'.LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_METHOD.'"');
$missing_info = null;
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class LScli extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* @param[in] $command_args array Command arguments
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function bash_autocomplete($command_args) {
if (count($command_args) < 3)
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class LSerror {
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param[in] $return boolean True if you want to retreived errors message. If false,
* @param[in] $return boolean True if you want to retrieved errors message. If false,
* (default), LSerrors template variable will be assigned
* with errors message.
@ -479,13 +479,13 @@ class LSform extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive POST data of the form
* Retrieve POST data of the form
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval boolean true if POST data are retreived, false otherwise
* @retval boolean true if POST data are retrieved, false otherwise
public function getPostData($onlyIfPresent=false) {
if (is_null($this -> dataEntryForm)) {
@ -670,8 +670,8 @@ class LSform extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Return the values of an element
* If form is posted, retreive values from postData, otherwise
* retreive value from the element.
* If form is posted, retrieve values from postData, otherwise
* retrieve value from the element.
* @param[in] string $element The element name
@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ class LSform extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
else {
// Attribute name not already entered: add attribute name options
// Check if $comp_word is quoted and retreived quote char
// Check if $comp_word is quoted and retrieved quote char
if ($comp_word) {
$quote_char = LScli :: unquote_word($comp_word);
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class LSformElement extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class LSformElement extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive the value of the element specified by its name ($name)
* Retrieve the value of the element specified by its name ($name)
* from POST data (provided as $post).
* @param[in] &$post array Reference of the array for input POST data
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ class LSformElement extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive value as return in API response
* Retrieve value as return in API response
* @param[in] $details boolean If true, returned values will contain details if this field type
* support it (optional, default: false)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class LSformElement_boolean extends LSformElement {
* @retval void
public function autocomplete_attr_values(&$opts, $comp_word, $attr_value="", $multiple_value_delimiter="|", $quote_char='') {
// Split attribute values and retreived splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value
// Split attribute values and retrieved splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value
if (!$this -> split_autocomplete_attr_values($attr_value, $multiple_value_delimiter, $attr_values, $last_attr_value))
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class LSformElement_date extends LSformElement {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class LSformElement_image extends LSformElement {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class LSformElement_image extends LSformElement {
* Retreive value as return in API response
* Retrieve value as return in API response
* @param[in] $details boolean If true, returned values will contain details if this field type
* support it (optional, default: false)
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement {
* Retreive possible values of an select_list component
* Retrieve possible values of an select_list component
* @param[in] $c string The component name
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement {
* Retreive value's label of an select_list component
* Retrieve value's label of an select_list component
* @param[in] $c string The component name
* @param[in] $value string The value
@ -224,12 +224,12 @@ class LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement {
* Retreive LSformElement value from POST data
* Retrieve LSformElement value from POST data
* This method check present of this element's value in POST data and retreive
* This method check present of this element's value in POST data and retrieve
* it to feed the array passed in paramater.
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ class LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement {
* Retreive value as return in API response
* Retrieve value as return in API response
* @param[in] $details boolean If true, returned values will contain details if this field type
* support it (optional, default: false)
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class LSformElement_labeledValue extends LSformElement {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class LSformElement_mailQuota extends LSformElement {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class LSformElement_maildir extends LSformElement_text {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class LSformElement_password extends LSformElement {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ class LSformElement_password extends LSformElement {
* @retval void
public function autocomplete_attr_values(&$opts, $comp_word, $attr_value="", $multiple_value_delimiter="|", $quote_char='') {
// Split attribute values and retreived splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value
// Split attribute values and retrieved splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value
if (!$this -> split_autocomplete_attr_values($attr_value, $multiple_value_delimiter, $attr_values, $last_attr_value))
$pwd = $this->generatePassword($this -> params);
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class LSformElement_quota extends LSformElement {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class LSformElement_quota extends LSformElement {
* Retreive factor value
* Retrieve factor value
* @retval integer Factor value
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class LSformElement_select extends LSformElement {
* @retval void
public function autocomplete_attr_values(&$opts, $comp_word, $attr_value="", $multiple_value_delimiter="|", $quote_char='') {
// Split attribute values and retreived splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value
// Split attribute values and retrieved splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value
if (!$this -> split_autocomplete_attr_values($attr_value, $multiple_value_delimiter, $attr_values, $last_attr_value))
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class LSformElement_select extends LSformElement {
* Retreive value as return in API response
* Retrieve value as return in API response
* @param[in] $details boolean If true, returned values will contain details if this field type
* support it (optional, default: false)
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class LSformElement_select_object extends LSformElement {
* @retval boolean True if LSselect is initialized, false otherwise
private function initLSselect() {
// Retreive selectable objects configuratio from HTML attr
// Retrieve selectable objects configuratio from HTML attr
$objs = null;
$confs = $this -> attr_html -> getSelectableObjectsConfig($objs);
if (!is_array($confs)) {
@ -300,17 +300,17 @@ class LSformElement_select_object extends LSformElement {
public function autocomplete_attr_values(&$opts, $comp_word, $attr_value="", $multiple_value_delimiter="|", $quote_char='') {
self :: log_debug("LSformElement :: autocomplete_opts([...], '$comp_word', '$attr_value', '$multiple_value_delimiter', '$quote_char')");
// Split attribute values and retreived splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value
// Split attribute values and retrieved splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value
if (!$this -> split_autocomplete_attr_values($attr_value, $multiple_value_delimiter, $attr_values, $last_attr_value))
// Retreive selectable objects configuration
// Retrieve selectable objects configuration
$objs = null;
$confs = $this -> attr_html -> getSelectableObjectsConfig($objs);
if (!is_array($confs))
// Iter on selectable object types to retreived available autocomplete options
// Iter on selectable object types to retrieved available autocomplete options
foreach($confs as $object_type => $conf) {
$dns = LScli :: autocomplete_LSobject_dn($object_type, $last_attr_value);
self :: log_debug("LScli :: autocomplete_LSobject_dn($object_type, $last_attr_value) : ".varDump($dns));
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ class LSformElement_select_object extends LSformElement {
* Retreive value as return in API response
* Retrieve value as return in API response
* @param[in] $details boolean If true, returned values will contain details if this field type
* support it (optional, default: false)
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ class LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement {
* Retreive value as return in API response
* Retrieve value as return in API response
* @param[in] $details boolean If true, returned values will contain details if this field type
* support it (optional, default: false)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class LSformElement_supannLabeledValue extends LSformElement {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class LSformElement_supannLabeledValue extends LSformElement {
* Retreive value as return in API response
* Retrieve value as return in API response
* @param[in] $details boolean If true, returned values will contain details if this field type
* support it (optional, default: false)
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class LSformElement_valueWithUnit extends LSformElement {
* Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
* pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class LSformRule extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* - Optional arguments :
* - -p|--param: LSformRule parameters (format: param=value)
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function cli_test_form_rule($command_args) {
$rule_name = null;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class LSio extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive POST data
* Retrieve POST data
* This method retrieve and format POST data.
