mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 16:33:48 +01:00
Add ppolicy LSaddon
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 842 additions and 19 deletions
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
<!ENTITY conf-LSaddon_maildir SYSTEM "LSaddon_maildir.docbook">
<!ENTITY conf-LSaddon_mailquota SYSTEM "LSaddon_mailquota.docbook">
<!ENTITY conf-LSaddon_phpldapadmin SYSTEM "LSaddon_phpldapadmin.docbook">
<!ENTITY conf-LSaddon_ppolicy SYSTEM "LSaddon_ppolicy.docbook">
<!ENTITY conf-LSaddon_showTechInfo SYSTEM "LSaddon_showTechInfo.docbook">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
<sect2 id="config-LSaddon_ppolicy">
<para>Cet &LSaddon; fourni :
<listitem><para>une fonction <literal>ppolicy_extraDisplayColumn_password_expiration</literal>
pouvant être utilisée pour la génération d'une <emphasis>extraDisplayedColumn</emphasis>
affichant l'état d'expiration du mot de passe des objets d'une recherche.
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<citetitle>Exemple d'utilisation</citetitle>
<![CDATA[$GLOBALS['LSobjects']['LSpeople']['LSsearch'] = array (
'extraDisplayedColumns' => array (
'password_expiration' => array (
'label' => 'Password expiration',
'generateFunction' => 'ppolicy_extraDisplayColumn_password_expiration',
'additionalAttrs' => array('pwdChangedTime', 'pwdPolicySubentry'),
'escape' => false,
<listitem><para>une fonction <literal>ppolicy_export_search_info</literal>
pouvant être utilisée comme <link linkend="config-LSobject-customSearchActions">actions
personnalisées sur les recherches d'&LSobjects;</link> pour exporter au format CSV les
informations des politiques de mots de passe des objets retournés par la recherche.
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<citetitle>Exemple d'utilisation</citetitle>
<![CDATA[$GLOBALS['LSobjects']['LSpeople']['LSsearch'] = array (
'customActions' => array (
'exportPpolicyInfo' => array (
'label' => 'Export password policy info',
'icon' => 'export_csv',
'function' => 'ppolicy_export_search_info',
'noConfirmation' => true,
'disableOnSuccessMsg' => true,
'rights' => array (
<listitem><para>la méthode d'API <literal>exportPpolicyInfo</literal> permettant d'exporter
les informations des politiques de mots de passe de tous les objets d'un type donné. Cette méthode
est accessible via l'URL au format suivant :
<literal>/api/1.0/exportPpolicyInfo/[object type]</literal></para></listitem>
<listitem><para>la commande CLI <literal>export_ppolicy_info</literal> permettant d'exporter
les informations des politiques de mots de passe de tous les objets d'un type donné.
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
ldapsaisie export_ppolicy_info [object type] [-o|--output filepath] [-j|--json [-p|--pretty]]
<para>Des paramètres de configuration sont disponibles dans le fichier de
configuration <literal>config.LSaddons.ppolicy.php</literal>.</para>
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<citetitle>Structure du fichier</citetitle>
<![CDATA[// Default password policy object DN (set to null if no default policy is configured)
define('LS_PPOLICY_DEFAULT_DN', null);
// Ppolicy password warning expiration threshold (in seconds)
// Ppolicy password critical expiration threshold (in seconds)
// CSV file delimiter
// CSV file enclosure
// CSV file escape character (available since PHP 5.5.4)
// List of LSprofiles who are granted to use the exportPpolicyInfo API method
// List of extra attributes to include in Ppolicy info export
<title>Paramètres de configuration</title>
<simpara>Constante définissant le DN de la politique par défaut. Si aucune politique par défaut
n'est définie, ce paramètre doit valoir <literal>null</literal>.</simpara>
<simpara>Constante définissant le seuil d'alerte pour l'expiration des mots de passe (en
seconde). Par défaut : 7 jours.</simpara>
<simpara>Constante définissant le seuil critique pour l'expiration des mots de passe (en
seconde). Par défaut : 2 jours.</simpara>
<simpara>Constante définissant le caractère utilisé lors de la génération de l'export CSV
comme séparateur de champ. Par défaut : un point-virgule.</simpara>
<simpara>Constante définissant le caractère utilisé lors de la génération de l'export CSV
pour l'encadrement des champs. Par défaut : un guillemet double.</simpara>
<simpara>Constante définissant le caractère utilisé lors de la génération de l'export CSV
pour l'échappement des champs. Par défaut : une barre oblique inverse.</simpara>
<simpara>Tableau global listant les &LSprofiles; autorisés à utiliser la méthode d'API
<simpara>Tableau global listant les attributs supplémentaires à inclure lors de l'export des
informations de politique de mots de passe.</simpara>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* Copyright (C) 2022 Easter-eggs
