mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:33:07 +01:00
LScli : add modify command
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 224 additions and 18 deletions
@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ class LSattribute extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
if ( ($this -> getConfig("form.$idForm")==0) || ($this -> myRights() == 'r') ) {
self :: log_debug("Attribute ".$this -> name." is freeze in form $idForm.");
$element -> freeze();
else {
@ -272,6 +273,9 @@ class LSattribute extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
else {
self :: log_debug("Attribute ".$this -> name." not in form $idForm.");
return true;
@ -286,12 +290,23 @@ class LSattribute extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
return $this -> _myRights;
$whoami = $this -> ldapObject -> whoami();
foreach($whoami as $who) {
$right = $this -> getConfig("rights.$who", ($who=='admin'?'r':null));
if (in_array($right, array('r', 'w'))) {
$return = $right;
if ($return == 'w') break;
if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
// In CLI mode, take maximum rights affected to LSprofiles
foreach ($this -> getConfig("rights", array()) as $who => $right) {
if (in_array($right, array('r', 'w'))) {
$return = $right;
if ($return == 'w') break;
else {
$whoami = $this -> ldapObject -> whoami();
foreach($whoami as $who) {
$right = $this -> getConfig("rights.$who", ($who=='admin'?'r':null));
if (in_array($right, array('r', 'w'))) {
$return = $right;
if ($return == 'w') break;
$this -> _myRights = $return;
@ -1915,8 +1915,7 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
return false;
echo $obj -> _cli_show($raw_values);
$obj -> _cli_show($raw_values);
return true;
@ -1935,14 +1934,14 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
foreach($this -> getConfig('LSform.layout') as $tab_name => $tab) {
echo " - ".(isset($tab['label'])?$tab['label']:$tab_name)." :\n";
foreach ($tab['args'] as $attr_name) {
$this -> _cli_show_attr($attr_name, $raw_values, " ");
echo $this -> _cli_show_attr($attr_name, $raw_values, " ");
echo "\n";
else {
foreach ($this -> attrs as $attr_name => $attr) {
$this -> _cli_show_attr($attr_name, $raw_values);
echo $this -> _cli_show_attr($attr_name, $raw_values);
echo "\n";
@ -1976,16 +1975,28 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* @param[in] $raw_values bool Show attributes raw values (instead of display ones)
* @param[in] $prefix string Prefix for each line displayed (optional, default: no prefix)
* @retval void
* @retval string The formated attribute message
public function _cli_show_attr($attr_name, $raw_values=false, $prefix="") {
private function _cli_show_attr($attr_name, $raw_values=false, $prefix="") {
if (!isset($this -> attrs[$attr_name]))
echo "$prefix - ".$this -> attrs[$attr_name]->getLabel()." ($attr_name) :";
$values = ($raw_values?$this -> attrs[$attr_name]->getValue():$this -> attrs[$attr_name]->getDisplayValue());
return self :: _cli_show_attr_values($attr_name, $values, $prefix);
* CLI helper to show the attribute values
* @param[in] $attr_name string The attribute name
* @param[in] $values array Attribute values
* @param[in] $prefix string Prefix for each line displayed (optional, default: no prefix)
* @retval string The formated attribute values message
private function _cli_show_attr_values($attr_name, $values, $prefix="") {
$return = "$prefix - ".$this -> attrs[$attr_name]->getLabel()." ($attr_name) :";
if (empty($values)) {
echo " empty\n";
return true;
return $return." empty\n";
if (!is_array($values)) $values = array($values);
@ -1993,11 +2004,28 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
for ($i=0; $i < count($values); $i++)
if (strlen($values[$i]) > 70)
$values[$i] = substr($values[$i], 0, 65)."[...]";
echo (count($values) > 1?"\n$prefix - ":" ");
echo implode("\n$prefix - ", $values);
echo "\n";
$return .= (count($values) > 1?"\n$prefix - ":" ");
$return .= implode("\n$prefix - ", $values);
return $return."\n";
* CLI helper to show the attributes values
* @param[in] $attrs_values attrs The attributes values
* @param[in] $label string|null The label text to show before attributes values
* @param[in] $prefix string Prefix for each line displayed (optional, default: no prefix)
* @retval string The formated attributes values message
private function _cli_show_attrs_values($attrs_values, $label=null, $prefix="") {
$return = "";
if ($label)
$return .= "$prefix$label\n";
foreach ($attrs_values as $attr => $values)
$return .= self :: _cli_show_attr_values($attr, $values, $prefix);
return $return;
* CLI remove command
@ -2055,6 +2083,142 @@ class LSldapObject extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
return false;
* CLI helper to parse attribute values given via command argument in format :
* attr=value1|value2
* @param[in] $obj LSldapObject The LDAP object