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class LSio extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Import objects from POST data
* This method retreive, validate and import POST data.
* This method retrieve, validate and import POST data.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class LSio extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
self :: log_debug("import(): file loaded");
// Retreive object from ioFormat
// Retrieve object from ioFormat
$objectsData = $ioFormat -> getAll();
$objectsInError = array();
self :: log_trace("import(): objects data=".varDump($objectsData));
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class LSio extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
$globalErrors[] = _('Failed to validate object data.');
else {
self :: log_debug('import(): Data is correct, retreive object DN');
self :: log_debug('import(): Data is correct, retrieve object DN');
$dn = $object -> getDn();
if (!$dn) {
self :: log_debug('import(): fail to generate for this object: '.varDump($objData));
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class LSio extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
$search = new LSsearch($object -> type, 'LSio');
$search -> run();
// Retreive objets
// Retrieve objets
$objects = $search -> listObjects();
if (!is_array($objects)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSio_06');
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ class LSio extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* - -U|--update: Enable "update if exist"
* - -j|--just-try: Enable just-try mode
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function cli_import($command_args) {
$objType = null;
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ class LSio extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* - Optional arguments:
* - -o|--output: Output path ("-" == stdout, default: "-")
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function cli_export($command_args) {
$objType = null;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class LSioFormat extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive all objects contained by the loaded file
* Retrieve all objects contained by the loaded file
* @retval array The objects contained by the loaded file
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class LSioFormat extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* @param $objects array of LSldapObject The objects to export
* @param[in] $stream resource|null The output stream (optional, default: STDOUT)
* @return boolean True on succes, False otherwise
* @return boolean True on success, False otherwise
public function exportObjects(&$objects, $stream=null) {
self :: log_trace('exportObjects(): start');
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class LSioFormatCSV extends LSioFormatDriver {
* Retreive all object data contained by the loaded file
* Retrieve all object data contained by the loaded file
* The objects are returned in array :
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class LSioFormatCSV extends LSioFormatDriver {
* Retreive fields names of the loaded file
* Retrieve fields names of the loaded file
* The fields names are returned in array :
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class LSioFormatCSV extends LSioFormatDriver {
* @param[in] $objects_data Array of objects data to export
* @param[in] $stream resource|null The output stream (optional, default: STDOUT)
* @return boolean True on succes, False otherwise
* @return boolean True on success, False otherwise
public function exportObjectsData($objects_data, $stream=null) {
if (!function_exists('fputcsv')) {
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class LSioFormatDriver extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive all object data contained by the loaded file
* Retrieve all object data contained by the loaded file
* The objects are returned in array :
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class LSioFormatDriver extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive fields names of the loaded file
* Retrieve fields names of the loaded file
* The fields names are returned in array :
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class LSioFormatDriver extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive all objects data of the loaded file formated
* Retrieve all objects data of the loaded file formated
* This method format objects data using ioFormat configuration
* given as parameters.
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class LSioFormatDriver extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* @param[in] $objects_data Array of objects data to export
* @param[in] $stream resource|null The output stream (optional, default: STDOUT)
* @return boolean True on succes, False otherwise
* @return boolean True on success, False otherwise
public function exportObjectsData($objects_data, $stream=null) {
// Must be implement in real drivers
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") return true;
* @param[in] $command_args array Command arguments
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
global $LSlang_cli_logger, $available_onlys, $available_withouts;
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ LScli :: add_command(
* @param[in] $command_args array Command arguments
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
function cli_generate_ldapsaisie_pot($command_args) {
global $LSlang_cli_logger;
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class LSldap extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Load values of an LDAP entry attributes
* This method retreive attributes values of an LDAP entry and return it
* This method retrieve attributes values of an LDAP entry and return it
* as associative array.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ class LSldap extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
public static function update($object_type, $dn, $change) {
self :: log_trace("update($object_type, $dn): change=".varDump($change));
// Retreive current LDAP entry
// Retrieve current LDAP entry
$entry = self :: getEntry($object_type, $dn);
if(!is_a($entry, 'Net_LDAP2_Entry')) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_04');
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
else {
// Otherwise, just retreive number of matching objets
// Otherwise, just retrieve number of matching objets
$ret = LSldap :: getNumberResult($sfilter, $sbasedn, $sparams);
if (!is_int($ret)) {
// An error occured
@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
else {
self :: log_error("$this -> submitChange($idForm): fail to retreive new DN");
self :: log_error("$this -> submitChange($idForm): fail to retrieve new DN");
@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Retreive object type translated label
* Retrieve object type translated label
* @param[in] $type string|null The object type (optional, default: called class name)
@ -2017,7 +2017,7 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* - Optional arguments :