* https://ldapsaisie.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Ppolicy configuration
// Default password policy object DN (set to null if no default policy is configured)
define('LS_PPOLICY_DEFAULT_DN', null);
// Ppolicy password warning expiration threshold (in seconds)
// Ppolicy password critical expiration threshold (in seconds)
// CSV file delimiter
// CSV file enclosure
// CSV file escape character (available since PHP 5.5.4)
// List of LSprofiles who are granted to use the exportPpolicyInfo API method
// List of extra attributes to include in Ppolicy info export
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* https://ldapsaisie.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Error messages
LSerror :: defineError('PPOLICY_SUPPORT_01',
___("Password policy Support : The constant %{const} is not defined.")
LSerror :: defineError('PPOLICY_SUPPORT_02',
___("Password policy Support : The global array %{array} is not defined.")
LSerror :: defineError('PPOLICY_01',
___("Password policy: An error occured generating CSV outfile memory space.")
LSerror :: defineError('PPOLICY_02',
___("Password policy: An error occured executing the search.")
LSerror :: defineError('PPOLICY_03',
___("Password policy: An error occured writing CSV header.")
LSerror :: defineError('PPOLICY_04',
___("Password policy: An error occured writing a CSV row.")
* Check support of Ppolicy by LdapSaisie
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @return boolean true if Ppolicy is totally supported, false in other case
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
function LSaddon_ppolicy_support() {
$retval = true;
foreach($MUST_DEFINE_CONST as $const) {
if (!defined($const)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('PPOLICY_SUPPORT_01', $const);
$retval = false;
foreach($MUST_DEFINE_ARRAY as $array) {
if ( !isset($GLOBALS[$array]) || !is_array($GLOBALS[$array])) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('PPOLICY_SUPPORT_02', $array);
$retval = false;
// Init ppolicy objects cache
if ($retval) {
LSurl :: add_handler(
true, false, true);
return $retval;
* Retrieve ppolicy object (from cache if already loaded)
* @param[in] $dn string The DN of the ppolicy object
* @return array|false Array of ppolicy object's attributes on success, false otherwise
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
function get_ppolicy_object($dn) {
if (array_key_exists($dn, $GLOBALS['PPOLICY_OBJECTS_CACHE']))
$GLOBALS['PPOLICY_OBJECTS_CACHE'][$dn] = LSldap :: getAttrs($dn, '(objectClass=pwdPolicy)');
* Retrieve ppolicy password max age
* @param[in] $ppolicy_dn string Optional DN of the ppolicy object to use
* @return int|null|false The ppolicy password max age (in second) if defined, null if no password max age is defined or false in case of error
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
function get_ppolicy_password_max_age($ppolicy_dn=null) {
if (!$ppolicy_dn)
$ppolicy_dn = LS_PPOLICY_DEFAULT_DN;
if (!$ppolicy_dn)
return null;
$ppolicy = get_ppolicy_object($ppolicy_dn);
if (!$ppolicy)
return false;
if (isset($ppolicy['pwdMaxAge']))
return intval($ppolicy['pwdMaxAge']);
return null;
* Format and return HTML code of a badge
* @param[in] $text string The text of the badge
* @param[in] $bg_color string The background color of the badge (optional, default: green)
* @param[in] $color string The text color of the badge (optional, default: white)
* @return string The HTML code of the badge
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
function _ppolicy_badge($text, $bg_color='green', $color='white') {
// Disable HTML formating on PHP cli
if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') return $text;
return sprintf(
'<span style="
background-color: %s; color: %s;
padding: 0.2em; font-size: 0.8em; border-radius: 0.4em;"
$bg_color, $color, $text
* Retrieve Ppolicy extraDisplayedColumn password expiration
* @param[in] $entry An LSsearchEntry object
* @return string Ppolicy extraDisplayedColumn password expiration
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
function ppolicy_extraDisplayColumn_password_expiration($entry) {
$change_time = $entry->pwdChangedTime;
if (!$change_time)
return _('Never');
$change_time = ldapDate2Timestamp($change_time);
$max_age = get_ppolicy_password_max_age($entry->pwdPolicySubentry);
if ($max_age === false)
return _ppolicy_badge(__('Unknown'), 'gray');
if (!$max_age)
return _('Never');
$expiration_date = $change_time + $max_age;
$now = time();
if ($expiration_date <= $now)
return _ppolicy_badge(
sprintf(_('Expired (since %s)'), date('Y-m-d H:i', $expiration_date)),
$delta = $expiration_date - $now;
$badge_color = 'red';
$badge_color = 'orange';
$badge_color = 'green';
return _ppolicy_badge(
sprintf(_('Expire on %s'), date('Y-m-d H:i', $expiration_date)),
* Write LSsearch result as CSV and force download of it.
