
286 lines
9.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* https://ldapsaisie.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Error messages
// Support
LSerror :: defineError('LSORGCHART_SUPPORT_01',
___("Organizational Chart Support : The global array %{array} is not defined.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSORGCHART_SUPPORT_02',
___("Organizational Chart Support : The global variable %{var} is not defined.")
* Check support of orgchart addon by LdapSaisie
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval boolean true if orgchart addon is totally supported, false in other case
function LSaddon_orgchart_support() {
$retval = True;
foreach($MUST_DEFINE_ARRAY as $array) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS[$array]) || !is_array($GLOBALS[$array])) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSORGCHART_SUPPORT_01', $array);
$retval = false;
foreach($MUST_DEFINE_VAR as $var) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS[$var])) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSORGCHART_SUPPORT_02', $var);
$retval = false;
if ($retval) {
$retval = (
LSsession :: registerLSaddonView(
_('Organizational chart'),
null, // No access crontol
true // Show in menu
) &&
LSsession :: registerLSaddonView(
_('Organizational chart data'),
null, // No access crontol
false // Show in menu
return $retval;
function organizationalChartPage() {
LStemplate :: assign('template', $GLOBALS['ORGCHART_TEMPLATE']);
LStemplate :: assign('additional_css_files', $GLOBALS['ORGCHART_ADDITIONAL_CSS_FILES']);
LSsession :: setTemplate('organizationalChart.tpl');
function organizationalChartData() {
$objects = array();
$objects_conf = array();
$objects_attr2dn = array();
$objects_attr2dn_need = array();
$requested_attrs = array();
// Load all object types
foreach($GLOBALS['ORGCHART_ENTITY_OBJECT_TYPES'] as $obj_type => $conf) {
if (!LSsession :: loadLSobject($obj_type))
LStemplate :: fatal_error("Fail to load object type '$obj_type'.");
$objects[$obj_type] = array();
$requested_attrs[$obj_type] = array();
$objects_attr2dn[$obj_type] = array();
$objects_attr2dn_need[$obj_type] = array();
$objects_conf[$obj_type] = array();
// Load configuration and attributes to request for each object types
foreach($GLOBALS['ORGCHART_ENTITY_OBJECT_TYPES'] as $obj_type => $conf) {
$parent_id_attr = LSconfig :: get('parent_id_attr', '', 'string', $conf);
if ($parent_id_attr) {
if (!$obj_type :: hasAttr($parent_id_attr))
LStemplate :: fatal_error("Object '$obj_type' does not have attribute '$id_attr'.");
$requested_attrs[$obj_type][] = $parent_id_attr;
$objects_conf[$obj_type]['parent_id_attr'] = $parent_id_attr;
$objects_conf[$obj_type]['other_attrs'] = LSconfig :: get('other_attrs', array(), 'array', $conf);
foreach($objects_conf[$obj_type]['other_attrs'] as $attr) {
if ($obj_type :: hasAttr($attr)) {
if (!in_array($attr, $requested_attrs))
$requested_attrs[$obj_type][] = $attr;
foreach(getFieldInFormat($attr) as $a) {
if (!$obj_type :: hasAttr($a))
LStemplate :: fatal_error("Object '$obj_type' does not have attribute '$a'.");
if (!in_array($a, $attrs))
$requested_attrs[$obj_type][] = $a;
$parent_id_attr_value = LSconfig :: get('parent_id_attr_value', 'dn', 'string', $conf);
$objects_conf[$obj_type]['parent_id_attr_value'] = $parent_id_attr_value;
$objects_conf[$obj_type]['parent_object_types'] = LSconfig :: get(
'array', $conf);
foreach($objects_conf[$obj_type]['parent_object_types'] as $parent_object_type) {
if (!array_key_exists($parent_object_type, $objects))
LStemplate :: fatal_error("Object type '$parent_object_type' not configured for the organizational chart.");
if ($parent_id_attr_value == 'dn') continue;
if (!$parent_object_type :: hasAttr($parent_id_attr_value))