* - -r|--raw-values : show raw values (instead of display ones)
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function cli_show($command_args) {
$objType = null;
@ -2297,7 +2297,7 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* - Optional arguments :
* - -N|--no-confirm : Do not ask for confirmation
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function cli_remove($command_args) {
$objType = null;
@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Note: for multiple-values attributes, you also could specify attribute and value
* multiple time, for instance : attr1=value1 attr1=value2
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function cli_create($command_args) {
$objType = null;
@ -2609,7 +2609,7 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Note: for multiple-values attributes, you also could specify attribute and value
* multiple time, for instance : attr1=value1 attr1=value2
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function cli_modify($command_args) {
$objType = null;
@ -2789,7 +2789,7 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* - -a|--add : Add related object (specified by DN)
* - -r|--remove : Remove related object (specified by DN)
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function cli_relation($command_args) {
$objType = null;
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class LSlog_handler extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Helper to retreive current LDAP server name
* Helper to retrieve current LDAP server name
* @retval string Current LDAP server name
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class LSlog_handler extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Helper to retreive current authenticated user DN
* Helper to retrieve current authenticated user DN
* @retval string Current authenticated user DN
@ -894,10 +894,10 @@ class LSrelation extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
// Retreive selected object from LSselect
// Retrieve selected object from LSselect
$selected_objects = LSselect :: getSelectedObjects($_REQUEST['id']);
if (!is_array($selected_objects)) {
self :: log_warning("Fail to retreive selected object from LSselect");
self :: log_warning("Fail to retrieve selected object from LSselect");
self :: log_debug('Selected objects: '.varDump($selected_objects));
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ class LSsearch extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
self :: log_debug($this.' -> run(): Cache enabled');
$this -> result = $this -> getResultFromCache();
if ($this -> result)
self :: log_debug($this.' -> run(): result retreived from cache');
self :: log_debug($this.' -> run(): result retrieved from cache');
self :: log_debug($this.' -> run(): result not found in cache');
@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ class LSsearch extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* - -e|--extra-columns : Display extra columns
* - -p|--page : page number to show (starting by 1, default: first one)
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
* @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise
public static function cli_search($command_args) {
$objType = null;
@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ class LSsearch extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
if ($all) {
$entries = $search -> listEntries();
if (!is_array($entries))
self :: log_fatal("Fail to retreive search result");
self :: log_fatal("Fail to retrieve search result");
else {
// Retrieve page
@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@ class LSsearch extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
// Check page
if (!is_array($page) || $page_nb > $page['nbPages'])
self :: log_fatal("Fail to retreive page #$page_nb.");
self :: log_fatal("Fail to retrieve page #$page_nb.");
// Handle JSON output
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ class LSsearchEntry extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
elseif (array_key_exists($key,$this->params['customInfos'])) {
$cache = $this -> getConfig("customInfos.$key.cache", true, 'bool');
if($cache && isset($this -> cache['customInfos'][$key])) {
self :: log_debug("__get($key): custom info retreived from cache");
self :: log_debug("__get($key): custom info retrieved from cache");
return $this -> cache['customInfos'][$key];
if(is_array($this->params['customInfos'][$key]['function']) && is_string($this->params['customInfos'][$key]['function'][0])) {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ class LSurl extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* Helpers to retreive current requested URL
* Helpers to retrieve current requested URL
@ -324,216 +324,216 @@ function LSdebugDefined() {
* Vérifie la compatibilite des DN
* Vérifie que les DNs sont dans la même branche de l'annuaire.
* @param[in] $dn Un premier DN.
* @param[in] $dn Un deuxième DN.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval boolean true si les DN sont compatibles, false sinon.
function isCompatibleDNs($dn1,$dn2) {
if($infos2['count']>$infos1['count']) {
* Vérifie la compatibilite des DN
* Vérifie que les DNs sont dans la même branche de l'annuaire.
* @param[in] $dn Un premier DN.
* @param[in] $dn Un deuxième DN.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval boolean true si les DN sont compatibles, false sinon.
function isCompatibleDNs($dn1,$dn2) {
if($infos2['count']>$infos1['count']) {
for($i=0;$i<$infos1['count'];$i++) {
if (!isset($infos2[$i])) continue;
if($infos1[$i]==$infos2[$i]) continue;
return false;
for($i=0;$i<$infos1['count'];$i++) {
if (!isset($infos2[$i])) continue;
if($infos1[$i]==$infos2[$i]) continue;
return false;
return true;
* Fait la somme de DN
* Retourne un DN qui correspond au point de séparation des DN si les DN
* ne sont pas dans la meme dans la meme branche ou le dn le plus long sinon.
* @param[in] $dn Un premier DN.
* @param[in] $dn Un deuxième DN.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval string Un DN (ou false si les DN ne sont pas valide)
function sumDn($dn1,$dn2) {
if($infos2['count']>$infos1['count']) {
for($i=0;$i<$infos1['count'];$i++) {
if(($infos1[$i]==$infos2[$i])||(!isset($infos2[$i]))) {
if($first) {
return true;
else {
return $basedn;
return $basedn;
function checkEmail($value,$domain=NULL,$checkDns=true) {
$log = LSlog :: get_logger('checkEmail');
$regex = '/^((\"[^\"\f\n\r\t\v\b]+\")|([\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\~\/\^\`\|\{\}]+(\.[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\~\/\^\`\|\{\}]+)*))@((\[(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9])))\])|(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9])))|((([A-Za-z0-9\-])+\.)+[A-Za-z\-]+))$/';
if (!preg_match($regex, $value)) {
$log -> debug("'$value': regex fail");
return false;
* Fait la somme de DN
* Retourne un DN qui correspond au point de séparation des DN si les DN
* ne sont pas dans la meme dans la meme branche ou le dn le plus long sinon.
* @param[in] $dn Un premier DN.