* @param[in] $LSsearch The LSsearch object
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @return boolean Void if CSV file is successfully generated and upload, false in other case
function ppolicy_export_search_info($LSsearch, $as_csv=true, $return=false) {
if ($as_csv) {
$csv = fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:'. (5*1024*1024), 'r+');
if ($csv === false) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('PPOLICY_01');
return false;
$attrs = array_merge(
'pwdPolicySubentry', 'pwdChangedTime', 'pwdGraceUseTime', 'pwdFailureTime',
'pwdAccountLockedTime', 'pwdReset', 'pwdHistory'
$LSsearch -> setParam('attributes', $attrs);
if (!$LSsearch -> run()) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('PPOLICY_02');
return false;
if ($as_csv) {
$headers = array($LSsearch->label_objectName, 'DN');
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
$label = LSconfig::get("LSobjects.".$LSsearch->LSobject.".attrs.$attr.label", $attr, 'string');
$headers[] = __($label);
if (!_ppolicy_write_row_in_csv($csv, $headers)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('PPOLICY_03');
return false;
else {
$data = array();
foreach ($LSsearch -> getSearchEntries() as $e) {
$row = array(
'name' => $e -> displayName,
'dn' => $e -> dn,
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
if ($as_csv) {
$values = ensureIsArray($e -> get($attr));
if ($values) {
$row[] = ($as_json?$values:implode('|', $values));
else {
$no_value_label = LSconfig::get(
___('Not set'), 'string');
$row[] = __($no_value_label);
else {
$row[$attr] = ensureIsArray($e -> get($attr));
if (!LSconfig::get("LSobjects.".$LSsearch->LSobject.".attrs.$attr.multiple")) {
$row[$attr] = ($row[$attr]?$row[$attr][0]:null);
if ($as_csv) {
if (!_ppolicy_write_row_in_csv($csv, $row)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('PPOLICY_04');
return false;
else {
$data[] = $row;
if (!$as_csv) {
if ($return)
return $data;
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=ppolicy-".$LSsearch->LSobject.".json");
if ($return) {
$data = stream_get_contents($csv);
return $data;
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=ppolicy-".$LSsearch->LSobject.".csv");
header("Content-type: text/csv");
print stream_get_contents($csv);
* Write CSV row in file
* @param[in] $csv The CSV file description reference
* @param[in] $row An array of a CSV row fields to write
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval boolean True if CSV row is successfully writed, false in other case
function _ppolicy_write_row_in_csv(&$csv, &$row) {
if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID') or PHP_VERSION_ID < 50504) {
return (
return (
* Handle exportPpolicyInfo API request
* @param[in] $request LSurlRequest The request
* @return void
function handle_api_LSobject_exportPpolicyInfo($request) {
$container_dn = LSconfig::get(
"", "string");
$whoami = LSsession :: whoami(
if (!array_intersect($GLOBALS['LS_PPOLICY_API_GRANTED_PROFILES'], $whoami)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_11');
LSsession :: displayAjaxReturn();
return false;
if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSsearch')) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_05', 'LSsearch');
LSsession :: displayAjaxReturn();
return false;
$search = new LSsearch(
$search -> setParam('onlyAccessible', True);
$data = ppolicy_export_search_info($search, false, true);
LSsession :: displayAjaxReturn($data);
if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli')
return true;
function cli_export_ppolicy_info($command_args) {
$objType = null;
$output = false;
$json = false;
$pretty = false;
for ($i=0; $i < count($command_args); $i++) {
switch($command_args[$i]) {
case '-o':
case '--output':
$output = $command_args[$i];
case '-j':
case '--json':
$json = true;
case '-p':
case '--pretty':
$pretty = true;
if (is_null($objType))
$objType = $command_args[$i];
LScli :: usage("Invalid ".$command_args[$i]." parameter.");
if (is_null($objType))
LScli :: usage('You must provide LSobject type.');
if (!LSsession :: loadLSobject($objType))
return false;
if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSsearch')) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_05', 'LSsearch');
LSsession :: displayAjaxReturn();
return false;
$search = new LSsearch($objType, 'cli_export_ppolicy_info');
$search -> setParam('onlyAccessible', True);