LStemplate :: fatal_error("Object '$parent_object_type' does not have attribute '$parent_id_attr_value'.");
if (!in_array($parent_id_attr_value, $requested_attrs[$parent_object_type]))
$requested_attrs[$parent_object_type][] = $parent_id_attr_value;
if (!in_array($parent_id_attr_value, $objects_attr2dn_need[$parent_object_type])) {
$objects_attr2dn_need[$parent_object_type][] = $parent_id_attr_value;
$objects_attr2dn[$parent_object_type][$parent_id_attr_value] = array();
// Load optional filter
$objects_conf[$obj_type]['filter'] = LSconfig :: get('filter', '', 'string', $conf);
// Load all objects
if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSsearch'))
LStemplate :: fatal_error("Error loading LSsearch class");
foreach($objects_conf as $obj_type => $conf) {
// Compute search parameters
$search_params = array(
'attributes' => $requested_attrs[$obj_type],
if ($conf['filter']) {
$search_params['filter'] = $conf['filter'];
// Run search
$search = new LSsearch($obj_type, 'orgchart', $search_params);
$search -> run();
// Iter on found entries and store object data in $objects[$obj_type]
foreach($search -> listEntries() as $dn => $entry) {
$data = array(
'type' => $obj_type,
'url' => "object/$obj_type/".urlencode($dn),
'parent_id' => null,
// Load parent ID
if ($conf['parent_id_attr']) {
$parent_ids = ensureIsArray($entry->get($conf['parent_id_attr']));
if ($parent_ids) $data['parent_id'] = $parent_ids[0];
// Load other attributes values
foreach ($conf['other_attrs'] as $key => $attr)
$data[$key] = ensureIsArray($entry->get($attr));
$objects[$obj_type][$dn] = $data;
// If some object types refer to this one using attribute values,
// store attribute values to DN in $objects_attr2dn[$obj_type][$attr]
foreach($objects_attr2dn_need[$obj_type] as $attr)
foreach(ensureIsArray($entry->get($attr)) as $value)
$objects_attr2dn[$obj_type][$attr][$value] = $dn;
// Compute list of org chart entities
$entities = array();
$root_entities = array();
foreach($objects_conf as $obj_type => $conf) {
foreach($objects[$obj_type] as $dn => $data) {
// Check parent exist
$data['parentId'] = null;
if ($conf['parent_id_attr'] && $data['parent_id']) {
// Object have a parent
$parent_id = $data['parent_id'];
if ($conf['parent_id_attr_value'] == 'dn') {
// Parent is refer by DN
foreach($conf['parent_object_types'] as $parent_object_type) {
if (array_key_exists($parent_id, $objects[$parent_object_type])) {
$data['parentId'] = $parent_id;
else {
// Parent is refer by one of its attribute value
foreach($conf['parent_object_types'] as $parent_object_type) {
if (array_key_exists($parent_id, $objects_attr2dn[$parent_object_type][$conf['parent_id_attr_value']])) {
$data['parentId'] = $objects_attr2dn[$parent_object_type][$conf['parent_id_attr_value']][$parent_id];
if (is_null($data['parentId'])) {
// Parent not found: use root entity if defined or ignored object
if ($root_entity)
$data['parentId'] = $root_entity['id'];
// No root entity: do not add this object from chart
elseif ($root_entity && !$data['parent_id']) {
// Object have no parent, but root entity configured : add it
$data['parentId'] = $root_entity['id'];
elseif (!$root_entity && !$data['parent_id']) {
// Object have no parent and no root entity configured : store it as root entities
$root_entities[] = $dn;
// Remove parent_id and keep only parentId key
// Store DN as chart entity ID
$data['id'] = $dn;
$entities[] = $data;
if ($root_entity) {
// Root entity configured : add it to chart entities
$entities[] = $root_entity;
elseif(count($root_entities) != 1) {
LStemplate :: fatal_error('More than one root entities found : '.implode(' / ', $root_entities));
// Adjust content-type and dump entities data as JSON
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(
$pretty || isset($_REQUEST['pretty'])?