diff --git a/public_html/conf/LSaddons/config.LSaddons.supann.php b/public_html/conf/LSaddons/config.LSaddons.supann.php index f543d42c..8c9cfc33 100644 --- a/public_html/conf/LSaddons/config.LSaddons.supann.php +++ b/public_html/conf/LSaddons/config.LSaddons.supann.php @@ -45,671 +45,1425 @@ define('LS_SUPANN_ETABLISSEMENT_DN','supannCodeEntite=XXX,ou=structures,dc=univ, // Exemple : 0753742K define('LS_SUPANN_ETABLISSEMENT_UAI','0753742K'); -// Table de données des roles generiques -$GLOBALS['supannRoleGenerique'] = array ( - "D00" => "MINISTRE", - "D01" => "DIRECTEUR DU CABINET", - "D02" => "DIRECTEUR ADJOINT DU CABINET", - "D10" => "DIRECTEUR AC", - "D11" => "DELEGUE AC", - "D12" => "DELEGUE REGIONAL A LA RECH. ET TECHN.", - "D21" => "DIRECTEUR DE RECHERCHE", - "D22" => "DIRECTEUR SCIENTIFIQUE", - "D23" => "DIRECTEUR DE PROJET", - "D30" => "Directeur", - "D32" => "Directeur des études", - "D34" => "Directeur de la Recherche", - "D35" => "Doyen", - "D40" => "SOUS-DIRECTEUR", - "D60" => "DIRECTEUR DE DEPARTEMENT", - "D70" => "DOYEN DE L'IGEN", - "D71" => "DOYEN DE L'IGB", - "D80" => "DIRECTEUR GENERAL AC", - "D81" => "DIR GEN AC, SECRETAIRE GENERAL ADJOINT", - "D90" => "HAUT FONCTIONNAIRE DE DEFENSE", - "F01" => "CHEF DU CABINET", - "F02" => "CHEF ADJOINT DU CABINET", - "F10" => "CHEF DE SERVICE", - "F11" => "CHEF DE SERVICE ADJOINT AU DIRECTEUR", - "F12" => "CHEF DU SERVICE DE l'IGAENR", - "F20" => "CHEF DE MISSION", - "F21" => "CHEF DE LA MISSION", - "F22" => "CHEF DE SERVICE ADJOINT AU DIR GEN", - "F30" => "CHEF DE DIVISION", - "F40" => "CHEF DE DEPARTEMENT", - "F42" => "chef des services administratifs", - "F50" => "CHEF DE CENTRE", - "F60" => "CHEF DE BUREAU", - "F61" => "CHEF DE CELLULE", - "F62" => "CHEF DU CABINET DU SECRETAIRE GENERAL", - "F70" => "CHEF D'EXPLOITATION", - "F71" => "CHEF D'EQUIPE", - "F73" => "CHEF DU SERVICE INTERIEUR", - "F74" => "CHEF DE SECTION", - "F75" => "CHEF DE SITE", - "F76" => "CHEF DE CUISINE", - "H10" => "CHARGE DU SERVICE", - "H11" => "CHARGE DE SOUS-DIRECTION", - "H20" => "CHARGE DE MISSION AUPRES DU MINISTRE", - "H30" => "CHARGE DE MISSION AUPRES DU DIR CAB", - "H40" => "CHARGE DE MISSION", - "H70" => "CHARGE DU SECRETARIAT DU DIRECTEUR", - "H75" => "CHARGE DU SECRETERIAT DU DRRT", - "H80" => "CHARGE DE GESTION ADMINIS. ET COMPTABLE", - "J01" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE CABINET", - "J04" => "ADJOINT AU DIRECTEUR GENERAL AC", - "J05" => "ADJOINT AU DIRECTEUR", - "J06" => "ADJOINT AU DELEGUE AC", - "J07" => "ADJOINT AU DRRT", - "J10" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE SERVICE", - "J11" => "ADJOINT AU CHARGE DU SERVICE", - "J12" => "ADJOINT AU SOUS-DIRECTEUR", - "J13" => "ADJOINT AU CHARGE DE SOUS-DIRECTION", - "J20" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE MISSION", - "J21" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE LA MISSION", - "J30" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE DIVISION", - "J31" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE DEPARTEMENT", - "J32" => "ADJOINT AU DIRECTEUR DE DEPARTEMENT", - "J33" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE CENTRE", - "J34" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE BUREAU", - "J35" => "A CHEF AU CHEF DE SECTION", - "J36" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE CELLULE", - "J40" => "ADJOINT AU RESPONSABLE DE CELLULE", - "J41" => "ADJOINT AU RESPONSABLE DE L'UNITE", - "J42" => "ADJOINT AU RESPONSABLE DE POLE", - "J50" => "ADJOINT AU RESPONSABLE D'ATELIER", - "J60" => "Directeur adjoint", - "J61" => "Chef de service adjoint", - "J62" => "Directeur des études adjoint", - "J63" => "Directeur de la Recherche adjoint", - "J63" => "Directeur scientifique adjoint", - "M01" => "COLLABORATEUR EXTERIEUR", - "N00" => "CONSEILLER AUPRES DU MINISTRE", - "N01" => "CONSEILLER", - "N02" => "CONSEILLER DU CABINET", - "N03" => "CONSEILLER TECHNIQUE DU CABINET", - "N10" => "CONSEILLER D'ETABLISSEMENTS", - "N11" => "CONSEILLER PEDAGOGIQUE", - "N20" => "CONSEILLER TECHNIQUE", - "N50" => "COORDONNATEUR", - "P00" => "PRESIDENT", - "P01" => "PRESIDENT D'ASSOCIATION", - "P10" => "VICE-PRESIDENT", - "P50" => "SECRETAIRE GENERAL", - "P51" => "Secrétaire Général adjoint", - "P60" => "SECRETAIRE GENERAL AC", - "P70" => "Administrateur", - "P71" => "Administrateur provisoire", - "R00" => "RESPONSABLE", - "R01" => "RESPONSABLE DE CELLULE", - "R02" => "RESPONSABLE DE DEPARTEMENT", - "R10" => "RESPONSABLE DE MISSION", - "R20" => "RESPONSABLE DE POLE", - "R21" => "RESPONSABLE DE SECTEUR", - "R22" => "RESPONSABLE D'UNITE", - "R30" => "RESPONSABLE DE SERVICES TECHNIQUES", - "R31" => "RESPONSABLE EPI", - "R33" => "RESPONSABLE D'ATELIER", - "R40" => "Responsable admnistratif", - "R41" => "Responsable de diplôme", - "R42" => "Responsable pédagogique", - "R43" => "Responsable de programme", - "R80" => "RESPONSABLE UGARH", - "R81" => "ADJOINT(E) RESP UGARH", - "S01" => "Encadrant Tuteur", - "S10" => "Membre titulaire, Membre", - "S11" => "Membre suppléant", - "S12" => "Membre consultatif", - "S13" => "Participant", - "S14" => "Représentant / Représentant étudiant", - "S15" => "Délégué", - "S16" => "Correspondant", - "S17" => "Coordonnateur scientifique", - "S20" => "Partenaire", - "S21" => "Personnalité extérieure", - "T01" => "ASSISTANT DE SERVICE SOCIAL", - "T02" => "INFIRMIER", - "T12" => "AMINISTRATEUR DE DONNEES", - "T13" => "HUISSIER", - "T14" => "AGENT D'ACCUEIL", - "T15" => "HOTESSE D'ACCUEIL", - "T16" => "AGENT TECHNIQUE", - "T17" => "CHARGE DE COM, REL PUBLIQUE OU PRESSE", - "T18" => "ALLOCATAIRE D'EMPLOIS", - "T19" => "ANALYSTE", - "T22" => "ASSISTANT DE DIRECTION", - "T24" => "ASSISTANT TECHNIQUE", - "T25" => "CHARGE D'ETUDES", - "T26" => "CHEF DE PROJET", - "T27" => "CHEF DE PROJET INFORMATIQUE", - "T29" => "CONCEPTEUR REDACTEUR SITE WEB", - "T30" => "CONDUCTEUR AUTOMOBILE", - "T31" => "CONSEILLER SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE", - "T32" => "CONTROLEUR DE GESTION", - "T34" => "CORRESPONDANT INFORMATIQUE", - "T35" => "DEVELOPPEUR D'APPLICATIONS", - "T36" => "DOCUMENTALISTE - ARCHIVISTE", - "T37" => "GESTIONNAIRE", - "T39" => "GESTIONNAIRE DE PARC INF & TELECOM", - "T40" => "GESTIONNAIRE GRH", - "T41" => "GESTIONNAIRE DE RESTAURANT ADMINISTRATIF", - "T42" => "GESTIONNAIRE FINANCIER", - "T43" => "INFOGRAPHISTE - MAQUETTISTE (PAO)", - "T44" => "INFORMATICIEN BUREAUTIQUE", - "T45" => "INFORMATICIEN D'EXPLOITATION", - "T46" => "INFORMATICIEN SYSTEMES ET RESEAUX", - "T47" => "INGENIEUR PEDAGOGIQUE OU EN FORM PROF", - "T48" => "MECANICIEN", - "T49" => "OPERATEUR", - "T50" => "OUVRIER", - "T51" => "AGENT DE PREMIERE INTERVENTION", - "T52" => "PERSONNEL DE RESTAURATION", - "T54" => "REDACTEUR", - "T55" => "REPROGRAPHISTE", - "T56" => "RESPONSABLE PRODUCTION ET SYSTEMES", - "T57" => "SECRETAIRE", - "T58" => "SECRETAIRE PARTICULIER", - "T59" => "SECRETAIRE MEDICAL", - "T60" => "CHARGE DE MARCHES PUBLICS", - "T61" => "CHARGE DE GESTION FINANCIERE", - "T62" => "CHARGE DE PROGRAMMATION BUDGETAIRE", - "T63" => "TECHNICIEN CONSEIL HYGIENE ET SECURITE", - "T64" => "TECHNICIEN EXPLOITATION- MAINTENANCE", - "T65" => "AGENT COMPTABLE", - "T66" => "GESTIONNAIRE D'ETABLISSEMENT", - "T80" => "Maîtrise d'ouvrage des SI", - "T81" => "Maîtrise' d'œuvre des SI", - "T82" => "AQSSI", - "T83" => "RSSI", - "T84" => "CSSI (Correspondant/Chargé de SSI)", - "X00" => "MEDIATEUR", - "X01" => "MEDECIN", - "X10" => "EXPERT PEDAGOGIQUE", - "X11" => "EXPERT CREDIT IMPOT RECHERCHE", - "X30" => "CHAUFFEUR UTILITAIRE", - "X31" => "CHAUFFEUR DE MINISTRE", - "X32" => "CHAUFFEUR DU CABINET", - "X33" => "CHAUFFEUR DE DIRECTION", - "X40" => "CONTROLEUR FINANCIER", - "X50" => "JURISTE", - "X51" => "Correspondant I&L", - "X60" => "SECRETAIRE DE CABINET", - "X70" => "ACMO H&S", - "X71" => "Chargé de service de prévention H&S", - "X80" => "Assesseur" +/* + * Nomenclatures SUPANN + * + * Tableau stockant les nomenclautures utilisées. + * + * Doc SUPANN : + * https://services.renater.fr/documentation/supann/2009/documentcomplet#nomenclatures + * + * $GLOBALS['supannNomenclatures'] = array ( + * '[ETIQUETTE]' => array ( + * '[table1] => array ( + * '[key1]' => '[label1], + * '[key2]' => '[label2], + * [...] + * ) + * ), + * ); + * + * [ETIQUETTE] : l'étiquette de la valeur + * [table] : le nom de la table : + * - roleGenerique : les rôles génériques + * - typeEntite : les types d'entités + * - empCorps : les corps d'appartenances des personnels + * - codeEtablissement : les codes d'établissement + * - etuRegimeInscription : les régimes d'inscription étudiant + * - etuSecteurDisciplinaire : les secteurs disciplinaires de dîplomes ou d'enseignements + * - etuTypeDiplome : les types de diplôme + * - etuDiplome : les diplômes + * - etuEtape : les étapes des enseignements + * - etuElementPedagogique : les éléments pédagogiques + * + */ +$GLOBALS['supannNomenclatures'] = array ( + 'SUPANN' => array ( + 'roleGenerique' => array ( + "D00" => "MINISTRE", + "D01" => "DIRECTEUR DU CABINET", + "D02" => "DIRECTEUR ADJOINT DU CABINET", + "D10" => "DIRECTEUR AC", + "D11" => "DELEGUE AC", + "D12" => "DELEGUE REGIONAL A LA RECH. ET TECHN.", + "D21" => "DIRECTEUR DE RECHERCHE", + "D22" => "DIRECTEUR SCIENTIFIQUE", + "D23" => "DIRECTEUR DE PROJET", + "D30" => "Directeur", + "D32" => "Directeur des études", + "D34" => "Directeur de la Recherche", + "D35" => "Doyen", + "D40" => "SOUS-DIRECTEUR", + "D60" => "DIRECTEUR DE DEPARTEMENT", + "D70" => "DOYEN DE L'IGEN", + "D71" => "DOYEN DE L'IGB", + "D80" => "DIRECTEUR GENERAL AC", + "D81" => "DIR GEN AC, SECRETAIRE GENERAL ADJOINT", + "D90" => "HAUT FONCTIONNAIRE DE DEFENSE", + "F01" => "CHEF DU CABINET", + "F02" => "CHEF ADJOINT DU CABINET", + "F10" => "CHEF DE SERVICE", + "F11" => "CHEF DE SERVICE ADJOINT AU DIRECTEUR", + "F12" => "CHEF DU SERVICE DE l'IGAENR", + "F20" => "CHEF DE MISSION", + "F21" => "CHEF DE LA MISSION", + "F22" => "CHEF DE SERVICE ADJOINT AU DIR GEN", + "F30" => "CHEF DE DIVISION", + "F40" => "CHEF DE DEPARTEMENT", + "F42" => "chef des services administratifs", + "F50" => "CHEF DE CENTRE", + "F60" => "CHEF DE BUREAU", + "F61" => "CHEF DE CELLULE", + "F62" => "CHEF DU CABINET DU SECRETAIRE GENERAL", + "F70" => "CHEF D'EXPLOITATION", + "F71" => "CHEF D'EQUIPE", + "F73" => "CHEF DU SERVICE INTERIEUR", + "F74" => "CHEF DE SECTION", + "F75" => "CHEF DE SITE", + "F76" => "CHEF DE CUISINE", + "H10" => "CHARGE DU SERVICE", + "H11" => "CHARGE DE SOUS-DIRECTION", + "H20" => "CHARGE DE MISSION AUPRES DU MINISTRE", + "H30" => "CHARGE DE MISSION AUPRES DU DIR CAB", + "H40" => "CHARGE DE MISSION", + "H70" => "CHARGE DU SECRETARIAT DU DIRECTEUR", + "H75" => "CHARGE DU SECRETERIAT DU DRRT", + "H80" => "CHARGE DE GESTION ADMINIS. ET COMPTABLE", + "J01" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE CABINET", + "J04" => "ADJOINT AU DIRECTEUR GENERAL AC", + "J05" => "ADJOINT AU DIRECTEUR", + "J06" => "ADJOINT AU DELEGUE AC", + "J07" => "ADJOINT AU DRRT", + "J10" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE SERVICE", + "J11" => "ADJOINT AU CHARGE DU SERVICE", + "J12" => "ADJOINT AU SOUS-DIRECTEUR", + "J13" => "ADJOINT AU CHARGE DE SOUS-DIRECTION", + "J20" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE MISSION", + "J21" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE LA MISSION", + "J30" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE DIVISION", + "J31" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE DEPARTEMENT", + "J32" => "ADJOINT AU DIRECTEUR DE DEPARTEMENT", + "J33" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE CENTRE", + "J34" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE BUREAU", + "J35" => "A CHEF AU CHEF DE SECTION", + "J36" => "ADJOINT AU CHEF DE CELLULE", + "J40" => "ADJOINT AU RESPONSABLE DE CELLULE", + "J41" => "ADJOINT AU RESPONSABLE DE L'UNITE", + "J42" => "ADJOINT AU RESPONSABLE DE POLE", + "J50" => "ADJOINT AU RESPONSABLE D'ATELIER", + "J60" => "Directeur adjoint", + "J61" => "Chef de service adjoint", + "J62" => "Directeur des études adjoint", + "J63" => "Directeur de la Recherche adjoint", + "J63" => "Directeur scientifique adjoint", + "M01" => "COLLABORATEUR EXTERIEUR", + "N00" => "CONSEILLER AUPRES DU MINISTRE", + "N01" => "CONSEILLER", + "N02" => "CONSEILLER DU CABINET", + "N03" => "CONSEILLER TECHNIQUE DU CABINET", + "N10" => "CONSEILLER D'ETABLISSEMENTS", + "N11" => "CONSEILLER PEDAGOGIQUE", + "N20" => "CONSEILLER TECHNIQUE", + "N50" => "COORDONNATEUR", + "P00" => "PRESIDENT", + "P01" => "PRESIDENT D'ASSOCIATION", + "P10" => "VICE-PRESIDENT", + "P50" => "SECRETAIRE GENERAL", + "P51" => "Secrétaire Général adjoint", + "P60" => "SECRETAIRE GENERAL AC", + "P70" => "Administrateur", + "P71" => "Administrateur provisoire", + "R00" => "RESPONSABLE", + "R01" => "RESPONSABLE DE CELLULE", + "R02" => "RESPONSABLE DE DEPARTEMENT", + "R10" => "RESPONSABLE DE MISSION", + "R20" => "RESPONSABLE DE POLE", + "R21" => "RESPONSABLE DE SECTEUR", + "R22" => "RESPONSABLE D'UNITE", + "R30" => "RESPONSABLE DE SERVICES TECHNIQUES", + "R31" => "RESPONSABLE EPI", + "R33" => "RESPONSABLE D'ATELIER", + "R40" => "Responsable admnistratif", + "R41" => "Responsable de diplôme", + "R42" => "Responsable pédagogique", + "R43" => "Responsable de programme", + "R80" => "RESPONSABLE UGARH", + "R81" => "ADJOINT(E) RESP UGARH", + "S01" => "Encadrant Tuteur", + "S10" => "Membre titulaire, Membre", + "S11" => "Membre suppléant", + "S12" => "Membre consultatif", + "S13" => "Participant", + "S14" => "Représentant / Représentant étudiant", + "S15" => "Délégué", + "S16" => "Correspondant", + "S17" => "Coordonnateur scientifique", + "S20" => "Partenaire", + "S21" => "Personnalité extérieure", + "T01" => "ASSISTANT DE SERVICE SOCIAL", + "T02" => "INFIRMIER", + "T12" => "AMINISTRATEUR DE DONNEES", + "T13" => "HUISSIER", + "T14" => "AGENT D'ACCUEIL", + "T15" => "HOTESSE D'ACCUEIL", + "T16" => "AGENT TECHNIQUE", + "T17" => "CHARGE DE COM, REL PUBLIQUE OU PRESSE", + "T18" => "ALLOCATAIRE D'EMPLOIS", + "T19" => "ANALYSTE", + "T22" => "ASSISTANT DE DIRECTION", + "T24" => "ASSISTANT TECHNIQUE", + "T25" => "CHARGE D'ETUDES", + "T26" => "CHEF DE PROJET", + "T27" => "CHEF DE PROJET INFORMATIQUE", + "T29" => "CONCEPTEUR REDACTEUR SITE WEB", + "T30" => "CONDUCTEUR AUTOMOBILE", + "T31" => "CONSEILLER SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE", + "T32" => "CONTROLEUR DE GESTION", + "T34" => "CORRESPONDANT INFORMATIQUE", + "T35" => "DEVELOPPEUR D'APPLICATIONS", + "T36" => "DOCUMENTALISTE - ARCHIVISTE", + "T37" => "GESTIONNAIRE", + "T39" => "GESTIONNAIRE DE PARC INF & TELECOM", + "T40" => "GESTIONNAIRE GRH", + "T41" => "GESTIONNAIRE DE RESTAURANT ADMINISTRATIF", + "T42" => "GESTIONNAIRE FINANCIER", + "T43" => "INFOGRAPHISTE - MAQUETTISTE (PAO)", + "T44" => "INFORMATICIEN BUREAUTIQUE", + "T45" => "INFORMATICIEN D'EXPLOITATION", + "T46" => "INFORMATICIEN SYSTEMES ET RESEAUX", + "T47" => "INGENIEUR PEDAGOGIQUE OU EN FORM PROF", + "T48" => "MECANICIEN", + "T49" => "OPERATEUR", + "T50" => "OUVRIER", + "T51" => "AGENT DE PREMIERE INTERVENTION", + "T52" => "PERSONNEL DE RESTAURATION", + "T54" => "REDACTEUR", + "T55" => "REPROGRAPHISTE", + "T56" => "RESPONSABLE PRODUCTION ET SYSTEMES", + "T57" => "SECRETAIRE", + "T58" => "SECRETAIRE PARTICULIER", + "T59" => "SECRETAIRE MEDICAL", + "T60" => "CHARGE DE MARCHES PUBLICS", + "T61" => "CHARGE DE GESTION FINANCIERE", + "T62" => "CHARGE DE PROGRAMMATION BUDGETAIRE", + "T63" => "TECHNICIEN CONSEIL HYGIENE ET SECURITE", + "T64" => "TECHNICIEN EXPLOITATION- MAINTENANCE", + "T65" => "AGENT COMPTABLE", + "T66" => "GESTIONNAIRE D'ETABLISSEMENT", + "T80" => "Maîtrise d'ouvrage des SI", + "T81" => "Maîtrise' d'œuvre des SI", + "T82" => "AQSSI", + "T83" => "RSSI", + "T84" => "CSSI (Correspondant/Chargé de SSI)", + "X00" => "MEDIATEUR", + "X01" => "MEDECIN", + "X10" => "EXPERT PEDAGOGIQUE", + "X11" => "EXPERT CREDIT IMPOT RECHERCHE", + "X30" => "CHAUFFEUR UTILITAIRE", + "X31" => "CHAUFFEUR DE MINISTRE", + "X32" => "CHAUFFEUR DU CABINET", + "X33" => "CHAUFFEUR DE DIRECTION", + "X40" => "CONTROLEUR FINANCIER", + "X50" => "JURISTE", + "X51" => "Correspondant I&L", + "X60" => "SECRETAIRE DE CABINET", + "X70" => "ACMO H&S", + "X71" => "Chargé de service de prévention H&S", + "X80" => "Assesseur" + ), + 'typeEntite' => array ( + "C000" => "Bureau du président", + "C010" => "Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique (GIS)", + "C020" => "Aide à la conception de produits pédagogiques", + "C021" => "Conception de dispositifs de formation ouverts et à distance", + "C022" => "Coordination d'enseignement transversaux à plusieurs diplômes", + "C023" => "Création et mise en place d'une nouvelle filière", + "C030" => "Haut comité éducation économie", + "C031" => "Organisation", + "C032" => "Participation au développement et à l'animation de formations délocalisées", + "C033" => "Participation aux activités de formation continue", + "C034" => "Programmes pluriannuels de formation (PPF)", + "C035" => "Organisation", + "C050" => "Plateforme technologique", + "E101" => "Conseil d'Administration (CA)", + "E102" => "Section disciplinaire du CA", + "E103" => "Conseil Scientifique (CS)", + "E104" => "Conseil d'UFR", + "E105" => "Conseil d'école", + "E106" => "Conseil d'institut", + "E107" => "Conseil des Etudes et Vie Universitaire (CEVU)", + "E108" => "Conseil de service général universitaire", + "E109" => "Conseil de service commun universitaire", + "E201" => "Commission Paritaire Etablissement", + "E202" => "Commision consultative paritaire", + "E203" => "Commission de conseil", + "E204" => "Commission des Moyens", + "E205" => "Commission des Statuts ", + "E206" => "Commission Administrative Paritaire", + "E301" => "Comité Hygiène et Sécurité", + "E302" => "Comité de Pilotage SGI", + "E303" => "Comité Technique Paritaire ", + "E304" => "Comité consultatif", + "E305" => "Comité de sélection", + "E306" => "Comité de Pilotage SGI", + "E401" => "Jury", + "E801" => "Conseil CROUS", + "E901" => "CNESER (Conseil National de l'Ens. Sup. Rech.)", + "E902" => "CNU Conseil National des Universités", + "E903" => "CTPM Comité Tech. Par. Min. Ens. Sup. Rech.", + "S101" => "Grand établissement", + "S102" => "Université", + "S103" => "Institut ", + "S104" => "École ", + "S105" => "ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure)", + "S106" => "PRES (si celui-ci est de type EPSCP) sinon il faudra une catégorie N1-Autre", + "S107" => "EFE (Ecole Française de l'Etranger)", + "S108" => "Établissement public administratif rattaché", + "S109" => "Observatoire est-ce un EPSCP? Si oui il faut mettre N1-établissement", + "S120" => "Pôle ", + "S200" => "Composante", + "S201" => "UFR", + "S202" => "Département", + "S203" => "Unité de recherche", + "S204" => "Institut ", + "S205" => "École", + "S206" => "Centre polytechnique universitaire", + "S207" => "OSU (Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers)", + "S208" => "IUFM", + "S220" => "Structure fédérative de recherche", + "S221" => "Collège des écoles doctorales", + "S222" => "École doctorale", + "S230" => "Service central", + "S231" => "Service général ", + "S233" => "Scolarité", + "S234" => "Centre de ressources ", + "S235" => "Cellule universitaire d'accueil", + "S236" => "Cellule juridique", + "S237" => "Cellule controle gestion", + "S238" => "Centre", + "S239" => "Service culturel et action sociale", + "S240" => "Service des Relations Internationales", + "S241" => "Service inter-universitaire ", + "S250" => "SCD", + "S251" => "Section-SCD", + "S252" => "Formation permanente ", + "S253" => "SCUIO", + "S254" => "SAIC", + "S255" => "Autres comme CEP, UEFAPS, …", + "S256" => "Service technique", + "S257" => "Catégorie prévue dans la loi / peut être appelé \"service-commun-rattaché\"", + "S300" => "Cabinet", + "S301" => "Coordination", + "S302" => "Division", + "S304" => "Mission", + "S310" => "Laboratoire", + "S311" => "Département de formation", + "S312" => "Centre de recherche", + "S330" => "Campus", + "S340" => "Plate-forme de recherche ou plateau technique", + ) + ), + 'UAI' => array ( + 'codeEtablissement' => array ( + "0133774G" => "Ecole Centrale de Marseille", + "0840985P" => "Ecole de Gestion et de Commerce d'Avignon", + "0130230E" => "ECOLE DE L'AIR", + "0130239P" => "Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Marseille du groupe EUROMED", + "0132396J" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS DE MARSEILLE-CCIMP GROUPE ESIM IMT", + "0133347T" => "Institut Supérieur de Micro-Electronique Appliquée Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de St Etienne", + "0130238N" => "Institut supérieur du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics - CCIMP", + "0133393T" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE D'AIX MARSEILLE", + "0131842G" => "UNIVERSITE AIX MARSEILLE 1", + "0131843H" => "UNIVERSITE AIX MARSEILLE 2", + "0132364Z" => "UNIVERSITE AIX MARSEILLE 3 PAUL CEZANNE", + "0840685N" => "UNIVERSITE D AVIGNON ET DES PAYS DE VAUCLUSE", + "0801911T" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS EN ELECTROTECHNIQUE ET ELECTRONIQUE D'AMIENS", + "0800080C" => "GROUPE SUP DE CO ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE", + "0600071B" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR AGRICOLE DE BEAUVAIS", + "0801885P" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE D'AMIENS", + "0801344B" => "UNIVERSITE D'AMIENS", + "0601223D" => "UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE COMPIEGNE", + "0701045F" => "ECOLE DE GESTION, DE COMMERCE DE FRANCHE COMTE", + "0250082D" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE MECANIQUE ET DES MICROTECHNIQUES DE BESANCON", + "0900362E" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TECHN. ET DES AFFAIRES", + "0251762E" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE BESANCON", + "0251215K" => "UNIVERSITE DE BESANCON", + "0900424X" => "UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE BELFORT MONTBELIARD", + "0332984P" => "CENT ETUD SUP INDUST BLANQUEFO", + "0332818J" => "ECOLE COMMERCE EUROPEENNE GR INSEEC", + "0641848L" => "ECOLE DE GESTION ET DE COMMERCE DE BAYONNE", + "0330203S" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DES TRAVAUX AGRICOLES DE BORDEAUX", + "0330211A" => "ECOLE SUP DE COMMERCE DE BORDX GRPE BORDX ECOLE MANAGEMENT", + "0640096G" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE", + "0641923T" => "ES TECH INDUS AVANCEES BAYONNE", + "0332524P" => "I.N.S.E.E.C.", + "0332826T" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE BORDEAUX", + "0331764N" => "UNIVERSITE BORDEAUX 1 SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES", + "0331765P" => "UNIVERSITE BORDEAUX 2", + "0331766R" => "UNIVERSITE BORDEAUX 3", + "0332929E" => "UNIVERSITE BORDEAUX 4", + "0640251A" => "UNIVERSITE DE PAU", + "0501840D" => "ECOLE FORMATION GESTION COMM. EGC BASSE NORMANDIE", + "0611136D" => "ECOLE INGENIEURS INSTITUT SUP DE PLASTURGIE", + "0142124H" => "ECOLE MANAGEMENT DE NORMANDIE GROUPE LE HAVRE CAEN", + "0142182W" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D INGENIEURS DES TRAVAUX DE LA CONSTRUCTION DE CAEN", + "0142158V" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE CAEN", + "0141408E" => "UNIVERSITE DE CAEN, BASSE NORMANDIE", + "0631786Z" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DES TRAVAUX AGRICOLES DE CLERMONT FERRAND", + "0630109B" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE", + "0631833A" => "INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE MECANIQUE AVANCEE DE CLERMONT-FERRAND", + "0631821M" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE CLERMONT FERRAND", + "0631262E" => "UNIVERSITE DE CLERMONT FERRAND 1", + "0631525R" => "UNIVERSITE DE CLERMONT FERRAND 2", + "7200709H" => "ECOLE GESTION ET COMMERCE BORGO", + "7200164R" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE CORSE", + "7200664J" => "UNIVERSITE DE CORTE", + "0941934S" => "Ecole d'ingénieurs des technologies de l'information et du management", + "0772517T" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES PONTS ET CHAUSSEES", + "0772496V" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES SCIENCES GEOGRAPHIQUES", + "0940607Z" => "Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan", + "0942095S" => "ECOLE POUR INFORMAT.TECHN.AVA. EPITA", + "0941875C" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES INDUSTRIES DU CAOUTCHOUC", + "0941954N" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TRAVAUX DE LA CONSTRUCTION DE CACHAN (EX ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DE CACHAN)", + "0932019P" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS EN ELECTROTECHNIQUE ET ELECTRONIQUE DE LA CCI DE PARIS", + "0772219U" => "ESI INFORM GENIE TELECOM AVON ESIGETEL", + "0932341P" => "INST SUPERIEUR TECHNO MANAGT ISTM", + "0930603A" => "institut supérieur de mécanique de paris", + "0941936U" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE CRETEIL", + "0772502B" => "UNIVERSITE MARNE LA VALLEE", + "0931238R" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS NORD VILLETANEUSE", + "0941111X" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 12 VAL DE MARNE", + "0931827F" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 8", + "0212024L" => "ETABLISSEMENT NATIONAL D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR AGRONOMIQUE DE DIJON", + "0210099U" => "GROUPE ESC DIJON BOURGOGNE", + "0211960S" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE DIJON", + "0211237F" => "UNIVERSITE DE DIJON", + "0261251U" => "Ecole de commerce gestion administrative et vente", + "0730899F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE CHAMBERY", + "0382778N" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE GRENOBLE", + "0381912X" => "INSTITUT POLYTECHNIQUE DE GRENOBLE", + "0382955F" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE GRENOBLE", + "0730858L" => "UNIVERSITE DE CHAMBERY", + "0381838S" => "UNIVERSITE GRENOBLE 1", + "0381839T" => "UNIVERSITE GRENOBLE 2", + "0381840U" => "UNIVERSITE GRENOBLE 3", + "9710939U" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DES ANTILLES GUYANE", + "9710585J" => "UNIVERSITE DES ANTILLES GUYANE", + "9730224F" => "ANTENNE D IUFM IUFM ANTILLES GUYANE", + "0622384E" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL DU NORD", + "0595714R" => "EC SUP METROLOGIE DOUAI ECOLE SUPERIEUR DE METROLOGIE", + "0590349J" => "ECOLE CENTRALE DE LILLE", + "0590350K" => "ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES DU NORD", + "0623921A" => "ECOLE D'INGENIEURS DU PAS DE CALAIS", + "0596163D" => "ECOLE GESTION COMMERCE FLANDRE C.C.I. LILLE-METROPOLE", + "0590311T" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE DE LILLE, RATTACHEE A L'UNIVERSITE DE LILLE 1", + "0590338X" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES ARTS ET INDUSTRIES TEXTILES DE ROUBAIX", + "0590342B" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES MINES DE DOUAI", + "0590346F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE LILLE", + "0590353N" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES TEXTILES", + "0590348H" => "HAUTES ETUDES INDUSTRIELLES", + "0590345E" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE D'ARTS ET METIERS", + "0590344D" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE DE LILLE MEMBRE UNIV CATHOLIQUE DE LILL", + "0593202K" => "INSTITUT D'ECONOMIE SCIENTIFIQUE ET DE GESTION", + "0590343C" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'AGRICULTURE", + "0590347G" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE L ELECTRONIQUE ET DU NUMERIQUE LILLE", + "0595851P" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE LILLE", + "0623957P" => "UNIVERSITE D'ARTOIS", + "0593559Y" => "UNIVERSITE DE LILLE 1", + "0593560Z" => "UNIVERSITE DE LILLE 2", + "0593561A" => "UNIVERSITE DE LILLE 3", + "0593279U" => "UNIVERSITE DE VALENCIENNES", + "0595964M" => "UNIVERSITE DU LITTORAL", + "0190805X" => "EGC BRIVE ECOLE GESTION ET COMMERCE", + "0870997L" => "INSTITUT D'INGENIERIE INFORMATIQUE DE LIMOGES", + "0871012C" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DU LIMOUSIN", + "0870669E" => "UNIVERSITE DE LIMOGES", + "0011293A" => "ANTENNE DE PLASTURGIE DE L'INSA DE LYON", + "0693180G" => "ASSOCIATION LYONNAISE POUR LA FORMATION - INSTITUT POUR LA DIFFUSION DE LA RECHERCHE ACTIVE COMMERCIALE DE LYON", + "0691696U" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL RHONE ALPES AUVERGNE", + "0690194L" => "ECOLE CATHOLIQUE D'ARTS ET METIERS", + "0690187D" => "ECOLE CENTRALE DE LYON", + "0693448Y" => "ECOLE DE COMMERCE EUROPEENNE DE LYON DU GROUPE INSEEC", + "0690197P" => "ECOLE DE MANAGEMENT DE LYON", + "0692587M" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES TRAVAUX MARITIMES", + "0692566P" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DE L'ETAT", + "0420093Y" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DE SAINT-ETIENNE", + "0420094Z" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES MINES DE SAINT ETIENNE", + "0692459Y" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES SCIENCES DE L'INFORMATION ET DES BIBLIOTHEQUES (E.N.S.S.I.B.)", + "0693259T" => "ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE DE LYON", + "0693817Z" => "ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE LETTRES ET SCIENCES HUMAINES", + "0693623N" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE PHYSIQUE ELECTRONIQUE DE LYON", + "0421601M" => "GROUPE ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE SAINT ETIENNE", + "0690195M" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE DE LYON", + "0690192J" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE LYON", + "0692353H" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'AGRICULTURE RHONE ALPES", + "0693364G" => "INSTITUT TEXTILE ET CHIMIQUE DE LYON (ITECH)", + "0693480H" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE LYON", + "0421095M" => "UNIVERSITE DE SAINT-ETIENNE", + "0691774D" => "UNIVERSITE LYON 1", + "0691775E" => "UNIVERSITE LYON 2", + "0692437Z" => "UNIVERSITE LYON 3", + "9720719Z" => "EC.INTER.AFFAI.MANAGEMENT EIAM-EGC", + "9720706K" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE LA MARTINIQUE", + "0342222F" => "CIESSA MONTPELLIER SUP AGRONOMIE", + "0340131H" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE AGRONOMIQUE DE MONTPELLIER", + "0300063F" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES MINES D'ALES", + "0340137P" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE MONTPELLIER DU GROUPE SUP DE CODE MONTPELLIER", + "0341818S" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE MONTPELLIER", + "0341087X" => "UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER 1", + "0341089Z" => "UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER 3", + "0301687W" => "Université de Nîmes", + "0660437S" => "UNIVERSITE DE PERPIGNAN VIA DOMITIA", + "0341088Y" => "UNIVERSITE MONTPELLIER 2", + "0542260N" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL LORRAINE CHAMPAGNE ARDENNES", + "0570140T" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DE METZ", + "0880077F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES INDUSTRIES TEXTILES D'EPINAL", + "0573389Z" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS DES TRAVAUX DE LA CONSTRUCTION DE METZ", + "0573593W" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DU SOUDAGE ET DE SES APPLICATIONS", + "0542455A" => "Institut Commercial de Nancy - Ecole de Management", + "0541564G" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE LORRAINE", + "0542255H" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE NANCY METZ", + "0572081C" => "UNIVERSITE DE METZ", + "0541507V" => "UNIVERSITE NANCY 1", + "0541508W" => "UNIVERSITE NANCY 2", + "0440112H" => "Audencia école management Nantes", + "0442292C" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL DES PAYS DE LOIRE", + "0441965X" => "ECOLE ATLANTIQUE DE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D INDUSTRIE DE NANTES ET DE ST NAZAIRE.", + "0440100V" => "ECOLE CENTRALE DE NANTES", + "0721513D" => "Ecole de gestion et de commerce du Mans", + "0851465F" => "Ecole de gestion et de commerce Vendée", + "0441679L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DES TECHNIQUES DES INDUSTRIES AGRICOLES ET ALIMENTAIRES", + "0442205H" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES MINES DE NANTES", + "0492246A" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE ANGEVINE D'INFORMATIQUE ET DE PRODUCTIQUE", + "0490072M" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'AGRICULTURE D'ANGERS", + "0490075R" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'ELECTRONIQUE DE L'OUEST", + "0721575W" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES GEOMETRES TOPOGRAPHES", + "0490076S" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES SCIENCES COMMERCIALES D ANGERS DU GROUPE ESSCA", + "0442278M" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DU BOIS", + "0492202C" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE ET D APPLICATION DU GENIE", + "0492189N" => "INH ANGERS", + "0442185L" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE D'ARTS ET METIERS DE NANTES", + "0851415B" => "INSTITUT DE FORMATION DE L'UCO AUX METIERS DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT", + "0492248C" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL D'HORTICULTURE - ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DE L'HORTICULTURE ET DU PAYSAGE", + "0492247B" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL D'HORTICULTURE - ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'HORTICULTURE ET D'AMENAGEMENT DU PAYSAGE", + "0721484X" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DES MATERIAUX DU MANS", + "0442199B" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE NANTES", + "0490811R" => "UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE L'OUEST", + "0490970N" => "UNIVERSITE D'ANGERS", + "0440984F" => "UNIVERSITE DE NANTES", + "0720916E" => "UNIVERSITE LE MANS", + "0060656F" => "ECOLE HTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES C.E.R.A.M.", + "0831521C" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE MECANIQUE DE PARIS", + "0831458J" => "Institut Supérieur d'Electronique et du Numerique - TOULON", + "0061758D" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE NICE", + "0060931E" => "UNIVERSITE DE NICE", + "0830766G" => "UNIVERSITE DE TOULON", + "9830491S" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DU PACIFIQUE", + "9830445S" => "UNIVERSITE DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE", + "0451493D" => "EC DE COMMERCE ET DE GESTION ECG (CCI) ORLEANS", + "0371376V" => "EC SUP COMMERCE TOURS GROUPE ESCM TOURS POITIERS", + "0180910S" => "ECOLE NAT SUP ING DE BOURGES", + "0410981U" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE LA NATURE ET DU PAYSAGE DE BLOIS", + "0451482S" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE D'ORLEANS TOURS", + "0370800U" => "UNIVERSITE DE TOURS", + "0450855K" => "UNIVERSITE D'ORLEANS", + "0752092S" => "ACADEMIE COMMERCIALE INTERNATIONALE - NEGOCIA", + "0754988P" => "ADVANCIA", + "0753471R" => "CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL DES ARTS ET METIERS", + "0753636V" => "EC EUROPEENNE DE GESTION EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL", + "0754967S" => "EC SUP ACTION ET RECH COMMERC", + "0754431J" => "ECOLE CENTRALE D ́ELECTRONIQUE PARIS", + "0753742K" => "ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES EN SCIENCES SOCIALES", + "0750043P" => "ECOLE D'INGENIEURS DE LA VILLE DE PARIS", + "0753478Y" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES CHARTES", + "0753503A" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DU GENIE RURAL DES EAUX ET DES FORETS", + "0753237L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'ARTS ET METIERS", + "0753375L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE DE PARIS, RATTACHEE A L'UNIVERSITE PARIS 6", + "0753493P" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES MINES DE PARIS", + "0751878J" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES AVANCEES", + "0753510H" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS", + "0753455Y" => "ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE", + "0753486G" => "ECOLE PRATIQUE DES HAUTES ETUDES", + "0753574C" => "ECOLE SPECIALE DE MECANIQUE ET D'ELECTRICITE", + "0753607N" => "ECOLE SPECIALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DU BATIMENT ET DE L'INDUSTRIE", + "0753560M" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D INFORMATIQUE ELECTRONIQUE AUTOMATIQUE", + "0753547Y" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE PARIS-ECOLE EUROPEENNE DES AFFAIRES, CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D INDUSTRIE DE PARIS", + "0753111Z" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE GESTION", + "0753429V" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE PHYSIQUE ET DE CHIMIE INDUSTRIELLES DE LA VILLE DE PARIS", + "0754500J" => "INST ETUD ECO ET COMMERCIALES", + "0753147N" => "INST INTERNAT COMMERCE DISTRIB", + "0752792C" => "INST PREPA ADM ET GESTION", + "0752304X" => "INST SUP SC TECHN ET ECO COMM", + "0753620C" => "INST SUPERIEUR DE GESTION", + "0753541S" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE PARIS", + "0753428U" => "INSTITUT DE PHYSIQUE DU GLOBE DE PARIS", + "0753431X" => "INSTITUT D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS", + "0753465J" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL AGRONOMIQUE PARIS GRIGNON", + "0755026F" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL D HISTOIRE DE L ART", + "0753488J" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES LANGUES ET CIVILISATIONS ORIENTALES", + "0750252S" => "INSTITUT SUP DU COMMERCE", + "0753559L" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D ELECTRONIQUE DE PARIS", + "0754445Z" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE PARIS", + "0753494R" => "MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE", + "0753496T" => "OBSERVATOIRE DE PARIS", + "0750736T" => "UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE EN SCIENCES DES ORGANISATIONS ET DE LA DECISION DE PARIS-DAUPHINE", + "0751717J" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 1", + "0751718K" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 2", + "0751719L" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 3", + "0751720M" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 4", + "0751721N" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 5", + "0751722P" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 6", + "0751723R" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 7", + "0161122H" => "Ecole de gestion et de commerce d'Angoulème", + "0171435T" => "ECOLE D'INGENIEURS EN GENIE DES SYSTEMES INDUSTRIELS", + "0860073M" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE MECANIQUE ET D'AEROTECHNIQUE DE POITIERS, RATTACHEE A L'UNIVERSITE DE POITIERS", + "0171427J" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE", + "0861249R" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE POITOU-CHARENTES", + "0171463Y" => "UNIVERSITE DE LA ROCHELLE", + "0860856N" => "UNIVERSITE DE POITIERS", + "9840349G" => "UNIVERSITE POLYNESIE FRANCAISE", + "0101059X" => "Ecole Supérieure de Commerce", + "0511935B" => "Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de l'académie de Reims", + "0510088U" => "Reims management school", + "0511296G" => "Université de Reims", + "0101060Y" => "Université de Technologie de Troyes", + "0352330T" => "ECOLE DE GESTION ET DE COMMERCE DE BRETAGNE DE LA CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE DU PAYS DE ST MALO", + "0352337A" => "ECOLE LOUIS DE BROGLIE", + "0350095N" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE", + "0352480F" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DE LA STATISTIQUE ET DE L'ANALYSE DE L'INFORMATION", + "0290119X" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DE BREST", + "0350087E" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE AGRONOMIQUE DE RENNES (AGROCAMPUS RENNES)", + "0350077U" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE DE RENNES, RATTACHEE A L'UNIVERSITE DE RENNES 1", + "0290125D" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES INGENIEURS DES ETUDES ET TECHNIQUES D'ARMEMENT", + "0291811L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS DE BRETAGNE", + "0290124C" => "ECOLE NAVALE", + "0560068V" => "ECOLE SPECIALE MILITAIRE DE SAINT CYR", + "0290127F" => "Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Bretagne Brest de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Brest", + "0351842M" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE ET D'APPLICATION DES TRANSMISSIONS", + "0352373P" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE PRIVEE EME", + "0352305R" => "GROUPE ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE RENNES", + "0352422T" => "INSTITUT D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES D'INDUSTRIE ET D'ECONOMIE LAITIERES (AGROCAMPUS RENNES)", + "0350097R" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE RENNES", + "0352347L" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL SUPERIEUR DE FORMATION AGROALIMENTAIRE (AGROCAMPUS RENNES)", + "0292125C" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE L'ELECTRONIQUE ET DU NUMERIQUE", + "0352291A" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE RENNES", + "0290346U" => "UNIVERSITE DE BREST", + "0561718N" => "UNIVERSITE DE BRETAGNE SUD", + "0350936C" => "UNIVERSITE RENNES 1", + "0350937D" => "UNIVERSITE RENNES 2", + "9741101D" => "ECOLE DE GESTION ET COMMERCE CTRE CONSUL FORM.STE CLOTILDE", + "9741061K" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE LA REUNION", + "9740478B" => "UNIVERSITE DE LA REUNION", + "0762969P" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL DE NORMANDIE", + "0760167U" => "ECOLE DE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE ROUEN", + "0760168V" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE SUP. DE CO. LE HAVRE CAEN", + "0762378X" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS EN GENIE ELECTRIQUE", + "0271338H" => "Ecole supérieure d'ingénieurs et techniciens pour l'agriculture", + "0760165S" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE ROUEN", + "0762970R" => "INSTITUT PORTUAIRE D ENSEIGNEMENT ET RECHERCHE LE HAVRE", + "0762952W" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE ROUEN", + "0761904G" => "UNIVERSITE DE ROUEN", + "0762762P" => "UNIVERSITE DU HAVRE", + "0670189S" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DU GENIE DE L'EAU ET DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT DE STRASBOURG", + "0680097L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE", + "0670190T" => "Institut nationale des sciences appliquées de Strasbourg", + "0672635A" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE STRASBOURG", + "0681166Y" => "UNIVERSITE DE MULHOUSE", + "0671712X" => "UNIVERSITE STRASBOURG 1", + "0671713Y" => "UNIVERSITE STRASBOURG 2", + "0671778U" => "UNIVERSITE STRASBOURG 3", + "0312020C" => "Centre d'Etudes Supérieures Industrielles Midi-Pyrénées", + "0811293R" => "Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche du Nord-Est Midi-Pyrénées Jean-Francois Champollion Albi", + "0820822Y" => "Ecole de Gestion et de Commerce", + "0310154Z" => "Ecole d'Ingénieur de purpan", + "0312069F" => "Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie", + "0311256X" => "Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile de Toulouse", + "0650048Z" => "Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes", + "0811200P" => "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Industrielles et des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux", + "0121367W" => "Ecole supérieure technique privée de gestion commerce informatique", + "0312013V" => "Ecole supérieure technique privée gestion commerce informatique", + "0310156B" => "Groupe Ecole supérieure de Commerce", + "0310155A" => "Institut catholique Toulouse", + "0312421N" => "Institut Catholique d'arts et métiers de Toulouse", + "0310152X" => "Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse", + "0311381H" => "Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse", + "0312760G" => "Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace", + "0312299F" => "Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres Académie de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées", + "0311382J" => "Université Toulouse 1 Sciences Sociales", + "0311383K" => "Université Toulouse 2 Le Mirail", + "0311384L" => "Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier", + "0922455U" => "CTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CTRE REGIONAL D'ILE DE FRANCE", + "0921682D" => "EC NAT STAT ADM ECO MALAKOFF", + "0921225G" => "ECOLE CENTRALE DES ARTS ET MANUFACTURES", + "0951820M" => "ECOLE DE BIOLOGIE INDUSTRIELLE EBI", + "0922369A" => "ECOLE DE MANAGEMENT LEONARD DE VINCI", + "0951819L" => "ECOLE D'ELECTRICITE DE PRODUCTION ET DES METHODES INDUSTRIELLES EPMI", + "0783054W" => "ECOLE HTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES H E C", + "0951623Y" => "ECOLE INTERNATIONALE DES SCIENCES DU TRAITEMENT DE L'INFORMATION", + "0951376E" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE L'ELECTRONIQUE ET DE SES APPLICATIONS DE CERGY", + "0910684Z" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES INDUSTRIES AGRICOLES ET ALIMENTAIRES", + "0920815L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DU PETROLE ET DES MOTEURS DE RUEIL", + "0911568K" => "ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE", + "0920674H" => "ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEMININE", + "0922007G" => "ECOLE PRIVEE DES DIRIGEANTS ET CREATEURS D'ENTREPRISES", + "0951214D" => "ECOLE SUP SC ECO COMMERCIALES INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE", + "0951803U" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE ORGANIQUE ET MINERALE ESCOM", + "0920672F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE FONDERIE", + "0911494E" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'ELECTRICITE PRIVEE SUPELEC", + "0921929X" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES AERONAUTIQUES ET DE CONSTRUCTION AUTOMOBILE", + "0922563L" => "Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard De Vinci. Etablissement d'Enseignement Supérieur Technique Privé.", + "0910725U" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'OPTIQUE", + "0922374F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE PRIVEE COMMERCE EXTERIEUR ESCE LDV", + "0951804V" => "institut géologique albert de lapparent (igal)", + "0910685A" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES NUCLEAIRES", + "0911781S" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS", + "0951808Z" => "institut supérieur des techniques d'outre-mer (istom)", + "0781938H" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L 'ACADEMIE DE VERSAILLES", + "0951793H" => "UNIVERSITE CERGY PONTOISE", + "0781944P" => "UNIVERSITE DE VERSAILLES SAINT QUENTIN EN YVELINES", + "0911975C" => "UNIVERSITE EVRY VAL D ESSONNE", + "0921204J" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 10", + "0911101C" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 11", + ) + ), + 'SISE' => array ( + 'etuRegimeInscription' => array ( + '01' => "PARENTS ELEVANT 3 ENFANTS", + '02' => "SPORTIFS DE HAUT NIVEAU", + '03' => "CADRES PLUS DE 5 ANS", + '04' => "BAC +2 & 5 ANS PRATIQUE PROF", + '09' => "AUTRES DISPENSES", + '10' => "FORMATION INITIALE HORS APPRENTISSAGE", + '11' => "REPRISE ETUDES NON FINANCEE SANS CONV", + '12' => "CONTRAT APPRENTISSAGE", + '20' => "FORMATION CONTINUE HORS CONTRAT PROF", + '21' => "FORMATION CONTINUE DIPLOMANTE", + '22' => "CONTRAT DE PROFESSIONNALISATION", + '51' => "PARENTS AYANT 3 ENFANTS", + '52' => "SPORTIFS HAUT NIVEAU", + '53' => "CADRES PLUS DE 5 ANS", + '54' => "BAC+2 ET 5A PRATIQUE PROFESSIONNELLE", + '55' => "BAC PROFESSIONNEL ET 7A PRTIQUE PROF", + '56' => "CAP-BEP ET 8A PRATIQUE PROFESSIONNELLE", + '57' => "CONTRAT DRT PRIV +5A ANCIEN (3 CONCOURS)", + '59' => "AUTRES DISPENSES", + '61' => "FORM PERMANENTE - FEMMES ELEVANT 3 ENFTS", + '62' => "FORM PERMANENTE - SPORTIFS HAUT NIVEAU", + '63' => "FORM PERMANENTE - CADRES PLUS DE 5 ANS", + '64' => "FORM PERMANENTE - BAC+2 & 5A PRAT PROF", + '69' => "FORM PERMANENTE - AUTRES DISPENSES", + '71' => "FORM CONTINUE - FEMMES ELEVANT 3 ENFTS", + '72' => "FORM CONTINUE - SPORTIFS HAUT NIVEAU", + '73' => "FORM CONTINUE - CADRES PLUS DE 5 ANS", + '74' => "FORM CONTINUE - BAC+2 & 5A PRAT PROF", + '79' => "FORM CONTINUE - AUTRES DISPENSES", + '90' => "STAGIAIRES EN SITUATION", + ), + 'etuSecteurDisciplinaire' => array ( + '01' => "MATHEMATIQUES", + '02' => "PHYSIQUE", + '03' => "CHIMIE", + '04' => "MATHEMATIQUES APPLIQUEES ET SCIENCES SOCIALES (M.A.S.S.)", + '05' => "SCIENCES DE L'UNIVERS", + '06' => "SCIENCES DE LA VIE", + '07' => "MEDECINE", + '08' => "ODONTOLOGIE", + '09' => "PHARMACIE", + '10' => "S.T.A.P.S.", + '11' => "MECANIQUE, GENIE MECANIQUE", + '12' => "GENIE CIVIL", + '13' => "GENIE DES PROCEDES", + '14' => "INFORMATIQUE", + '15' => "ELECTRONIQUE, GENIE ELECTRIQUE", + '16' => "SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIE INDUSTRIELLES", + '17' => "SCIENCES DU LANGAGE - LINGUISTIQUE", + '18' => "LANGUES ET LITTERATURES ANCIENNES", + '19' => "LANGUES ET LITTERATURES FRANCAISES", + '20' => "LITTERATURE GENERALE ET COMPAREE", + '21' => "ARTS", + '22' => "FRANCAIS, LANGUE ETRANGERE", + '23' => "LANGUES ET LITTERATURES ETRANGERES", + '24' => "LANGUES ETRANGERES APPLIQUEES", + '25' => "CULTURES ET LANGUES REGIONALES", + '26' => "PHILOSOPHIE, EPISTEMOLOGIE", + '27' => "HISTOIRE", + '28' => "GEOGRAPHIE", + '29' => "AMENAGEMENT", + '30' => "ARCHEOLOGIE, ETHNOLOGIE, PREHISTOIRE", + '31' => "SCIENCES RELIGIEUSES", + '32' => "PSYCHOLOGIE", + '33' => "SOCIOLOGIE, DEMOGRAPHIE", + '34' => "SCIENCES DE L'EDUCATION", + '35' => "SCIENCES DE L'INFORMATION ET LA COMMUNICATION", + '36' => "SCIENCES JURIDIQUES", + '37' => "SCIENCES POLITIQUES", + '38' => "SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES", + '39' => "SCIENCES DE GESTION", + '40' => "ADMINISTRATION ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIALE (A.E.S.)", + '41' => "FORMATION GENERALE AUX METIERS DE L'INGENIEUR", + '42' => "MATHEMATIQUE ET INFORMATIQUE", + '43' => "PHYSIQUE ET CHIMIE", + '50' => "THEOLOGIE CATHOLIQUE", + '61' => "PLURI DROIT - SCIENCES POLITIQUES", + '62' => "PLURI SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES ET GESTION", + '63' => "PLURI DROIT - SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES - AES", + '64' => "PLURI LETTRES - SCIENCES DU LANGAGE - ARTS", + '65' => "PLURI LANGUES", + '66' => "PLURI SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES", + '67' => "PLURI LETTRES - LANGUES - SC HUMAINES", + '68' => "PLURI SCIENCES FONDAMENTALES ET APPLICATIONS", + '69' => "PLURI SC DE LA VIE, DE LA SANTE, DE LA TERRE ET DE L'UNIVERS", + '70' => "PLURI SCIENCES", + '71' => "PLURI SANTE", + '80' => "VETERINAIRE", + '90' => "INTERDISCIPLINAIRE", + 'AA' => "En attente d'attribution", + '-' => "SANS OBJET", + ), + 'etuTypeDiplome' => array ( + '01' => "DIPLOME UNIVERSITE GENERIQUE", + '02' => "CERTIFICAT D'ECOLE", + '03' => "HABILITATION A DIRIGER DES RECHERCHES", + '04' => "DU TYPE DOCTORAT (INST CATHOLIQUES)", + '05' => "DIPLOME INTERNATIONAL", + '06' => "POST-DUT", + '07' => "MASTERE SPECIALISE", + '08' => "MASTERS OF", + '09' => "AUTRES DIPLOMES", + 'AC' => "CAPACITE EN DROIT", + 'CA' => "DEUG RENOVE", + 'CB' => "DUT", + 'CC' => "DEUG", + 'CD' => "DEUST", + 'CI' => "DEUST IUP", + 'CJ' => "DEUP", + 'CK' => "DEUG IUP", + 'CL' => "DIPLOME NAT DE TECHN SPECIAL (DNTS)", + 'CP' => "DEUG INTERMEDIAIRE LMD", + 'CX' => "PREMIER CYCLE DES ETUDES MEDICALES PCEM", + 'CY' => "1ERE ANNEE COMMUNE AUX ETUDES DE SANTE", + 'CZ' => "DIPLOME DE FORMATION GENERALE SANTE", + 'DA' => "LICENCE RENOVEE", + 'DB' => "LIC BI-DISCIPLINAIRE", + 'DC' => "LICENCE", + 'DJ' => "LICENCE IUP", + 'DK' => "PREPARATION CAPEPS", + 'DP' => "LICENCE PROFESSIONNELLE", + 'DU' => "PREPARATION CPE", + 'DV' => "PREPARATION CRPE", + 'DW' => "PREPARATION CAPES", + 'DX' => "PREPARATION CAPLP", + 'DY' => "PREPARATION CAPET", + 'DZ' => "PREPARATION CAPES", + 'EA' => "MAITRISE RENOVEE", + 'EB' => "MAITRISE BI-DISCIPLINAIRE", + 'EC' => "MAITRISE", + 'ED' => "MST", + 'EE' => "MAITRISE DE SCIENCES ET GESTION (MSG)", + 'EF' => "MAIT. INFOR. APPL. GESTION ENTR. (MIAGE)", + 'EJ' => "MAITRISE IUP", + 'EK' => "CERTIFICATION CAPEPS", + 'EL' => "MSBM - C1", + 'EM' => "MSBM - C2", + 'EN' => "MAITRISE DE SCIENCES BIOL. ET MEDICALE", + 'EP' => "MAITRISE INTERMEDIAIRE LMD", + 'ER' => "DIP PREP RECH BIOMEDICALE (DPRB) - C1", + 'ES' => "PREPARATION SPECIALISATION ENS TITULAIRE", + 'ET' => "CERTIFICATION AGREGATION", + 'EU' => "CERTIFICATION CPE", + 'EV' => "CERTIFICATION CRPE", + 'EW' => "CERTIFICATION CAPES", + 'EX' => "CERTIFICATION CAPLP", + 'EY' => "CERTIFICATION CAPET", + 'EZ' => "PREPARATION AGREGATION", + 'FC' => "DIPLOME D'ETUDE APPROFONDIE (DEA)", + 'FD' => "DESS", + 'FE' => "MAGISTERE", + 'FF' => "DIPLOME DE RECHERCHE TECHNOLOGIQUE (DRT)", + 'FH' => "DE DOCTEUR EN PHARMACIE", + 'FI' => "FORMATION D'INGENIEUR CLASSIQUE", + 'FJ' => "DE DOCTEUR EN CHIRURGIE DENTAIRE", + 'FK' => "DIPL FIN 2 CYCLE ETUDES PHARMACEUTIQUES", + 'FL' => "DIPL FIN 2 CYCLE ETUDES ODONTOLOGIQUES", + 'FM' => "DIPLÔME INGENIEUR CONJOINT", + 'FN' => "FORM D'INGENIEUR EN PARTENARIAT(EX NFI)", + 'FX' => "DEUX. CYCLE DES ETUDES MEDICALES (DCEM)", + 'GD' => "DE DOCTEUR EN PHARMACIE", + 'GF' => "CES (CHIR. DENT. A)", + 'GG' => "CES CHIRURGIE DENTAIRE", + 'HH' => "CES (CHIR. DENT.B)", + 'IB' => "DE DOCTEUR EN MEDECINE", + 'IC' => "DIPL FIN 2 CYCLE ETUDES MEDICALES", + 'IX' => "QUALIFICATION MEDECINE GENERALE", + 'JB' => "C.E.C.S.M.O.", + 'JC' => "DES PHARMACIE", + 'JD' => "DES MEDECINE", + 'JF' => "DES ODONTOLOGIE", + 'KG' => "CAPACITE MEDECINE", + 'LP' => "LICENCE PLURIDISCIPLINAIRE", + 'MA' => "DESC MEDECINE GROUPE 1", + 'MB' => "DESC MEDECINE GROUPE 2", + 'MC' => "DESC MEDECINE", + 'MD' => "DESC BIOLOGIE MEDICALE", + 'NA' => "AUTRES DIPL. NATIONAUX NIV. FORM. BAC", + 'NB' => "AUTRES DIPL. NATIONAUX NIV. FORM. BAC+1", + 'NC' => "AUTRES DIPL. NATIONAUX NIV. FORM. BAC+2", + 'ND' => "AUTRES DIPL. NATIONAUX NIV. FORM. BAC+3", + 'NE' => "AUTRES DIPL. NATIONAUX NIV. FORM. BAC+4", + 'NF' => "AUTRES DIPL. NATIONAUX NIV. FORM. BAC+5", + 'PA' => "CERTIFICAT CAPACITE ORTHOPHONISTE", + 'PB' => "CERTIFICAT CAPACITE ORTHOPTISTE", + 'PC' => "DIPLOME D'ETAT AUDIO-PROTHESISTE", + 'PD' => "DIPLOME D'ETAT PSYCHOMOTRICIEN", + 'PE' => "DIPLOME D'ETAT SAGE-FEMME", + 'PF' => "DIPL ETAT DE MASSEUR-KINESATHERAPEUTE", + 'PG' => "DIPLOME ETAT ERGOTHERAPEUTE", + 'PH' => "DIPLOME ETAT TECHN ANALYSES BIOMEDICALES", + 'PJ' => "DIPLÔME D'ETAT INFIRMIER", + 'PK' => "DIPL ETAT MANIPULATEUR ELECTRADIOL MEDIC", + 'RA' => "DIPLOME VISE NIVEAU BAC+5 GRADE MASTER", + 'RB' => "DIPLOME VISE NIVEAU BAC+5", + 'RC' => "DIPLOME VISE NIVEAU BAC+4", + 'RD' => "DIPLOME VISE NIVEAU BAC+3", + 'RE' => "DIPLOME VISE NIVEAU BAC+2", + 'RF' => "CYCLE PREPARATOIRE MANAGEMENT", + 'SA' => "DOCTORAT VETERINAIRE", + 'SB' => "DIPL ETUDES FONDAMENTALES VETERINAIRES", + 'SC' => "INTERNAT VETERINAIRE", + 'SD' => "DIPL ETUDES SPECIALISEES VETERINAIRES", + 'SE' => "CERTIF ETUDES APPROFONDIES VETERINAIRES", + 'TA' => "BAC CANONIQUE THEOLOGIE", + 'TB' => "LIC CANONIQUE THEOLOGIE", + 'TC' => "DOCT CANONIQUE THEOLOGIE", + 'TD' => "BAC CANONIQUE PHILOSOPHIE", + 'TE' => "LIC CANONIQUE PHILOSOPHIE", + 'TF' => "DOCT CANONIQUE PHILOSOPHIE", + 'TG' => "LIC CANONIQUE DROIT CANONIQUE", + 'TH' => "DOCT CANONIQUE DROIT CANONIQUE", + 'TJ' => "BAC CANONIQUE SCIENCES SOCIALES", + 'TK' => "LIC CANONIQUE SCIENCES SOCIALES", + 'TL' => "DOCT CANONIQUE SCIENCES SOCIALES", + 'TM' => "BAC CANONIQUE DROIT CANONIQUE", + 'TN' => "CERTIFICAT EN THEOLOGIE", + 'TP' => "MASTER CANONIQUE", + 'UA' => "DIPLOME UNIV OU ETAB NIVEAU BAC", + 'UB' => "DIPLOME UNIV OU ETAB NIVEAU BAC + 1", + 'UC' => "DIPLOME UNIV OU ETAB NIVEAU BAC + 2", + 'UD' => "DIPLOME UNIV OU ETAB NIVEAU BAC + 3", + 'UE' => "DIPLOME UNIV OU ETAB NIVEAU BAC + 4", + 'UF' => "DIPLOME UNIV OU ETAB NIVEAU BAC + 5", + 'UR' => "MASTERS DAUPHINE", + 'US' => "DIPLOME EPHE", + 'UT' => "DIPLOME ENS", + 'UU' => "DIPLOME EHESS", + 'UV' => "DIPLOME ENSAE", + 'UW' => "DIPLOME PARIS-DAUPHINE CYCLE1", + 'UX' => "DIPLOME INSTITUT ETUDES POLITIQUES", + 'UY' => "CERTIFICAT ETUDES JUDICIAIRES", + 'UZ' => "DIPLOME COMMERCE", + 'VA' => "CONCOURS ADMINISTRATIF NIV. FORM. BAC", + 'VB' => "CONCOURS ADMINISTRATIF NIV. FORM. BAC+1", + 'VC' => "CONCOURS ADMINISTRATIF NIV. FORM. BAC+2", + 'VD' => "CONCOURS ADMINISTRATIF NIV. FORM. BAC+3", + 'VE' => "CONCOURS ADMINISTRATIF NIV. FORM. BAC+4", + 'VF' => "PREPARATION CONCOURS ENSEIGNEMENT", + 'WA' => "DIPLOME PAR LE GOUVERNEMENT", + 'WB' => "DIPLÔME ARCHITECTE DE L'INSA", + 'XA' => "LICENCE (LMD)", + 'XB' => "MASTER (LMD)", + 'XC' => "MASTER INGENIEUR", + 'XD' => "MASTER ENSEIGNEMENT", + 'XE' => "CPGE INTEGREE UNIVERSITES", + 'XF' => "DU FORMATION ADAPTEE ENSEIGNEMENT", + 'YA' => "DOCTORAT D'UNIVERSITE", + 'YB' => "DOCTORAT D'UNIVERSITE (GENERIQUE)", + 'YI' => "FORMATION INGENIEUR SPECIALISE", + 'YJ' => "DIS MEDECINE", + 'YL' => "DIS PHARMACIE", + 'YM' => "ATTEST. FORMATION SPECIALISEE (AFS)", + 'YN' => "ATTEST. FORM. SPECIALISEE APPROF. (AFSA)", + 'YP' => "ATTESTATION ETUDES APPROF. CH. DENTAIRE", + 'YQ' => "DIPLOME FORMATION MEDICALE SPECIALISEE", + 'YR' => "DIPL FORM MEDICALE SPECIAL APPROFONDIE", + 'ZA' => "DIPLOME PREP AUX ETUDES COMPTABLES", + 'ZB' => "DIPLOME ETUDES COMPTABLES", + 'ZC' => "DIPLOME SUPERIEUR ETUDES COMPTABLES", + 'ZD' => "DIPLOME NATIONAL D'OENOLOGIE", + 'ZE' => "CERT APTITUDE ENSEIG SPECIALISE (UNIV)", + 'ZF' => "DIPLOME COMPTABILITE ET DE GESTION", + 'ZG' => "DIPL SUP COMPTABILITE ET DE GESTION", + 'ZH' => "CERTIFICATS DE COMPETENCES", + ) + ), + 'NCORPS' => array ( + 'empCorps' => array ( + '002' => "PERSONNEL DIRECTION DE 1ERE CATEGORIE", + '003' => "PERSONNEL DIRECTION DE 2EME CATEGORIE", + '004' => "PERSONNEL DE DIRECTION", + '006' => "DIRECTEUR DE CROUS", + '007' => "DIRECTEUR DE CLOUS", + '008' => "DIRECTEUR DE CRDP", + '009' => "PRESIDENT DU CONSEIL DE L'AERES", + '010' => "DIRECTEUR D'EPN", + '011' => "DIR. ADJOINT ET SECRETAIRE GENERAL D'EPN", + '012' => "DIRECTEUR DU SIEC", + '020' => "RECTEUR", + '021' => "SECRETAIRE GENERAL D'ACADEMIE", + '022' => "SECRETAIRE GENERAL D'A.S.U.", + '023' => "SECRETAIRE GENERAL D'UNIVERSITE", + '024' => "AGENT COMPTABLE D'UNIVERSITE", + '025' => "AGT CPT D'EPCSCP", + '026' => "AGENT COMPTABLE DE CROUS", + '027' => "DIRECTEUR ACADEMIE DE PARIS", + '030' => "ADM;DE L'EN, DE L'ENS SUP ET DE LA RECH", + '031' => "C.A.S.U", + '032' => "ATTACHE A.S.U", + '033' => "SECRETAIRE ADMINISTRATIF (SASU) NV.ST.", + '034' => "SECRETAIRE A.S.U", + '036' => "CONSEILLER A.U", + '037' => "ATTACHE A.U", + '039' => "SECRETAIRE A.U.", + '041' => "INTENDANT UNIVERSITAIRE", + '042' => "ATTACHE I.U", + '044' => "SECRETAIRE I.U.", + '045' => "AGENT DE SERVICE DES ETABS D'ENSEIGN.", + '046' => "AIDE D'ECONOMAT", + '047' => "OUVRIER ENTRETIEN ACCUEIL DES ETABS ENS.", + '050' => "ATTACHE ADMIN EDUC NAT ET ENS SUP", + '051' => "ATTACHE D'ADMINISTRATION DE L'ETAT", + '054' => "SECRETAIRE ADMINISTRATIF", + '055' => "SECRETAIRE ADMINISTRATIF ", + '056' => " ADJ. ADM DE L'EN ET DE L'ENS SUP ", + '070' => "TECHNICIEN DE LABORATOIRE ENS.SUP.", + '071' => "AIDE TECHNIQUE DE LABORATOIRE ENS. SUP.", + '072' => "AIDE DE LABORATOIRE ENS. SUP.", + '073' => "GARCON DE LABORATOIRE ENS. SUP.", + '074' => "TECHNICIEN DE LABO DES ET. SC. (A.S)", + '075' => "AIDE TECHNIQUE DE LABORAT. DES ET. SC.", + '076' => "AIDE DE LABORATOIRE (ANC.ST)", + '077' => "GARCON DE LABORATOIRE", + '083' => "TECHNICIEN DE LABORATOIRE (1994)", + '084' => "TECHNICIEN DE LABORATOIRE (1992)", + '085' => "AIDE TECHNIQUE DE LAB. (N.ST)", + '086' => "AIDE DE LABORATOIRE (N.STATUT)", + '087' => "AGENT TECHNIQUE DE LABORATOIRE", + '088' => "ADJ.TECH. LAB DES ETAB. ENS", + '101' => "INSPECTEUR GENERAL DE L'ADMINISTRATION", + '102' => "INSPECTEUR GENERAL DE L'EDUCATION NAT.", + '103' => "INSPECTEUR GENERAL DES BIBLIOTHEQUES", + '104' => "INSP. PEDAG. REGIONAL / INSP. D'ACADEMIE", + '105' => "INSPECTEUR D'ACADEMIE DIR. SERV. DEPART.", + '106' => "INSPECTEUR D'ACADEMIE ADJOINT", + '107' => "INSPECTEUR D'ACADEMIE", + '108' => "INSP.D'ACADEMIE/INSP.PEDAG. REGIONAL", + '110' => "INSPECT. DE L'APPRENTISSAGE COMMISSIONNE", + '111' => "INSPECTEUR DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE", + '112' => "INSPECTEUR D'ORIENTATION ET D'INFORMATIO", + '113' => "INSPECTEUR DEPARTEMENTAL DE L'E.N.", + '114' => "INSPECTEUR PRINCIPAL DE L'ENSEIG. TECH.", + '115' => "INSPECTEUR DE L'EDUCATION NATIONALE", + '116' => "INSPECTEUR DE LA JEUNESSE ET DES SPORTS", + '120' => "INPECTEUR GENERAL DE L'ADM ET DE LA RECH", + '200' => "SECRETAIRE GENERAL DU MINISTERE", + '201' => "MINISTRE", + '202' => "SECRETAIRE D'ETAT", + '203' => "ADMINISTRATEUR CIVIL", + '204' => "DIRECTEUR GENERAL D'ADM. CENTRALE", + '205' => "DIRECTEUR D'ADMINISTRATION CENTRALE", + '206' => "CHEF DE SERVICE D'ADMINISTR. CENTRALE", + '207' => "SOUS-DIRECTEUR D'ADMINISTR. CENTRALE", + '208' => "DIRECTEUR ADJOINT D'ADMINISTR. CENTRALE", + '209' => "DELEGUE D'ADMINISTRATION CENTRALE", + '210' => "ATTACHE ADM.CENTRALE", + '211' => "SECRETAIRE ADMINISTRAT. ADM.CENTR.(A.ST)", + '212' => "ADJOINT ADMINISTRATIF ADM.CENTR.(N.S)", + '213' => "AGENT ADMINISTRATIF ADM.CENTR.", + '214' => "AGENT DE BUREAU ADM.CENTR.", + '215' => "AGENT TECHNIQUE DE BUREAU DE L'ADM. CENT", + '216' => "SECRETAIRE STENODACTYLOGRAPHE DE L'ADM.C", + '217' => "SECRETAIRE ADMINISTRATIF (SAC) NV.STATUT", + '218' => "DIRECTEUR DE PROJET ADMINIST. CENTRALE", + '219' => "CHEF DE MISSION D'ADMINIST.CENTRALE", + '220' => "ADJOINT ADMINISTRATIF DE L'AC", + '221' => "DIRECTEUR DE CNOUS", + '222' => "DIRECTEUR ADJOINT DE CNOUS", + '223' => "DIRECTEUR DE RECHERCHE DU CNRS", + '224' => "SOUS DIRECTEUR DE CNOUS", + '230' => "ADJOINT TECHNIQUE DE L'AC", + '231' => "CHEF DE SERVICE INTERIEUR", + '232' => "AGENT DE SERVICE DES ADMINISTR.CENTRALES", + '233' => "AGENT PRINCIPAL DES SERVICES TECHNIQUES", + '234' => "HUISSIER DES ADMINISTRATIONS CENTRALES", + '235' => "MAITRE-OUVRIER (NOUV. STATUT) ADM.CENTR.", + '236' => "CONTREMAITRE DE L'ADMINISTR. CENTRALE", + '237' => "OUVRIER PROFESSIONNEL (N.ST.) ADM. CENT.", + '238' => "OUVRIER PROFESSIONNEL DE L'ADM. CENTRALE", + '239' => "AGENT SUPERIEUR DE L'ADM. CENTRALE", + '240' => "CHEF DE GROUPE DE L'ADM. CENTRALE", + '241' => "MAITRE OUVRIER DE L'ADM. CENTRALE", + '245' => "EXPERT DE HAUT NIVEAU", + '251' => "ADJOINT ADMINISTRATIF A.C (A.C)", + '263' => "ADJOINT ADMINISTRATIF( RECHERCHE CNRS)", + '264' => "SECRET.D'ADMINISTR. ( RECHERCHE CNRS)", + '265' => "ATTACHE D'ADMINISTR. ( RECHERCHE CNRS)", + '275' => "ASSISTANT INGENIEUR ( RECHERCHE CNRS)", + '276' => "INGENIEUR D'ETUDES( RECHERCHE CNRS)", + '277' => "INGENIEUR DE RECHERCHE ( RECHERCHE CNRS)", + '278' => "ADJOINT TECHNIQUE ( RECHERCHE CNRS)", + '279' => "TECHNICIEN ( RECHERCHE CNRS)", + '280' => "INGENIEUR DES PONTS ET CHAUSSEES", + '281' => "ARCHITECTE ET URBANISME DE L'ETAT", + '282' => "INGENIEUR TRAVAUX PUBLICS DE L'ETAT", + '283' => "INGENIEUR DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS", + '284' => "ATTACHE INSEE", + '285' => "ADMINISTRATEUR INSEE", + '286' => "CHARGE DE MISSION INSEE", + '287' => "INGENIEUR EN CHEF TPE", + '288' => "MEDECIN INSPECTEUR DE SANTE PUBL. (N.ST)", + '289' => "INFIRMIERE D'ETAT ", + '290' => "INGENIEUR DES PONTS, EAUX ET FORETS", + '293' => "INGENIEUR EN CHEF DES TVX PUBLICS 2G", + '294' => "INGENIEUR EN CHEF DES TVX PUBLICS 1G", + '295' => "INGENIEUR DES MINES", + '296' => "CHARGE D'ETUDES DOCUMENTAIRES (CULTURE)", + '297' => "RESTAURATEURS SPECIALISTES", + '298' => "CHEF DE TRAVAUX D'ART", + '299' => "TECHNICIEN D'ART", + '300' => "PROFESSEUR DES UNIVERSITES", + '301' => "MAITRE DE CONFERENCES DES UNIVERSITES", + '302' => "MAITRE ASSISTANT", + '303' => "ASSISTANT AGREGE ET ASSIMILE", + '304' => "ASSISTANT NON AGREGE ET ASSIMILE", + '305' => "ASSISTANT DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR", + '310' => "PROF DES UNIV.- PRATICIEN HOSPITALIER", + '311' => "MAITRE DE CONF PRATICIEN HOSPITALIER ", + '312' => "CHEF DE TRAVAUX DES FACULTES", + '313' => "CHEF DE TRAVAUX UNIV-PRATICIEN HOSPITAL.", + '314' => "ASSISTANT DISCIPL. MED-BIOLOG. ET MIXTES", + '315' => "PROF UNIV-PRATICIEN HOSPITAL. CSERD", + '316' => "MAITRE DE CONF PRATICIEN HOSPITAL.CSERD ", + '317' => "PROF DU 1ER GRADE CHIR DENT ODONTO", + '318' => "PROF DU 2EME GRADE CHIR DENT ODONTO", + '330' => "ASTRONOME", + '331' => "PHYSICIEN", + '332' => "ASTRONOME ADJOINT", + '333' => "PHYSICIEN ADJOINT", + '334' => "ASTRONOME TITULAIRE", + '335' => "PHYSICIEN TITULAIRE", + '336' => "ASTRONOME ADJOINT (DECRET DU 31/07/1936)", + '337' => "PHYSICIEN ADJOINT (DECRET DU 25/12/1936)", + '338' => "AIDE-ASTRONOME", + '339' => "AIDE-PHYSICIEN", + '340' => "ASSISTANT D'OBSERVATOIRE", + '341' => "PROFESSEUR DE L'ECOLE CENTRALE 2E CAT.", + '342' => "PROFESSEUR DE L'ECOLE CENTRALE 1E CAT.", + '343' => "PROFESSEUR DU COLLEGE DE FRANCE", + '344' => "SS-DIR DE LABORAT. DU COLLEGE DE FRANCE", + '345' => "ASSISTANT DU COLLEGE DE FRANCE", + '346' => "SOUS-DIRECTEUR DE LABORATOIRE DES E.N.S.", + '347' => "CHEF DE TRAVAUX DE L'INSTIT.HYDROL.CLIM.", + '348' => "ASSISTANT DE L'INSTIT. HYDROL. CLIM.", + '350' => "PROF MUSEUM HISTOIRE NATURELLE", + '351' => "MAITRE DE CONF MUSEUM HISTOIRE NATURELLE", + '352' => "ASSISTANT MUSEUM HISTOIRE NATURELLE", + '353' => "DIRECTEUR D'ETUDES DE L'EHESS", + '354' => "MAITRE DE CONFERENCES DE L' EHESS", + '355' => "DIR. D'ETUDES EPHE ET ECOLE DES CHARTES", + '356' => "MAITRE DE CONF EPHE ET ECOLE DES CHARTES", + '357' => "PREP.-CHEF TRAVAUX LICENCIE EHESS/EPHE", + '358' => "PREP.-CH.TRAVAUX NON LICENCIE EHESS/EPHE", + '359' => "CONSEILLER TECH. & PEDAGO. SUPERIEU", + '360' => "PROFESSEUR DU CNAM", + '361' => "SOUS-DIRECTEUR DE LABORATOIRE DU CNAM", + '362' => "CHEF DE TRAVAUX DU CNAM", + '363' => "ASSISTANT DU CNAM", + '364' => "PROFESSEUR DE L'ENSAM", + '365' => "PROFESSEUR TECHNIQUE ADJOINT DE L'ENSAM", + '366' => "CHEF DE TRAVAUX PRATIQUES DE L'ENSAM", + '380' => "PROFESSEUR DES UNIVERSITES ASSOCIE ", + '381' => "MAITRE DE CONFERENCES DES UNIV. ASSOCIE", + '382' => "PROF ASSOCIE DES UNIV. DIS. MED. ", + '383' => "MAITRE DE CF ASSOCIE DES UNIV.DIS.MED. ", + '384' => "PROF ASSOCIE DES UNIV. DIS. ODONTO. ", + '385' => "MAITRE DE CF ASSOCIE DES UNIV.DIS.ODONT.", + '386' => "ASTRONOME ASSOCIE", + '387' => "PHYSICIEN ASSOCIE", + '388' => "ASTRONOME ADJOINT ASSOCIE", + '389' => "PHYSICIEN ADJOINT ASSOCIE", + '390' => "PROFESSEUR DU COLLEGE DE FRANCE ASSOCIE ", + '391' => "PROF MUSEUM HISTOIRE NATURELLE ASSOCIE ", + '392' => "MAITRE DE CONF MUSEUM HIST.NAT. ASSOCIE ", + '393' => "DIRECTEUR D'ETUDES DE L'EHESS ASSOCIE ", + '394' => "MAITRE DE CONF. DE L' EHESS ASSOCIE ", + '395' => "DIR.D'ETUDES EPHE-ECOL.CHARTES ASSOCIE ", + '396' => "MAITRE DE CONF EPHE-EC. CHARTES ASSOCIE ", + '397' => "PROFESSEUR DU CNAM ASSOCIE ", + '400' => "ECR INSTITUTEUR", + '402' => "ECR INSTRUCTEUR", + '404' => "ECR INSTITUTEUR SUPPLEANT", + '405' => "ECR PROFESSEUR DES ECOLES", + '406' => "ADM CONTR 1ER DEGRE SESSION EX 2014 PR", + '431' => "ECR PROFESSEUR D'EPS", + '432' => "ECR CHARGE D'ENSEIGNEMENT EPS", + '433' => "ECR PROFESSEUR ADJOINT D'EPS", + '450' => "ECR CHAIRE SUPERIEUR", + '451' => "ECR AGREGE", + '453' => "ECR PROFESSEUR CERTIFIE", + '454' => "ECR PROFESSEUR TECHNIQUE ADJOINT", + '456' => "ECR PROFESSEUR CHEF DE TRAVAUX DE LYCEE", + '457' => "ECR PROFESSEUR CHEF DE TRAVAUX DEGRE SUP", + '459' => "ECR PROFESSEUR D'ENS GENERAL DES COLLEGE", + '462' => "ECR CHARGE D'ENSEIGNEMENT HORS EPS", + '467' => "ECR ADJOINT D'ENSEIGNEMENT", + '471' => "ECR PROFESSEUR DE LYCEE PROF CHEF DE TRA", + '472' => "ECR PROFESSEUR D'ENS. GENERAL DE CET", + '473' => "ECR PROFESSEUR D'ENS. TECH THEOR DE CET", + '474' => "ECR PROFESSEUR TECH D'ENS. PRATIQ DE CET", + '475' => "ECR PROFESSEUR DE LYCEE PROF", + '476' => "ECR PROFESSEUR TECHNIQUE CHEF DE TRAVAUX", + '477' => "ECR PROFESSEUR TECHN. DE LYCEE TECHNIQUE", + '478' => "ECR PROFESSEUR DE CET", + '480' => "BENEFICIAIRE DE L'OBLIGATION D'EMPLOI", + '496' => "ECR MAITRE AUXILIAIRE", + '497' => "ADM CONTR 2ND DEGRE SESSION EX 2014 PR", + '520' => "PERSONNEL D'ORIENTATION (D-72)", + '521' => "PERSONNEL D'ORIENTATION", + '531' => "PROFESSEUR D'EPS", + '532' => "CHARGE D'ENSEIGNEMENT EPS", + '533' => "PROFESSEUR ADJOINT D'EPS", + '534' => "MAITRE D'EPS", + '550' => "PROFESSEUR DE CHAIRE SUPERIEURE", + '551' => "PROFESSEUR AGREGE", + '553' => "PROFESSEUR CERTIFIE", + '554' => "PROFESSEUR TECHNIQUE ADJOINT", + '555' => "PROFESSEUR TECHNIQUE ADJOINT D'ENNA", + '556' => "PROFESSEUR CHEF DE TRAVAUX DE LYCEE TECH", + '557' => "PROFESSEUR CHEF DE TRAVAUX DEGRE SUP", + '558' => "PROFESSEUR D'ENNA", + '559' => "PROFESSEUR D'ENS. GENERAL DES COLLEGES", + '562' => "CHARGE D'ENSEIGNEMENT HORS EPS", + '563' => "CONSEILLER PRINCIPAL D'EDUCATION", + '564' => "CONSEILLER D'EDUCATION", + '567' => "ADJOINT D'ENSEIGNEMENT", + '571' => "PROFESSEUR DE LYCEE PROF CHEF DE TRAVAUX", + '572' => "PROFESSEUR D'ENSEIGNEMENT DE CET", + '573' => "PROFESSEUR D'ENS. TECH THEORIQUE DE CET", + '574' => "PROFESSEUR TECHNIQUE D'ENS. PROF DE CET", + '575' => "PROFESSEUR DES LYCEES PROFESSIONNELS", + '576' => "PROFESSEUR TECHNIQUE CHEF DE TRAVAUX", + '577' => "PROFESSEUR TECHNIQUE DE LYCEE TECHNIQUE", + '578' => "PROFESSEUR DE CET", + '590' => "ELEVE PROFESSEUR", + '600' => "INSTITUTEUR", + '602' => "INSTRUCTEUR", + '604' => "INSTITUTEUR AUXILIAIRE SUPPLEANT", + '615' => "PROFESSEUR DES ECOLES", + '620' => "PERS. DIRECTION 1ERE CATEGORIE(CT)", + '621' => "PERS. DIRECTION 2EME CATEGORIE (CT)", + '622' => "PERS. DIRECTION (CT)", + '623' => "INSPECTEUR DE L'EN (CT)", + '624' => "PERSONNEL D'ORIENTATION (CT)", + '625' => "PROF D'EPS (CT)", + '626' => "CHARGE ENS EPS (CT)", + '627' => "PROFESSEUR DE CHAIRE SUPERIEURE", + '628' => "PROFESSEUR AGREGE (CT) ", + '629' => "PROFESSEUR CERTIFIE (CT)", + '630' => "PROF.D'ENS GEN DE COLLEGE (CT)", + '631' => "CONSEILLER PRINCIPAL D'EDUCATION (CT)", + '632' => "CONSEILLER D'EDUCATION (CT)", + '633' => "ADJOINT D'ENSEIGNEMENT (CT)", + '634' => "PROF LYCEES PROFESSIONNELS (CT)", + '635' => "INSTITUTEUR (CT)", + '636' => "PROFESSEUR DES ECOLES (CT)", + '637' => "SURVEILLANT (CT)", + '638' => "ADJOINT D'EDUCATION (CT)", + '639' => "INSTITUTEUR C.T. MAYOTTE", + '640' => "INSTITUTEUR D'ETAT RECRUTE A MAYOTTE", + '641' => "AGENT ADMINISTRATIF DE MAYOTTE", + '642' => "AGENT TECHNIQUE DES ADMINISTRATIONS", + '650' => "INSTIT. CHARGE ENSEIGNEMENT EN COLLEGE", + '651' => "MONITEUR (DIPLOME D'UN CEP)", + '652' => "INSTITUTEUR BREVETE", + '653' => "INSTITUTEUR PERENNISE (NIVEAU CEP)", + '654' => "INSTITUTEUR (PF)", + '655' => "PROFESSEUR DES ECOLES (PF)", + '656' => "CONTRACTUEL PF1D CAT A", + '657' => "CONTRACTUEL PF1D CAT B", + '660' => "CADRE2 (CT)", + '670' => "CADRE1 (CT)", + '680' => "CADRE DES BACHELIERS (CT)", + '690' => "CONTRACTUEL (CT)", + '695' => "CONTRACTUEL CT GARANTI D'EMPLOI", + '700' => "PROFESSEUR DES UNIVERSITES ASSOCIE-MT ", + '701' => "MAITRE DE CONF. DES UNIV. ASSOCIE-MT ", + '702' => "PROF. ASS. DES UNIV. DE MEDECINE GENER.", + '703' => "M. DE CONF. ASS. UNIV. MEDECINE GENER.", + '704' => "ASTRONOME ASSOCIE-MT", + '705' => "PHYSICIEN ASSOCIE-MT", + '706' => "ASTRONOME ADJOINT ASSOCIE-MT", + '707' => "PHYSICIEN ADJOINT ASSOCIE-MT", + '708' => "PROFESSEUR DU COLLEGE DE FRANCE ASS-MT ", + '709' => "PROF MUSEUM HISTOIRE NATURELLE ASS-MT ", + '710' => "MAITRE DE CONF MUSEUM HIST.NAT. ASS-MT ", + '711' => "DIRECTEUR D'ETUDES DE L'EHESS ASS-MT ", + '712' => "MAITRE DE CONF. DE L' EHESS ASSOCIE-MT ", + '713' => "DIR.D'ETUDES EPHE-ECOL.CHARTES ASS-MT ", + '714' => "MAITRE DE CONF EPHE-EC. CHARTES ASS-MT ", + '715' => "PROFESSEUR DU CNAM ASSOCIE-MT ", + '720' => "PROFESSEUR DES UNIVERSITES INVITE", + '721' => "MAITRE DE CONFERENCES DES UNIV. INVITE", + '722' => "PROFESSEUR INVITE DISC. MED.", + '723' => "MAITRE DE CONF. INVITE DISC. MED.", + '724' => "PROF INVITE DISC. ODONTO.", + '725' => "MAITRE DE CONF INVITE DISC. ODONTO.", + '726' => "ASTRONOME INVITE", + '727' => "PHYSICIEN INVITE", + '728' => "ASTRONOME ADJOINT INVITE", + '729' => "PHYSICIEN ADJOINT INVITE", + '730' => "PROFESSEUR DU COLLEGE DE FRANCE INVITE", + '731' => "PROF MUSEUM HISTOIRE NATURELLE INVITE", + '732' => "MAITRE DE CONF MUSEUM HIST. NAT. INVITE", + '733' => "DIRECTEUR D'ETUDES DE L'EHESS INVITE", + '734' => "MAITRE DE CONFERENCES DE L' EHESS INVITE", + '735' => "DIR.D'ETUDES EPHE-ECOL.CHARTES INVITE", + '736' => "MAITRE DE CONF EPHE-ECOL.CHARTES INVITE", + '737' => "PROFESSEUR DU CNAM INVITE", + '740' => "ASSISTANT HOSPITALIER UNIV. CSERD", + '741' => "PRATICIEN HOSPITALIER UNIVERSITAIRE", + '742' => "ASSISTANT HOSPITALIER UNIVERSITAIRE", + '743' => "CHEF CLINIQUE UNIV. ASSISTANT HOPITAUX", + '744' => "ASSISTANT ASSOCIE DES UNIV. DIS. ODONTO.", + '745' => "ASSIS.CHEF CLINIQUE ASSOCIE UNIV.DIS.MED", + '750' => "MAITRE DE LANGUE", + '751' => "LECTEUR", + '752' => "REPETITEUR DE L'INALCO", + '753' => "ATTACHE TEMPORAIRE ENSEIGN. ET RECHERCHE", + '754' => "ALLOCATAIRE MONITEUR NORMALIEN", + '755' => "MONITEUR ", + '756' => "MONITEUR EN PHARMACIE", + '757' => "CONTRACTUEL DECRET 1992", + '758' => "CHARGE D'ENSEIGNEMENT VACATAIRE", + '759' => "AGENT TEMPORAIRE VACATAIRE", + '773' => "INTERVENANT LANGUE PRIMAIRE", + '774' => "ASSISTANT LANGUE VIVANTE", + '775' => "CONSEILLER D'ORIENTATION INTERIMAIRE", + '776' => "MAITRE AUXILIAIRE", + '777' => "CORPS DES ASSISTANTS ETRANGERS", + '778' => "PROFESSEUR ASSOCIE", + '779' => "PROFESSEUR CONTRACTUEL", + '786' => "MAITRE D'INTERNAT", + '787' => "SURVEILLANT D'EXTERNAT", + '789' => "ACCOMPAGNANT EN SITUATION DE HANDICAP", + '790' => "ASSISTANT D'EDUCATION", + '791' => "ADMISSIBLE CONTRACTUEL 1D EXCEPT 2014", + '792' => "ADMISSIBLE CONTRACTUEL 2D EXCEPT 2014", + '800' => "CONSERVATEUR GENERAL DES BIBLIOTHEQUES", + '801' => "CONSERVATEUR DES BIBLIOTHEQUES (1992)", + '802' => "CONSERVATEUR DES MUSEES (1992)", + '803' => "CONSERVATEUR DES BIBLIOTHEQUES (1969)", + '804' => "CONSERVATEUR STAGIAIRE ELEVE ENSSIB", + '806' => "BIBLIOTHECAIRE", + '807' => "BIBLIOTHECAIRE ADJOINT ANC. STATUT 1950", + '808' => "BIBLIOTHECAIRE ADJOINT (NV.STATUT 1995)", + '809' => "BIBLIOTHECAIRE ADJOINT SPECIALISE", + '810' => "BIBLIOTHECAIRE ASSISTANT SPECIALISE", + '813' => "MAGASINIER EN CHEF", + '814' => "MAGASINIER SPECIALISE", + '815' => "INSPECTEUR DE MAGASINAGE", + '816' => "MAGASINIER", + '817' => "GARDIEN DE BIBLIOTHEQUE", + '818' => "ASSISTANT DES BIBLIOTHEQUES", + '820' => "MAGASINIER DES BIBLIOTHEQUES", + '821' => "AGENT DE BUREAU DE RECH.ET DE FORMATION", + '822' => "AGENT D'ADMINISTRATION RECH.ET FORMATION", + '823' => "ADJOINT ADMINISTRATIF RECH.ET FORMATION", + '825' => "ATTACHE D'ADMINISTR. RECH.ET FORMATION", + '826' => "CHARGE D'ADMINISTR. RECH.ET FORMATION", + '827' => "SECRET.D'ADMINISTR. RECH.ET FORMATION", + '828' => "AGENT DES SERV.TECH. RECH.ET FORMATION", + '830' => "TECHNICIEN DE RECHERCHE & FORMATION(NES)", + '831' => "AIDE TECHNIQUE DE RECH.ET DE FORMATION", + '832' => "AGENT TECHNIQUE DE RECH.ET DE FORMATION", + '834' => "ASSISTANT INGENIEUR (RECH ET FORM)", + '835' => "INGENIEUR D'ETUDES (RECH ET FORM)", + '836' => "INGENIEUR DE RECHERCHE (RECH ET FORM)", + '837' => "ADJOINT TECHNIQUE DE RECH.ET FORMATION", + '838' => "TECHNICIEN DE RECH.ET FORMATION", + '839' => "ADJOINT TECHNIQUE-RECHERCHE & FORMATION", + '840' => "INGENIEUR CONTRACTUEL CNRS", + '841' => "TECHNIQUE CONTRACTUEL CNRS", + '842' => "ADMINISTRATIF CONTRACTUEL CNRS", + '843' => "CONTRACT. D.DETERM. ENS.SUP (>86) CAT A", + '844' => "CONTRACT. D.DETERM. ENS.SUP. (>86) CAT B", + '845' => "CONTRACT. D.DETERM. ENS.SUP. (>86) CAT D", + '846' => "CONTRACTUEL TEMPORAIRE ENS. SUPERIEUR", + '847' => "CONTROLEUR CONTRACTUEL DE L'ADM. CENTR.", + '850' => "AGENT CONTRACTUEL ADMINISTRATIF", + '851' => "CONTRACTUEL VIGILE", + '852' => "AGENT CONTRACTUEL TECHNIQUE", + '853' => "AGENT CONTRACTUEL FORMATION CONTINUE", + '855' => "CONTRACTUEL EX-UGAP", + '856' => "MEDECIN CONTACTUEL", + '857' => "MEDECIN CONTRACTUEL SANTE SCOLAIRE", + '858' => "INFIRMIERE AUXILIAIRE", + '859' => "INFIRMIERE CONTRACTUELLE", + '860' => "ASSISTANTE SOCIALE CONTRACTUELLE", + '861' => "AUXILIAIRE DE BUREAU", + '862' => "AUXILIAIRE DE SERVICE", + '863' => "CONTRACTUEL RECHERCHE CHARGE DE MISSION", + '864' => "AGENT CONTRACTUEL RECHERCHE", + '865' => "CONTRACTUEL DECRET 62", + '866' => "CONTRACTUEL A DUREE DETERMINEE", + '867' => "CONTRACTUEL INDIVIDUEL", + '868' => "CONTRACTUEL CABINET", + '869' => "TRAVAILLEUR HANDICAPE", + '870' => "AGENT CONTRACTUEL DE BIBLIOTHEQUES", + '871' => "AGENT SUR CONTRAT DES BIBLIOTHEQUES", + '872' => "ARCHITECTE CONTRACTUEL", + '873' => "INFORMATICIEN DE HAUT NIVEAU", + '874' => "INSPECT. DE L'APPRENTISSAGE CONTRACTUEL", + '875' => "PARCOURS D'ACCES A L' EMPLOI", + '879' => "CONTRACTUEL BOE - DECRET DE 1995", + '887' => "MAD ENTRANT AUTRE ADMINISTRATION", + '888' => "APPRENTI", + '898' => "VACATAIRE", + '899' => "INDEMNITAIRE", + '910' => "COMMIS DES SERVICES EXTERIEURS", + '911' => "AGENT ADMINISTRATIF DES SERV. EXT.", + '912' => "ADJOINT ADMINISTRATIF DES SERV. EXT.", + '915' => "ADJOINT AMINISTRATIF DES SER. DEC.", + '920' => "STENODACTYLOGRAPHE DES SERV. EXT.", + '925' => "ADJOINTE DU SERV. DE SANTE SCOL. ET UNIV", + '930' => "AGENT DE BUREAU DES SERV. EXT.", + '940' => "AGENT TECHNIQUE DE BUREAU DES SERV. EXT.", + '953' => "OUVRIER PROFESSIONNEL DES SERV. EXT.", + '954' => "CONTREMAITRE DES SERV. EXT.", + '955' => "OUVRIER PROFESSIONNEL DES ETABS D'ENS.", + '956' => "MAITRE OUVRIER DES ETABS D'ENSEIGNEMENT", + '957' => "TECHNICIEN DE L'EDUCATION NATIONALE", + '960' => "ADJOINT TECHNIQUE DES ETAB.ENS.", + '961' => "AGENT DE SERVICE DES SERV. EXT.", + '962' => "AGENT DES SERV.TECHNIQUES DES SERV.EXT.", + '970' => "CONDUCTEUR AUTO DES ADM. DE L'ETAT", + '975' => "CHEF DE GARAGE DES ADM. DE L'ETAT", + '980' => "TELEPHONISTE DES ADM. DE L'ETAT", + '984' => "CONSEILLER POUR L'ACTION SOCIALE", + '985' => "SECRETAIRE DE DOCUMENTATION NOUV.STATUT", + '986' => "INFIRMIERS ENES CATEGORIE A", + '987' => "ASSISTANT SERVICE SOCIAL ADMIN DE L'ETAT", + '988' => "CONS TECH DE SERV SOC AE", + '989' => "INFIRMIERE OU INFIRMIER (NOUVEAU STATUT)", + '990' => "ASSISTANT DE SERVICE SOCIAL", + '991' => "SECRETAIRE DE DOCUMENTATION (ANC.STATUT)", + '992' => "INFIRMIER ET INFIRMIERE (ANCIEN STATUT)", + '993' => "DOCUMENTALISTE", + '994' => "CHEF D'ETUDES DOCUMENTAIRES", + '995' => "CHARGE D ETUDES DOCUMENTAIRES", + '996' => "CONSEILLER TECHNIQUE DE SERVICE SOCIAL", + '997' => "MEDECIN DE L'EDUCATION NATIONALE", + '998' => "MEDECIN DE L'E.N.