* @param[in] $dn Un deuxième DN.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval string Un DN (ou false si les DN ne sont pas valide)
function sumDn($dn1,$dn2) {
if($infos2['count']>$infos1['count']) {
$nd = explode('@', $value);
for($i=0;$i<$infos1['count'];$i++) {
if(($infos1[$i]==$infos2[$i])||(!isset($infos2[$i]))) {
if($first) {
else {
return $basedn;
return $basedn;
function checkEmail($value,$domain=NULL,$checkDns=true) {
$log = LSlog :: get_logger('checkEmail');
$regex = '/^((\"[^\"\f\n\r\t\v\b]+\")|([\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\~\/\^\`\|\{\}]+(\.[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\~\/\^\`\|\{\}]+)*))@((\[(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9])))\])|(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|([0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9])))|((([A-Za-z0-9\-])+\.)+[A-Za-z\-]+))$/';
if (!preg_match($regex, $value)) {
$log -> debug("'$value': regex fail");
return false;
$nd = explode('@', $value);
if ($domain) {
if(is_array($domain)) {
if (!in_array($nd,$domain)) {
$log -> debug("'$value': domain '$nd' not authorized. Allowed domains: '".implode("', '", $domain)."'");
return false;
else {
if($nd!=$domain) {
$log -> debug("'$value': domain '$nd' not authorized. Allowed domains: '$domain'");
return false;
if ($checkDns && function_exists('checkdnsrr')) {
if (!(checkdnsrr($nd, 'MX') || checkdnsrr($nd, 'A'))) {
$log -> debug("'$value': DNS check fail");
if ($domain) {
if(is_array($domain)) {
if (!in_array($nd,$domain)) {
$log -> debug("'$value': domain '$nd' not authorized. Allowed domains: '".implode("', '", $domain)."'");
return false;
$log -> debug("'$value': validated");
return true;
function generatePassword($chars=NULL,$lenght=NULL) {
if (!$lenght) {
if (is_array($chars)) {
foreach($chars as $chs) {
if (!is_array($chs)) {
$chs=array('chars' => $chs);
if (!isset($chs['nb']) || !is_int($chs['nb'])) {
else {
if($nd!=$domain) {
$log -> debug("'$value': domain '$nd' not authorized. Allowed domains: '$domain'");
return false;
$add = ($lenght-strlen($retval));
if ($add > 0) {
$retval .= aleaChar($chars,$add);
return str_shuffle($retval);
} else {
return aleaChar($chars,$lenght);
function aleaChar($chars=NULL,$lenght=1) {
if (is_array($chars)) {
foreach($chars as $chs) {
if (is_string($chs)) {
else if (is_string($chs['chars'])) {
if(is_string($chars) && strlen($chars)>0) {
else {
if ($checkDns && function_exists('checkdnsrr')) {
if (!(checkdnsrr($nd, 'MX') || checkdnsrr($nd, 'A'))) {
$log -> debug("'$value': DNS check fail");
return false;
if (!$chars) {
if(is_int($lenght)) {
for ($i=0;$i<$lenght;$i++) {
return $retval;
function compareDn($a,$b) {
if (substr_count($a,',') > substr_count($b,','))
return -1;
return 1;
$log -> debug("'$value': validated");
return true;
* Translate message by using LSlang or Gettext methods
* @param[in] @msg string The message
* @retval string The translated message if translation available, the original message otherwise
function __($msg) {
if (empty($msg)) return $msg;
if (isset($GLOBALS['LSlang'][$msg])) {
return $GLOBALS['LSlang'][$msg];
function generatePassword($chars=NULL,$lenght=NULL) {
if (!$lenght) {
if (is_array($chars)) {
foreach($chars as $chs) {
if (!is_array($chs)) {
$chs=array('chars' => $chs);
if (!isset($chs['nb']) || !is_int($chs['nb'])) {
return _($msg);
$add = ($lenght-strlen($retval));
if ($add > 0) {
$retval .= aleaChar($chars,$add);
return str_shuffle($retval);
} else {
return aleaChar($chars,$lenght);
* Non-translate message
* Just-return the input message. This function permit the detection of message
* that will be translated only at display time and not at declare time.
* @param[in] @msg string The message
* @retval string The message (unchanged)
function ___($msg) {
return $msg;
function aleaChar($chars=NULL,$lenght=1) {
if (is_array($chars)) {
foreach($chars as $chs) {
if (is_string($chs)) {
else if (is_string($chs['chars'])) {
if(is_string($chars) && strlen($chars)>0) {
else {
if (!$chars) {
if(is_int($lenght)) {
for ($i=0;$i<$lenght;$i++) {
return $retval;
function compareDn($a,$b) {
if (substr_count($a,',') > substr_count($b,','))
return -1;
return 1;
* Translate message by using LSlang or Gettext methods
* @param[in] @msg string The message
* @retval string The translated message if translation available, the original message otherwise
function __($msg) {
if (empty($msg)) return $msg;
if (isset($GLOBALS['LSlang'][$msg])) {
return $GLOBALS['LSlang'][$msg];
return _($msg);
* Non-translate message
* Just-return the input message. This function permit the detection of message
* that will be translated only at display time and not at declare time.
* @param[in] @msg string The message
* @retval string The message (unchanged)
function ___($msg) {
return $msg;
// Try to load unidecode library
if (!function_exists('unidecode')) {
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ LSurl :: add_handler('#^tmp/(?P<filename>[^/]+)$#', 'handle_tmp_file', true, tru
* LSobject view helper to retreive LSobject from request
* LSobject view helper to retrieve LSobject from request
* This helper load LSobject type from 'LSobject' request
* parameter, check user access. If instanciate parameter
@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ function handle_LSobject_search($request) {
$LSsearch -> run();
$LSsearch -> redirectWhenOnlyOneResult();
// Handle page parameter and retreive corresponding page from search
// Handle page parameter and retrieve corresponding page from search
$page_nb = (isset($_REQUEST['page'])?(int)$_REQUEST['page']:1);
$page = $LSsearch -> getPage($page_nb);
@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ function handle_LSobject_select($request) {
if (!$LSsearch)
LSlog :: fatal('Fail to retreive search from context.');
LSlog :: fatal('Fail to retrieve search from context.');
$LSobject = $LSsearch -> LSobject;
$object = new $LSobject();
@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ LSurl :: add_handler('#^addon_view\.php#', 'handle_old_addon_view', false);
* LSobject API view helper to retreive LSobject from request
* LSobject API view helper to retrieve LSobject from request
* Just a wrapper on get_LSobject_from_request() helper function to
* correctly set parameters for API context.
