mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 06:33:07 +01:00
Move LSsession lang stuff to dedicated LSlang class
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 219 additions and 160 deletions
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class LSformElement_date extends LSformElement {
LSsession :: addJSconfigParam($this -> name, $params);
$codeLang = str_replace('_','-',preg_replace('/\..*$/','',LSsession :: getLang()));
$codeLang = str_replace('_','-',preg_replace('/\..*$/','', LSlang :: getLang()));
LSsession :: addLibJSscript('arian-mootools-datepicker/Picker.js');
LSsession :: addLibJSscript('arian-mootools-datepicker/Picker.Attach.js');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
class LSlang {
// Current lang and encoding
private static $lang = NULL;
private static $encoding = NULL;
* Define current locale (and encoding)
* @param[in] $lang string|null The lang (optional, default: default current LDAP
* server lang, or default lang)
* @param[in] $encoding string|null The encoding (optional, default: default current LDAP
* server encoding, or default encoding)
* @retval void
public static function setLocale($lang=null, $encoding=null) {
// Handle $lang parameter
if (is_null($lang)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
$lang = $_REQUEST['lang'];
elseif (isset($_SESSION['LSlang'])) {
$lang = $_SESSION['LSlang'];
elseif (isset(LSsession :: $ldapServer['lang'])) {
$lang = LSsession :: $ldapServer['lang'];
else {
$lang = LSconfig :: get('lang');
// Handle $encoding parameter
if (is_null($encoding)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['encoding'])) {
$encoding = $_REQUEST['encoding'];
elseif (isset($_SESSION['LSencoding'])) {
$encoding = $_SESSION['LSencoding'];
elseif (isset(LSsession :: $ldapServer['encoding'])) {
$encoding = LSsession :: $ldapServer['encoding'];
else {
$encoding = LSconfig :: get('encoding');
// Set session and self variables
$_SESSION['LSlang'] = self :: $lang = $lang;
$_SESSION['LSencoding'] = self :: $encoding = $encoding;
// Check
if (self :: localeExist($lang, $encoding)) {
LSlog :: debug("LSsession :: setLocale() : Use local '$lang.$encoding'");
if ($encoding) {
$lang .= '.'.$encoding;
// Gettext firstly look the LANGUAGE env variable, so set it
// Set the locale
if (setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang) === false)
LSlog :: error("An error occured setting locale to '$lang'");
// Configure and set the text domain
$fullpath = bindtextdomain(LS_TEXT_DOMAIN, LS_I18N_DIR_PATH);
LSlog :: debug("Text domain fullpath is '$fullpath'.");
LSlog :: debug("Text domain is : ".textdomain(LS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
// Include local translation file
LSsession :: includeFile(LS_I18N_DIR.'/'.$lang.'/lang.php');
// Include other local translation file(s)
foreach(array(LS_I18N_DIR_PATH.'/'.$lang, LS_LOCAL_DIR.'/'.LS_I18N_DIR.'/'.$lang) as $lang_dir) {
if (is_dir($lang_dir)) {
foreach (listFiles($lang_dir, '/^lang.+\.php$/') as $file) {
$path = "$lang_dir/$file";
LSlog :: debug("LSession :: setLocale() : Local '$lang.$encoding' : load translation file '$path'");
else {
if ($encoding && $lang) $lang .= '.'.$encoding;
LSlog :: error("The local '$lang' does not exists, use default one.");
* Return list of available languages
* @retval array List of available languages.