- CONSEILLER TECHNIQUE", + '999' => "SANS CORRESPONDANCE CORPS", + '***' => "CONVENTION ETOILE, DECLINAISON TOUT CODE", + ) + ) ); - -$GLOBALS['supannTypeEntite'] = array ( - "C000" => "Bureau du président", - "C010" => "Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique (GIS)", - "C020" => "Aide à la conception de produits pédagogiques", - "C021" => "Conception de dispositifs de formation ouverts et à distance", - "C022" => "Coordination d'enseignement transversaux à plusieurs diplômes", - "C023" => "Création et mise en place d'une nouvelle filière", - "C030" => "Haut comité éducation économie", - "C031" => "Organisation", - "C032" => "Participation au développement et à l'animation de formations délocalisées", - "C033" => "Participation aux activités de formation continue", - "C034" => "Programmes pluriannuels de formation (PPF)", - "C035" => "Organisation", - "C050" => "Plateforme technologique", - "E101" => "Conseil d'Administration (CA)", - "E102" => "Section disciplinaire du CA", - "E103" => "Conseil Scientifique (CS)", - "E104" => "Conseil d'UFR", - "E105" => "Conseil d'école", - "E106" => "Conseil d'institut", - "E107" => "Conseil des Etudes et Vie Universitaire (CEVU)", - "E108" => "Conseil de service général universitaire", - "E109" => "Conseil de service commun universitaire", - "E201" => "Commission Paritaire Etablissement", - "E202" => "Commision consultative paritaire", - "E203" => "Commission de conseil", - "E204" => "Commission des Moyens", - "E205" => "Commission des Statuts ", - "E206" => "Commission Administrative Paritaire", - "E301" => "Comité Hygiène et Sécurité", - "E302" => "Comité de Pilotage SGI", - "E303" => "Comité Technique Paritaire ", - "E304" => "Comité consultatif", - "E305" => "Comité de sélection", - "E306" => "Comité de Pilotage SGI", - "E401" => "Jury", - "E801" => "Conseil CROUS", - "E901" => "CNESER (Conseil National de l'Ens. Sup. Rech.)", - "E902" => "CNU Conseil National des Universités", - "E903" => "CTPM Comité Tech. Par. Min. Ens. Sup. Rech.", - "S101" => "Grand établissement", - "S102" => "Université", - "S103" => "Institut ", - "S104" => "École ", - "S105" => "ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure)", - "S106" => "PRES (si celui-ci est de type EPSCP) sinon il faudra une catégorie N1-Autre", - "S107" => "EFE (Ecole Française de l'Etranger)", - "S108" => "Établissement public administratif rattaché", - "S109" => "Observatoire est-ce un EPSCP? Si oui il faut mettre N1-établissement", - "S120" => "Pôle ", - "S200" => "Composante", - "S201" => "UFR", - "S202" => "Département", - "S203" => "Unité de recherche", - "S204" => "Institut ", - "S205" => "École", - "S206" => "Centre polytechnique universitaire", - "S207" => "OSU (Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers)", - "S208" => "IUFM", - "S220" => "Structure fédérative de recherche", - "S221" => "Collège des écoles doctorales", - "S222" => "École doctorale", - "S230" => "Service central", - "S231" => "Service général ", - "S233" => "Scolarité", - "S234" => "Centre de ressources ", - "S235" => "Cellule universitaire d'accueil", - "S236" => "Cellule juridique", - "S237" => "Cellule controle gestion", - "S238" => "Centre", - "S239" => "Service culturel et action sociale", - "S240" => "Service des Relations Internationales", - "S241" => "Service inter-universitaire ", - "S250" => "SCD", - "S251" => "Section-SCD", - "S252" => "Formation permanente ", - "S253" => "SCUIO", - "S254" => "SAIC", - "S255" => "Autres comme CEP, UEFAPS, …", - "S256" => "Service technique", - "S257" => "Catégorie prévue dans la loi / peut être appelé \"service-commun-rattaché\"", - "S300" => "Cabinet", - "S301" => "Coordination", - "S302" => "Division", - "S304" => "Mission", - "S310" => "Laboratoire", - "S311" => "Département de formation", - "S312" => "Centre de recherche", - "S330" => "Campus", - "S340" => "Plate-forme de recherche ou plateau technique", -); - -// Table de tranduction des roles dans les entites -$GLOBALS['supannTranslateRoleEntiteValueDirectory'] = array( - "SUPANN" => array ( - "role" => $GLOBALS['supannRoleGenerique'], - "type" => $GLOBALS['supannTypeEntite'] - ) -); - -// Table des fonctions de tranduction des roles dans les entites -$GLOBALS['supannTranslateFunctionDirectory'] = array( - "no" => array( - "code" => "supanGetEntiteNameById" - ) -); - -// Table des code UAI -$GLOBALS['tableCodeUAI'] = array( - "0133774G" => "Ecole Centrale de Marseille", - "0840985P" => "Ecole de Gestion et de Commerce d'Avignon", - "0130230E" => "ECOLE DE L'AIR", - "0130239P" => "Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Marseille du groupe EUROMED", - "0132396J" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS DE MARSEILLE-CCIMP GROUPE ESIM IMT", - "0133347T" => "Institut Supérieur de Micro-Electronique Appliquée Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de St Etienne", - "0130238N" => "Institut supérieur du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics - CCIMP", - "0133393T" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE D'AIX MARSEILLE", - "0131842G" => "UNIVERSITE AIX MARSEILLE 1", - "0131843H" => "UNIVERSITE AIX MARSEILLE 2", - "0132364Z" => "UNIVERSITE AIX MARSEILLE 3 PAUL CEZANNE", - "0840685N" => "UNIVERSITE D AVIGNON ET DES PAYS DE VAUCLUSE", - "0801911T" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS EN ELECTROTECHNIQUE ET ELECTRONIQUE D'AMIENS", - "0800080C" => "GROUPE SUP DE CO ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE", - "0600071B" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR AGRICOLE DE BEAUVAIS", - "0801885P" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE D'AMIENS", - "0801344B" => "UNIVERSITE D'AMIENS", - "0601223D" => "UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE COMPIEGNE", - "0701045F" => "ECOLE DE GESTION, DE COMMERCE DE FRANCHE COMTE", - "0250082D" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE MECANIQUE ET DES MICROTECHNIQUES DE BESANCON", - "0900362E" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TECHN. ET DES AFFAIRES", - "0251762E" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE BESANCON", - "0251215K" => "UNIVERSITE DE BESANCON", - "0900424X" => "UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE BELFORT MONTBELIARD", - "0332984P" => "CENT ETUD SUP INDUST BLANQUEFO", - "0332818J" => "ECOLE COMMERCE EUROPEENNE GR INSEEC", - "0641848L" => "ECOLE DE GESTION ET DE COMMERCE DE BAYONNE", - "0330203S" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DES TRAVAUX AGRICOLES DE BORDEAUX", - "0330211A" => "ECOLE SUP DE COMMERCE DE BORDX GRPE BORDX ECOLE MANAGEMENT", - "0640096G" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE", - "0641923T" => "ES TECH INDUS AVANCEES BAYONNE", - "0332524P" => "I.N.S.E.E.C.", - "0332826T" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE BORDEAUX", - "0331764N" => "UNIVERSITE BORDEAUX 1 SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES", - "0331765P" => "UNIVERSITE BORDEAUX 2", - "0331766R" => "UNIVERSITE BORDEAUX 3", - "0332929E" => "UNIVERSITE BORDEAUX 4", - "0640251A" => "UNIVERSITE DE PAU", - "0501840D" => "ECOLE FORMATION GESTION COMM. EGC BASSE NORMANDIE", - "0611136D" => "ECOLE INGENIEURS INSTITUT SUP DE PLASTURGIE", - "0142124H" => "ECOLE MANAGEMENT DE NORMANDIE GROUPE LE HAVRE CAEN", - "0142182W" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D INGENIEURS DES TRAVAUX DE LA CONSTRUCTION DE CAEN", - "0142158V" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE CAEN", - "0141408E" => "UNIVERSITE DE CAEN, BASSE NORMANDIE", - "0631786Z" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DES TRAVAUX AGRICOLES DE CLERMONT FERRAND", - "0630109B" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE", - "0631833A" => "INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE MECANIQUE AVANCEE DE CLERMONT-FERRAND", - "0631821M" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE CLERMONT FERRAND", - "0631262E" => "UNIVERSITE DE CLERMONT FERRAND 1", - "0631525R" => "UNIVERSITE DE CLERMONT FERRAND 2", - "7200709H" => "ECOLE GESTION ET COMMERCE BORGO", - "7200164R" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE CORSE", - "7200664J" => "UNIVERSITE DE CORTE", - "0941934S" => "Ecole d'ingénieurs des technologies de l'information et du management", - "0772517T" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES PONTS ET CHAUSSEES", - "0772496V" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES SCIENCES GEOGRAPHIQUES", - "0940607Z" => "Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan", - "0942095S" => "ECOLE POUR INFORMAT.TECHN.AVA. EPITA", - "0941875C" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES INDUSTRIES DU CAOUTCHOUC", - "0941954N" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TRAVAUX DE LA CONSTRUCTION DE CACHAN (EX ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DE CACHAN)", - "0932019P" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS EN ELECTROTECHNIQUE ET ELECTRONIQUE DE LA CCI DE PARIS", - "0772219U" => "ESI INFORM GENIE TELECOM AVON ESIGETEL", - "0932341P" => "INST SUPERIEUR TECHNO MANAGT ISTM", - "0930603A" => "institut supérieur de mécanique de paris", - "0941936U" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE CRETEIL", - "0772502B" => "UNIVERSITE MARNE LA VALLEE", - "0931238R" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS NORD VILLETANEUSE", - "0941111X" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 12 VAL DE MARNE", - "0931827F" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 8", - "0212024L" => "ETABLISSEMENT NATIONAL D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR AGRONOMIQUE DE DIJON", - "0210099U" => "GROUPE ESC DIJON BOURGOGNE", - "0211960S" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE DIJON", - "0211237F" => "UNIVERSITE DE DIJON", - "0261251U" => "Ecole de commerce gestion administrative et vente", - "0730899F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE CHAMBERY", - "0382778N" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE GRENOBLE", - "0381912X" => "INSTITUT POLYTECHNIQUE DE GRENOBLE", - "0382955F" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE GRENOBLE", - "0730858L" => "UNIVERSITE DE CHAMBERY", - "0381838S" => "UNIVERSITE GRENOBLE 1", - "0381839T" => "UNIVERSITE GRENOBLE 2", - "0381840U" => "UNIVERSITE GRENOBLE 3", - "9710939U" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DES ANTILLES GUYANE", - "9710585J" => "UNIVERSITE DES ANTILLES GUYANE", - "9730224F" => "ANTENNE D IUFM IUFM ANTILLES GUYANE", - "0622384E" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL DU NORD", - "0595714R" => "EC SUP METROLOGIE DOUAI ECOLE SUPERIEUR DE METROLOGIE", - "0590349J" => "ECOLE CENTRALE DE LILLE", - "0590350K" => "ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES DU NORD", - "0623921A" => "ECOLE D'INGENIEURS DU PAS DE CALAIS", - "0596163D" => "ECOLE GESTION COMMERCE FLANDRE C.C.I. LILLE-METROPOLE", - "0590311T" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE DE LILLE, RATTACHEE A L'UNIVERSITE DE LILLE 1", - "0590338X" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES ARTS ET INDUSTRIES TEXTILES DE ROUBAIX", - "0590342B" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES MINES DE DOUAI", - "0590346F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE LILLE", - "0590353N" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES TEXTILES", - "0590348H" => "HAUTES ETUDES INDUSTRIELLES", - "0590345E" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE D'ARTS ET METIERS", - "0590344D" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE DE LILLE MEMBRE UNIV CATHOLIQUE DE LILL", - "0593202K" => "INSTITUT D'ECONOMIE SCIENTIFIQUE ET DE GESTION", - "0590343C" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'AGRICULTURE", - "0590347G" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE L ELECTRONIQUE ET DU NUMERIQUE LILLE", - "0595851P" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE LILLE", - "0623957P" => "UNIVERSITE D'ARTOIS", - "0593559Y" => "UNIVERSITE DE LILLE 1", - "0593560Z" => "UNIVERSITE DE LILLE 2", - "0593561A" => "UNIVERSITE DE LILLE 3", - "0593279U" => "UNIVERSITE DE VALENCIENNES", - "0595964M" => "UNIVERSITE DU LITTORAL", - "0190805X" => "EGC BRIVE ECOLE GESTION ET COMMERCE", - "0870997L" => "INSTITUT D'INGENIERIE INFORMATIQUE DE LIMOGES", - "0871012C" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DU LIMOUSIN", - "0870669E" => "UNIVERSITE DE LIMOGES", - "0011293A" => "ANTENNE DE PLASTURGIE DE L'INSA DE LYON", - "0693180G" => "ASSOCIATION LYONNAISE POUR LA FORMATION - INSTITUT POUR LA DIFFUSION DE LA RECHERCHE ACTIVE COMMERCIALE DE LYON", - "0691696U" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL RHONE ALPES AUVERGNE", - "0690194L" => "ECOLE CATHOLIQUE D'ARTS ET METIERS", - "0690187D" => "ECOLE CENTRALE DE LYON", - "0693448Y" => "ECOLE DE COMMERCE EUROPEENNE DE LYON DU GROUPE INSEEC", - "0690197P" => "ECOLE DE MANAGEMENT DE LYON", - "0692587M" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES TRAVAUX MARITIMES", - "0692566P" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DE L'ETAT", - "0420093Y" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DE SAINT-ETIENNE", - "0420094Z" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES MINES DE SAINT ETIENNE", - "0692459Y" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES SCIENCES DE L'INFORMATION ET DES BIBLIOTHEQUES (E.N.S.S.I.B.)", - "0693259T" => "ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE DE LYON", - "0693817Z" => "ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE LETTRES ET SCIENCES HUMAINES", - "0693623N" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE PHYSIQUE ELECTRONIQUE DE LYON", - "0421601M" => "GROUPE ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE SAINT ETIENNE", - "0690195M" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE DE LYON", - "0690192J" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE LYON", - "0692353H" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'AGRICULTURE RHONE ALPES", - "0693364G" => "INSTITUT TEXTILE ET CHIMIQUE DE LYON (ITECH)", - "0693480H" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE LYON", - "0421095M" => "UNIVERSITE DE SAINT-ETIENNE", - "0691774D" => "UNIVERSITE LYON 1", - "0691775E" => "UNIVERSITE LYON 2", - "0692437Z" => "UNIVERSITE LYON 3", - "9720719Z" => "EC.INTER.AFFAI.MANAGEMENT EIAM-EGC", - "9720706K" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE LA MARTINIQUE", - "0342222F" => "CIESSA MONTPELLIER SUP AGRONOMIE", - "0340131H" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE AGRONOMIQUE DE MONTPELLIER", - "0300063F" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES MINES D'ALES", - "0340137P" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE MONTPELLIER DU GROUPE SUP DE CODE MONTPELLIER", - "0341818S" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE MONTPELLIER", - "0341087X" => "UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER 1", - "0341089Z" => "UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER 3", - "0301687W" => "Université de Nîmes", - "0660437S" => "UNIVERSITE DE PERPIGNAN VIA DOMITIA", - "0341088Y" => "UNIVERSITE MONTPELLIER 2", - "0542260N" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL LORRAINE CHAMPAGNE ARDENNES", - "0570140T" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DE METZ", - "0880077F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES INDUSTRIES TEXTILES D'EPINAL", - "0573389Z" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS DES TRAVAUX DE LA CONSTRUCTION DE METZ", - "0573593W" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DU SOUDAGE ET DE SES APPLICATIONS", - "0542455A" => "Institut Commercial de Nancy - Ecole de Management", - "0541564G" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE LORRAINE", - "0542255H" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE NANCY METZ", - "0572081C" => "UNIVERSITE DE METZ", - "0541507V" => "UNIVERSITE NANCY 1", - "0541508W" => "UNIVERSITE NANCY 2", - "0440112H" => "Audencia école management Nantes", - "0442292C" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL DES PAYS DE LOIRE", - "0441965X" => "ECOLE ATLANTIQUE DE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D INDUSTRIE DE NANTES ET DE ST NAZAIRE.", - "0440100V" => "ECOLE CENTRALE DE NANTES", - "0721513D" => "Ecole de gestion et de commerce du Mans", - "0851465F" => "Ecole de gestion et de commerce Vendée", - "0441679L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DES TECHNIQUES DES INDUSTRIES AGRICOLES ET ALIMENTAIRES", - "0442205H" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES MINES DE NANTES", - "0492246A" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE ANGEVINE D'INFORMATIQUE ET DE PRODUCTIQUE", - "0490072M" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'AGRICULTURE D'ANGERS", - "0490075R" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'ELECTRONIQUE DE L'OUEST", - "0721575W" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES GEOMETRES TOPOGRAPHES", - "0490076S" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES SCIENCES COMMERCIALES D ANGERS DU GROUPE ESSCA", - "0442278M" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DU BOIS", - "0492202C" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE ET D APPLICATION DU GENIE", - "0492189N" => "INH ANGERS", - "0442185L" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE D'ARTS ET METIERS DE NANTES", - "0851415B" => "INSTITUT DE FORMATION DE L'UCO AUX METIERS DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT", - "0492248C" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL D'HORTICULTURE - ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DE L'HORTICULTURE ET DU PAYSAGE", - "0492247B" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL D'HORTICULTURE - ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'HORTICULTURE ET D'AMENAGEMENT DU PAYSAGE", - "0721484X" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DES MATERIAUX DU MANS", - "0442199B" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE NANTES", - "0490811R" => "UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE L'OUEST", - "0490970N" => "UNIVERSITE D'ANGERS", - "0440984F" => "UNIVERSITE DE NANTES", - "0720916E" => "UNIVERSITE LE MANS", - "0060656F" => "ECOLE HTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES C.E.R.A.M.", - "0831521C" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE MECANIQUE DE PARIS", - "0831458J" => "Institut Supérieur d'Electronique et du Numerique - TOULON", - "0061758D" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE NICE", - "0060931E" => "UNIVERSITE DE NICE", - "0830766G" => "UNIVERSITE DE TOULON", - "9830491S" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DU PACIFIQUE", - "9830445S" => "UNIVERSITE DE LA NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE", - "0451493D" => "EC DE COMMERCE ET DE GESTION ECG (CCI) ORLEANS", - "0371376V" => "EC SUP COMMERCE TOURS GROUPE ESCM TOURS POITIERS", - "0180910S" => "ECOLE NAT SUP ING DE BOURGES", - "0410981U" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE LA NATURE ET DU PAYSAGE DE BLOIS", - "0451482S" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE D'ORLEANS TOURS", - "0370800U" => "UNIVERSITE DE TOURS", - "0450855K" => "UNIVERSITE D'ORLEANS", - "0752092S" => "ACADEMIE COMMERCIALE INTERNATIONALE - NEGOCIA", - "0754988P" => "ADVANCIA", - "0753471R" => "CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL DES ARTS ET METIERS", - "0753636V" => "EC EUROPEENNE DE GESTION EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL", - "0754967S" => "EC SUP ACTION ET RECH COMMERC", - "0754431J" => "ECOLE CENTRALE D ́ELECTRONIQUE PARIS", - "0753742K" => "ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES EN SCIENCES SOCIALES", - "0750043P" => "ECOLE D'INGENIEURS DE LA VILLE DE PARIS", - "0753478Y" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DES CHARTES", - "0753503A" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DU GENIE RURAL DES EAUX ET DES FORETS", - "0753237L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'ARTS ET METIERS", - "0753375L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE DE PARIS, RATTACHEE A L'UNIVERSITE PARIS 6", - "0753493P" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES MINES DE PARIS", - "0751878J" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES AVANCEES", - "0753510H" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS", - "0753455Y" => "ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE", - "0753486G" => "ECOLE PRATIQUE DES HAUTES ETUDES", - "0753574C" => "ECOLE SPECIALE DE MECANIQUE ET D'ELECTRICITE", - "0753607N" => "ECOLE SPECIALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DU BATIMENT ET DE L'INDUSTRIE", - "0753560M" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D INFORMATIQUE ELECTRONIQUE AUTOMATIQUE", - "0753547Y" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE PARIS-ECOLE EUROPEENNE DES AFFAIRES, CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D INDUSTRIE DE PARIS", - "0753111Z" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE GESTION", - "0753429V" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE PHYSIQUE ET DE CHIMIE INDUSTRIELLES DE LA VILLE DE PARIS", - "0754500J" => "INST ETUD ECO ET COMMERCIALES", - "0753147N" => "INST INTERNAT COMMERCE DISTRIB", - "0752792C" => "INST PREPA ADM ET GESTION", - "0752304X" => "INST SUP SC TECHN ET ECO COMM", - "0753620C" => "INST SUPERIEUR DE GESTION", - "0753541S" => "INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE PARIS", - "0753428U" => "INSTITUT DE PHYSIQUE DU GLOBE DE PARIS", - "0753431X" => "INSTITUT D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS", - "0753465J" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL AGRONOMIQUE PARIS GRIGNON", - "0755026F" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL D HISTOIRE DE L ART", - "0753488J" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES LANGUES ET CIVILISATIONS ORIENTALES", - "0750252S" => "INSTITUT SUP DU COMMERCE", - "0753559L" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D ELECTRONIQUE DE PARIS", - "0754445Z" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE PARIS", - "0753494R" => "MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE", - "0753496T" => "OBSERVATOIRE DE PARIS", - "0750736T" => "UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE EN SCIENCES DES ORGANISATIONS ET DE LA DECISION DE PARIS-DAUPHINE", - "0751717J" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 1", - "0751718K" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 2", - "0751719L" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 3", - "0751720M" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 4", - "0751721N" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 5", - "0751722P" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 6", - "0751723R" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 7", - "0161122H" => "Ecole de gestion et de commerce d'Angoulème", - "0171435T" => "ECOLE D'INGENIEURS EN GENIE DES SYSTEMES INDUSTRIELS", - "0860073M" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE MECANIQUE ET D'AEROTECHNIQUE DE POITIERS, RATTACHEE A L'UNIVERSITE DE POITIERS", - "0171427J" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE", - "0861249R" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE POITOU-CHARENTES", - "0171463Y" => "UNIVERSITE DE LA ROCHELLE", - "0860856N" => "UNIVERSITE DE POITIERS", - "9840349G" => "UNIVERSITE POLYNESIE FRANCAISE", - "0101059X" => "Ecole Supérieure de Commerce", - "0511935B" => "Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de l'académie de Reims", - "0510088U" => "Reims management school", - "0511296G" => "Université de Reims", - "0101060Y" => "Université de Technologie de Troyes", - "0352330T" => "ECOLE DE GESTION ET DE COMMERCE DE BRETAGNE DE LA CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE DU PAYS DE ST MALO", - "0352337A" => "ECOLE LOUIS DE BROGLIE", - "0350095N" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE", - "0352480F" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DE LA STATISTIQUE ET DE L'ANALYSE DE L'INFORMATION", - "0290119X" => "ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DE BREST", - "0350087E" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE AGRONOMIQUE DE RENNES (AGROCAMPUS RENNES)", - "0350077U" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE DE RENNES, RATTACHEE A L'UNIVERSITE DE RENNES 1", - "0290125D" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES INGENIEURS DES ETUDES ET TECHNIQUES D'ARMEMENT", - "0291811L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS DE BRETAGNE", - "0290124C" => "ECOLE NAVALE", - "0560068V" => "ECOLE SPECIALE MILITAIRE DE SAINT CYR", - "0290127F" => "Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Bretagne Brest de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Brest", - "0351842M" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE ET D'APPLICATION DES TRANSMISSIONS", - "0352373P" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE PRIVEE EME", - "0352305R" => "GROUPE ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE RENNES", - "0352422T" => "INSTITUT D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES D'INDUSTRIE ET D'ECONOMIE LAITIERES (AGROCAMPUS RENNES)", - "0350097R" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE RENNES", - "0352347L" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL SUPERIEUR DE FORMATION AGROALIMENTAIRE (AGROCAMPUS RENNES)", - "0292125C" => "INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE L'ELECTRONIQUE ET DU NUMERIQUE", - "0352291A" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE RENNES", - "0290346U" => "UNIVERSITE DE BREST", - "0561718N" => "UNIVERSITE DE BRETAGNE SUD", - "0350936C" => "UNIVERSITE RENNES 1", - "0350937D" => "UNIVERSITE RENNES 2", - "9741101D" => "ECOLE DE GESTION ET COMMERCE CTRE CONSUL FORM.STE CLOTILDE", - "9741061K" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE LA REUNION", - "9740478B" => "UNIVERSITE DE LA REUNION", - "0762969P" => "CENTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CENTRE REGIONAL DE NORMANDIE", - "0760167U" => "ECOLE DE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE ROUEN", - "0760168V" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE SUP. DE CO. LE HAVRE CAEN", - "0762378X" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS EN GENIE ELECTRIQUE", - "0271338H" => "Ecole supérieure d'ingénieurs et techniciens pour l'agriculture", - "0760165S" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE ROUEN", - "0762970R" => "INSTITUT PORTUAIRE D ENSEIGNEMENT ET RECHERCHE LE HAVRE", - "0762952W" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE ROUEN", - "0761904G" => "UNIVERSITE DE ROUEN", - "0762762P" => "UNIVERSITE DU HAVRE", - "0670189S" => "ECOLE NATIONALE DU GENIE DE L'EAU ET DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT DE STRASBOURG", - "0680097L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE", - "0670190T" => "Institut nationale des sciences appliquées de Strasbourg", - "0672635A" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L'ACADEMIE DE STRASBOURG", - "0681166Y" => "UNIVERSITE DE MULHOUSE", - "0671712X" => "UNIVERSITE STRASBOURG 1", - "0671713Y" => "UNIVERSITE STRASBOURG 2", - "0671778U" => "UNIVERSITE STRASBOURG 3", - "0312020C" => "Centre d'Etudes Supérieures Industrielles Midi-Pyrénées", - "0811293R" => "Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche du Nord-Est Midi-Pyrénées Jean-Francois Champollion Albi", - "0820822Y" => "Ecole de Gestion et de Commerce", - "0310154Z" => "Ecole d'Ingénieur de purpan", - "0312069F" => "Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie", - "0311256X" => "Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile de Toulouse", - "0650048Z" => "Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes", - "0811200P" => "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Industrielles et des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux", - "0121367W" => "Ecole supérieure technique privée de gestion commerce informatique", - "0312013V" => "Ecole supérieure technique privée gestion commerce informatique", - "0310156B" => "Groupe Ecole supérieure de Commerce", - "0310155A" => "Institut catholique Toulouse", - "0312421N" => "Institut Catholique d'arts et métiers de Toulouse", - "0310152X" => "Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse", - "0311381H" => "Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse", - "0312760G" => "Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace", - "0312299F" => "Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres Académie de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées", - "0311382J" => "Université Toulouse 1 Sciences Sociales", - "0311383K" => "Université Toulouse 2 Le Mirail", - "0311384L" => "Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier", - "0922455U" => "CTRE D'ETUDES SUPERIEURES INDUSTRIELLES CTRE REGIONAL D'ILE DE FRANCE", - "0921682D" => "EC NAT STAT ADM ECO MALAKOFF", - "0921225G" => "ECOLE CENTRALE DES ARTS ET MANUFACTURES", - "0951820M" => "ECOLE DE BIOLOGIE INDUSTRIELLE EBI", - "0922369A" => "ECOLE DE MANAGEMENT LEONARD DE VINCI", - "0951819L" => "ECOLE D'ELECTRICITE DE PRODUCTION ET DES METHODES INDUSTRIELLES EPMI", - "0783054W" => "ECOLE HTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES H E C", - "0951623Y" => "ECOLE INTERNATIONALE DES SCIENCES DU TRAITEMENT DE L'INFORMATION", - "0951376E" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE L'ELECTRONIQUE ET DE SES APPLICATIONS DE CERGY", - "0910684Z" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES INDUSTRIES AGRICOLES ET ALIMENTAIRES", - "0920815L" => "ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DU PETROLE ET DES MOTEURS DE RUEIL", - "0911568K" => "ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE", - "0920674H" => "ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEMININE", - "0922007G" => "ECOLE PRIVEE DES DIRIGEANTS ET CREATEURS D'ENTREPRISES", - "0951214D" => "ECOLE SUP SC ECO COMMERCIALES INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE", - "0951803U" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE ORGANIQUE ET MINERALE ESCOM", - "0920672F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE FONDERIE", - "0911494E" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'ELECTRICITE PRIVEE SUPELEC", - "0921929X" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES AERONAUTIQUES ET DE CONSTRUCTION AUTOMOBILE", - "0922563L" => "Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard De Vinci. Etablissement d'Enseignement Supérieur Technique Privé.", - "0910725U" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'OPTIQUE", - "0922374F" => "ECOLE SUPERIEURE PRIVEE COMMERCE EXTERIEUR ESCE LDV", - "0951804V" => "institut géologique albert de lapparent (igal)", - "0910685A" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES NUCLEAIRES", - "0911781S" => "INSTITUT NATIONAL DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS", - "0951808Z" => "institut supérieur des techniques d'outre-mer (istom)", - "0781938H" => "INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES DE L 'ACADEMIE DE VERSAILLES", - "0951793H" => "UNIVERSITE CERGY PONTOISE", - "0781944P" => "UNIVERSITE DE VERSAILLES SAINT QUENTIN EN YVELINES", - "0911975C" => "UNIVERSITE EVRY VAL D ESSONNE", - "0921204J" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 10", - "0911101C" => "UNIVERSITE PARIS 11", -); - -$GLOBALS['supannTranslateEtablissementDirectory'] = array( - 'UAI' => $GLOBALS['tableCodeUAI'] -); -?> diff --git a/public_html/css/default/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.css b/public_html/css/default/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..214c2936 --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/css/default/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.css @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +ul.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute li { + border: 1px dotted #CCC; + padding: 2px; +} + +ul.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute li.noValue { + border: none; +} + +ul.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute p { + margin: 0; +} + +ul.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute p label { + font-weight: bold; +} + +input.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_search { + border: 1px solid #CCC; + width: 200px; + background: url('../../images/default/find.png') no-repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF !important; + padding-left: 18px; +} + +div.supannCompositeAttribute_possibleValues ul { + list-style-type: none; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + border: 1px solid #CCC; + border-collapse: collapse; +} + +div.supannCompositeAttribute_possibleValues li { + border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; + margin-bottom: 2px; +} + +div.supannCompositeAttribute_possibleValues li:hover { + background-color: #CCC; + cursor: pointer; +} diff --git a/public_html/images/default/LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_label_SUPANN.png b/public_html/images/default/LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_label_SUPANN.png deleted file mode 120000 index b171c1da..00000000 --- a/public_html/images/default/LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_label_SUPANN.png +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -LSformElement_supannRoleEntite_label_SUPANN.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public_html/images/default/supann_label_BCN.png b/public_html/images/default/supann_label_BCN.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3caf31fa Binary files /dev/null and b/public_html/images/default/supann_label_BCN.png differ diff --git a/public_html/images/default/supann_label_NCORPS.png b/public_html/images/default/supann_label_NCORPS.png new file mode 120000 index 00000000..1d462c8c --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/images/default/supann_label_NCORPS.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +supann_label_BCN.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public_html/images/default/supann_label_SISE.png b/public_html/images/default/supann_label_SISE.png new file mode 120000 index 00000000..1d462c8c --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/images/default/supann_label_SISE.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +supann_label_BCN.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public_html/images/default/LSformElement_supannRoleEntite_label_SUPANN.png b/public_html/images/default/supann_label_SUPANN.png similarity index 100% rename from public_html/images/default/LSformElement_supannRoleEntite_label_SUPANN.png rename to public_html/images/default/supann_label_SUPANN.png diff --git a/public_html/images/default/LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_label_UAI.png b/public_html/images/default/supann_label_UAI.png similarity index 100% rename from public_html/images/default/LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_label_UAI.png rename to public_html/images/default/supann_label_UAI.png diff --git a/public_html/includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php b/public_html/includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php index 6982766b..2708885f 100644 --- a/public_html/includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php +++ b/public_html/includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php @@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_01', LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_02', _("SUPANN Support : Can't get the basedn of entities. Unable to forge the attribute %{attr}.") ); - + /** * Verification du support SUPANN par ldapSaisie - * + * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval boolean true si SUPANN est pleinement supporté, false sinon */ function LSaddon_supann_support() { $retval = true; - + $MUST_DEFINE_CONST= array( 'LS_SUPANN_LASTNAME_ATTR', 'LS_SUPANN_FIRSTNAME_ATTR', @@ -68,16 +68,11 @@ LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_02', } $MUST_DEFINE_ARRAY= array( - 'supannRoleGenerique', - 'supannTypeEntite', - 'supannTranslateRoleEntiteValueDirectory', - 'supannTranslateFunctionDirectory', - 'tableCodeUAI', - 'supannTranslateEtablissementDirectory', + 'supannNomenclatures', ); foreach($MUST_DEFINE_ARRAY as $array) { if ( !isset($GLOBALS[$array]) || !is_array($GLOBALS[$array])) { - LSerror :: addErrorCode('SUPANN_SUPPORT_01',$array); + LSerror :: addErrorCode('SUPANN_SUPPORT_03',$array); $retval=false; } } @@ -87,13 +82,17 @@ LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_02', LSerror :: addErrorCode('SUPANN_SUPPORT_02', LS_SUPANN_LSOBJECT_ENTITE_TYPE); } } - + return $retval; } +/*********************************************************************** + * Fonctions de génération de valeurs d'attributs + **********************************************************************/ + /** * Generation du displayName - * + * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] $ldapObject L'objet ldap @@ -115,10 +114,10 @@ LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_02', return ($prenoms[0].' '.$noms[0]); } - + /** * Generation du CN - * + * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] $ldapObject L'objet ldap @@ -144,14 +143,14 @@ LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_02', /** * Generation des valeurs de l'attribut eduPersonOrgUnitDN à partir des * valeurs de l'attribut supannEntiteAffectation. - * + * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] $ldapObject L'objet ldap * * @retval array Les valeurs de l'attribut eduPersonOrgUnitDN ou false * si il y a un problème durant la génération - */ + */ function generate_eduPersonOrgUnitDN($ldapObject) { if ( get_class($ldapObject -> attrs[ 'supannEntiteAffectation' ]) != 'LSattribute' ) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('SUPANN_01',array('dependency' => 'supannEntiteAffectation', 'attr' => 'eduPersonOrgUnitDN')); @@ -175,16 +174,16 @@ LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_02', } /** - * Generation de la valeur de l'attribut eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN + * Generation de la valeur de l'attribut eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN * à partir de la valeur de l'attribut supannEntiteAffectationPrincipale. - * + * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] $ldapObject L'objet ldap * * @retval array La valeur de l'attribut eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN * ou false si il y a un problème durant la génération - */ + */ function generate_eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN($ldapObject) { if ( get_class($ldapObject -> attrs[ 'supannEntiteAffectationPrincipale' ]) != 'LSattribute' ) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('SUPANN_01',array('dependency' => 'supannEntiteAffectationPrincipale', 'attr' => 'eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN')); @@ -208,19 +207,19 @@ LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_02', } /** - * Generation de la valeur de l'attribut eduPersonOrgDN + * Generation de la valeur de l'attribut eduPersonOrgDN * à partir de la valeur de l'attribut supannEtablissement. * * La valeur sera LS_SUPANN_ETABLISSEMENT_DN si l'attribut supannEtablissement * vaut {UAI}LS_SUPANN_ETABLISSEMENT_UAI. - * + * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] $ldapObject L'objet ldap * * @retval array La valeur de l'attribut eduPersonOrgDN ou false * si il y a un problème durant la génération - */ + */ function generate_eduPersonOrgDN($ldapObject) { if ( get_class($ldapObject -> attrs[ 'supannEtablissement' ]) != 'LSattribute' ) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('SUPANN_01',array('dependency' => 'supannEtablissement', 'attr' => 'eduPersonOrgDN')); @@ -237,6 +236,31 @@ LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_02', return $retval; } +/*********************************************************************** + * Fonction de parsing des valeurs spécifiques SUPANN + **********************************************************************/ + + /** + * Parse une valeur a etiquette SUPANN + * + * Exemple de valeur : + * + * {SUPANN}S410 + * + * @param[in] $val La valeur + * + * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant label et value ou False + **/ + function supannParseLabeledValue($value) { + if (preg_match('/^\{([^\}]*)\}(.