@ -1595,7 +1595,7 @@ function handle_api_LSobject_search($request) {
if ($all) {
$entries = $search -> listEntries();
if (!is_array($entries))
LSlog :: fatal("Fail to retreive search result");
LSlog :: fatal("Fail to retrieve search result");
else {
// Retrieve page
@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ function handle_api_LSobject_search($request) {
// Check page
if (!is_array($page) || $page_nb > $page['nbPages'])
LSlog :: fatal("Fail to retreive page #$page_nb.");
LSlog :: fatal("Fail to retrieve page #$page_nb.");
// Handle JSON output
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LdapSaisie\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-21 19:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-25 18:02+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Renard <brenard@zionetrix.net>\n"
"Language-Team: LdapSaisie <ldapsaisie-users@lists.labs.libre-entreprise."
@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LSformElement_valueWithUnit : La configuration des unités est manquante pour "
"l'attribut %{attr}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:143
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:164
msgid ""
"LSattr_html : The method addToForm() of the HTML type of the attribute "
"%{attr} is not defined."
@ -755,12 +755,10 @@ msgstr ""
"LSattr_html : La méthode addToForm() du type HTML de l'attribut %{attr} "
"n'est pas encore définie."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:147
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_%{type} : Multiple data are not supported for this field type."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:168
msgid "%{type} : Multiple data are not supported for this field type."
msgstr ""
"LSattr_html_%{type} : Les données multiples ne sont pas supportées pour ce "
"type de champ."
"%{type} : Les données multiples ne sont pas supportées pour ce type de champ."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php:186
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:701
@ -914,7 +912,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LStemplate : Erreur durant l'exécution du déclencheur %{callable} lors de "
"événement %{event}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:399
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:400
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : parameter '%{parameter}' is missing (attribute : "
@ -922,7 +920,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LSattr_html_select_objet : Le type paramètre %{parameter} n'est pas définie "
"(attribut : %{attr})."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:402
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:403
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : the value of the parameter value_attribute in "
"the configuration of the attribute %{attr} is incorrect. Object "
@ -932,7 +930,7 @@ msgstr ""
"configuration de l'attribut %{attr} est incorrecte. Les objets "
"%{object_type} n'ont pas d'attribut %{value_attribute}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:405
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:406
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : more than one object returned corresponding to "
"value %{val} of attribute %{attr}."
@ -940,7 +938,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LSattr_html_select_objet : plus d'un objet retourné en correspondance à la "
"valeur %{val} de l'attribut %{attr}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:408
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:409
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : selection of object type %{type} is configured "
"multiple time for attribute %{attr}."
@ -948,7 +946,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LSattr_html_select_objet : La sélection du type d'objet %{type} est "
"configurée plusieurs fois pour l'attribut %{attr}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:411
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:412
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : the value '%{value}' seem to be duplicated in "
"values of the attribute %{attr}."
@ -956,7 +954,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LSattr_html_select_objet : La valeur '%{value}' semble dupliquée dans les "
"valeurs de l'attribut %{attr}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:414
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:415
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : selected object %{name} has no attribute %{attr} "
"value, you can't select it."
@ -1093,56 +1091,56 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Nettoyer"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:374
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:381
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copier dans le presse-papier"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:375
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:382
msgid "Copied!"
msgstr "Copié !"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1464
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1504
msgid "Connection"
msgstr "Connexion"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1486
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1524
msgid "Recovery of your credentials"
msgstr "Récupération de votre mot de passe"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1495
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1533
msgid "Please fill the identifier field to proceed recovery procedure"
msgstr ""
"Merci d'entrer votre identifiant pour poursuivre la procédure de récupération"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1500
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1538
msgid ""
"An email has been sent to %{mail}. Please follow the instructions on it."
msgstr ""
"Un e-mail vient de vous être envoyé à l'adresse %{mail}. Merci de suivre les "
"indications qu'il contient."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1509
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1547
msgid "Your new password has been sent to %{mail}."
msgstr "Votre nouveau mot de passe vous a été envoyé à l'adresse %{mail}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1680
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1717
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/routes.php:156
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/routes.php:467
#: templates/default/select.tpl:29
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Rafraîchir"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2762
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2811
#: templates/default/select.tpl:20 templates/default/recoverpassword.tpl:17
#: templates/default/login.tpl:16
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Niveau"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2920
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2979
msgid "LSsession : The constant '%{const}' is not defined."
msgstr "LSsession : La constante '%{const}' n'est pas définie."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2923
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2982
msgid ""
"LSsession : The addon '%{addon}' support is uncertain. Verify system "
"compatibility and the add-on configuration."