public static function getLangList() {
$list = array('en_US');
if (self :: $encoding) {
$regex = '/^([a-zA-Z_]*)\.'.self :: $encoding.'$/';
else {
$regex = '/^([a-zA-Z_]*)$/';
foreach(array(LS_I18N_DIR_PATH, LS_LOCAL_DIR.'/'.LS_I18N_DIR) as $lang_dir) {
if (!is_dir($lang_dir))
if ($handle = opendir($lang_dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if(is_dir("$lang_dir/$file")) {
if (preg_match($regex, $file, $regs)) {
if (!in_array($regs[1], $list)) {
return $list;
* Return current language
* @param[in] boolean If true, only return the two first characters of the language
* (For instance, 'fr' for 'fr_FR')
* @retval string The current language (ex: fr_FR, or fr if $short==true)
public static function getLang($short=false) {
if ($short) {
return strtolower(substr(self :: $lang, 0, 2));
return self :: $lang;
* Return current encoding
* @retval string The current encoding (ex: UTF8)
public static function getEncoding() {
return self :: $encoding;
* Check a locale exists
* @param[in] $lang string The language (ex: fr_FR)
* @param[in] $encoding string The encoding (ex: UTF8)
* @retval boolean True if the locale is available, False otherwise
public static function localeExist($lang, $encoding) {
if ( !$lang && !$encoding ) {
if ($locale == 'en_US.UTF8') {
return true;
foreach(array(LS_I18N_DIR_PATH, LS_LOCAL_DIR.'/'.LS_I18N_DIR) as $lang_dir)
if (is_dir("$lang_dir/$locale"))
return true;
return false;
@ -57,10 +57,6 @@ class LSsession {
// Les fichiers temporaires
private static $tmp_file = array();
// Langue et encodage actuel
private static $lang = NULL;
private static $encoding = NULL;
* Constante de classe non stockée en session
@ -402,162 +398,34 @@ class LSsession {
return true;
* Défini la locale
* Load and start LSlang, the I18N manager
* @retval void
* @param[in] $lang string|null The lang (optional, default: see LSlang :: setLocale())
* @param[in] $encoding string|null The encoding (optional, default: see LSlang :: setLocale())
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com
* @retval boolean true if LSlang started, false otherwise
public static function setLocale($lang=null,$encoding=null) {
if (is_null($lang)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
$lang = $_REQUEST['lang'];
elseif (isset($_SESSION['LSlang'])) {
$lang = $_SESSION['LSlang'];
elseif (isset(self :: $ldapServer['lang'])) {
$lang = self :: $ldapServer['lang'];
else {
$lang = LSconfig :: get('lang');
if (is_null($encoding)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['encoding'])) {
$encoding = $_REQUEST['encoding'];
elseif (isset($_SESSION['LSencoding'])) {
$encoding = $_SESSION['LSencoding'];
elseif (isset(self :: $ldapServer['encoding'])) {
$encoding = self :: $ldapServer['encoding'];
else {
$encoding = LSconfig :: get('encoding');
self :: $lang=$lang;
self :: $encoding=$encoding;
if (self :: localeExist($lang,$encoding)) {
LSlog :: debug("LSsession :: setLocale() : Use local '$lang.$encoding'");
if ($encoding) {
// Gettext firstly look the LANGUAGE env variable, so set it
// Set the locale
if (setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang) === false)
LSlog :: error("An error occured setting locale to '$lang'");
// Configure and set the text domain
$fullpath = bindtextdomain(LS_TEXT_DOMAIN, LS_I18N_DIR_PATH);
LSlog :: debug("Text domain fullpath is '$fullpath'.");
LSlog :: debug("Text domain is : ".textdomain(LS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
// Include local translation file
self :: includeFile(LS_I18N_DIR.'/'.$lang.'/lang.php');
// Include other local translation file(s)
foreach(array(LS_I18N_DIR_PATH.'/'.$lang, LS_LOCAL_DIR.'/'.LS_I18N_DIR.'/'.$lang) as $lang_dir) {
if (is_dir($lang_dir)) {
foreach (listFiles($lang_dir, '/^lang.+\.php$/') as $file) {
$path = "$lang_dir/$file";
LSlog :: debug("LSession :: setLocale() : Local '$lang.$encoding' : load translation file '$path'");
else {
if ($encoding && $lang) {
LSlog :: error("The local '$lang' does not exists , use default one.");
* Retourne la liste des langues disponibles
* @retval array Tableau/Liste des langues disponibles
public static function getLangList() {
if (self :: $encoding) {
$regex = '/^([a-zA-Z_]*)\.'.self :: $encoding.'$/';
else {
$regex = '/^([a-zA-Z_]*)$/';
foreach(array(LS_I18N_DIR_PATH, LS_LOCAL_DIR.'/'.LS_I18N_DIR) as $lang_dir) {
if (!is_dir($lang_dir))
if ($handle = opendir($lang_dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if(is_dir("$lang_dir/$file")) {
if (preg_match($regex, $file, $regs)) {
if (!in_array($regs[1], $list)) {
return $list;
* Retourne la langue courante de la session
* @param[in] boolean Si true, le code langue retourné sera court
* @retval string La langue de la session
public static function getLang($short=false) {
if ($short) {
return strtolower(self :: $lang[0].self :: $lang[1]);
return self :: $lang;
* Vérifie si une locale est disponible
* @param[in] $lang string La langue (Ex : fr_FR)
* @param[in] $encoding string L'encodage de caractère (Ex : UTF8)
* @retval boolean True si la locale est disponible, False sinon
public static function localeExist($lang, $encoding) {
if ( !$lang && !$encoding ) {
private static function startLSlang($lang=null, $encoding=null) {
if(!self :: loadLSclass('LSlang')) {
if ($locale == 'en_US.UTF8') {
return true;
foreach(array(LS_I18N_DIR_PATH, LS_LOCAL_DIR.'/'.LS_I18N_DIR) as $lang_dir)
if (is_dir("$lang_dir/$locale"))
return true;
return false;
LSlang :: setLocale($lang, $encoding);
return true;
* Initialisation LdapSaisie
* Initialize LdapSaisie
* @param[in] $lang string La langue (Ex : fr_FR / Optionnel)
* @param[in] $encoding string L'encodage de caractère (Ex : UTF8 / Optionnel)
* @param[in] $lang string|null The lang (optional, default: see LSlang :: setLocale())
* @param[in] $encoding string|null The encoding (optional, default: see LSlang :: setLocale())
* @retval boolean True si l'initialisation à réussi, false sinon.