*)$/',$value,$m)) { + return array( + 'label'=>$m[1], + 'value'=>$m[2] + ); + } + return; + } + /** * Parse une valeur composite SUPANN * @@ -261,175 +285,139 @@ LSerror :: defineError('SUPANN_02', return; } - /** - * Retourne une eventuelle fonction de traduction d'une valeur - * en fonction de son label et de sa cle. - * - * Utilise la table $GLOBALS['supannTranslateFunctionDirectory'] - * - * @param[in] $label Le label de la valeur - * @param[in] $key La cle de la valeur - * - * @retval string|false Le nom de la fonction de traduction ou false - **/ - function supannTranslateRoleEntiteFunction($label,$key) { - if (isset($GLOBALS['supannTranslateFunctionDirectory'][$label][$key])) { - return $GLOBALS['supannTranslateFunctionDirectory'][$label][$key]; - } - return; - } - +/*********************************************************************** + * Fonctions relatives aux entités + **********************************************************************/ /** * Retourne le nom court d'une entite en fonction de son identifiant * - * Fonction utilise comme fonction de traduction dans la fonction - * supannTranslateRoleEntiteValue() - * - * @param[in] $label Le label de la valeur - * @param[in] $key La cle de la valeur - * @param[in] $value La valeur : l'identifiant de l'entite (supannCodeEntite) + * @param[in] $id L'identifiant de l'entite (supannCodeEntite) * * @retval string Le nom de l'entite **/ - function supanGetEntiteNameById($label,$key,$value) { + function supanGetEntiteNameById($id) { if (LSsession::loadLSobject(LS_SUPANN_LSOBJECT_ENTITE_TYPE)) { $type=LS_SUPANN_LSOBJECT_ENTITE_TYPE; $e = new $type(); - $list=$e -> listObjectsName("(supannCodeEntite=$value)",NULL,array(),LS_SUPANN_LSOBJECT_ENTITE_FORMAT_SHORTNAME); + $list=$e -> listObjectsName("(supannCodeEntite=$id)",NULL,array(),LS_SUPANN_LSOBJECT_ENTITE_FORMAT_SHORTNAME); if (count($list)==1) { - return array( - 'translated' => array_pop($list), - 'label' => $label - ); + return array_pop($list); } } - return array( - 'translated' => getFData(__("%{value} (unrecognized value)"),$value), - 'label' => $label - ); + return getFData(__("Entity %{id} (unrecognized)"),$id); } /** - * Parse une valeur a etiquette SUPANN + * Valide l'ID d'une entite * - * Exemple de valeur : + * @param[in] $id L'identifiant de l'entite (supannCodeEntite) * - * {SUPANN}S410 - * - * @param[in] $val La valeur - * - * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant label et value ou False + * @retval boolean True si une entité avec cet ID existe, False sinon **/ - function supannParseLabeledValue($value) { - if (preg_match('/^\{([^\}]*)\}(.*)$/',$value,$m)) { - return array( - 'label'=>$m[1], - 'value'=>$m[2] - ); - } - return; - } - - /** - * Simple découpage label/valeur sans traduction réel - * - * @param[in] $key La cle - * @param[in] $value La valeur - * - * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant label et translated - **/ - function supannTranslateLabeledValue($value) { - $label='no'; - $pl=supannParseLabeledValue($value); - if ($pl) { - $label=$pl['label']; - $value=$pl['value']; - } - - return array( - 'label' => $label, - 'translated' => $value - ); - } - - /** - * Traduit une valeur en fonction de sa cle extrait d'un attribut - * supannRoleEntite. - * - * @param[in] $key La cle - * @param[in] $value La valeur - * - * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant label et translated ou False - **/ - function supannTranslateRoleEntiteValue($key,$value) { - $label='no'; - $pl=supannParseLabeledValue($value); - if ($pl) { - $label=$pl['label']; - $value=$pl['value']; - } - - // Translate by method - if (supannTranslateRoleEntiteFunction($label,$key)) { - $func = supannTranslateRoleEntiteFunction($label,$key); - if (function_exists($func)) { - try { - return $func($label,$key,$value); - } - catch (Exception $e) { - return; - } - } - else { - return; + function supannValidateEntityId($id) { + if (LSsession::loadLSobject(LS_SUPANN_LSOBJECT_ENTITE_TYPE)) { + $type=LS_SUPANN_LSOBJECT_ENTITE_TYPE; + $e = new $type(); + $list=$e -> listObjectsName("(supannCodeEntite=$id)"); + if (count($list)==1) { + return true; } } - // Translate by directory - elseif (isset($GLOBALS['supannTranslateRoleEntiteValueDirectory'][$label][$key][$value])) { - return array( - 'translated' => $GLOBALS['supannTranslateRoleEntiteValueDirectory'][$label][$key][$value], - 'label' => $label - ); - } - else { - return array( - 'label' => $label, - 'translated' => $value - ); - } + return false; } /** - * Traduit une valeur en fonction de sa cle extrait d'un attribut - * supannEtablissement + * Cherche des entités répond au pattern de recherche passé en paramètres + * et retourne un tableau mettant en relation leur identifiant et leur nom + * d'affichage. * - * @param[in] $key La cle - * @param[in] $value La valeur + * @param[in] $pattern string Le pattern de recherche * - * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant label et translated + * @retval array Tableau du résultat de la recherche mettant en relation + * l'identifiant des entités trouvés avec leur nom d'affichage. **/ - function supannTranslateEtablissement($value) { - $label='no'; - $pl=supannParseLabeledValue($value); - if ($pl) { - $label=$pl['label']; - $value=$pl['value']; - } - - if (isset($GLOBALS['supannTranslateEtablissementDirectory'][$label][$value])) { - return array( - 'translated' => $GLOBALS['supannTranslateEtablissementDirectory'][$label][$value], - 'label' => $label - ); - } - else { - return array( - 'label' => $label, - 'translated' => $value - ); - } + function supannSearchEntityByPattern($pattern) { + $retval=array(); + if (LSsession::loadLSclass('LSsearch')) { + $search=new LSsearch( + LS_SUPANN_LSOBJECT_ENTITE_TYPE, + 'SUPANN:supannSearchEntityByPattern', + array( + 'pattern' => $pattern, + 'attributes' => array('supannCodeEntite'), + 'sizelimit' => 10, + ) + ); + $search -> run(); + + foreach($search -> getSearchEntries() as $e) { + $code=$e->get('supannCodeEntite'); + if (is_array($code)) $code=$code[0]; + $retval[$code]=$e->displayName; + } + } + return $retval; } -?> +/*********************************************************************** + * Fonctions relatives aux nomenclatures + **********************************************************************/ + + /** + * Vérifie si une valeur et son étiquette sont valide pour une table donnée + * + * @param[in] $table La table de nomenclature + * @param[in] $label L'étiquette de la valeur + * @param[in] $value La valeur + * + * @retval booleab True si valide, False sinon + **/ + function supannValidateNomenclatureValue($table,$label,$value) { + $label=strtoupper($label); + if (isset($GLOBALS['supannNomenclatures'][$label]) && + isset($GLOBALS['supannNomenclatures'][$label][$table]) && + isset($GLOBALS['supannNomenclatures'][$label][$table][$value])) { + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Retourne le label d'une valeur en fonction de la table de nomenclature + * et de l'étiquette de la valeur. + * + * @param[in] $table La table de nomenclature + * @param[in] $label L'étiquette de la valeur + * @param[in] $value La valeur + * + * @retval array Le label de la valeur. En cas de valeur nor-reconnue, retourne + * la valeur en spécifiant qu'elle n'est pas reconnue. + **/ + function supannGetNomenclatureLabel($table,$label,$value) { + if (supannValidateNomenclatureValue($table,$label,$value)) { + $label=strtoupper($label); + return $GLOBALS['supannNomenclatures'][$label][$table][$value]; + } + return getFData(__("%{value} (unrecognized value)"),$value); + } + + /** + * Retourne les valeurs possibles d'une table de nomenclature + * + * @param[in] $table La table de nomenclature + * + * @retval array Tableau contenant les valeurs possibles de la table + * de nomenclature + **/ + function supannGetNomenclatureTable($table) { + $retval=array(); + foreach($GLOBALS['supannNomenclatures'] as $label => $tables) { + if (isset($GLOBALS['supannNomenclatures'][$label][$table])) { + $retval[$label]=$GLOBALS['supannNomenclatures'][$label][$table]; + } + } + return $retval; + } + diff --git a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_supannRoleEntite.php b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_supannRoleEntite.php index c2178e11..54931868 100644 --- a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_supannRoleEntite.php +++ b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSattr_html_supannRoleEntite.php @@ -30,5 +30,3 @@ class LSattr_html_supannRoleEntite extends LSattr_html { var $LSformElement_type = 'supannRoleEntite'; } - -?> diff --git a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7d2309ed --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ + + */ + +class LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement { + + var $template = 'LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.tpl'; + var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field.tpl'; + + /* + * Composants des valeurs composites : + * + * Format : + * array ( + * '[clé composant1]' => array ( + * 'label' => '[label composant]', + * 'type' => '[type de composant]', + * 'table' => '[table de nomenclature correspondante]', + * 'required' => '[booléen obligatoire]' + * ), + * '[clé composant 2]' => array ( + * [...] + * ), + * [...] + * ) + * Types : + * - 'table' => Composant alimenté à partir d'une table issu de la + * nomenclature SUPANN. Le paramètre 'table' permet alors + * de spécifier quel table SUPANN intéroger. + * - 'codeEntite' => Composant stockant le code d'une entite SUPANN de + * l'annuaire. + * - 'text' => saisie manuelle + * + */ + var $components = array (); + + var $_postParsedData=null; + + /** + * Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément + * + * Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement + * + * @retval array + */ + function getDisplay(){ + $return = $this -> getLabelInfos(); + + $parseValues=array(); + $invalidValues=array(); + foreach($this -> values as $val) { + $keyValue=supannParseCompositeValue($val); + if ($keyValue) { + $parseValue=array('value' => $val); + foreach($keyValue as $key => $value) { + $parseValue[$key]=$this -> translateComponentValue($key,$value); + } + $parseValues[]=$parseValue; + } + else { + $invalidValues[]=$val; + } + } + + $return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(NULL, + array( + 'parseValues' => $parseValues, + 'components' => $this -> components + ) + ); + LSsession :: addCssFile('LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.css'); + if (!$this -> isFreeze()) { + LSsession :: addJSconfigParam( + $this -> name, + array( + 'searchBtn' => _('Modify'), + 'noValueLabel' => _('No set value'), + 'noResultLabel' => _('No result'), + 'components' => $this->components + ) + ); + LSsession :: addJSscript('LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value_component.js'); + LSsession :: addJSscript('LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value.js'); + LSsession :: addJSscript('LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field.js'); + LSsession :: addJSscript('LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.js'); + } + return $return; + } + + + /** + * Retourne le code HTML d'un champ vide + * + * @retval string Code HTML d'un champ vide. + */ + function getEmptyField() { + return $this -> fetchTemplate($this -> fieldTemplate,array('components' => $this -> components)); + } + + /** + * Traduit la valeur d'un composant + * + * Retourne un array contenant : + * - label : l'étiquette de la valeur ou 'no' sinon + * - value : la valeur brute + * - translated : la valeur traduite ou la valeur elle même + * + * @param[in] $c string Le nom du composant + * @param[in] $val string La valeur + * + * @retval array + **/ + function translateComponentValue($c,$val) { + $retval = array ( + 'translated' => $val, + 'label' => 'no', + 'value' => $val, + ); + if (isset($this -> components[$c])) { + if ($this -> components[$c]['type']=='table') { + $pv=supannParseLabeledValue($val); + if ($pv) { + $retval['label'] = $pv['label']; + $retval['translated'] = supannGetNomenclatureLabel($this -> components[$c]['table'],$pv['label'],$pv['value']); + } + } + elseif ($this -> components[$c]['type']=='codeEntite') { + $retval['translated']=supanGetEntiteNameById($val); + } + //elseif type == 'text' => aucune transformation + } + return $retval; + } + + /** + * Recupère la valeur de l'élement passée en POST + * + * Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère + * pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément + * + * @param[] array Pointeur sur le tableau qui recupèrera la valeur. + * + * @retval boolean true si la valeur est présente en POST, false sinon + */ + function getPostData(&$return) { + if($this -> isFreeze()) { + return true; + } + + $count=0; + $end=false; + $parseValues=array(); + $return[$this -> name]=array(); + while ($end==false) { + $value=""; + $parseValue=array(); + $errors=array(); + $unemptyComponents=array(); + foreach ($this -> components as $c => $cconf) { + if (isset($_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c][$count])) { + $parseValue[$c]=$_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c][$count]; + if ($cconf['required'] && empty($parseValue[$c])) { + $errors[]=getFData(__('Component %{c} must be defined'),__($cconf['label'])); + continue; + } + if (empty($parseValue[$c])) { + continue; + } + $unemptyComponents[]=$c; + if ($cconf['type']=='table') { + $pv=supannParseLabeledValue($parseValue[$c]); + if ($pv) { + if (!supannValidateNomenclatureValue($cconf['table'],$pv['label'],$pv['value'])) { + $errors[]=getFData(__('Invalid value for component %{c}.'),__($cconf['label'])); + } + } + else { + $errors[]=getFData(__('Unparsable value for component %{c}.'),__($cconf['label'])); + } + } + elseif ($cconf['type']=='codeEntite') { + if (!supannValidateEntityId($parseValue[$c])) { + $errors[]=getFData(__('Invalid value for component %{c}.'),__($cconf['label'])); + } + } + if (is_array($cconf['check_data'])) { + foreach($cconf['check_data'] as $ruleType => $rconf) { + $className='LSformRule_'.$ruleType; + if (LSsession::loadLSclass($className)) { + $r=new $className(); + if (!$r -> validate($parseValue[$c],$rconf,$this)) { + if (isset($rconf['msg'])) { + $errors[]=getFData(__($rconf['msg']),__($cconf['label'])); + } + else { + $errors[]=getFData(__('Invalid value for component %{c}.'),__($cconf['label'])); + } + } + } + else { + $errors[]=getFData(__("Can't validate value of component %{c}."),__($cconf['label'])); + } + } + } + $value.="[".$c."=".$parseValue[$c].']'; + } + else { + // end of value break + $end=true; + break; + } + + } + if (!$end) { + if (!empty($unemptyComponents)) { + foreach($errors as $e) { + $this -> form -> setElementError($this -> attr_html,$e); + } + $return[$this -> name][]=$value; + $parseValues[]=$parseValue; + } + $count++; + } + } + $this -> _postParsedData=$parseValues; + return true; + } + + /** + * This ajax method is used by the searchComponentPossibleValues function of the form element. + * + * @param[in] $data The address to the array of data witch will be return by the ajax request + * + * @retval void + **/ + public static function ajax_searchComponentPossibleValues(&$data) { + if ((isset($_REQUEST['attribute'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['component'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['pattern'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['idform'])) ) { + if (LSsession ::loadLSobject($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) { + $object = new $_REQUEST['objecttype'](); + $form = $object -> getForm($_REQUEST['idform']); + $field=$form -> getElement($_REQUEST['attribute']); + if (isset($field->components[$_REQUEST['component']])) { + $data['possibleValues'] = $field -> searchComponentPossibleValues($_REQUEST['component'],$_REQUEST['pattern']); + } + } + } + } + + private function searchComponentPossibleValues($c,$pattern) { + $pattern=strtolower($pattern); + $retval=array(); + if (isset($this -> components[$c])) { + if ($this -> components[$c]['type'] == 'table') { + $table=supannGetNomenclatureTable($this -> components[$c]['table']); + foreach($table as $label => $values) { + foreach($values as $v => $txt) { + if (strpos(strtolower($txt),$pattern)!==false) { + $retval[]=array( + 'label' => $label, + 'value' => "{".$label."}".$v, + 'translated' => $txt + ); + } + } + } + } + elseif ($this -> components[$c]['type'] == 'codeEntite') { + foreach (supannSearchEntityByPattern($pattern) as $code => $displayName) { + $retval[]=array( + 'label' => 'no', + 'value' => $code, + 'translated' => $displayName + ); + } + } + } + return $retval; + } + +} + +?> diff --git a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtablissement.php b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtablissement.php index 6fd60bd1..de0c87e1 100644 --- a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtablissement.php +++ b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtablissement.php @@ -34,17 +34,7 @@ LSsession :: loadLSaddon('supann'); class LSformElement_supannEtablissement extends LSformElement_supannLabeledValue { - /** - * Traduit une valeur - * - * @param[in] $value La valeur - * - * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant translated et label ou False - **/ - function translate($value) { - return supannTranslateEtablissement($value); - } - + var $supannNomenclatureTable = 'codeEtablissement'; } diff --git a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannLabeledValue.php b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannLabeledValue.php index bbcf1f53..32238818 100644 --- a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannLabeledValue.php +++ b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannLabeledValue.php @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ class LSformElement_supannLabeledValue extends LSformElement { var $template = 'LSformElement_supannLabeledValue.tpl'; var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_field.tpl'; + + var $supannNomenclatureTable = null; /** * Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément @@ -49,31 +51,33 @@ class LSformElement_supannLabeledValue extends LSformElement { $parseValues=array(); foreach($this -> values as $val) { - $parseValue=array( - 'value' => $val - ); - $tr=$this -> translate($val); - if ($tr) { - if($tr['translated']) - $parseValue['translated']=$tr['translated']; - if($tr['label']) - $parseValue['label']=$tr['label']; - } - $parseValues[]=$parseValue; + $parseValues[]=$this -> parseValue($val); } $return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(NULL,array('parseValues' => $parseValues)); return $return; } /** - * Traduit une valeur + * Parse une valeur * * @param[in] $value La valeur * - * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant translated et label ou False + * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant value, translated et label **/ - function translate($value) { - return supannTranslateLabeledValue($value); + function parseValue($value) { + $retval=array( + 'value' => $value, + ); + $pv=supannParseLabeledValue($value); + if ($pv) { + $retval['label'] = $pv['label']; + $retval['translated'] = supannGetNomenclatureLabel($this -> supannNomenclatureTable,$pv['label'],$pv['value']); + } + else { + $retval['label'] = 'no'; + $retval['translated'] = getFData(__('%s (Unparsable value)'),$value); + } + return $retval; } } diff --git a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php index 9087326f..918589b4 100644 --- a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php +++ b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ ******************************************************************************/ -LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSformElement'); +LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute'); LSsession :: loadLSaddon('supann'); /** @@ -32,46 +32,29 @@ LSsession :: loadLSaddon('supann'); * @author Benjamin Renard */ -class LSformElement_supannRoleEntite extends LSformElement { +class LSformElement_supannRoleEntite extends LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute { - var $template = 'LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.tpl'; - var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_supannRoleEntite_field.tpl'; - - /** - * Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément - * - * Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement - * - * @retval array - */ - function getDisplay(){ - $return = $this -> getLabelInfos(); - - $parseValues=array(); - foreach($this -> values as $val) { - $keyValue=supannParseCompositeValue($val); - if ($keyValue) { - $parseValue=array('value' => $val); - foreach($keyValue as $key => $value) { - $parseValue[$key]=array( - 'value' => $value - ); - $tr=supannTranslateRoleEntiteValue($key,$value); - if ($tr) { - if($tr['translated']) - $parseValue[$key]['translated']=$tr['translated']; - if($tr['label']) - $parseValue[$key]['label']=$tr['label']; - } - } - $parseValues[]=$parseValue; - } - } - - $return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(NULL,array('parseValues' => $parseValues)); - return $return; + function LSformElement_supannRoleEntite (&$form, $name, $label, $params,&$attr_html){ + $this -> components = array ( + 'role' => array ( + 'label' => _('Role'), + 'type' => 'table', + 'table' => 'roleGenerique', + 'required' => true, + ), + 'type' => array ( + 'label' => _('Entity type'), + 'type' => 'table', + 'table' => 'typeEntite', + 'required' => true, + ), + 'code' => array ( + 'label' => _('Entity'), + 'type' => 'codeEntite', + 'required' => false + ) + ); + return parent::LSformElement ($form, $name, $label, $params,$attr_html); } } - -?> diff --git a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleGenerique.php b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleGenerique.php index 5639af2d..0abb653c 100644 --- a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleGenerique.php +++ b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleGenerique.php @@ -34,17 +34,7 @@ LSsession :: loadLSaddon('supann'); class LSformElement_supannRoleGenerique extends LSformElement_supannLabeledValue { - /** - * Traduit une valeur - * - * @param[in] $value La valeur - * - * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant translated et label ou False - **/ - function translate($value) { - return supannTranslateRoleEntiteValue('role',$value); - } - + var $supannNomenclatureTable = 'roleGenerique'; } diff --git a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannTypeEntite.php b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannTypeEntite.php index 34749b9c..394c42bd 100644 --- a/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannTypeEntite.php +++ b/public_html/includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannTypeEntite.php @@ -34,17 +34,7 @@ LSsession :: loadLSaddon('supann'); class LSformElement_supannTypeEntite extends LSformElement_supannLabeledValue { - /** - * Traduit une valeur - * - * @param[in] $value La valeur - * - * @retval array Un tableau cle->valeur contenant translated et label ou False - **/ - function translate($value) { - return supannTranslateRoleEntiteValue('type',$value); - } - + var $supannNomenclatureTable = 'typeEntite'; } diff --git a/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.js b/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5e76902 --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.js @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +var LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute = new Class({ + initialize: function(){ + this.fields = []; + this.initialiseLSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute(); + }, + + initialiseLSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute: function(el) { + if (!$type(el)) { + el = document; + } + el.getElements('ul.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute').each(function(ul) { + this.fields[ul.id] = new LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field(ul); + }, this); + } +}); +window.addEvent(window.ie ? 'load' : 'domready', function() { + varLSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute = new LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute(); +}); diff --git a/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field.js b/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1ea6095d --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +var LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field = new Class({ + initialize: function(ul){ + this.ul=ul; + this.dd=ul.getParent(); + this.name = ul.id; + this.values = []; + this.field_type = ul.get('data-fieldType'); + this.initializeLSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field(); + varLSform.addField(this.name,this); + }, + + initializeLSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field: function(el) { + if (!$type(el)) { + el = this.ul; + } + el.getElements('li').each(function(li) { + this.values.push(new LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value(li,this.name,this.field_type)); + }, this); + }, + + clearValue: function() { + console.log('clear'); + console.log(this.values); + if (this.values.length>1) { + for(var i=1; i<=this.values.length; i++) { + $(this.values[i].li).dispose(); + } + this.values[0].clear(); + } + else if (this.values.length==1) { + this.values[0].clear(); + } + } +}); diff --git a/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value.js b/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0468e7dd --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value.js @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +var LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value = new Class({ + initialize: function(li,name,field_type){ + this.li=li; + this.name = name; + this.components = {}; + this.field_type = field_type; + this.initializeLSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value(); + varLSform.addModule(field_type,this); + }, + + initializeLSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value: function(el) { + if (!$type(el)) { + el = this.li; + } + el.getElements('p').each(function(p) { + this.components[p.get('data-component')]=new LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value_component(p,p.get('data-component'),this.name); + }, this); + }, + + reinitialize: function(el) { + this.initializeLSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value(el); + }, + + clear: function() { + for (c in this.components) { + this.components[c].clear(); + } + } +}); diff --git a/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value_component.js b/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value_component.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22e2a51f --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/includes/js/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value_component.js @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +var LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field_value_component = new Class({ + initialize: function(p,name,field_name){ + this.p = p; + this.field_name = field_name; + this.name = name; + this.params = varLSdefault.LSjsConfig[this.field_name]; + + this.input = p.getElement('input'); + this.img = p.getElement('img'); + this.span = p.getElement('span'); + + if (this.params.components[this.name].type=="table" || this.params.components[this.name].type=="codeEntite") { + this.inputSearch=new Element( + 'input', + { + 'class': 'LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_search', + 'styles': { + 'display': 'none' + } + } + ); + this.inputSearch.addEvent('keydown',this.onKeyUpInputSearch.bindWithEvent(this)); + this.inputSearch.injectInside(this.p); + + this.searchBtn=new Element( + 'img', + { + 'src': varLSdefault.imagePath('modify'), + 'alt': this.params.searchBtn, + 'title': this.params.searchBtn, + } + ); + this.searchBtn.addEvent('click',this.toogleInputSearch.bind(this)); + this.searchBtn.injectBefore(this.inputSearch); + + this._lastSearch=null; + this._possibleValues=null; + } + }, + + toogleInputSearch: function() { + if (this.inputSearch.getStyle('display')=='none') { + this.inputSearch.setStyle('display','block'); + this.inputSearch.focus(); + } + else { + this.hidePossibleValues(); + this.inputSearch.setStyle('display','none'); + this.inputSearch.set('value',''); + } + }, + + onKeyUpInputSearch: function(event) { + event = new Event(event); + + if ((event.key=='enter')||(event.key=='tab')) { + event.stop(); + if (this.inputSearch.value!="") { + this.launchSearch(); + } + } + + if (event.key=='esc') { + this.toogleInputSearch(); + } + }, + + launchSearch: function() { + this.hidePossibleValues(); + this._lastSearch=this.inputSearch.value; + var data = { + template: 'LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute', + action: 'searchComponentPossibleValues', + attribute: this.field_name, + objecttype: varLSform.objecttype, + idform: varLSform.idform, + component: this.name, + pattern: this.inputSearch.value + }; + data.imgload=varLSdefault.loadingImgDisplay(this.inputSearch); + new Request({url: 'index_ajax.php', data: data, onSuccess: this.onSearchComplete.bind(this)}).send(); + }, + + onSearchComplete: function(responseText, responseXML) { + var data = JSON.decode(responseText); + if ( varLSdefault.checkAjaxReturn(data) ) { + this.displayPossibleValues(data.possibleValues); + } + }, + + displayPossibleValues: function(possibleValues) { + if (this._possibleValues==null) { + this._possibleValues=new Element( + 'div', + { + 'class': 'supannCompositeAttribute_possibleValues', + } + ); + this._possibleValues.injectInside(this.p); + } + + + var ul=new Element('ul'); + possibleValues.each(function(v) { + var li=new Element( + 'li', + { + 'data-value': v.value, + 'data-label': v.label, + 'data-translated': v.translated, + } + ); + if (v.label!='no') { + li.set('html',"["+v.label+"] "+v.translated); + } + else { + li.set('html',v.translated); + } + li.injectInside(this); + }, ul); + if (ul.getElements('li').length==0) { + new Element( + 'li', + { + 'html': this.params.noResultLabel + } + ).injectInside(ul); + } + else { + ul.getElements('li').each(function(li) { + li.addEvent('click',this.onClickPossibleValue.bindWithEvent(this)); + }, this); + } + ul.injectInside(this._possibleValues); + this._possibleValues.setStyle('display', 'block'); + }, + + hidePossibleValues: function() { + if (this._possibleValues!=null) { + this._possibleValues.setStyle('display', 'none'); + this._possibleValues.empty(); + } + }, + + onClickPossibleValue: function(event) { + this.hidePossibleValues(); + event = new Event(event); + var li=$(event.target); + if (event.target.tagName=='IMG') { + li=li.getParent(); + } + this.input.set('value',li.get('data-value')); + if (li.get('data-label')!='no') { + if (this.img==null) { + this.img=new Element('img'); + this.img.injectBefore(this.span); + } + this.img.set('src',varLSdefault.imagePath('supann_label_'+li.get('data-label'))); + } + this.span.set('html',li.get('data-translated')); + this.toogleInputSearch(); + }, + + clear: function() { + if (this.img) { + this.img.dispose(); + this.img=null; + } + this.input.set('value',''); + if (this.span) { + this.span.set('html',this.params.noValueLabel); + } + } +}); diff --git a/public_html/lang/fr_FR.UTF8/LC_MESSAGES/ldapsaisie.mo b/public_html/lang/fr_FR.UTF8/LC_MESSAGES/ldapsaisie.mo index 7fbb94fa..dfce1e5d 100644 Binary files a/public_html/lang/fr_FR.UTF8/LC_MESSAGES/ldapsaisie.mo and b/public_html/lang/fr_FR.UTF8/LC_MESSAGES/ldapsaisie.mo differ diff --git a/public_html/lang/fr_FR.UTF8/LC_MESSAGES/ldapsaisie.po b/public_html/lang/fr_FR.UTF8/LC_MESSAGES/ldapsaisie.po index 1b1ce7bb..5bda436a 100644 --- a/public_html/lang/fr_FR.UTF8/LC_MESSAGES/ldapsaisie.po +++ b/public_html/lang/fr_FR.UTF8/LC_MESSAGES/ldapsaisie.po @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: LdapSaisie\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-18 00:25+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-18 00:25+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Benjamin Renard \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-20 00:03+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-20 00:07+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Benjamin Renard \n" "Language-Team: LdapSaisie \n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ msgstr "" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: /var/www/ldapsaisie/trunk\n" +#: image.php:37 +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "Paramètre manquant" + #: custom_action.php:53 msgid "The custom action %{customAction} have been successfully execute on %{objectname}." msgstr "L'action personnalisée %{customAction} a été correctement exécutée sur %{objectname}." @@ -30,905 +34,138 @@ msgid "Do you really want to execute custom action %{customAction} on %{objectna msgstr "Êtes-vous vraiment sûre de vouloir exécuter l'action personnalisée %{customAction} sur %{objectname} ?" #: custom_action.php:83 -#: includes/class/class.LSsmoothbox.php:39 -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1193 -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:68 -#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:37 #: remove.php:51 +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1216 +#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:37 +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:68 +#: includes/class/class.LSsmoothbox.php:39 +#: custom_search_action.php:73 msgid "Validate" msgstr "Valider" -#: create.php:53 -msgid "Data entry form" -msgstr "Masque de saisie" +#: remove.php:37 +#: remove.php:48 +msgid "Deleting" +msgstr "Suppression" -#: create.php:59 -msgid "Object has been added." -msgstr "L'objet a été ajouté." +#: remove.php:39 +msgid "has been deleted successfully" +msgstr "a bien été supprimé" -#: create.php:98 -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nouveau" - -#: select.php:60 -#: view.php:118 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Rechercher" - -#: select.php:61 -#: view.php:119 -msgid "Approximative search" -msgstr "Recherche approximative" - -#: select.php:62 -#: view.php:120 -msgid "Recursive search" -msgstr "Recherche récursive" - -#: select.php:63 -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1153 -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2023 -msgid "Level" -msgstr "Niveau" - -#: modify.php:54 -#: view.php:43 -#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:145 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:68 -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:82 -msgid "Modify" -msgstr "Modifier" - -#: modify.php:60 -msgid "The object has been partially modified." -msgstr "L'objet a été partiellement modifié." - -#: modify.php:63 -msgid "The object has been modified successfully." -msgstr "L'objet a bien été modifié." - -#: modify.php:104 -#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:137 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Voir" - -#: modify.php:111 -#: view.php:59 -#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:161 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:69 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:81 -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:40 -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:218 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "Supprimer" - -#: view.php:51 -#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:153 -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Copier" - -#: view.php:88 -msgid "My account" -msgstr "Mon compte" - -#: index.php:28 -msgid "Home" -msgstr "Accueil" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_date.php:159 -msgid "Now." -msgstr "Maintenant." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_date.php:160 -msgid "Today." -msgstr "Aujourd'hui." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_xmpp.php:50 -msgid "Chat with this person." -msgstr "Discuter avec cette personne." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsmoothbox.php:38 -msgid "Are you sure to want to close this window and lose all changes ?" -msgstr "Êtes-vous sûre de vouloir femer cette fenêtre et de perdre tous vos changements ?" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select.php:52 -msgid "Reset selection." -msgstr "Réinitiliser la sélection." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select.php:58 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:94 -msgid "%{value} (unrecognized value)" -msgstr "%{value} (valeur non-reconnue)" - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_ldap_password.php:214 -msgid "LSattr_ldap_password : Encoding type %{type} is not supported. This password will be stored in clear text." -msgstr "LSattr_ldap_password : Le type d'encodage %{type} n'est pas supporté. Le mot de passe sera stocké en clair." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_ldap_password.php:217 -msgid "LSattr_ldap_password : Encoding function %{function} is not callable. This password will be stored in clear text." -msgstr "LSattr_ldap_password : La fonction d'encodage %{function} n'est pas disponible. Le mot de passe sera stocké en clair." - -#: includes/class/class.LSmail.php:61 -msgid "Email" -msgstr "E-mail" - -#: includes/class/class.LSmail.php:62 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Titre" - -#: includes/class/class.LSmail.php:63 -msgid "Message" -msgstr "Message" - -#: includes/class/class.LSmail.php:75 -msgid "Your message has been sent successfully." -msgstr "Votre message a bien été envoyé." - -#: includes/class/class.LSauthMethod_anonymous.php:64 -msgid "LSauthMethod_anonymous : You must define the LSAUTHMETHOD_ANONYMOUS_USER contant in the configuration file." -msgstr "LSauthMethod_anonymous : Vous devez définir la constante LSAUTHMETHOD_ANONYMOUS_USER dans le fichier de configuration." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:971 -msgid "Actions" -msgstr "Actions" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:974 -msgid "This search didn't get any result." -msgstr "Cette recherche n'a retournée aucun résultat" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1211 -msgid "LSsearch : Invalid filter : %{filter}." -msgstr "LSsearch : Filtre invalide : %{filter}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1214 -msgid "LSsearch : Invalid basedn : %{basedn}." -msgstr "LSsearch : Base DN invalide." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1217 -msgid "LSsearch : Invalid value for %{param} parameter." -msgstr "LSsearch : La valeur du paramètre %{param} est incorrecte." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1220 -msgid "LSsearch : Invalid size limit. Must be an integer greater or equal to 0." -msgstr "LSsearch : Limite de taille de recherche invalide. Elle doit être un entier supérieur ou égal à 0." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1223 -msgid "LSsearch : Invalid parameter %{attr}. Must be an boolean." -msgstr "LSsearch : Paramètre %{param} invalide. Il doit être un booléen." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1226 -msgid "LSsearch : Invalid parameter attributes. Must be an string or an array of strings." -msgstr "LSsearch : Paramètre 'attributes' invalide. Il doit être une chaîne de caractères ou un tableau de chaînes de caractères." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1229 -msgid "LSsearch : Can't build attributes list for make filter." -msgstr "LSsearch : Impossible de construire la liste des attributs pour faire le filtre." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1232 -msgid "LSsearch : Error building filter with attribute '%{attr}' and pattern '%{pattern}'" -msgstr "LSsearch : Problème en construisant le filtre avec l'attribut '%{attr}' et le mot clé '%{pattern}'" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1235 -msgid "LSsearch : Error combining filters." -msgstr "LSsearch : Problème en combinant les filtres." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1238 -msgid "LSsearch : Invalid pattern." -msgstr "LSsearch : Mot clé invalide." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1241 -msgid "LSsearch : Invalid attribute %{attr} in parameters." -msgstr "LSsearch : Attribut %{attr} incorrect dans les paramètres." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1244 -msgid "LSsearch : Error during the search." -msgstr "LSsearch : Erreur pendant la recherche." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1247 -msgid "LSsearch : Error sorting the search." -msgstr "LSsearch : Erreur pendant le trie de la recherche." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1250 -msgid "LSsearch : The function of the custum information %{name} is not callable." -msgstr "LSsearch : La fonction de l'information personnalisée %{name} n'est pas exécutable." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1253 -msgid "LSsearch : Invalid predefinedFilter for LSobject type %{type} : %{label} (filter : %{filter})." -msgstr "LSsearch : PredefinedFilter invalide pour le type d'LSobject %{type} : %{label} (filtre : %{filter})." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_textarea.php:51 -msgid "Clear" -msgstr "Nettoyer" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_rss.php:50 -msgid "Display RSS stack." -msgstr "Afficher la file RSS." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_list.php:146 -msgid "LSattr_html_select_list : Configuration data are missing to generate the select list of the attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "LSattr_html_select_list : Des données de configuration sont manquantes pour générer la liste de sélection de l'attribut %{attr}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_mail.php:51 -msgid "Send a mail from here." -msgstr "Envoyer un mail depuis l'interface." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_maildir.php:68 -msgid "Maildir creation/modification on user creation/modification is enabled. Click to disable." -msgstr "La création/modification de la maildir en même temps que la création/modification de l'utilisateur est activée. Cliquer pour désactiver." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_maildir.php:69 -msgid "Click to enable maildir creation/modification on user creation/modification." -msgstr "Cliquer pour activer la création/modification de la maildir en même temps que la création/modification du l'utilisateur." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:267 -msgid "The value of field %{label} is invalid." -msgstr "La valeur du champ %{label} est incorrecte." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:731 -msgid "LSattribute : Attribute %{attr} : LDAP or HTML types unknow (LDAP = %{ldap} & HTML = %{html})." -msgstr "LSattribute : Attribut %{attr} : Les types LDAP ou HTML sont inconnus (LDAP = %{ldap} & HTML = %{html})." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:734 -msgid "LSattribute : The function %{func} to display the attribute %{attr} is unknow." -msgstr "LSattribute : La fonction %{func} pour afficher l'attribut %{attr} est inconnue." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:737 -msgid "LSattribute : The rule %{rule} to validate the attribute %{attr} is unknow." -msgstr "LSattribute : La règle %{rule} de validation de l'attribut %{attr} n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:740 -msgid "LSattribute : Configuration data to verify the attribute %{attr} are incorrect." -msgstr "LSattribute : Les données de configuration pour vérifier l'attribut %{attr} sont incorrecte." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:743 -msgid "LSattribute : The function %{func} to save the attribute %{attr} is unknow." -msgstr "LSattribute : La fonction %{func} pour sauvegarder l'attribut %{attr} est inconnue." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:746 -msgid "LSattribute : The value of the attribute %{attr} can't be generated." -msgstr "LSattribute : La valeur de l'attribut %{attr} ne peut être générée." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:749 -msgid "LSattribute : Generation of the attribute %{attr} failed." -msgstr "LSattribute : La génération de l'attribut %{attr} a échouée." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:752 -msgid "LSattribute : Generation of the attribute %{attr} did not return a correct value." -msgstr "LSattribute : La génération de l'attribut %{attr} n'a pas retournée de valeur correcte." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:755 -msgid "LSattribute : The attr_%{type} of the attribute %{name} is not yet defined." -msgstr "LSattribute : L'objet attr_%{type} de l'attribut %{name} n'est pas encore défini." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_valueWithUnit.php:89 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_quota.php:80 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_mailQuota.php:80 -msgid "Incorrect value" -msgstr "Valeur incorrecte" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_valueWithUnit.php:173 -msgid "LSformElement_valueWithUnit : Units configuration data are missing for the attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "LSformElement_valueWithUnit : La configuration des unités est manquante pour l'attribut %{attr}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:52 -msgid "Reset the choice." -msgstr "Réinitialiser le choix." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:60 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Oui" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:61 -msgid "No" -msgstr "Non" - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:228 -msgid "LSattr_html_select_object : LSobject type is undefined (attribute : %{attr})." -msgstr "LSattr_html_select_objet : Le type d'LSobject n'est pas définie (attritbut : %{attr})." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:231 -msgid "LSattr_html_select_object : the value of the parameter value_attribute in the configuration of the attribute %{attrs} is incorrect. This attribute does not exists." -msgstr "LSattr_html_select_object : La valeur du paramètre value_attribute dans la configuration de l'attribut %{attr} est incorrecte. Cet attribut n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:234 -msgid "LSattr_html_select_object : more than one object returned corresponding to value %{val} of attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "LSattr_html_select_objet : plus d'un objet retourné en correspondance à la valeur %{val} de l'attribut %{attr}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1133 -msgid "Connection" -msgstr "Connexion" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1143 -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1182 -msgid "LDAP server" -msgstr "Serveur LDAP" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1154 -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1192 -msgid "Identifier" -msgstr "Identifiant" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1155 -msgid "Password" -msgstr "Mot de passe" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1156 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Se connecter" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1157 -msgid "Forgot your password ?" -msgstr "Mot de passe perdu ?" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1175 -msgid "Recovery of your credentials" -msgstr "Récupération de votre mot de passe" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1194 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Retour" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1196 -msgid "Please fill the identifier field to proceed recovery procedure" -msgstr "Merci d'entrer votre identifiant pour poursuivre la procédure de récupération" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1200 -msgid "An email has been sent to %{mail}. Please follow the instructions on it." -msgstr "Un e-mail vient de vous être envoyé à l'adresse %{mail}. Merci de suivre les indications qu'il contient." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1208 -msgid "Your new password has been sent to %{mail}. " -msgstr "Votre nouveau mot de passe vous a été envoyé à l'adresse %{mail}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1347 -msgid "Refresh" -msgstr "Rafraîchir" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1363 -msgid "Language" -msgstr "Langue" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1390 -msgid "Connected as" -msgstr "Connecté en tant que" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2151 -msgid "LSsession : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "LSsession : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2154 -msgid "LSsession : The %{addon} support is uncertain. Verify system compatibility and the add-on configuration." -msgstr "LSsession : Le support %{addon} est incertain. Vérifiez la compatibilité du système et la configuration de l'add-on." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2157 -msgid "LSsession : LDAP server's configuration data are invalid. Can't connect." -msgstr "LSsession : Les données de configuration du serveur LDAP sont invalide. Impossible de s'y connecter." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2160 -msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSobject type %{type} : unknon type." -msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de charger le type d'LSobject %{type} : type inconnu." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2163 -msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSclass %{class}." -msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de charger la LSclass %{class}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2166 -msgid "LSsession : Login or password incorrect." -msgstr "LSsession : Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrects." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2169 -msgid "LSsession : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities." -msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de vous identifier : Duplication d'identité." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2172 -msgid "LSsession : Can't load class of authentification (%{class})." -msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de charger la classe d'authentification (%{class})." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2175 -msgid "LSsession : Can't connect to LDAP server." -msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de se connecter au serveur LDAP." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2178 -msgid "LSsession : Impossible to authenticate you." -msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de vous identifier." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2181 -msgid "LSsession : Your are not authorized to do this action." -msgstr "LSsession : Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à faire cette action." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2184 -msgid "LSsession : Some informations are missing to display this page." -msgstr "LSsession : Des informations sont manquant pour afficher cette page." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2187 -msgid "LSsession : The function of the custom action %{name} does not exists or is not configured." -msgstr "LSsearch : La fonction de l'action personnalisée %{name} n'existe pas ou n'est pas configurée." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2191 -msgid "LSsession : Error during creation of list of levels. Contact administrators. (Code : %{code})" -msgstr "LSsession : Erreur durant la création de la liste des niveaux. Contacter les administrateurs. (Code : %{type})" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2194 -msgid "LSsession : The password recovery is disabled for this LDAP server." -msgstr "LSsession : La récupération de mot de passe est désactivée pour ce serveur LDAP." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2197 -msgid "LSsession : Some informations are missing to recover your password. Contact administrators." -msgstr "LSsession : Des informations sont manques pour pouvoir récupérer votre mot de passe. Contacter les administrateurs." - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2200 -msgid "LSsession : Error during password recovery. Contact administrators.(Step : %{step})" -msgstr "LSsession : Erreur durant la récupération de votre mot de passe. Contacter les administrateurs. (Etape : %{step})" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2204 -msgid "LSsession : problem during initialisation." -msgstr "LSsession : Problème durant l'initialisation." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:71 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement.php:289 -msgid "No set value" -msgstr "Aucune valeur définie" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:72 -msgid "No result" -msgstr "Aucun résultat" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:79 -msgid "Fast Add" -msgstr "Ajout rapide" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:80 -msgid "Display advanced search and selection panel." -msgstr "Afficher la fenêtre de recherche et de sélection étendue." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement.php:194 -msgid "Attribute" -msgstr "Attribut" - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:70 -msgid "LStemplate : compile directory is not writable (dir : " -msgstr "LStemplate : Le dossier de compilation n'est pas accessible en écriture (dossier : " - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:89 -msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 2 support file" -msgstr "LStemplate : Impossible de charger le fichier de support de Smarty 2." - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:96 -msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 3 support file" -msgstr "LStemplate : Impossible de charger le fichier de support de Smarty 3." - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:100 -msgid "LStemplate : Smarty version not recognized." -msgstr "LStemplate : Version de Smarty non reconnue." - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:109 -msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty." -msgstr "LStemplate : Impossible de charger le moteur de gestion de template Smarty." - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:206 -msgid "LStemplate : Template %{file} not found." -msgstr "LStemplate : le template %{file} est introuvable." - -#: includes/class/class.LSauthMethod_CAS.php:112 -msgid "LSauthMethod_CAS : Failed to load phpCAS." -msgstr "LSauthMethod_CAS : Impossible de charger phpCAS." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_url.php:51 -msgid "Display this website." -msgstr "Afficher le site internet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_url.php:52 -msgid "Add this website to my bookmarks." -msgstr "Ajouter ce site internet à mes favoris." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformRule_regex.php:65 -msgid "LSformRule_regex : Regex has not been configured to validate data." -msgstr "LSformRule_regex : L'expression régulière de vérification des données n'est pas configurée." - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:38 -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:216 #: remove.php:49 +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:216 +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:38 msgid "Do you really want to delete" msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer" -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:39 -msgid "Warning" -msgstr "Attention" - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:67 -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:216 -msgid "No object." -msgstr "Aucun objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:327 -msgid "LSrelation : The listing function for the relation %{relation} is unknow." -msgstr "LSsession : La fonction listant la relation %{relation} est inconnue." - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:330 -msgid "LSrelation : The update function of the relation %{relation} is unknow." -msgstr "LSsession : La fonction de mise à jour de la relation %{relation} est inconnue." - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:333 -msgid "LSrelation : Error during relation update of the relation %{relation}." -msgstr "LSsession : Erreur durant la mise à jour de la relation %{relation}" - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:336 -msgid "LSrelation : Object type %{LSobject} unknow (Relation : %{relation})." -msgstr "LSsession : La fonction de mise à jour de la relation %{relation} est inconnue." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_postaladdress.php:59 -msgid "View on map" -msgstr "Voir sur une carte" - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:125 -msgid "LSattr_html : The method addToForm() of the HTML type of the attribute %{attr} is not defined." -msgstr "LSattr_html : La méthode addToForm() du type HTML de l'attribut %{attr} n'est pas encore définie." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:129 -msgid "LSattr_html_%{type} : Multiple data are not supported for this field type." -msgstr "LSattr_html_%{type} : Les données multiples ne sont pas supportées pour ce type de champ." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_text.php:57 -msgid "Generate the value" -msgstr "Générer une valeur" - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:58 -msgid "The mailbox has been moved." -msgstr "La boîte mail a été déplacée." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:65 -msgid "The mailbox has been created." -msgstr "La boîte mail a été créée." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:84 -msgid "The mailbox has been archived successfully." -msgstr "Le dossier mail a bien été archivée." - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:95 -msgid "The mailbox has been deleted." -msgstr "La boîte mail a été supprimée." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:458 -msgid "The attribute %{attr} is not valid." -msgstr "L'attribut %{attr} n'est pas valide." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1808 -msgid "LSldapObject : Object type unknown." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Type d'objet inconnu." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1811 -msgid "LSldapObject : Update form is not defined for the object %{obj}." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Le formulaire de mise à jour n'est pas défini pour l'objet %{obj}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1814 -msgid "LSldapObject : No form exists for the object %{obj}." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Aucun formulaire n'existe pour l'objet %{obj}" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1817 -msgid "LSldapObject : The function %{func} to validate the attribute %{attr} the object %{obj} is unknow." -msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func} pour valider l'attribut %{attr} de l'objet %{obj} est inconnu." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1820 -msgid "LSldapObject : Configuration data are missing to validate the attribute %{attr} of the object %{obj}." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Des données de configurations sont manquant pour pouvoir valider l'attribut %{attr} de l'objet %{obj}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1824 -msgid "LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed on the object event %{event} doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func} devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1827 -msgid "LSldapObject : The %{func} execution on the object event %{event} failed." -msgstr "LSldapObject : L'exécution de la fonction %{func} lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet a échouée." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1831 -msgid "LSldapObject : Class %{class}, which method %{meth} to be executed on the object event %{event}, doesn't exist." -msgstr "La classe %{class}, contenant la méthode %{meth} devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet, n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1834 -msgid "LSldapObject : Method %{meth} within %{class} class to be executed on object event %{event}, doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSldapObject : La méthode %{meth} de la classe %{class} devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1837 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during execute %{meth} method within %{class} class, to be executed on object event %{event}." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la méthode %{meth} de la classe %{class} devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1841 -msgid "LSldapObject : Some configuration data of the object type %{obj} are missing to generate the DN of the new object." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Des informations de configuration du type d'objet %{obj} sont manquantes pour la génération du DN du nouvel objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1844 -msgid "LSldapObject : The attibute %{attr} of the object is not yet defined. Can't generate DN." -msgstr "LSldapObjet : L'attribut %{attr} de l'objet n'est pas encore défini. Impossible de générer le DN." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1847 -msgid "LSldapObject : Without DN, the object could not be changed." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Sans DN, l'objet ne peut pas être modifié." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1850 -msgid "LSldapObject : The attribute %{attr_depend} depending on the attribute %{attr} doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSldapObject : L'attritbut %{attr_depend} dépendant de l'attribut %{attr} n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1853 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during deleting the object %{objectname}." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant la suppression de l'objet %{objectname}" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1857 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed before renaming the objet." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée avant de renommer l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1860 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed after renaming the objet." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée après avoir renommé l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1864 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed before deleting the objet." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée avant de supprimer l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1867 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed after deleting the objet." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée après avoir supprimé l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1871 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during the actions to be executed before creating the object." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée avant de créer l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1874 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during the actions to be executed after creating the object. It was created anyway." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutées après la création de l'objet. Il a tout de même été créé." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1878 -msgid "LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed before creating the object doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func} devant être exécutée avant la création de l'objet n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1881 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error executing the function %{func} to be execute after deleting the object." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la fonction %{func} devant être exécutée après la suppression de l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1884 -msgid "LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed after deleting the object doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func} devant être exécutée après la suppression de l'objet n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1887 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error executing the function %{func} to be execute after creating the object." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la fonction %{func} devant être exécutée après la création de l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1891 -msgid "LSldapObject : %{func} function, to be executed on object event %{event}, doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func}, devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet, n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1894 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during the execution of %{func} function on object event %{event}." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la fonction %{func} lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1898 -msgid "LSldapObject : %{meth} method, to be executed on object event %{event}, doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSldapObject : La méthode %{meth}, devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet, n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1901 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during execution of %{meth} method on object event %{event}." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la méthode %{meth} lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1904 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during generate LDAP filter for %{LSobject}." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant la génération du filtre LDAP de l'objet %{LSobject}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1908 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during execution of the custom action %{customAction} on %{objectname}." -msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de l'action personnalisée %{customAction} sur l'objet %{objectname}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1913 -msgid "LSrelation : Some parameters are missing in the call of methods to handle standard relations (Method : %{meth})." -msgstr "LSrelation : Des paramètres sont manquant dans l'appel des méthodes de manipulation des relations standards." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformRule.php:57 -msgid "LSformRule_%{type} : Parameter %{param} is not found." -msgstr "LSformRule_%{type} : Le paramètre %{param} n'est pas défini." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:468 -msgid "LSldap : Error during the LDAP server connection (%{msg})." -msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la connexion au serveur LDAP (%{msg})." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:471 -msgid "LSldap : Error during the LDAP search (%{msg})." -msgstr "LSldap : Erreur pendant la recherche LDAP (%{msg})." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:474 -msgid "LSldap : Object type unknown." -msgstr "LSldap : Type d'objet inconnu." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:477 -msgid "LSldap : Error while fetching the LDAP entry." -msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la récupération de l'entrée LDAP." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:480 -msgid "LSldap : Error while changing the LDAP entry (DN : %{dn})." -msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la modification de l'entrée LDAP (DN : %{dn})." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:483 -msgid "LSldap : Error while deleting empty attributes." -msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la suppression des attributs vides." - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:486 -msgid "LSldap : Error while changing the DN of the object." -msgstr "LSldap : Erreur pendant la modification du DN de l'objet." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:98 -msgid "Add a field to add another values." -msgstr "Ajouter une autre valeur à ce champ." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:99 -msgid "Delete this field." -msgstr "Supprimer cette valeur." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:121 -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:251 -msgid "No field." -msgstr "Aucun champ." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:217 -msgid "Caution" -msgstr "Attention" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:272 -msgid "%{label} attribute data is not valid." -msgstr "Les données de l'attribut %{label} sont incorrectes." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:346 -msgid "Mandatory field" -msgstr "Champ obligatoire" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:738 -msgid "LSform : Error during the recovery of the values of the form." -msgstr "LSform : Erreur durant la récupération des valeurs du formulaire." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:741 -msgid "LSform : Error durring the recovery of the value of the field '%{element}'." -msgstr "LSform : Erreur durant la recupération de la valeur du champ %{element}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:748 -msgid "LSform : The field %{element} doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSform : Le champ %{element} n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:751 -msgid "LSfom : Field type unknow (%{type})." -msgstr "LSform : Type de champ inconnu (%{type})." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:754 -msgid "LSform : Error during the creation of the element '%{element}'." -msgstr "LSform : Erreur durant la création de l'élément %{element}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:757 -msgid "LSform : The data entry form %{name} doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSform : Le masque de saisie %{name} n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:760 -msgid "LSform : The data entry form %{name} is not correctly configured." -msgstr "LSform : Le masque de saisie %{name} n'est pas correctement configuré." - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:763 -msgid "LSform : The element %{name}, listed as displayed in data entry form configuration, doesn't exist." -msgstr "LSform : L'élement %{name}, listé comme affiché dans la configuration du masque de saisie, n'existe pas." - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:155 -msgid "LSauth : Login or password incorrect." -msgstr "LSauth : Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrects." - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:158 -msgid "LSauth : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities." -msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de vous identifier : Duplication d'identité." - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:161 -msgid "LSauth : Could not load type of identifiable objects." -msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de charger le type d'objets identifiables." - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:164 -msgid "LSauth : Can't load authentication method %{method}." -msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de charger la méthode d'authentification %{method}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:167 -msgid "LSauth : Failed to build the authentication provider %{method}." -msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de construire le gestionnaire d'authentification %{method}." - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:170 -msgid "LSauth : Not correctly initialized." -msgstr "LSauth : Mauvaise initialisation." - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:173 -msgid "LSauth : Failed to get authentication informations from provider." -msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de récupérer les informations authentification auprès du gestionnaire." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_ssh_key.php:57 -msgid "Display the full key." -msgstr "Affichier la clé en entier." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_ssh_key.php:79 -msgid "Unknown type" -msgstr "Type inconnu" - -#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:101 -msgid "Errors" -msgstr "Erreurs" - -#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:104 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:179 -msgid "Unknown error!" -msgstr "Erreur inconnu !" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:131 -msgid "Generate a password." -msgstr "Générer un mot de passe." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:132 -msgid "Compare with stored password." -msgstr "Comparer avec le mot de passe stocké." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:133 -msgid "Display password." -msgstr "Afficher le mot de passe." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:134 -msgid "Display hashed password." -msgstr "Afficher le mot de passe haché." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:135 -msgid "Hide password." -msgstr "Cacher le mot de passe." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:136 -msgid "The password will be sent by mail if changed. Click to disable automatic notification." -msgstr "Le mot de passe sera envoyé par e-mail en cas de modification. Cliquer pour désactiver la notification." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:137 -msgid "The password will not be sent if changed. Click to enable automatic notification." -msgstr "Le mot de passe ne sera pas envoyé en cas de modification. Cliquer pour activer la notification automatique." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:138 -msgid "Modify the mail sent to notice the user" -msgstr "Modifier mail de notification de l'utilisateur" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:243 -msgid "Notice mail sent." -msgstr "Le mail de notification a été envoyé." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:323 -msgid "LSformElement_password : No contact mail available to send password." -msgstr "LSformElement_password : Aucun mail de contact disponible pour envoyer le mot de passe." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:326 -msgid "LSformElement_password : Contact mail invalid (%{mail}). Can't send password." -msgstr "LSformElement_password : Mail de contact invalide (%{mail}). Impossible d'envoyer le mot de passe." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_image.php:54 -msgid "Click to enlarge." -msgstr "Cliquer pour agrandir." - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_image.php:55 -msgid "Click to delete the picture." -msgstr "Cliquer pour supprimer cette photo." - -#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:35 -msgid "Confirmation" -msgstr "Confirmation" - -#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:36 -msgid "You confirm your choice ?" -msgstr "Confirmez-vous votre choix ?" - -#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:38 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Annuler" - -#: includes/functions.php:100 +#: includes/functions.php:113 msgid "Function 'getFData' : The method %{meth} of the object %{obj} doesn't exist." msgstr "Fonction getFData : La méthode %{meth} de l'objet %{obj} n'existe pas." -#: includes/functions.php:191 +#: includes/functions.php:209 msgid "Folder not found" msgstr "Dossier introuvable" +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:27 +msgid "MAIL Support : Pear::MAIL is missing." +msgstr "Support MAIL : Pear::MAIL est manquant." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:32 +msgid "MAIL Error : %{msg}" +msgstr "Erreur MAIL : %{msg}" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:36 +msgid "MAIL : Error sending your email" +msgstr "MAIL : Erreur durant l'envoie de votre mail." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:27 +msgid "POSIX Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "Support POSIX : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:31 +msgid "POSIX Support : Unable to load LSaddon::FTP." +msgstr "Support POSIX : Impossible de charger LSaddon::FTP." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:36 +msgid "POSIX : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "Support POSIX : L'attribut %{dependency} est manquant. Impossible de générer l'attribut %{attr}." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:27 +msgid "Asterisk Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "Support Asterisk : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:30 +msgid "Asterisk : The function %{function} only work with %{objectName}." +msgstr "Asterisk : La fonction %{function} ne fonctionne qu'avec %{objectName}." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:33 +msgid "Asterisk : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to generate MD5 hashed password." +msgstr "Asterisk : L'attribut %{dependency} est manquant. Impossible de générer le mot de passe haché en MD5." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:36 +msgid "Asterisk : Clear password not availlable. Unable to generate MD5 hashed password." +msgstr "Asterisk : Le mot de passe en clair est indisponible. Impossible de générer le mot de passe haché en MD5." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:27 +msgid "SAMBA Support : Unable to load smbHash class." +msgstr "Support SAMBA : Impossible de charger la classe smbHash." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:30 +msgid "SAMBA Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "Support SAMBA : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:34 +msgid "SAMBA Support : The constants LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_USER and LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_GROUP must'nt have the same parity to keep SambaSID's unicity." +msgstr "Support SAMBA : Les constantes LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_USER et LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_GROUP ne doivent pas avoir la même parité pour préserver l'unicité des SambaSID." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:39 +msgid "SAMBA Support : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "Support SAMBA : L'attribut %{dependency} est manquant. Impossible de générer l'attribut %{attr}." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:42 +msgid "SAMBA Support : Can't get the sambaDomain object." +msgstr "SAMBA Support : Impossible de récupérer l'objet sambaDomain." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:45 +msgid "SAMBA Support : Error modifying the sambaDomain object." +msgstr "SAMBA Support : Erreur durant la modification de l'objet sambaDomain." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:48 +msgid "SAMBA Support : The %{attr} of the sambaDomain object is incorrect." +msgstr "SAMBA Support : L'attribut %{attr} de l'objet sambaDomain est incorrect." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:27 +msgid "FTP Support : Pear::Net_FTP is missing." +msgstr "Support FTP : Pear::Net_FTP n'est pas installé." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:31 +msgid "FTP Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "Support FTP : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:37 +msgid "Net_FTP Error : %{msg}" +msgstr "Net_FTP Erreur : %{msg}" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:41 +msgid "FTP Support : Unable to connect to FTP Server (Step : %{step})." +msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de se connecter au serveur FTP (Étape : %{step})" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:44 +msgid "FTP Support : Unable to make directory %{dir} on the remote server." +msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de créer le dossier %{dir} sur le serveur distant." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:47 +msgid "FTP Support : Unable to delete directory %{dir} on the remote server." +msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de supprimer le dossier %{dir} sur le serveur distant." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:50 +msgid "FTP Support : Unable to modify rights on the directory %{dir} on the remote server." +msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de modifier les droits sur le dossier %{dir} sur le serveur distant." + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:53 +msgid "FTP Support : Unable to rename folder from %{old} to %{new} on the remote server." +msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de renommer le dossier %{old} en %{new} sur le serveur distant." + #: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:27 msgid "SUPANN Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." msgstr "Support SUPPAN : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." @@ -973,114 +210,966 @@ msgstr "MAILDIR : Erreur durant le renommage du dossier des mails sur le serveur msgid "MAILDIR : Error retrieving remote path of the maildir." msgstr "MAILDIR : Erreur durant la récupération du chemin distant du dossier des mails." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:27 -msgid "Asterisk Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "Support Asterisk : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:52 +msgid "Reset the choice." +msgstr "Réinitialiser le choix." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:30 -msgid "Asterisk : The function %{function} only work with %{objectName}." -msgstr "Asterisk : La fonction %{function} ne fonctionne qu'avec %{objectName}." +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:60 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Oui" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:33 -msgid "Asterisk : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to generate MD5 hashed password." -msgstr "Asterisk : L'attribut %{dependency} est manquant. Impossible de générer le mot de passe haché en MD5." +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:61 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Non" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:36 -msgid "Asterisk : Clear password not availlable. Unable to generate MD5 hashed password." -msgstr "Asterisk : Le mot de passe en clair est indisponible. Impossible de générer le mot de passe haché en MD5." +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:228 +msgid "LSattr_html_select_object : LSobject type is undefined (attribute : %{attr})." +msgstr "LSattr_html_select_objet : Le type d'LSobject n'est pas définie (attritbut : %{attr})." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:27 -msgid "FTP Support : Pear::Net_FTP is missing." -msgstr "Support FTP : Pear::Net_FTP n'est pas installé." +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:231 +msgid "LSattr_html_select_object : the value of the parameter value_attribute in the configuration of the attribute %{attrs} is incorrect. This attribute does not exists." +msgstr "LSattr_html_select_object : La valeur du paramètre value_attribute dans la configuration de l'attribut %{attr} est incorrecte. Cet attribut n'existe pas." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:31 -msgid "FTP Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "Support FTP : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:234 +msgid "LSattr_html_select_object : more than one object returned corresponding to value %{val} of attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "LSattr_html_select_objet : plus d'un objet retourné en correspondance à la valeur %{val} de l'attribut %{attr}." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:37 -msgid "Net_FTP Error : %{msg}" -msgstr "Net_FTP Erreur : %{msg}" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1156 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Connexion" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:41 -msgid "FTP Support : Unable to connect to FTP Server (Step : %{step})." -msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de se connecter au serveur FTP (Étape : %{step})" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1166 +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1205 +msgid "LDAP server" +msgstr "Serveur LDAP" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:44 -msgid "FTP Support : Unable to make directory %{dir} on the remote server." -msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de créer le dossier %{dir} sur le serveur distant." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1176 +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2082 +#: select.php:70 +msgid "Level" +msgstr "Niveau" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:47 -msgid "FTP Support : Unable to delete directory %{dir} on the remote server." -msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de supprimer le dossier %{dir} sur le serveur distant." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1177 +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1215 +msgid "Identifier" +msgstr "Identifiant" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:50 -msgid "FTP Support : Unable to modify rights on the directory %{dir} on the remote server." -msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de modifier les droits sur le dossier %{dir} sur le serveur distant." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1178 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "Mot de passe" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:53 -msgid "FTP Support : Unable to rename folder from %{old} to %{new} on the remote server." -msgstr "Support FTP : Impossible de renommer le dossier %{old} en %{new} sur le serveur distant." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1179 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Se connecter" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:27 -msgid "POSIX Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "Support POSIX : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1180 +msgid "Forgot your password ?" +msgstr "Mot de passe perdu ?" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:31 -msgid "POSIX Support : Unable to load LSaddon::FTP." -msgstr "Support POSIX : Impossible de charger LSaddon::FTP." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1198 +msgid "Recovery of your credentials" +msgstr "Récupération de votre mot de passe" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:36 -msgid "POSIX : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "Support POSIX : L'attribut %{dependency} est manquant. Impossible de générer l'attribut %{attr}." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1217 +msgid "Back" +msgstr "Retour" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:27 -msgid "MAIL Support : Pear::MAIL is missing." -msgstr "Support MAIL : Pear::MAIL est manquant." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1219 +msgid "Please fill the identifier field to proceed recovery procedure" +msgstr "Merci d'entrer votre identifiant pour poursuivre la procédure de récupération" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:32 -msgid "MAIL Error : %{msg}" -msgstr "Erreur MAIL : %{msg}" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1223 +msgid "An email has been sent to %{mail}. Please follow the instructions on it." +msgstr "Un e-mail vient de vous être envoyé à l'adresse %{mail}. Merci de suivre les indications qu'il contient." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:36 -msgid "MAIL : Error sending your email" -msgstr "MAIL : Erreur durant l'envoie de votre mail." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1231 +msgid "Your new password has been sent to %{mail}. " +msgstr "Votre nouveau mot de passe vous a été envoyé à l'adresse %{mail}." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:27 -msgid "SAMBA Support : Unable to load smbHash class." -msgstr "Support SAMBA : Impossible de charger la classe smbHash." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1367 +msgid "Refresh" +msgstr "Rafraîchir" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:30 -msgid "SAMBA Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "Support SAMBA : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1383 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "Langue" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:34 -msgid "SAMBA Support : The constants LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_USER and LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_GROUP must'nt have the same parity to keep SambaSID's unicity." -msgstr "Support SAMBA : Les constantes LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_USER et LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_GROUP ne doivent pas avoir la même parité pour préserver l'unicité des SambaSID." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1410 +msgid "Connected as" +msgstr "Connecté en tant que" -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:39 -msgid "SAMBA Support : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "Support SAMBA : L'attribut %{dependency} est manquant. Impossible de générer l'attribut %{attr}." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2210 +msgid "LSsession : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "LSsession : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:42 -msgid "SAMBA Support : Can't get the sambaDomain object." -msgstr "SAMBA Support : Impossible de récupérer l'objet sambaDomain." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2213 +msgid "LSsession : The %{addon} support is uncertain. Verify system compatibility and the add-on configuration." +msgstr "LSsession : Le support %{addon} est incertain. Vérifiez la compatibilité du système et la configuration de l'add-on." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:45 -msgid "SAMBA Support : Error modifying the sambaDomain object." -msgstr "SAMBA Support : Erreur durant la modification de l'objet sambaDomain." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2216 +msgid "LSsession : LDAP server's configuration data are invalid. Can't connect." +msgstr "LSsession : Les données de configuration du serveur LDAP sont invalide. Impossible de s'y connecter." -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:48 -msgid "SAMBA Support : The %{attr} of the sambaDomain object is incorrect." -msgstr "SAMBA Support : L'attribut %{attr} de l'objet sambaDomain est incorrect." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2219 +msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSobject type %{type} : unknon type." +msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de charger le type d'LSobject %{type} : type inconnu." -#: remove.php:37 -#: remove.php:48 -msgid "Deleting" -msgstr "Suppression" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2222 +msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSclass %{class}." +msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de charger la LSclass %{class}." -#: remove.php:39 -msgid "has been deleted successfully" -msgstr "a bien été supprimé" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2225 +msgid "LSsession : Login or password incorrect." +msgstr "LSsession : Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrects." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2228 +msgid "LSsession : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities." +msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de vous identifier : Duplication d'identité." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2231 +msgid "LSsession : Can't load class of authentification (%{class})." +msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de charger la classe d'authentification (%{class})." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2234 +msgid "LSsession : Can't connect to LDAP server." +msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de se connecter au serveur LDAP." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2237 +msgid "LSsession : Impossible to authenticate you." +msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de vous identifier." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2240 +msgid "LSsession : Your are not authorized to do this action." +msgstr "LSsession : Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à faire cette action." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2243 +msgid "LSsession : Some informations are missing to display this page." +msgstr "LSsession : Des informations sont manquant pour afficher cette page." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2246 +msgid "LSsession : The function of the custom action %{name} does not exists or is not configured." +msgstr "LSsearch : La fonction de l'action personnalisée %{name} n'existe pas ou n'est pas configurée." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2249 +msgid "LSsession : Fail to retreive user's LDAP credentials from LSauth." +msgstr "LSsession : Erreur en récupérant les identifiants LDAP de l'utilisateur depuis LSauth." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2252 +msgid "LSsession : Fail to reconnect to LDAP server with user's LDAP credentials." +msgstr "LSsession : Impossible de se reconnecter au serveur LDAP avec les identifiants de l'utilisateur." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2256 +msgid "LSsession : Error during creation of list of levels. Contact administrators. (Code : %{code})" +msgstr "LSsession : Erreur durant la création de la liste des niveaux. Contacter les administrateurs. (Code : %{type})" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2259 +msgid "LSsession : The password recovery is disabled for this LDAP server." +msgstr "LSsession : La récupération de mot de passe est désactivée pour ce serveur LDAP." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2262 +msgid "LSsession : Some informations are missing to recover your password. Contact administrators." +msgstr "LSsession : Des informations sont manques pour pouvoir récupérer votre mot de passe. Contacter les administrateurs." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2265 +msgid "LSsession : Error during password recovery. Contact administrators.(Step : %{step})" +msgstr "LSsession : Erreur durant la récupération de votre mot de passe. Contacter les administrateurs. (Etape : %{step})" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2269 +msgid "LSsession : problem during initialisation." +msgstr "LSsession : Problème durant l'initialisation." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:41 +msgid "Organism" +msgstr "Etablissement" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:47 +msgid "Registration year" +msgstr "Année d'inscription" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:52 +msgid "Registration year must be an integer" +msgstr "L'année d'inscription doit être un entier" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:61 +msgid "Registration regime" +msgstr "Régime d'inscription" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:67 +msgid "Discipline sector" +msgstr "Secteur disciplinaire" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:73 +msgid "Diploma type" +msgstr "Type de diplôme" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:79 +msgid "Cursus & Year" +msgstr "Cursus et année" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:92 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php:53 +msgid "Entity" +msgstr "Entité" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:97 +msgid "Diploma" +msgstr "Diplôme" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:103 +msgid "Step" +msgstr "Étape" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:109 +msgid "Pedagogical element" +msgstr "Élement pédagogique" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_ssh_key.php:57 +msgid "Display the full key." +msgstr "Affichier la clé en entier." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_ssh_key.php:79 +msgid "Unknown type" +msgstr "Type inconnu" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_rss.php:50 +msgid "Display RSS stack." +msgstr "Afficher la file RSS." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:498 +msgid "LSldap : Error during the LDAP server connection (%{msg})." +msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la connexion au serveur LDAP (%{msg})." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:501 +msgid "LSldap : Error during the LDAP search (%{msg})." +msgstr "LSldap : Erreur pendant la recherche LDAP (%{msg})." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:504 +msgid "LSldap : Object type unknown." +msgstr "LSldap : Type d'objet inconnu." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:507 +msgid "LSldap : Error while fetching the LDAP entry." +msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la récupération de l'entrée LDAP." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:510 +msgid "LSldap : Error while changing the LDAP entry (DN : %{dn})." +msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la modification de l'entrée LDAP (DN : %{dn})." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:513 +msgid "LSldap : Error while deleting empty attributes." +msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la suppression des attributs vides." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:516 +msgid "LSldap : Error while changing the DN of the object." +msgstr "LSldap : Erreur pendant la modification du DN de l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSmail.php:61 +msgid "Email" +msgstr "E-mail" + +#: includes/class/class.LSmail.php:62 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "Titre" + +#: includes/class/class.LSmail.php:63 +msgid "Message" +msgstr "Message" + +#: includes/class/class.LSmail.php:75 +msgid "Your message has been sent successfully." +msgstr "Votre message a bien été envoyé." + +#: includes/class/class.LSauthMethod_anonymous.php:68 +msgid "LSauthMethod_anonymous : You must define the LSAUTHMETHOD_ANONYMOUS_USER contant in the configuration file." +msgstr "LSauthMethod_anonymous : Vous devez définir la constante LSAUTHMETHOD_ANONYMOUS_USER dans le fichier de configuration." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement.php:194 +msgid "Attribute" +msgstr "Attribut" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement.php:289 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:72 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php:107 +msgid "No set value" +msgstr "Aucune valeur définie" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformRule.php:57 +msgid "LSformRule_%{type} : Parameter %{param} is not found." +msgstr "LSformRule_%{type} : Le paramètre %{param} n'est pas défini." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_xmpp.php:50 +msgid "Chat with this person." +msgstr "Discuter avec cette personne." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1031 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Actions" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1034 +msgid "This search didn't get any result." +msgstr "Cette recherche n'a retournée aucun résultat" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1274 +msgid "LSsearch : Invalid filter : %{filter}." +msgstr "LSsearch : Filtre invalide : %{filter}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1277 +msgid "LSsearch : Invalid basedn : %{basedn}." +msgstr "LSsearch : Base DN invalide." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1280 +msgid "LSsearch : Invalid value for %{param} parameter." +msgstr "LSsearch : La valeur du paramètre %{param} est incorrecte." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1283 +msgid "LSsearch : Invalid size limit. Must be an integer greater or equal to 0." +msgstr "LSsearch : Limite de taille de recherche invalide. Elle doit être un entier supérieur ou égal à 0." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1286 +msgid "LSsearch : Invalid parameter %{attr}. Must be an boolean." +msgstr "LSsearch : Paramètre %{param} invalide. Il doit être un booléen." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1289 +msgid "LSsearch : Invalid parameter attributes. Must be an string or an array of strings." +msgstr "LSsearch : Paramètre 'attributes' invalide. Il doit être une chaîne de caractères ou un tableau de chaînes de caractères." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1292 +msgid "LSsearch : Can't build attributes list for make filter." +msgstr "LSsearch : Impossible de construire la liste des attributs pour faire le filtre." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1295 +msgid "LSsearch : Error building filter with attribute '%{attr}' and pattern '%{pattern}'" +msgstr "LSsearch : Problème en construisant le filtre avec l'attribut '%{attr}' et le mot clé '%{pattern}'" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1298 +msgid "LSsearch : Error combining filters." +msgstr "LSsearch : Problème en combinant les filtres." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1301 +msgid "LSsearch : Invalid pattern." +msgstr "LSsearch : Mot clé invalide." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1304 +msgid "LSsearch : Invalid attribute %{attr} in parameters." +msgstr "LSsearch : Attribut %{attr} incorrect dans les paramètres." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1307 +msgid "LSsearch : Error during the search." +msgstr "LSsearch : Erreur pendant la recherche." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1310 +msgid "LSsearch : Error sorting the search." +msgstr "LSsearch : Erreur pendant le trie de la recherche." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1313 +msgid "LSsearch : The function of the custum information %{name} is not callable." +msgstr "LSsearch : La fonction de l'information personnalisée %{name} n'est pas exécutable." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1316 +msgid "LSsearch : Invalid predefinedFilter for LSobject type %{type} : %{label} (filter : %{filter})." +msgstr "LSsearch : PredefinedFilter invalide pour le type d'LSobject %{type} : %{label} (filtre : %{filter})." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1319 +msgid "LSsearch : Error during execution of the custom action %{customAction}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de l'action personnalisée %{customAction}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_valueWithUnit.php:89 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_quota.php:80 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_mailQuota.php:80 +msgid "Incorrect value" +msgstr "Valeur incorrecte" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_valueWithUnit.php:173 +msgid "LSformElement_valueWithUnit : Units configuration data are missing for the attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "LSformElement_valueWithUnit : La configuration des unités est manquante pour l'attribut %{attr}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php:41 +msgid "Role" +msgstr "Rôle" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php:47 +msgid "Entity type" +msgstr "Type d'entité" + +#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:35 +msgid "Confirmation" +msgstr "Confirmation" + +#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:36 +msgid "You confirm your choice ?" +msgstr "Confirmez-vous votre choix ?" + +#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:38 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annuler" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_textarea.php:51 +msgid "Clear" +msgstr "Nettoyer" + +#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:101 +msgid "Errors" +msgstr "Erreurs" + +#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:104 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Stop" + +#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:179 +msgid "Unknown error!" +msgstr "Erreur inconnu !" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:68 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php:106 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:145 +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:82 +#: modify.php:54 +#: view.php:43 +msgid "Modify" +msgstr "Modifier" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:69 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:82 +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:218 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:161 +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:40 +#: modify.php:111 +#: view.php:59 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "Supprimer" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:73 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php:108 +msgid "No result" +msgstr "Aucun résultat" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:80 +msgid "Fast Add" +msgstr "Ajout rapide" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:81 +msgid "Display advanced search and selection panel." +msgstr "Afficher la fenêtre de recherche et de sélection étendue." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:100 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select.php:58 +msgid "%{value} (unrecognized value)" +msgstr "%{value} (valeur non-reconnue)" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:98 +msgid "Add a field to add another values." +msgstr "Ajouter une autre valeur à ce champ." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:99 +msgid "Delete this field." +msgstr "Supprimer cette valeur." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:121 +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:251 +msgid "No field." +msgstr "Aucun champ." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:217 +msgid "Caution" +msgstr "Attention" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:272 +msgid "%{label} attribute data is not valid." +msgstr "Les données de l'attribut %{label} sont incorrectes." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:350 +msgid "Mandatory field" +msgstr "Champ obligatoire" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:742 +msgid "LSform : Error during the recovery of the values of the form." +msgstr "LSform : Erreur durant la récupération des valeurs du formulaire." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:745 +msgid "LSform : Error durring the recovery of the value of the field '%{element}'." +msgstr "LSform : Erreur durant la recupération de la valeur du champ %{element}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:752 +msgid "LSform : The field %{element} doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSform : Le champ %{element} n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:755 +msgid "LSfom : Field type unknow (%{type})." +msgstr "LSform : Type de champ inconnu (%{type})." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:758 +msgid "LSform : Error during the creation of the element '%{element}'." +msgstr "LSform : Erreur durant la création de l'élément %{element}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:761 +msgid "LSform : The data entry form %{name} doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSform : Le masque de saisie %{name} n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:764 +msgid "LSform : The data entry form %{name} is not correctly configured." +msgstr "LSform : Le masque de saisie %{name} n'est pas correctement configuré." + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:767 +msgid "LSform : The element %{name}, listed as displayed in data entry form configuration, doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSform : L'élement %{name}, listé comme affiché dans la configuration du masque de saisie, n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select.php:52 +msgid "Reset selection." +msgstr "Réinitiliser la sélection." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_text.php:57 +msgid "Generate the value" +msgstr "Générer une valeur" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:168 +msgid "LSauth : Login or password incorrect." +msgstr "LSauth : Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrects." + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:171 +msgid "LSauth : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities." +msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de vous identifier : Duplication d'identité." + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:174 +msgid "LSauth : Could not load type of identifiable objects." +msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de charger le type d'objets identifiables." + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:177 +msgid "LSauth : Can't load authentication method %{method}." +msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de charger la méthode d'authentification %{method}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:180 +msgid "LSauth : Failed to build the authentication provider %{method}." +msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de construire le gestionnaire d'authentification %{method}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:183 +msgid "LSauth : Not correctly initialized." +msgstr "LSauth : Mauvaise initialisation." + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:186 +msgid "LSauth : Failed to get authentication informations from provider." +msgstr "LSauth : Impossible de récupérer les informations authentification auprès du gestionnaire." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformRule_inarray.php:56 +msgid "LSformRule_inarray : Possible values has not been configured to validate data." +msgstr "LSformRule_inarray : Les valeurs possibles n'ont pas été configurées pour valider les données." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:454 +msgid "The attribute %{attr} is not valid." +msgstr "L'attribut %{attr} n'est pas valide." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1821 +msgid "LSldapObject : Object type unknown." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Type d'objet inconnu." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1824 +msgid "LSldapObject : Update form is not defined for the object %{obj}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Le formulaire de mise à jour n'est pas défini pour l'objet %{obj}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1827 +msgid "LSldapObject : No form exists for the object %{obj}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Aucun formulaire n'existe pour l'objet %{obj}" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1830 +msgid "LSldapObject : The function %{func} to validate the attribute %{attr} the object %{obj} is unknow." +msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func} pour valider l'attribut %{attr} de l'objet %{obj} est inconnu." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1833 +msgid "LSldapObject : Configuration data are missing to validate the attribute %{attr} of the object %{obj}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Des données de configurations sont manquant pour pouvoir valider l'attribut %{attr} de l'objet %{obj}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1837 +msgid "LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed on the object event %{event} doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func} devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1840 +msgid "LSldapObject : The %{func} execution on the object event %{event} failed." +msgstr "LSldapObject : L'exécution de la fonction %{func} lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet a échouée." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1844 +msgid "LSldapObject : Class %{class}, which method %{meth} to be executed on the object event %{event}, doesn't exist." +msgstr "La classe %{class}, contenant la méthode %{meth} devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet, n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1847 +msgid "LSldapObject : Method %{meth} within %{class} class to be executed on object event %{event}, doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSldapObject : La méthode %{meth} de la classe %{class} devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1850 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during execute %{meth} method within %{class} class, to be executed on object event %{event}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la méthode %{meth} de la classe %{class} devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1854 +msgid "LSldapObject : Some configuration data of the object type %{obj} are missing to generate the DN of the new object." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Des informations de configuration du type d'objet %{obj} sont manquantes pour la génération du DN du nouvel objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1857 +msgid "LSldapObject : The attibute %{attr} of the object is not yet defined. Can't generate DN." +msgstr "LSldapObjet : L'attribut %{attr} de l'objet n'est pas encore défini. Impossible de générer le DN." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1860 +msgid "LSldapObject : Without DN, the object could not be changed." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Sans DN, l'objet ne peut pas être modifié." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1863 +msgid "LSldapObject : The attribute %{attr_depend} depending on the attribute %{attr} doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSldapObject : L'attritbut %{attr_depend} dépendant de l'attribut %{attr} n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1866 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during deleting the object %{objectname}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant la suppression de l'objet %{objectname}" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1870 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed before renaming the objet." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée avant de renommer l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1873 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed after renaming the objet." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée après avoir renommé l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1877 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed before deleting the objet." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée avant de supprimer l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1880 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed after deleting the objet." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée après avoir supprimé l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1884 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during the actions to be executed before creating the object." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutée avant de créer l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1887 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during the actions to be executed after creating the object. It was created anyway." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant les actions devant être exécutées après la création de l'objet. Il a tout de même été créé." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1891 +msgid "LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed before creating the object doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func} devant être exécutée avant la création de l'objet n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1894 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error executing the function %{func} to be execute after deleting the object." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la fonction %{func} devant être exécutée après la suppression de l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1897 +msgid "LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed after deleting the object doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func} devant être exécutée après la suppression de l'objet n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1900 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error executing the function %{func} to be execute after creating the object." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la fonction %{func} devant être exécutée après la création de l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1904 +msgid "LSldapObject : %{func} function, to be executed on object event %{event}, doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSldapObject : La fonction %{func}, devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet, n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1907 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during the execution of %{func} function on object event %{event}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la fonction %{func} lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1911 +msgid "LSldapObject : %{meth} method, to be executed on object event %{event}, doesn't exist." +msgstr "LSldapObject : La méthode %{meth}, devant être exécutée lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet, n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1914 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during execution of %{meth} method on object event %{event}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de la méthode %{meth} lors de l'évènement %{event} de l'objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1917 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during generate LDAP filter for %{LSobject}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant la génération du filtre LDAP de l'objet %{LSobject}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1921 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during execution of the custom action %{customAction} on %{objectname}." +msgstr "LSldapObject : Erreur durant l'exécution de l'action personnalisée %{customAction} sur l'objet %{objectname}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1926 +msgid "LSrelation : Some parameters are missing in the call of methods to handle standard relations (Method : %{meth})." +msgstr "LSrelation : Des paramètres sont manquant dans l'appel des méthodes de manipulation des relations standards." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_image.php:54 +msgid "Click to enlarge." +msgstr "Cliquer pour agrandir." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_image.php:55 +msgid "Click to delete the picture." +msgstr "Cliquer pour supprimer cette photo." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_ldap_password.php:231 +msgid "LSattr_ldap_password : Encoding type %{type} is not supported. This password will be stored in clear text." +msgstr "LSattr_ldap_password : Le type d'encodage %{type} n'est pas supporté. Le mot de passe sera stocké en clair." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_ldap_password.php:234 +msgid "LSattr_ldap_password : Encoding function %{function} is not callable. This password will be stored in clear text." +msgstr "LSattr_ldap_password : La fonction d'encodage %{function} n'est pas disponible. Le mot de passe sera stocké en clair." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_url.php:51 +msgid "Display this website." +msgstr "Afficher le site internet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_url.php:52 +msgid "Add this website to my bookmarks." +msgstr "Ajouter ce site internet à mes favoris." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformRule_regex.php:65 +msgid "LSformRule_regex : Regex has not been configured to validate data." +msgstr "LSformRule_regex : L'expression régulière de vérification des données n'est pas configurée." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsmoothbox.php:38 +msgid "Are you sure to want to close this window and lose all changes ?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûre de vouloir femer cette fenêtre et de perdre tous vos changements ?" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_maildir.php:68 +msgid "Maildir creation/modification on user creation/modification is enabled. Click to disable." +msgstr "La création/modification de la maildir en même temps que la création/modification de l'utilisateur est activée. Cliquer pour désactiver." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_maildir.php:69 +msgid "Click to enable maildir creation/modification on user creation/modification." +msgstr "Cliquer pour activer la création/modification de la maildir en même temps que la création/modification du l'utilisateur." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_list.php:159 +msgid "LSattr_html_select_list : Configuration data are missing to generate the select list of the attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "LSattr_html_select_list : Des données de configuration sont manquantes pour générer la liste de sélection de l'attribut %{attr}." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_postaladdress.php:59 +msgid "View on map" +msgstr "Voir sur une carte" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:58 +msgid "The mailbox has been moved." +msgstr "La boîte mail a été déplacée." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:65 +msgid "The mailbox has been created." +msgstr "La boîte mail a été créée." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:84 +msgid "The mailbox has been archived successfully." +msgstr "Le dossier mail a bien été archivée." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:95 +msgid "The mailbox has been deleted." +msgstr "La boîte mail a été supprimée." + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:137 +#: modify.php:104 +msgid "View" +msgstr "Voir" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:153 +#: view.php:51 +msgid "Copy" +msgstr "Copier" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauthMethod_CAS.php:112 +msgid "LSauthMethod_CAS : Failed to load phpCAS." +msgstr "LSauthMethod_CAS : Impossible de charger phpCAS." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformRule_password.php:98 +msgid "LSformRule_password : Invalid regex configured : %{regex}. You must use PCRE (begining by '/' caracter)." +msgstr "LSformRule_password : Regex invalide configurée : %{regex}. Vous devez utiliser des regex de type PCRE (commencant par le caractère '/')." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:134 +msgid "Generate a password." +msgstr "Générer un mot de passe." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:135 +msgid "Compare with stored password." +msgstr "Comparer avec le mot de passe stocké." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:136 +msgid "Display password." +msgstr "Afficher le mot de passe." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:137 +msgid "Display hashed password." +msgstr "Afficher le mot de passe haché." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:138 +msgid "Hide password." +msgstr "Cacher le mot de passe." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:139 +msgid "The password will be sent by mail if changed. Click to disable automatic notification." +msgstr "Le mot de passe sera envoyé par e-mail en cas de modification. Cliquer pour désactiver la notification." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:140 +msgid "The password will not be sent if changed. Click to enable automatic notification." +msgstr "Le mot de passe ne sera pas envoyé en cas de modification. Cliquer pour activer la notification automatique." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:141 +msgid "Modify the mail sent to notice the user" +msgstr "Modifier mail de notification de l'utilisateur" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:247 +msgid "Notice mail sent." +msgstr "Le mail de notification a été envoyé." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:327 +msgid "LSformElement_password : No contact mail available to send password." +msgstr "LSformElement_password : Aucun mail de contact disponible pour envoyer le mot de passe." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:330 +msgid "LSformElement_password : Contact mail invalid (%{mail}). Can't send password." +msgstr "LSformElement_password : Mail de contact invalide (%{mail}). Impossible d'envoyer le mot de passe." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_date.php:159 +msgid "Now." +msgstr "Maintenant." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_date.php:160 +msgid "Today." +msgstr "Aujourd'hui." + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_mail.php:51 +msgid "Send a mail from here." +msgstr "Envoyer un mail depuis l'interface." + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:88 +msgid "LStemplate : compile directory is not writable (dir : " +msgstr "LStemplate : Le dossier de compilation n'est pas accessible en écriture (dossier : " + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:107 +msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 2 support file" +msgstr "LStemplate : Impossible de charger le fichier de support de Smarty 2." + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:114 +msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 3 support file" +msgstr "LStemplate : Impossible de charger le fichier de support de Smarty 3." + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:118 +msgid "LStemplate : Smarty version not recognized." +msgstr "LStemplate : Version de Smarty non reconnue." + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:129 +msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty." +msgstr "LStemplate : Impossible de charger le moteur de gestion de template Smarty." + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:302 +msgid "LStemplate : Template %{file} not found." +msgstr "LStemplate : le template %{file} est introuvable." + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:39 +msgid "Warning" +msgstr "Attention" + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:67 +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:216 +msgid "No object." +msgstr "Aucun objet." + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:328 +msgid "LSrelation : The listing function for the relation %{relation} is unknow." +msgstr "LSsession : La fonction listant la relation %{relation} est inconnue." + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:331 +msgid "LSrelation : The update function of the relation %{relation} is unknow." +msgstr "LSsession : La fonction de mise à jour de la relation %{relation} est inconnue." + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:334 +msgid "LSrelation : Error during relation update of the relation %{relation}." +msgstr "LSsession : Erreur durant la mise à jour de la relation %{relation}" + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:337 +msgid "LSrelation : Object type %{LSobject} unknow (Relation : %{relation})." +msgstr "LSsession : La fonction de mise à jour de la relation %{relation} est inconnue." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:267 +msgid "The value of field %{label} is invalid." +msgstr "La valeur du champ %{label} est incorrecte." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:731 +msgid "LSattribute : Attribute %{attr} : LDAP or HTML types unknow (LDAP = %{ldap} & HTML = %{html})." +msgstr "LSattribute : Attribut %{attr} : Les types LDAP ou HTML sont inconnus (LDAP = %{ldap} & HTML = %{html})." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:734 +msgid "LSattribute : The function %{func} to display the attribute %{attr} is unknow." +msgstr "LSattribute : La fonction %{func} pour afficher l'attribut %{attr} est inconnue." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:737 +msgid "LSattribute : The rule %{rule} to validate the attribute %{attr} is unknow." +msgstr "LSattribute : La règle %{rule} de validation de l'attribut %{attr} n'existe pas." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:740 +msgid "LSattribute : Configuration data to verify the attribute %{attr} are incorrect." +msgstr "LSattribute : Les données de configuration pour vérifier l'attribut %{attr} sont incorrecte." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:743 +msgid "LSattribute : The function %{func} to save the attribute %{attr} is unknow." +msgstr "LSattribute : La fonction %{func} pour sauvegarder l'attribut %{attr} est inconnue." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:746 +msgid "LSattribute : The value of the attribute %{attr} can't be generated." +msgstr "LSattribute : La valeur de l'attribut %{attr} ne peut être générée." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:749 +msgid "LSattribute : Generation of the attribute %{attr} failed." +msgstr "LSattribute : La génération de l'attribut %{attr} a échouée." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:752 +msgid "LSattribute : Generation of the attribute %{attr} did not return a correct value." +msgstr "LSattribute : La génération de l'attribut %{attr} n'a pas retournée de valeur correcte." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:755 +msgid "LSattribute : The attr_%{type} of the attribute %{name} is not yet defined." +msgstr "LSattribute : L'objet attr_%{type} de l'attribut %{name} n'est pas encore défini." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:125 +msgid "LSattr_html : The method addToForm() of the HTML type of the attribute %{attr} is not defined." +msgstr "LSattr_html : La méthode addToForm() du type HTML de l'attribut %{attr} n'est pas encore définie." + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:129 +msgid "LSattr_html_%{type} : Multiple data are not supported for this field type." +msgstr "LSattr_html_%{type} : Les données multiples ne sont pas supportées pour ce type de champ." + +#: modify.php:60 +msgid "The object has been partially modified." +msgstr "L'objet a été partiellement modifié." + +#: modify.php:63 +msgid "The object has been modified successfully." +msgstr "L'objet a bien été modifié." + +#: index.php:28 +msgid "Home" +msgstr "Accueil" + +#: custom_search_action.php:53 +msgid "The custom action %{title} have been successfully execute on this search." +msgstr "L'action personnalisée %{title} a été correctement exécutée sur cette recherche." + +#: custom_search_action.php:68 +msgid "Do you really want to execute custom action %{title} on this search ?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous vraiment sûre de vouloir exécuter l'action personnalisée %{title} sur cette recherche ?" + +#: select.php:67 +#: view.php:119 +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Rechercher" + +#: select.php:68 +#: view.php:120 +msgid "Approximative search" +msgstr "Recherche approximative" + +#: select.php:69 +#: view.php:121 +msgid "Recursive search" +msgstr "Recherche récursive" + +#: create.php:53 +msgid "Data entry form" +msgstr "Masque de saisie" + +#: create.php:59 +msgid "Object has been added." +msgstr "L'objet a été ajouté." + +#: create.php:98 +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nouveau" + +#: view.php:88 +msgid "My account" +msgstr "Mon compte" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Administration" diff --git a/public_html/lang/ldapsaisie.pot b/public_html/lang/ldapsaisie.pot index 4093c7a5..713b4de1 100644 --- a/public_html/lang/ldapsaisie.pot +++ b/public_html/lang/ldapsaisie.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-18 00:25+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-20 00:03+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +#: image.php:37 +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "" + #: custom_action.php:53 msgid "" "The custom action %{customAction} have been successfully execute on " @@ -29,113 +33,468 @@ msgid "" "%{objectname} ?" msgstr "" -#: custom_action.php:83 includes/class/class.LSsmoothbox.php:39 -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1193 includes/class/class.LSform.php:68 -#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:37 remove.php:51 +#: custom_action.php:83 remove.php:51 includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1216 +#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:37 includes/class/class.LSform.php:68 +#: includes/class/class.LSsmoothbox.php:39 custom_search_action.php:73 msgid "Validate" msgstr "" -#: create.php:53 -msgid "Data entry form" +#: remove.php:37 remove.php:48 +msgid "Deleting" msgstr "" -#: create.php:59 -msgid "Object has been added." +#: remove.php:39 +msgid "has been deleted successfully" msgstr "" -#: create.php:98 -msgid "New" +#: remove.php:49 includes/class/class.LSform.php:216 +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:38 +msgid "Do you really want to delete" msgstr "" -#: select.php:60 view.php:118 -msgid "Search" +#: includes/functions.php:113 +msgid "" +"Function 'getFData' : The method %{meth} of the object %{obj} doesn't exist." msgstr "" -#: select.php:61 view.php:119 -msgid "Approximative search" +#: includes/functions.php:209 +msgid "Folder not found" msgstr "" -#: select.php:62 view.php:120 -msgid "Recursive search" +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:27 +msgid "MAIL Support : Pear::MAIL is missing." msgstr "" -#: select.php:63 includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1153 -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2023 +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:32 +msgid "MAIL Error : %{msg}" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:36 +msgid "MAIL : Error sending your email" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:27 +msgid "POSIX Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:31 +msgid "POSIX Support : Unable to load LSaddon::FTP." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:36 +msgid "" +"POSIX : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the " +"attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:27 +msgid "Asterisk Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:30 +msgid "Asterisk : The function %{function} only work with %{objectName}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:33 +msgid "" +"Asterisk : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to generate MD5 " +"hashed password." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:36 +msgid "" +"Asterisk : Clear password not availlable. Unable to generate MD5 hashed " +"password." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:27 +msgid "SAMBA Support : Unable to load smbHash class." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:30 +msgid "SAMBA Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:34 +msgid "" +"SAMBA Support : The constants LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_USER and " +"LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_GROUP must'nt have the same parity to keep SambaSID's " +"unicity." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:39 +msgid "" +"SAMBA Support : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the " +"attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:42 +msgid "SAMBA Support : Can't get the sambaDomain object." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:45 +msgid "SAMBA Support : Error modifying the sambaDomain object." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:48 +msgid "SAMBA Support : The %{attr} of the sambaDomain object is incorrect." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:27 +msgid "FTP Support : Pear::Net_FTP is missing." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:31 +msgid "FTP Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:37 +msgid "Net_FTP Error : %{msg}" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:41 +msgid "FTP Support : Unable to connect to FTP Server (Step : %{step})." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:44 +msgid "FTP Support : Unable to make directory %{dir} on the remote server." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:47 +msgid "FTP Support : Unable to delete directory %{dir} on the remote server." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:50 +msgid "" +"FTP Support : Unable to modify rights on the directory %{dir} on the remote " +"server." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:53 +msgid "" +"FTP Support : Unable to rename folder from %{old} to %{new} on the remote " +"server." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:27 +msgid "SUPANN Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:30 +msgid "" +"SUPANN Support : The LSobject type %{type} does not exist. Can't work with " +"entities.." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:33 +msgid "SUPANN Support : The global array %{array} is not defined." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:38 +msgid "" +"SUPANN Support : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the " +"attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:41 +msgid "" +"SUPANN Support : Can't get the basedn of entities. Unable to forge the " +"attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:27 +msgid "MAILDIR Support : Unable to load LSaddon::FTP." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:30 +msgid "MAILDIR Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:35 +msgid "MAILDIR : Error creating maildir on the remote server." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:38 +msgid "MAILDIR : Error deleting the maildir on the remote server." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:41 +msgid "MAILDIR : Error renaming the maildir on the remote server." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:44 +msgid "MAILDIR : Error retrieving remote path of the maildir." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:52 +msgid "Reset the choice." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:60 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:61 +msgid "No" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:228 +msgid "" +"LSattr_html_select_object : LSobject type is undefined (attribute : %{attr})." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:231 +msgid "" +"LSattr_html_select_object : the value of the parameter value_attribute in " +"the configuration of the attribute %{attrs} is incorrect. This attribute " +"does not exists." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:234 +msgid "" +"LSattr_html_select_object : more than one object returned corresponding to " +"value %{val} of attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1156 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1166 +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1205 +msgid "LDAP server" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1176 +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2082 select.php:70 msgid "Level" msgstr "" -#: modify.php:54 view.php:43 includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:145 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:68 -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:82 -msgid "Modify" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1177 +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1215 +msgid "Identifier" msgstr "" -#: modify.php:60 -msgid "The object has been partially modified." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1178 +msgid "Password" msgstr "" -#: modify.php:63 -msgid "The object has been modified successfully." +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1179 +msgid "Connect" msgstr "" -#: modify.php:104 includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:137 -msgid "View" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1180 +msgid "Forgot your password ?" msgstr "" -#: modify.php:111 view.php:59 includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:161 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:69 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:81 -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:40 includes/class/class.LSform.php:218 -msgid "Delete" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1198 +msgid "Recovery of your credentials" msgstr "" -#: view.php:51 includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:153 -msgid "Copy" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1217 +msgid "Back" msgstr "" -#: view.php:88 -msgid "My account" +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1219 +msgid "Please fill the identifier field to proceed recovery procedure" msgstr "" -#: index.php:28 -msgid "Home" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_date.php:159 -msgid "Now." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_date.php:160 -msgid "Today." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_xmpp.php:50 -msgid "Chat with this person." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsmoothbox.php:38 -msgid "Are you sure to want to close this window and lose all changes ?" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select.php:52 -msgid "Reset selection." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select.php:58 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:94 -msgid "%{value} (unrecognized value)" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_ldap_password.php:214 +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1223 msgid "" -"LSattr_ldap_password : Encoding type %{type} is not supported. This password " -"will be stored in clear text." +"An email has been sent to %{mail}. Please follow the instructions on it." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_ldap_password.php:217 +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1231 +msgid "Your new password has been sent to %{mail}. " +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1367 +msgid "Refresh" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1383 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1410 +msgid "Connected as" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2210 +msgid "LSsession : The constant %{const} is not defined." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2213 msgid "" -"LSattr_ldap_password : Encoding function %{function} is not callable. This " -"password will be stored in clear text." +"LSsession : The %{addon} support is uncertain. Verify system compatibility " +"and the add-on configuration." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2216 +msgid "" +"LSsession : LDAP server's configuration data are invalid. Can't connect." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2219 +msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSobject type %{type} : unknon type." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2222 +msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSclass %{class}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2225 +msgid "LSsession : Login or password incorrect." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2228 +msgid "LSsession : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2231 +msgid "LSsession : Can't load class of authentification (%{class})." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2234 +msgid "LSsession : Can't connect to LDAP server." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2237 +msgid "LSsession : Impossible to authenticate you." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2240 +msgid "LSsession : Your are not authorized to do this action." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2243 +msgid "LSsession : Some informations are missing to display this page." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2246 +msgid "" +"LSsession : The function of the custom action %{name} does not exists or is " +"not configured." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2249 +msgid "LSsession : Fail to retreive user's LDAP credentials from LSauth." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2252 +msgid "" +"LSsession : Fail to reconnect to LDAP server with user's LDAP credentials." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2256 +msgid "" +"LSsession : Error during creation of list of levels. Contact administrators. " +"(Code : %{code})" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2259 +msgid "LSsession : The password recovery is disabled for this LDAP server." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2262 +msgid "" +"LSsession : Some informations are missing to recover your password. Contact " +"administrators." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2265 +msgid "" +"LSsession : Error during password recovery. Contact administrators.(Step : " +"%{step})" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2269 +msgid "LSsession : problem during initialisation." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:41 +msgid "Organism" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:47 +msgid "Registration year" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:52 +msgid "Registration year must be an integer" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:61 +msgid "Registration regime" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:67 +msgid "Discipline sector" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:73 +msgid "Diploma type" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:79 +msgid "Cursus & Year" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:92 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php:53 +msgid "Entity" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:97 +msgid "Diploma" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:103 +msgid "Step" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannEtuInscription.php:109 +msgid "Pedagogical element" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_ssh_key.php:57 +msgid "Display the full key." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_ssh_key.php:79 +msgid "Unknown type" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_rss.php:50 +msgid "Display RSS stack." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:498 +msgid "LSldap : Error during the LDAP server connection (%{msg})." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:501 +msgid "LSldap : Error during the LDAP search (%{msg})." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:504 +msgid "LSldap : Object type unknown." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:507 +msgid "LSldap : Error while fetching the LDAP entry." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:510 +msgid "LSldap : Error while changing the LDAP entry (DN : %{dn})." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:513 +msgid "LSldap : Error while deleting empty attributes." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:516 +msgid "LSldap : Error while changing the DN of the object." msgstr "" #: includes/class/class.LSmail.php:61 @@ -154,104 +513,505 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Your message has been sent successfully." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSauthMethod_anonymous.php:64 +#: includes/class/class.LSauthMethod_anonymous.php:68 msgid "" "LSauthMethod_anonymous : You must define the LSAUTHMETHOD_ANONYMOUS_USER " "contant in the configuration file." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:971 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement.php:194 +msgid "Attribute" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement.php:289 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:72 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php:107 +msgid "No set value" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformRule.php:57 +msgid "LSformRule_%{type} : Parameter %{param} is not found." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_xmpp.php:50 +msgid "Chat with this person." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1031 msgid "Actions" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:974 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1034 msgid "This search didn't get any result." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1211 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1274 msgid "LSsearch : Invalid filter : %{filter}." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1214 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1277 msgid "LSsearch : Invalid basedn : %{basedn}." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1217 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1280 msgid "LSsearch : Invalid value for %{param} parameter." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1220 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1283 msgid "" "LSsearch : Invalid size limit. Must be an integer greater or equal to 0." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1223 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1286 msgid "LSsearch : Invalid parameter %{attr}. Must be an boolean." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1226 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1289 msgid "" "LSsearch : Invalid parameter attributes. Must be an string or an array of " "strings." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1229 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1292 msgid "LSsearch : Can't build attributes list for make filter." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1232 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1295 msgid "" "LSsearch : Error building filter with attribute '%{attr}' and pattern " "'%{pattern}'" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1235 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1298 msgid "LSsearch : Error combining filters." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1238 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1301 msgid "LSsearch : Invalid pattern." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1241 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1304 msgid "LSsearch : Invalid attribute %{attr} in parameters." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1244 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1307 msgid "LSsearch : Error during the search." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1247 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1310 msgid "LSsearch : Error sorting the search." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1250 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1313 msgid "" "LSsearch : The function of the custum information %{name} is not callable." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1253 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1316 msgid "" "LSsearch : Invalid predefinedFilter for LSobject type %{type} : %{label} " "(filter : %{filter})." msgstr "" +#: includes/class/class.LSsearch.php:1319 +msgid "LSsearch : Error during execution of the custom action %{customAction}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_valueWithUnit.php:89 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_quota.php:80 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_mailQuota.php:80 +msgid "Incorrect value" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_valueWithUnit.php:173 +msgid "" +"LSformElement_valueWithUnit : Units configuration data are missing for the " +"attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php:41 +msgid "Role" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.php:47 +msgid "Entity type" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:35 +msgid "Confirmation" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:36 +msgid "You confirm your choice ?" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:38 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + #: includes/class/class.LSformElement_textarea.php:51 msgid "Clear" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_rss.php:50 -msgid "Display RSS stack." +#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:101 +msgid "Errors" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_list.php:146 +#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:104 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:179 +msgid "Unknown error!" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:68 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php:106 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:145 +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:82 modify.php:54 view.php:43 +msgid "Modify" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:69 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:82 +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:218 +#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:161 +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:40 modify.php:111 view.php:59 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:73 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.php:108 +msgid "No result" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:80 +msgid "Fast Add" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:81 +msgid "Display advanced search and selection panel." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:100 +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select.php:58 +msgid "%{value} (unrecognized value)" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:98 +msgid "Add a field to add another values." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:99 +msgid "Delete this field." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:121 includes/class/class.LSform.php:251 +msgid "No field." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:217 +msgid "Caution" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:272 +msgid "%{label} attribute data is not valid." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:350 +msgid "Mandatory field" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:742 +msgid "LSform : Error during the recovery of the values of the form." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:745 msgid "" -"LSattr_html_select_list : Configuration data are missing to generate the " -"select list of the attribute %{attr}." +"LSform : Error durring the recovery of the value of the field '%{element}'." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_mail.php:51 -msgid "Send a mail from here." +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:752 +msgid "LSform : The field %{element} doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:755 +msgid "LSfom : Field type unknow (%{type})." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:758 +msgid "LSform : Error during the creation of the element '%{element}'." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:761 +msgid "LSform : The data entry form %{name} doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:764 +msgid "LSform : The data entry form %{name} is not correctly configured." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:767 +msgid "" +"LSform : The element %{name}, listed as displayed in data entry form " +"configuration, doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select.php:52 +msgid "Reset selection." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_text.php:57 +msgid "Generate the value" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:168 +msgid "LSauth : Login or password incorrect." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:171 +msgid "LSauth : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:174 +msgid "LSauth : Could not load type of identifiable objects." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:177 +msgid "LSauth : Can't load authentication method %{method}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:180 +msgid "LSauth : Failed to build the authentication provider %{method}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:183 +msgid "LSauth : Not correctly initialized." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:186 +msgid "LSauth : Failed to get authentication informations from provider." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformRule_inarray.php:56 +msgid "" +"LSformRule_inarray : Possible values has not been configured to validate " +"data." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:454 +msgid "The attribute %{attr} is not valid." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1821 +msgid "LSldapObject : Object type unknown." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1824 +msgid "LSldapObject : Update form is not defined for the object %{obj}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1827 +msgid "LSldapObject : No form exists for the object %{obj}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1830 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : The function %{func} to validate the attribute %{attr} the " +"object %{obj} is unknow." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1833 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Configuration data are missing to validate the attribute " +"%{attr} of the object %{obj}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1837 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed on the object event " +"%{event} doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1840 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : The %{func} execution on the object event %{event} failed." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1844 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Class %{class}, which method %{meth} to be executed on the " +"object event %{event}, doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1847 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Method %{meth} within %{class} class to be executed on object " +"event %{event}, doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1850 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during execute %{meth} method within %{class} class, to " +"be executed on object event %{event}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1854 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Some configuration data of the object type %{obj} are missing " +"to generate the DN of the new object." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1857 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : The attibute %{attr} of the object is not yet defined. Can't " +"generate DN." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1860 +msgid "LSldapObject : Without DN, the object could not be changed." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1863 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : The attribute %{attr_depend} depending on the attribute " +"%{attr} doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1866 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during deleting the object %{objectname}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1870 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed before renaming the objet." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1873 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed after renaming the objet." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1877 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed before deleting the objet." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1880 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed after deleting the objet." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1884 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during the actions to be executed before creating the " +"object." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1887 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during the actions to be executed after creating the " +"object. It was created anyway." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1891 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed before creating the " +"object doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1894 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error executing the function %{func} to be execute after " +"deleting the object." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1897 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed after deleting the object " +"doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1900 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error executing the function %{func} to be execute after " +"creating the object." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1904 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : %{func} function, to be executed on object event %{event}, " +"doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1907 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during the execution of %{func} function on object " +"event %{event}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1911 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : %{meth} method, to be executed on object event %{event}, " +"doesn't exist." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1914 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during execution of %{meth} method on object event " +"%{event}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1917 +msgid "LSldapObject : Error during generate LDAP filter for %{LSobject}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1921 +msgid "" +"LSldapObject : Error during execution of the custom action %{customAction} " +"on %{objectname}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1926 +msgid "" +"LSrelation : Some parameters are missing in the call of methods to handle " +"standard relations (Method : %{meth})." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_image.php:54 +msgid "Click to enlarge." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_image.php:55 +msgid "Click to delete the picture." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_ldap_password.php:231 +msgid "" +"LSattr_ldap_password : Encoding type %{type} is not supported. This password " +"will be stored in clear text." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_ldap_password.php:234 +msgid "" +"LSattr_ldap_password : Encoding function %{function} is not callable. This " +"password will be stored in clear text." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_url.php:51 +msgid "Display this website." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_url.php:52 +msgid "Add this website to my bookmarks." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformRule_regex.php:65 +msgid "LSformRule_regex : Regex has not been configured to validate data." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsmoothbox.php:38 +msgid "Are you sure to want to close this window and lose all changes ?" msgstr "" #: includes/class/class.LSformElement_maildir.php:68 @@ -265,6 +1025,161 @@ msgid "" "Click to enable maildir creation/modification on user creation/modification." msgstr "" +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_list.php:159 +msgid "" +"LSattr_html_select_list : Configuration data are missing to generate the " +"select list of the attribute %{attr}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_postaladdress.php:59 +msgid "View on map" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:58 +msgid "The mailbox has been moved." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:65 +msgid "The mailbox has been created." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:84 +msgid "The mailbox has been archived successfully." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:95 +msgid "The mailbox has been deleted." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:137 modify.php:104 +msgid "View" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSsearchEntry.php:153 view.php:51 +msgid "Copy" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSauthMethod_CAS.php:112 +msgid "LSauthMethod_CAS : Failed to load phpCAS." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformRule_password.php:98 +msgid "" +"LSformRule_password : Invalid regex configured : %{regex}. You must use PCRE " +"(begining by '/' caracter)." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:134 +msgid "Generate a password." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:135 +msgid "Compare with stored password." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:136 +msgid "Display password." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:137 +msgid "Display hashed password." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:138 +msgid "Hide password." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:139 +msgid "" +"The password will be sent by mail if changed. Click to disable automatic " +"notification." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:140 +msgid "" +"The password will not be sent if changed. Click to enable automatic " +"notification." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:141 +msgid "Modify the mail sent to notice the user" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:247 +msgid "Notice mail sent." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:327 +msgid "LSformElement_password : No contact mail available to send password." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:330 +msgid "" +"LSformElement_password : Contact mail invalid (%{mail}). Can't send password." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_date.php:159 +msgid "Now." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_date.php:160 +msgid "Today." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_mail.php:51 +msgid "Send a mail from here." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:88 +msgid "LStemplate : compile directory is not writable (dir : " +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:107 +msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 2 support file" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:114 +msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 3 support file" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:118 +msgid "LStemplate : Smarty version not recognized." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:129 +msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:302 +msgid "LStemplate : Template %{file} not found." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:39 +msgid "Warning" +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:67 +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:216 +msgid "No object." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:328 +msgid "" +"LSrelation : The listing function for the relation %{relation} is unknow." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:331 +msgid "LSrelation : The update function of the relation %{relation} is unknow." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:334 +msgid "LSrelation : Error during relation update of the relation %{relation}." +msgstr "" + +#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:337 +msgid "LSrelation : Object type %{LSobject} unknow (Relation : %{relation})." +msgstr "" + #: includes/class/class.LSattribute.php:267 msgid "The value of field %{label} is invalid." msgstr "" @@ -316,286 +1231,6 @@ msgid "" "LSattribute : The attr_%{type} of the attribute %{name} is not yet defined." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_valueWithUnit.php:89 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_quota.php:80 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_mailQuota.php:80 -msgid "Incorrect value" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_valueWithUnit.php:173 -msgid "" -"LSformElement_valueWithUnit : Units configuration data are missing for the " -"attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:52 -msgid "Reset the choice." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:60 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_boolean.php:61 -msgid "No" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:228 -msgid "" -"LSattr_html_select_object : LSobject type is undefined (attribute : %{attr})." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:231 -msgid "" -"LSattr_html_select_object : the value of the parameter value_attribute in " -"the configuration of the attribute %{attrs} is incorrect. This attribute " -"does not exists." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_select_object.php:234 -msgid "" -"LSattr_html_select_object : more than one object returned corresponding to " -"value %{val} of attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1133 -msgid "Connection" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1143 -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1182 -msgid "LDAP server" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1154 -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1192 -msgid "Identifier" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1155 -msgid "Password" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1156 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1157 -msgid "Forgot your password ?" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1175 -msgid "Recovery of your credentials" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1194 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1196 -msgid "Please fill the identifier field to proceed recovery procedure" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1200 -msgid "" -"An email has been sent to %{mail}. Please follow the instructions on it." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1208 -msgid "Your new password has been sent to %{mail}. " -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1347 -msgid "Refresh" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1363 -msgid "Language" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:1390 -msgid "Connected as" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2151 -msgid "LSsession : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2154 -msgid "" -"LSsession : The %{addon} support is uncertain. Verify system compatibility " -"and the add-on configuration." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2157 -msgid "" -"LSsession : LDAP server's configuration data are invalid. Can't connect." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2160 -msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSobject type %{type} : unknon type." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2163 -msgid "LSsession : Failed to load LSclass %{class}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2166 -msgid "LSsession : Login or password incorrect." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2169 -msgid "LSsession : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2172 -msgid "LSsession : Can't load class of authentification (%{class})." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2175 -msgid "LSsession : Can't connect to LDAP server." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2178 -msgid "LSsession : Impossible to authenticate you." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2181 -msgid "LSsession : Your are not authorized to do this action." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2184 -msgid "LSsession : Some informations are missing to display this page." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2187 -msgid "" -"LSsession : The function of the custom action %{name} does not exists or is " -"not configured." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2191 -msgid "" -"LSsession : Error during creation of list of levels. Contact administrators. " -"(Code : %{code})" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2194 -msgid "LSsession : The password recovery is disabled for this LDAP server." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2197 -msgid "" -"LSsession : Some informations are missing to recover your password. Contact " -"administrators." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2200 -msgid "" -"LSsession : Error during password recovery. Contact administrators.(Step : " -"%{step})" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSsession.php:2204 -msgid "LSsession : problem during initialisation." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:71 -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement.php:289 -msgid "No set value" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:72 -msgid "No result" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:79 -msgid "Fast Add" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_select_object.php:80 -msgid "Display advanced search and selection panel." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement.php:194 -msgid "Attribute" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:70 -msgid "LStemplate : compile directory is not writable (dir : " -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:89 -msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 2 support file" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:96 -msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 3 support file" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:100 -msgid "LStemplate : Smarty version not recognized." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:109 -msgid "LStemplate : Can't load Smarty." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LStemplate.php:206 -msgid "LStemplate : Template %{file} not found." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSauthMethod_CAS.php:112 -msgid "LSauthMethod_CAS : Failed to load phpCAS." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_url.php:51 -msgid "Display this website." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_url.php:52 -msgid "Add this website to my bookmarks." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformRule_regex.php:65 -msgid "LSformRule_regex : Regex has not been configured to validate data." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:38 includes/class/class.LSform.php:216 -#: remove.php:49 -msgid "Do you really want to delete" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:39 -msgid "Warning" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:67 -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:216 -msgid "No object." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:327 -msgid "" -"LSrelation : The listing function for the relation %{relation} is unknow." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:330 -msgid "LSrelation : The update function of the relation %{relation} is unknow." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:333 -msgid "LSrelation : Error during relation update of the relation %{relation}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSrelation.php:336 -msgid "LSrelation : Object type %{LSobject} unknow (Relation : %{relation})." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_postaladdress.php:59 -msgid "View on map" -msgstr "" - #: includes/class/class.LSattr_html.php:125 msgid "" "LSattr_html : The method addToForm() of the HTML type of the attribute " @@ -607,591 +1242,51 @@ msgid "" "LSattr_html_%{type} : Multiple data are not supported for this field type." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_text.php:57 -msgid "Generate the value" +#: modify.php:60 +msgid "The object has been partially modified." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:58 -msgid "The mailbox has been moved." +#: modify.php:63 +msgid "The object has been modified successfully." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:65 -msgid "The mailbox has been created." +#: index.php:28 +msgid "Home" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:84 -msgid "The mailbox has been archived successfully." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSattr_html_maildir.php:95 -msgid "The mailbox has been deleted." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:458 -msgid "The attribute %{attr} is not valid." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1808 -msgid "LSldapObject : Object type unknown." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1811 -msgid "LSldapObject : Update form is not defined for the object %{obj}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1814 -msgid "LSldapObject : No form exists for the object %{obj}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1817 +#: custom_search_action.php:53 msgid "" -"LSldapObject : The function %{func} to validate the attribute %{attr} the " -"object %{obj} is unknow." +"The custom action %{title} have been successfully execute on this search." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1820 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Configuration data are missing to validate the attribute " -"%{attr} of the object %{obj}." +#: custom_search_action.php:68 +msgid "Do you really want to execute custom action %{title} on this search ?" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1824 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed on the object event " -"%{event} doesn't exist." +#: select.php:67 view.php:119 +msgid "Search" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1827 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : The %{func} execution on the object event %{event} failed." +#: select.php:68 view.php:120 +msgid "Approximative search" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1831 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Class %{class}, which method %{meth} to be executed on the " -"object event %{event}, doesn't exist." +#: select.php:69 view.php:121 +msgid "Recursive search" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1834 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Method %{meth} within %{class} class to be executed on object " -"event %{event}, doesn't exist." +#: create.php:53 +msgid "Data entry form" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1837 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during execute %{meth} method within %{class} class, to " -"be executed on object event %{event}." +#: create.php:59 +msgid "Object has been added." msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1841 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Some configuration data of the object type %{obj} are missing " -"to generate the DN of the new object." +#: create.php:98 +msgid "New" msgstr "" -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1844 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : The attibute %{attr} of the object is not yet defined. Can't " -"generate DN." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1847 -msgid "LSldapObject : Without DN, the object could not be changed." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1850 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : The attribute %{attr_depend} depending on the attribute " -"%{attr} doesn't exist." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1853 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during deleting the object %{objectname}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1857 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed before renaming the objet." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1860 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed after renaming the objet." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1864 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed before deleting the objet." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1867 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during actions to be executed after deleting the objet." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1871 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during the actions to be executed before creating the " -"object." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1874 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during the actions to be executed after creating the " -"object. It was created anyway." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1878 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed before creating the " -"object doesn't exist." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1881 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error executing the function %{func} to be execute after " -"deleting the object." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1884 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : The function %{func} to be executed after deleting the object " -"doesn't exist." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1887 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error executing the function %{func} to be execute after " -"creating the object." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1891 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : %{func} function, to be executed on object event %{event}, " -"doesn't exist." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1894 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during the execution of %{func} function on object " -"event %{event}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1898 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : %{meth} method, to be executed on object event %{event}, " -"doesn't exist." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1901 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during execution of %{meth} method on object event " -"%{event}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1904 -msgid "LSldapObject : Error during generate LDAP filter for %{LSobject}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1908 -msgid "" -"LSldapObject : Error during execution of the custom action %{customAction} " -"on %{objectname}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldapObject.php:1913 -msgid "" -"LSrelation : Some parameters are missing in the call of methods to handle " -"standard relations (Method : %{meth})." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformRule.php:57 -msgid "LSformRule_%{type} : Parameter %{param} is not found." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:468 -msgid "LSldap : Error during the LDAP server connection (%{msg})." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:471 -msgid "LSldap : Error during the LDAP search (%{msg})." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:474 -msgid "LSldap : Object type unknown." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:477 -msgid "LSldap : Error while fetching the LDAP entry." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:480 -msgid "LSldap : Error while changing the LDAP entry (DN : %{dn})." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:483 -msgid "LSldap : Error while deleting empty attributes." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSldap.php:486 -msgid "LSldap : Error while changing the DN of the object." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:98 -msgid "Add a field to add another values." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:99 -msgid "Delete this field." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:121 includes/class/class.LSform.php:251 -msgid "No field." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:217 -msgid "Caution" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:272 -msgid "%{label} attribute data is not valid." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:346 -msgid "Mandatory field" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:738 -msgid "LSform : Error during the recovery of the values of the form." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:741 -msgid "" -"LSform : Error durring the recovery of the value of the field '%{element}'." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:748 -msgid "LSform : The field %{element} doesn't exist." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:751 -msgid "LSfom : Field type unknow (%{type})." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:754 -msgid "LSform : Error during the creation of the element '%{element}'." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:757 -msgid "LSform : The data entry form %{name} doesn't exist." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:760 -msgid "LSform : The data entry form %{name} is not correctly configured." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSform.php:763 -msgid "" -"LSform : The element %{name}, listed as displayed in data entry form " -"configuration, doesn't exist." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:155 -msgid "LSauth : Login or password incorrect." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:158 -msgid "LSauth : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:161 -msgid "LSauth : Could not load type of identifiable objects." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:164 -msgid "LSauth : Can't load authentication method %{method}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:167 -msgid "LSauth : Failed to build the authentication provider %{method}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:170 -msgid "LSauth : Not correctly initialized." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSauth.php:173 -msgid "LSauth : Failed to get authentication informations from provider." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_ssh_key.php:57 -msgid "Display the full key." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_ssh_key.php:79 -msgid "Unknown type" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:101 -msgid "Errors" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:104 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSerror.php:179 -msgid "Unknown error!" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:131 -msgid "Generate a password." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:132 -msgid "Compare with stored password." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:133 -msgid "Display password." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:134 -msgid "Display hashed password." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:135 -msgid "Hide password." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:136 -msgid "" -"The password will be sent by mail if changed. Click to disable automatic " -"notification." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:137 -msgid "" -"The password will not be sent if changed. Click to enable automatic " -"notification." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:138 -msgid "Modify the mail sent to notice the user" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:243 -msgid "Notice mail sent." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:323 -msgid "LSformElement_password : No contact mail available to send password." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_password.php:326 -msgid "" -"LSformElement_password : Contact mail invalid (%{mail}). Can't send password." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_image.php:54 -msgid "Click to enlarge." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSformElement_image.php:55 -msgid "Click to delete the picture." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:35 -msgid "Confirmation" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:36 -msgid "You confirm your choice ?" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/class/class.LSconfirmBox.php:38 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/functions.php:100 -msgid "" -"Function 'getFData' : The method %{meth} of the object %{obj} doesn't exist." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/functions.php:191 -msgid "Folder not found" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:27 -msgid "SUPANN Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:30 -msgid "" -"SUPANN Support : The LSobject type %{type} does not exist. Can't work with " -"entities.." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:33 -msgid "SUPANN Support : The global array %{array} is not defined." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:38 -msgid "" -"SUPANN Support : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the " -"attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.supann.php:41 -msgid "" -"SUPANN Support : Can't get the basedn of entities. Unable to forge the " -"attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:27 -msgid "MAILDIR Support : Unable to load LSaddon::FTP." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:30 -msgid "MAILDIR Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:35 -msgid "MAILDIR : Error creating maildir on the remote server." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:38 -msgid "MAILDIR : Error deleting the maildir on the remote server." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:41 -msgid "MAILDIR : Error renaming the maildir on the remote server." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.maildir.php:44 -msgid "MAILDIR : Error retrieving remote path of the maildir." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:27 -msgid "Asterisk Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:30 -msgid "Asterisk : The function %{function} only work with %{objectName}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:33 -msgid "" -"Asterisk : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to generate MD5 " -"hashed password." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.asterisk.php:36 -msgid "" -"Asterisk : Clear password not availlable. Unable to generate MD5 hashed " -"password." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:27 -msgid "FTP Support : Pear::Net_FTP is missing." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:31 -msgid "FTP Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:37 -msgid "Net_FTP Error : %{msg}" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:41 -msgid "FTP Support : Unable to connect to FTP Server (Step : %{step})." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:44 -msgid "FTP Support : Unable to make directory %{dir} on the remote server." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:47 -msgid "FTP Support : Unable to delete directory %{dir} on the remote server." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:50 -msgid "" -"FTP Support : Unable to modify rights on the directory %{dir} on the remote " -"server." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.ftp.php:53 -msgid "" -"FTP Support : Unable to rename folder from %{old} to %{new} on the remote " -"server." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:27 -msgid "POSIX Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:31 -msgid "POSIX Support : Unable to load LSaddon::FTP." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.posix.php:36 -msgid "" -"POSIX : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the " -"attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:27 -msgid "MAIL Support : Pear::MAIL is missing." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:32 -msgid "MAIL Error : %{msg}" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.mail.php:36 -msgid "MAIL : Error sending your email" -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:27 -msgid "SAMBA Support : Unable to load smbHash class." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:30 -msgid "SAMBA Support : The constant %{const} is not defined." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:34 -msgid "" -"SAMBA Support : The constants LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_USER and " -"LS_SAMBA_SID_BASE_GROUP must'nt have the same parity to keep SambaSID's " -"unicity." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:39 -msgid "" -"SAMBA Support : The attribute %{dependency} is missing. Unable to forge the " -"attribute %{attr}." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:42 -msgid "SAMBA Support : Can't get the sambaDomain object." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:45 -msgid "SAMBA Support : Error modifying the sambaDomain object." -msgstr "" - -#: includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:48 -msgid "SAMBA Support : The %{attr} of the sambaDomain object is incorrect." -msgstr "" - -#: remove.php:37 remove.php:48 -msgid "Deleting" -msgstr "" - -#: remove.php:39 -msgid "has been deleted successfully" +#: view.php:88 +msgid "My account" msgstr "" diff --git a/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.tpl b/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.tpl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..204c926a --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +
    + {foreach from=$parseValues item=parseValue} +
  • {include file="ls:$fieldTemplate"}
  • + {foreachelse} +
  • {include file="ls:$fieldTemplate"}
  • + {/foreach} +
diff --git a/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field.tpl b/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field.tpl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a6713e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannCompositeAttribute_field.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{if $freeze} + {if isset($parseValue)} + {foreach $components as $c => $cconf} + {if !isset($parseValue[$c])}{continue}{/if} +

+ + {if !empty($parseValue[$c].label) and $parseValue[$c].label!='no'} + {assign var=clabel value=$parseValue[$c].label} + [{$clabel}] + {/if} + {$parseValue[$c].translated} +

+ {/foreach} + {else} + {$noValueTxt} + {/if} +{else} + {foreach $components as $c => $cconf} +

+ + {if $cconf.type=='table' or $cconf.type=='codeEntite'} + + {if $parseValue and !empty($parseValue[$c].label) and $parseValue[$c].label!='no'} + {assign var=clabel value=$parseValue[$c].label} + [{$clabel}] + {/if} + {if $parseValue} + {$parseValue[$c].translated} + {else} + {$noValueTxt} + {/if} + {else} + + {/if} +

+ {/foreach} +{/if} diff --git a/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_field.tpl b/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_field.tpl index ade4df4d..2daa2a57 100644 --- a/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_field.tpl +++ b/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannLabeledValue_field.tpl @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {if $freeze} {if $value or $parseValue} {if $parseValue} - {if $label}[{$label}] {/if}{$value} + {if $label}[{$label}] {/if}{$value} {else} {$value} {/if} diff --git a/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.tpl b/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.tpl deleted file mode 100644 index 1774ad49..00000000 --- a/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannRoleEntite.tpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -
    - {if $parseValues} - {foreach from=$parseValues item=parseValue} - {if $parseValue.role.translated}{assign var=role value=$parseValue.role.translated}{else}{assign var=role value=$parseValue.role.value}{/if} - {if $parseValue.role.label!="no"}{assign var=label_role value=$parseValue.role.label}{else}{assign var=label_role value=""}{/if} - {if $parseValue.type.translated}{assign var=type value=$parseValue.type.translated}{else}{assign var=type value=$parseValue.type.value}{/if} - {if $parseValue.type.label!="no"}{assign var=label_type value=$parseValue.type.label}{else}{assign var=label_type value=""}{/if} - {if $parseValue.code.translated}{assign var=code value=$parseValue.code.translated}{else}{assign var=code value=$parseValue.code.value}{/if} - {if $parseValue.code.label!="no"}{assign var=label_code value=$parseValue.code.label}{else}{assign var=label_code value=""}{/if} -
  • {include file="ls:$fieldTemplate"}
  • - {foreachelse} - {assign var=value value=""} - {assign var=parseValue value=""} -
  • {include file="ls:$fieldTemplate"}
  • - {/foreach} - {else} - {foreach from=$values item=value} -
  • {include file="ls:$fieldTemplate"}
  • - {foreachelse} - {assign var=value value=""} - {assign var=parseValue value=""} -
  • {include file="ls:$fieldTemplate"}
  • - {/foreach} - {/if} -
diff --git a/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannRoleEntite_field.tpl b/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannRoleEntite_field.tpl deleted file mode 100644 index 7678dc88..00000000 --- a/public_html/templates/default/LSformElement_supannRoleEntite_field.tpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -{if $freeze} - {if $value or $parseValue} - {if $parseValue} - {if $label_role}[{$label_role}] {/if}{$role} : {if $label_code}[{$label_code}] {/if}{$code} ({if $label_type}[{$label_type}] {/if}{$type}) - {else} - {$value} - {/if} - {else} - {$noValueTxt} - {/if} -{else} -{if $parseValue} - -{else} - -{/if} -{/if}