@ -1150,53 +1148,53 @@ msgstr ""
"LSsession : Le support de l'addon '%{addon}' est incertain. Vérifiez la "
"compatibilité du système et la configuration de l'add-on."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2926
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2985
msgid ""
"LSsession : LDAP server's configuration data are invalid. Can't connect."
msgstr ""
"LSsession : Les données de configuration du serveur LDAP sont invalide. "
"Impossible de s'y connecter."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2929
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2988
msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSobject type '%{type}' : unknon type."
msgstr ""
"LSsession : Impossible de charger le type d'LSobject '%{type}' : type "
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2932
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2991
msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSclass '%{class}'."
msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de charger la LSclass '%{class}'."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2935
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2994
msgid "LSsession : Login or password incorrect."
msgstr "LSsession : Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrects."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2938
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2997
msgid "LSsession : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities."
msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de vous identifier : Duplication d'identité."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2941
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3000
msgid "LSsession : Can't load class of authentification (%{class})."
msgstr ""
"LSsession : Impossible de charger la classe d'authentification (%{class})."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2944
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3003
msgid "LSsession : Can't connect to LDAP server."
msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de se connecter au serveur LDAP."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2947
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3006
msgid "LSsession : Impossible to authenticate you."
msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de vous identifier."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2950
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3009
msgid "LSsession : Your are not authorized to do this action."
msgstr "LSsession : Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à faire cette action."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2953
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3012
msgid "LSsession : Some informations are missing to display this page."
msgstr "LSsession : Des informations sont manquant pour afficher cette page."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2956
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3015
msgid ""
"LSsession : The function '%{function}' of the custom action "
"'%{customAction}' does not exists or is not configured."
@ -1204,24 +1202,24 @@ msgstr ""
"LSsession : La fonction '%{function}' de l'action personnalisée "
"'%{customAction}' n'existe pas ou n'est pas configurée."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2959
msgid "LSsession : Fail to retreive user's LDAP credentials from LSauth."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3018
msgid "LSsession : Fail to retrieve user's LDAP credentials from LSauth."
msgstr ""
"LSsession : Erreur en récupérant les identifiants LDAP de l'utilisateur "
"depuis LSauth."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2962
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3021
msgid ""
"LSsession : Fail to reconnect to LDAP server with user's LDAP credentials."
msgstr ""
"LSsession : Impossible de se reconnecter au serveur LDAP avec les "
"identifiants de l'utilisateur."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2965
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3024
msgid "LSsession : No import/export format define for this object type."
msgstr "LSsession : Aucun format d'entrée/sortie définie pour ce type d'objet."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2968
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3027
msgid ""
"LSsession : Error during creation of list of levels. Contact administrators. "
"(Code : %{code})"
@ -1229,13 +1227,13 @@ msgstr ""
"LSsession : Erreur durant la création de la liste des niveaux. Contacter les "
"administrateurs. (Code : %{type})"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2971
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3030
msgid "LSsession : The password recovery is disabled for this LDAP server."
msgstr ""
"LSsession : La récupération de mot de passe est désactivée pour ce serveur "
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2974
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3033
msgid ""
"LSsession : Some informations are missing to recover your password. Contact "
@ -1243,7 +1241,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LSsession : Des informations sont manques pour pouvoir récupérer votre mot "
"de passe. Contacter les administrateurs."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2977
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3036
msgid ""
"LSsession : Error during password recovery. Contact administrators.(Step : "
@ -1251,7 +1249,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LSsession : Erreur durant la récupération de votre mot de passe. Contacter "
"les administrateurs. (Etape : %{step})"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2980
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3039
msgid ""
"LSsession : The function '%{func}' configured for the view '%{view}' of the "
"LSaddon '%{addon}' is not declared in the LSaddon file."
@ -1259,11 +1257,11 @@ msgstr ""
"LSsession : la fonction '%{func}' configurée pour la vue '%{view}' du "
"LSaddon '%{addon}' n'est pas déclaré dans le fichier du LSaddon."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2983
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3042
msgid "LSsession : Failed to load resource file '%{file}'."
msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de charger le fichier de ressource '%{file}'."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2986
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3045
msgid ""
"LSsession : The function '%{func}' configured for the view '%{view}' of the "
"LSaddon '%{addon}' doesn't exist."
@ -1271,11 +1269,11 @@ msgstr ""
"LSsession : la fonction '%{func}' configurée pour la vue '%{view}' du "
"LSaddon '%{addon}' n'existe pas."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2989
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3048
msgid "LSsession : invalid related object's DN pass in parameter."
msgstr "LSsession : DN d'objet en relation incorrect dans les paramètres."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2992
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3051
msgid ""
"LSsession : the LSaddon %{addon} keep using old-style addon view URL. Please "
"upgrade it."
@ -1283,7 +1281,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LSsession : le LSaddon %{addon} utilise toujours l'ancien type d'URL de "
"vues. Merci de le mettre à jour."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2995
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3054
msgid ""
"LSsession : You have been redirect from an old-style URL %{url}. Please "
"upgrade this link."
@ -1291,7 +1289,7 @@ msgstr ""
"LSsession : Vous avez été redirigé depuis une ancienne URL %{url}. Merci de "
"le mettre à jour ce lien."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2998
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3057
msgid ""
"LSsession : You always seem to use %{old} in your custom code: Please "
"upgrade it and use %{new}.<pre>\n"
@ -1793,37 +1791,37 @@ msgstr ""
"LSrelation : Le paramètre '%{parameter}' est invalide dans la configuration "
"de la relation %{relation} des objets %{LSobject}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:85
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:93
msgid "%{label}: passwords entered did not match."
msgstr "%{label} : les mots de passe saisies ne correspondent pas."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:133
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:143
msgid "%{label}: invalid email address provided to send new password."
msgstr ""
"%{label} : une adresse mail invalide a été fournie pour l'envoi du nouveau "
"mot de passe."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:170
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:181
msgid "Generate a password."
msgstr "Générer un mot de passe."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:171
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:182
msgid "Compare with stored password."
msgstr "Comparer avec le mot de passe stocké."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:172
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:183
msgid "Display password."
msgstr "Afficher le mot de passe."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:173
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:184
msgid "Display hashed password."
msgstr "Afficher le mot de passe haché."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:174
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:185
msgid "Hide password."