$data = ppolicy_export_search_info($search, !$json, true);
if ($json)
$data = json_encode(
if (!$output) {
$fd = fopen($output, 'w') or fatal_error("Fail to open output file '$output'");
fwrite($fd, $data) or fatal_error("Fail to write result in output file '$output'");
* Args autocompleter for CLI export_ppolicy_info command
* @param[in] $command_args array List of already typed words of the command
* @param[in] $comp_word_num int The command word number to autocomplete
* @param[in] $comp_word string The command word to autocomplete
* @param[in] $opts array List of global available options
* @retval array List of available options for the word to autocomplete
function cli_export_ppolicy_info_args_autocompleter($command_args, $comp_word_num, $comp_word, $opts) {
$opts = array_merge($opts, array ('-o', '--output', '-j', '--json', '-p', '--pretty'));
// Handle positional args
$objType = null;
$objType_arg_num = null;
for ($i=0; $i < count($command_args); $i++) {
if (!in_array($command_args[$i], $opts)) {
// If object type not defined
if (is_null($objType)) {
// Defined it
$objType = $command_args[$i];
LScli :: unquote_word($objType);
$objType_arg_num = $i;
// Check object type exists
$objTypes = LScli :: autocomplete_LSobject_types($objType);
// Load it if exist and not trying to complete it
if (in_array($objType, $objTypes) && $i != $comp_word_num) {
LSsession :: loadLSobject($objType, false);
// If objType not already choiced (or currently autocomplete), add LSobject types to available options
if (!$objType || $objType_arg_num == $comp_word_num)
$opts = array_merge($opts, LScli :: autocomplete_LSobject_types($comp_word));
return LScli :: autocomplete_opts($opts, $comp_word);
LScli :: add_command(
'Export password policy info of a all objects of a specified object type',
'[object type] [-o|--output filepath] [-j|--json [-p|--pretty]]',
false, // long desc
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LdapSaisie\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-22 18:24+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-11 18:24+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Renard <brenard@zionetrix.net>\n"
"Language-Team: LdapSaisie <ldapsaisie-users@lists.labs.libre-entreprise."
@ -21,6 +21,64 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:26
msgid "Password policy Support : The constant %{const} is not defined."
msgstr ""
"Support politique de mots de passe : La constante %{const} n'est pas définie."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:29
msgid "Password policy Support : The global array %{array} is not defined."
msgstr ""
"Support politique de mots de passe : Le tableau global %{array} n'est pas "
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:32
msgid "Password policy: An error occured generating CSV outfile memory space."
msgstr ""
"Politique de mots de passe : Une erreur est survenue en générant l'espace "
"mémoire pour le fichier CSV."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:35
msgid "Password policy: An error occured executing the search."
msgstr ""
"Politique de mots de passe : Une erreur est survenue en exécutant la "
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:38
msgid "Password policy: An error occured writing CSV header."
msgstr ""
"Politique de mots de passe : Une erreur est survenue en écrivant les entêtes "
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:41
msgid "Password policy: An error occured writing a CSV row."
msgstr ""
"Politique de mots de passe : Une erreur est survenue en écrivant une ligne "
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:169
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:175
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Jamais"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:173
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Inconnu"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:180
#, php-format
msgid "Expired (since %s)"
msgstr "Expiré (depuis %s)"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:190
#, php-format
msgid "Expire on %s"
msgstr "Expirera le %s"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:258
msgid "Not set"
msgstr "Non défini"
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:27
msgid "SAMBA Support: Unable to load smbHash class."
msgstr "Support SAMBA : Impossible de charger la classe smbHash."