* @param[in] &$attrs_values array The reference of the array that store attributes values
* @param[in] $command_arg string The command argument to parse
* @param[in] $delimiter string The delimiter of multiple-value attribute (optional, default: '|')
* @retval boolean True if attribute values successfully parsed, False otherwise
function _cli_parse_attr_values($obj, &$attrs_values, $command_arg, $delimiter='|') {
$arg_parts = explode('=', $command_arg);
if (count($arg_parts) < 2)
LScli :: usage("Invalid parameter '$command_arg'.");
$attr = $arg_parts[0];
if (!isset($obj -> attrs[$attr]))
LScli :: usage("Invalid parameter '$command_arg': ".$obj->type_name." object as no attribute '$attr'.");
// Split an check values
$values = array();
foreach (explode($delimiter, implode('=', array_slice($arg_parts, 1))) as $value)
if (!empty($value))
$values[] = $value;
if (!array_key_exists($attr, $attrs_values))
$attrs_values[$attr] = $values;
$attrs_values[$attr] = array_merge($attrs_values[$attr], $values);
return true;
* CLI modify command
* @param[in] $command_args array Command arguments :
* - Positional arguments :
* - LSobject type
* - object DN
* - changes to made on object in format attr=value1|value2
* - Optional arguments :
* - -D|--delimiter : delimiter for multiple values attributes (default: "|")
* - -N|--no-confirm : Do not ask for confirmation
* - -j|--just-try : Just-try mode = validate changes but do not really update LDAP object data
* Note: for multiple-values attributes, you also could specify attribute and value
* multiple time, for instance : attr1=value1 attr1=value2
* @retval boolean True on succes, false otherwise
public static function cli_modify($command_args) {
$objType = null;
$dn = null;
$delimiter = "|";
$confirm = true;
$just_try = false;
$changes = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($command_args); $i++) {
switch ($command_args[$i]) {
case '-d':
case '--delimiter':
$delimiter = $command_args[++$i];
if ($delimiter == '=')
LScli :: usage("Invalid delimiter: you can't use '=' as delimiter.");
case '-N':
case '--no-confirm':
$confirm = false;
case '-j':
case '--just-try':
$just_try = true;
if (is_null($objType)) {
$objType = $command_args[$i];
if (!LSsession :: loadLSobject($objType))
return false;
$obj = new $objType();
elseif (is_null($dn)) {
$dn = $command_args[$i];
else {
// Change on an attribute
$obj -> _cli_parse_attr_values($obj, $changes, $command_args[$i], $delimiter);
if (is_null($objType) || is_null($dn) || empty($changes))
LScli :: usage('You must provide LSobject type, DN and at least one change.');
if (!$obj->loadData($dn)) {
self :: log_fatal("Fail to load object $dn data from LDAP");
return false;
if ($confirm) {
echo $obj -> _cli_show_attrs_values($changes, "Attributes's values changes:");
// Sure ?
if (!LScli :: confirm("Are you sure you want to change attributes's values of this object as specified?"))
return True;
// Instanciate a modify LSform
$form = $obj -> getForm('modify');
// Check all changed attributes are in modify form and are'nn freezed
foreach ($changes as $attr => $value) {
if (!$form -> hasElement($attr))
LScli :: usage("Change on attribute '$attr' is not possible (attribute not in modify form).");
if ($form -> isFreeze($attr))
LScli :: usage("Change on attribute '$attr' is not possible (attribute freezed in modify form).");
// Set form data from inputed data, validate form (only for present data) and validate data
if (!$form -> setPostData($changes, true) || !$form -> validate(true) || !$obj -> updateData('modify', $just_try)) {
$error_msg = "Validation errors occured on your changes:";
$errors = $form->getErrors();
if (is_array($errors) && !empty($errors))
$error_msg .= "\n".$obj -> _cli_show_attrs_values($errors, "");
$error_msg .= " unknown error";
LSlog :: error($error_msg);
return false;
elseif ($just_try) {
self :: log_info("$dn: Just-try mode : changes validated but object not updated.");
else {
self :: log_info("$dn: Object updated.");
return True;
* CLI relation command
@ -2318,6 +2482,33 @@ LScli :: add_command(
'[object type] [dn] [-r|--raw-values]'
LScli :: add_command(
array('LSldapObject', 'cli_modify'),
'Modify an LSobject',
'[object type] [dn] [-N|--no-confirm] [-D|--delimiter] attr1=value1|value2 attr2=value3',
' - Positional arguments :',
' - LSobject type',
' - LSobject DN',
' - attributes values to modify in format:',
' attr_name=value1|value2',
' Note: for multiple-values attributes, you also could specify',
' attribute and value multiple time, for instance :',
' attr1=value1 attr1=value2',
' - Optional arguments :',
' - -j|--just-try Just-try mode: validate changes but do not',
' really update LDAP object data',
' -D|--delimiter Delimiter for multiple values attributes',
' (default: "|")',
' -N|--no-confirm Do not ask for confirmation',
LScli :: add_command(
array('LSldapObject', 'cli_remove'),
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