msgstr "Cacher le mot de passe."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:175
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:186
msgid ""
"The password will be sent by mail if changed. Click to disable automatic "
@ -1831,7 +1829,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Le mot de passe sera envoyé par e-mail en cas de modification. Cliquer pour "
"désactiver la notification."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:176
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:187
msgid ""
"The password will not be sent if changed. Click to enable automatic "
@ -1839,23 +1837,23 @@ msgstr ""
"Le mot de passe ne sera pas envoyé en cas de modification. Cliquer pour "
"activer la notification automatique."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:177
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:188
msgid "Modify the mail sent to notice the user"
msgstr "Modifier mail de notification de l'utilisateur"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:195
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:216
msgid "%{label}: Do you confirm the password change?"
msgstr "%{label} : Confirmez-vous la modification du mot de passe ?"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:203
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:224
msgid "Passwords entered did not match."
msgstr "Les mots de passe saisies ne correspondent pas."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:329
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:355
msgid "Notice mail sent."
msgstr "Le mail de notification a été envoyé."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:424
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:465
msgid ""
"LSformElement_password : No valid contact mail address available : Can't "
"send new password."
@ -1863,20 +1861,20 @@ msgstr ""
"LSformElement_password : Aucun mail de contact valide disponible : "
"impossible d'envoyer le nouveau mot de passe."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:427
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:468
msgid "LSformElement_password : Fail to send new password by email to %{mail}."
msgstr ""
"LSformElement_password : Une erreur est survenue en envoyant le nouveau mot "
"de passe à %{mail}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:430
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:471
msgid ""
"LSformElement_password : Fail to exec pwgen. Check it's correctly installed."
msgstr ""
"LSformElement_password : Impossible d'exécuter pwgen. Vérifier qu'il est "
"bien installé."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:433
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:474
msgid ""
"LSformElement_password : Fail to determine witch e-mail attribute to use to "
"send new password : get_mail_attr_function parameter not refer to a valid "
@ -1886,7 +1884,7 @@ msgstr ""
"être utilisé pour l'envoi du mot de passe : le paramètre "
"get_mail_attr_function ne fait pas référence à une fonction valide."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:436
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:477
msgid ""
"LSformElement_password : Fail to determine witch e-mail attribute to use to "
"send new password : get_mail_attr_function throwed an exception : %{msg}"
@ -2105,27 +2103,27 @@ msgstr "Ajout rapide"
msgid "Display advanced search and selection panel."
msgstr "Afficher la fenêtre de recherche et de sélection étendue."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:115
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:114
msgid "Fail to determine the requested URL."
msgstr "Impossible de déterminer l'URL demandée."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:119
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:118
msgid "No URL patterns configured !"
msgstr "Aucun modèle d'URL configuré !"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:226
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:225
msgid "Fail to determine the requested URL (loop detected)."
msgstr "Impossible de déterminer l'URL demandée (boucle détectée)."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:248
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:247
msgid "The requested page was not found."
msgstr "La page demandée est introuvable."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:273
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:272
msgid "This request could not be handled."
msgstr "Cette requête ne peut être traitée."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:292
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:291
msgid "This request could not be processed correctly."
msgstr "Cette requête ne peut être traitée correctement."
@ -2482,7 +2480,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_list.php:454
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_list: fail to retreive possible values of attribute "
"LSattr_html_select_list: fail to retrieve possible values of attribute "
"%{attr} using configured function %{callable}."
msgstr ""
"LSattr_html_select_list : Impossible de récupérer les valeurs possibles de "
@ -2559,20 +2557,20 @@ msgstr "LSioFormatCSV : la fonction fputcsv n'est pas disponible."
msgid "LSlog : Fail to load logging handler %{handler}."
msgstr "LSlog : Impossible de charger l'handler %{handler}."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:112
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:109
#: templates/default/import.tpl:43
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "Erreurs"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:115
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:112
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Stop"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:158
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:150
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Erreur inconnue"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:213
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:210
msgid "Unknown error : %{error}"
msgstr "Erreur inconnu : %{error}"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ $GLOBALS['LSlang'] = array (
# LSobjects.LSdyngroup.attrs.lsDynGroupMemberDnURI.help_info
"<p>LDAP search URI or group members. A LDAP search URI is composed of the following parts separated by semicolons :<ul>
<li>The LDAP URI in format <code>ldap://[host]/[base DN]</code>. For instance, to make a request on the same LDAP server, use <code>ldap:///o=ls</code></li>
<li>The retreived attributes (separated by coma, optional)</li>
<li>The retrieved attributes (separated by coma, optional)</li>
<li>The search scope (<code>base</code>, <code>one</code> or <code>sub</code>)</li>
<li>The LDAP filter (optional, default : <code>(objectClass=*)</code>)</li>
</ul></p><p><strong>Example :</strong> <code>ldap:///ou=people,o=ls??one?(&(objectClass=lspeople)(mail=*@ls.com))</code></p>" =>
@ -638,15 +638,14 @@ msgid ""
"attribute %{attr}."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:143
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:164
msgid ""
"LSattr_html : The method addToForm() of the HTML type of the attribute "
"%{attr} is not defined."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:147
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_%{type} : Multiple data are not supported for this field type."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:168
msgid "%{type} : Multiple data are not supported for this field type."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php:186
@ -789,38 +788,38 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:399
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:400
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : parameter '%{parameter}' is missing (attribute : "
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:402
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:403
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : the value of the parameter value_attribute in "
"the configuration of the attribute %{attr} is incorrect. Object "
"%{object_type} have no attribute %{value_attribute}."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:405
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:406
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : more than one object returned corresponding to "
"value %{val} of attribute %{attr}."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:408
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:409
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : selection of object type %{type} is configured "
"multiple time for attribute %{attr}."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:411
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:412
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : the value '%{value}' seem to be duplicated in "
"values of the attribute %{attr}."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:414
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:415
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_object : selected object %{name} has no attribute %{attr} "
"value, you can't select it."