@ -434,6 +492,10 @@ msgstr ""
"MAILDIR : Erreur durant la récupération du chemin distant du dossier des "
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.watermark.php:78
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.showTechInfo.php:63
#: templates/default/showTechInfo.tpl:16
msgid "Structural object class"
@ -1628,39 +1690,39 @@ msgstr ""
"LSformRule_password : Regex invalide configurée : %{regex}. Vous devez "
"utiliser des regex de type PCRE (commencant par le caractère '/')."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:614
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:629
msgid "LSldap: Error during the LDAP server connection (%{msg})."
msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la connexion au serveur LDAP (%{msg})."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:617
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:632
msgid "LSldap: Error during the LDAP search (%{msg})."
msgstr "LSldap : Erreur pendant la recherche LDAP (%{msg})."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:620
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:635
msgid "LSldap: Object type unknown."
msgstr "LSldap : Type d'objet inconnu."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:623
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:638
msgid "LSldap: Error while fetching the LDAP entry."
msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la récupération de l'entrée LDAP."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:626
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:641
msgid "LSldap: Error while changing the LDAP entry (DN : %{dn})."
msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la modification de l'entrée LDAP (DN : %{dn})."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:629
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:644
msgid "LSldap: Error while deleting empty attributes."
msgstr "LSldap : Erreur durant la suppression des attributs vides."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:632
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:647
msgid "LSldap: Error while changing the DN of the object."
msgstr "LSldap : Erreur pendant la modification du DN de l'objet."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:635
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:650
msgid "LSldap: LDAP server base DN not configured."
msgstr "LSldap : Le base DN du serveur LDAP n'est pas configuré."
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:638
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:653
msgid "LSldap: Fail to set authz proxy option on LDAP server connection."
msgstr ""
"LSldap : Une erreur est survenue en appliquant l'option d'authz proxy sur la "
@ -1,3 +1,50 @@
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:26
msgid "Password policy Support : The constant %{const} is not defined."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:29
msgid "Password policy Support : The global array %{array} is not defined."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:32
msgid "Password policy: An error occured generating CSV outfile memory space."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:35
msgid "Password policy: An error occured executing the search."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:38
msgid "Password policy: An error occured writing CSV header."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:41
msgid "Password policy: An error occured writing a CSV row."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:169
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:175
msgid "Never"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:173
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:180
#, php-format
msgid "Expired (since %s)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:190
#, php-format
msgid "Expire on %s"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.ppolicy.php:258
msgid "Not set"
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.samba.php:27
msgid "SAMBA Support: Unable to load smbHash class."
msgstr ""
@ -345,6 +392,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "MAILDIR : Error retrieving remote path of the maildir."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.watermark.php:78
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/addons/LSaddons.showTechInfo.php:63
#: templates/default/showTechInfo.tpl:16
msgid "Structural object class"
@ -1359,39 +1410,39 @@ msgid ""
"(begining by '/' caracter)."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:614
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:629
msgid "LSldap: Error during the LDAP server connection (%{msg})."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:617
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:632
msgid "LSldap: Error during the LDAP search (%{msg})."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:620
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:635
msgid "LSldap: Object type unknown."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:623
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:638
msgid "LSldap: Error while fetching the LDAP entry."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:626
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:641
msgid "LSldap: Error while changing the LDAP entry (DN : %{dn})."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:629
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:644
msgid "LSldap: Error while deleting empty attributes."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:632
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:647
msgid "LSldap: Error while changing the DN of the object."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:635
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:650
msgid "LSldap: LDAP server base DN not configured."
msgstr ""
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:638
#: /home/brenard/dev/ldapsaisie_clean3/src/includes/class/class.LSldap.php:653
msgid "LSldap: Fail to set authz proxy option on LDAP server connection."
msgstr ""
Reference in a new issue