* @retval boolean True if initialized, false otherwise
public static function initialize($lang=null,$encoding=null) {
public static function initialize($lang=null, $encoding=null) {
if (self :: $initialized)
return true;
try {
@ -574,7 +442,7 @@ class LSsession {
if (php_sapi_name() != "cli")
self :: setLocale($lang,$encoding);
self :: startLSlang($lang, $encoding);
self :: loadLSaddons();
self :: loadLSauth();
@ -1112,7 +980,7 @@ class LSsession {
if ( is_array($conf) ) {
self :: $ldapServerId = $id;
self :: $ldapServer = $conf;
self :: setLocale();
LSlang :: setLocale();
self :: setGlobals();
return true;
@ -1557,10 +1425,9 @@ class LSsession {
LStemplate :: assign('LSsession_subDnName',self :: getSubDnName());
LStemplate :: assign('LSlanguages',self :: getLangList());
LStemplate :: assign('LSlang',self :: $lang);
LStemplate :: assign('LSencoding',self :: $encoding);
LStemplate :: assign('lang_label',_('Language'));
LStemplate :: assign('LSlanguages', LSlang :: getLangList());
LStemplate :: assign('LSlang', LSlang :: getLang());
LStemplate :: assign('LSencoding', LSlang :: getEncoding());
LStemplate :: assign('displayLogoutBtn',LSauth :: displayLogoutBtn());
LStemplate :: assign('displaySelfAccess',LSauth :: displaySelfAccess());
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<dd><input type='text' name='LSauth_user' /></dd>
<dd><input type='password' name='LSauth_pwd' /></dd>
<dt class='LSlang_hidden'>{$lang_label|escape:"htmlall"}</dt>
<dt class='LSlang_hidden'>{tr msg="Language"}</dt>
<dd class='LSlang_hidden'>
<select name='lang'>
{foreach from=$LSlanguages item=lang}
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<dd><input type='submit' value='{$loginform_label_submit|escape:"htmlall"}' /></dd>
<span>{$lang_label} : <img id='LSlang' src='{img name=$LSlang}' alt='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}' title='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}'/></span>
<span>{tr msg="Language"} : <img id='LSlang' src='{img name=$LSlang}' alt='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}' title='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}'/></span>
<a href='index.php?LSsession_recoverPassword' class='LSsession_recoverPassword LSsession_recoverPassword_hidden'>{$loginform_label_recoverPassword|escape:"htmlall"}</a>
{include file='ls:LSsession_js.tpl'}
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<p id='recoverpassword_msg'>{$recoverpassword_msg|escape:"htmlall"}</p>
<span>{$lang_label|escape:"htmlall"} : <img id='LSlang' src='{img name=$LSlang}' alt='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}' title='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}'/></span>
<span>{tr msg="Language"} : <img id='LSlang' src='{img name=$LSlang}' alt='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}' title='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}'/></span>
<a href='index.php' id='recoverpassword_back'>{$recoverpasswordform_label_back|escape:"htmlall"}</a>
{include file='ls:LSsession_js.tpl'}
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<td id='status'>
<span>{$lang_label|escape:"htmlall"} : <img id='LSlang' src='{img name=$LSlang}' alt='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}' title='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}'/></span>
<span>{tr msg="Language"} : <img id='LSlang' src='{img name=$LSlang}' alt='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}' title='{$LSlang|escape:"htmlall"}'/></span>
<form action='' methode='post' style='display: none' class='LSlang_hidden'>
<select name='lang'>
{foreach from=$LSlanguages item=lang}
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