@ -927,173 +926,173 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Clear"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:374
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:381
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:375
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:382
msgid "Copied!"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1464
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1504
msgid "Connection"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1486
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1524
msgid "Recovery of your credentials"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1495
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1533
msgid "Please fill the identifier field to proceed recovery procedure"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1500
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1538
msgid ""
"An email has been sent to %{mail}. Please follow the instructions on it."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1509
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1547
msgid "Your new password has been sent to %{mail}."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1680
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1717
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/routes.php:156
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/routes.php:467
#: templates/default/select.tpl:29
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2762
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2811
#: templates/default/select.tpl:20 templates/default/recoverpassword.tpl:17
#: templates/default/login.tpl:16
msgid "Level"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2920
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2979
msgid "LSsession : The constant '%{const}' is not defined."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2923
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2982
msgid ""
"LSsession : The addon '%{addon}' support is uncertain. Verify system "
"compatibility and the add-on configuration."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2926
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2985
msgid ""
"LSsession : LDAP server's configuration data are invalid. Can't connect."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2929
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2988
msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSobject type '%{type}' : unknon type."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2932
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2991
msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSclass '%{class}'."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2935
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2994
msgid "LSsession : Login or password incorrect."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2938
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2997
msgid "LSsession : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2941
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3000
msgid "LSsession : Can't load class of authentification (%{class})."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2944
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3003
msgid "LSsession : Can't connect to LDAP server."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2947
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3006
msgid "LSsession : Impossible to authenticate you."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2950
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3009
msgid "LSsession : Your are not authorized to do this action."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2953
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3012
msgid "LSsession : Some informations are missing to display this page."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2956
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3015
msgid ""
"LSsession : The function '%{function}' of the custom action "
"'%{customAction}' does not exists or is not configured."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2959
msgid "LSsession : Fail to retreive user's LDAP credentials from LSauth."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3018
msgid "LSsession : Fail to retrieve user's LDAP credentials from LSauth."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2962
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3021
msgid ""
"LSsession : Fail to reconnect to LDAP server with user's LDAP credentials."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2965
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3024
msgid "LSsession : No import/export format define for this object type."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2968
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3027
msgid ""
"LSsession : Error during creation of list of levels. Contact administrators. "
"(Code : %{code})"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2971
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3030
msgid "LSsession : The password recovery is disabled for this LDAP server."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2974
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3033
msgid ""
"LSsession : Some informations are missing to recover your password. Contact "
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2977
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3036
msgid ""
"LSsession : Error during password recovery. Contact administrators.(Step : "
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2980
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3039
msgid ""
"LSsession : The function '%{func}' configured for the view '%{view}' of the "
"LSaddon '%{addon}' is not declared in the LSaddon file."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2983
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3042
msgid "LSsession : Failed to load resource file '%{file}'."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2986
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3045
msgid ""
"LSsession : The function '%{func}' configured for the view '%{view}' of the "
"LSaddon '%{addon}' doesn't exist."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2989
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3048
msgid "LSsession : invalid related object's DN pass in parameter."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2992
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3051
msgid ""
"LSsession : the LSaddon %{addon} keep using old-style addon view URL. Please "
"upgrade it."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2995
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3054
msgid ""
"LSsession : You have been redirect from an old-style URL %{url}. Please "
"upgrade this link."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2998
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSsession.php:3057
msgid ""
"LSsession : You always seem to use %{old} in your custom code: Please "
"upgrade it and use %{new}.<pre>\n"
@ -1510,85 +1509,85 @@ msgid ""
"%{relation} of %{LSobject} is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:85
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:93
msgid "%{label}: passwords entered did not match."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:133
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:143
msgid "%{label}: invalid email address provided to send new password."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:170
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:181
msgid "Generate a password."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:171
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:182
msgid "Compare with stored password."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:172
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:183
msgid "Display password."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:173
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:184
msgid "Display hashed password."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:174
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:185
msgid "Hide password."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:175
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:186
msgid ""
"The password will be sent by mail if changed. Click to disable automatic "
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:176
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:187
msgid ""
"The password will not be sent if changed. Click to enable automatic "
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:177
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:188
msgid "Modify the mail sent to notice the user"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:195
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:216
msgid "%{label}: Do you confirm the password change?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:203
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:224
msgid "Passwords entered did not match."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:329
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:355
msgid "Notice mail sent."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:424
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:465
msgid ""
"LSformElement_password : No valid contact mail address available : Can't "
"send new password."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:427
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:468
msgid "LSformElement_password : Fail to send new password by email to %{mail}."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:430
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:471
msgid ""
"LSformElement_password : Fail to exec pwgen. Check it's correctly installed."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:433
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:474
msgid ""
"LSformElement_password : Fail to determine witch e-mail attribute to use to "
"send new password : get_mail_attr_function parameter not refer to a valid "
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:436
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:477
msgid ""
"LSformElement_password : Fail to determine witch e-mail attribute to use to "
"send new password : get_mail_attr_function throwed an exception : %{msg}"
@ -1785,27 +1784,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Display advanced search and selection panel."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:115
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:114
msgid "Fail to determine the requested URL."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:119
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:118
msgid "No URL patterns configured !"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:226
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:225
msgid "Fail to determine the requested URL (loop detected)."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:248
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:247
msgid "The requested page was not found."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:273
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:272
msgid "This request could not be handled."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:292
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSurl.php:291
msgid "This request could not be processed correctly."
msgstr ""
@ -2119,7 +2118,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_list.php:454
msgid ""
"LSattr_html_select_list: fail to retreive possible values of attribute "
"LSattr_html_select_list: fail to retrieve possible values of attribute "
"%{attr} using configured function %{callable}."
msgstr ""
@ -2187,20 +2186,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "LSlog : Fail to load logging handler %{handler}."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:112
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:109
#: templates/default/import.tpl:43
msgid "Errors"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:115
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:112
msgid "Stop"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:158
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:150
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:213
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSerror.php:210
msgid "Unknown error : %{error}"
msgstr ""
Reference in a new issue