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Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
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2021-02-03 15:09:25 +01:00
<chapter id="api">
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<para>Depuis la version 4.0, LdapSaisie offre une API visant à permettre de faire
les mêmes choses que ce qu'il est possible d'accomplir via l'interface web. L'idée
n'est bien entendue pas de se substituer systématiquement à la possibilité de se
connecter directement à l'annuaire, mais plutôt d'offrir une API web pour l'intégration
d'outil préférant ce mode d'interaction, ou encore, pour exposer des méthodes accès aux
données de l'annuaire tout en profitant des logiques métiers implémentées/configurées
dans LdapSaisie : validation syntaxique et d'unicité, règle de génération et
d'interdépendances des attributs, déclencheurs, ...</para>
<note><simpara>Cette API est actuellement dans une phase de test et n'offre pas encore
toutes les fonctionnalités proposées dans l'interface web. Elle est vouée à évoluer pour
intégrer petit à petit un maximum de fonctionnalités. Des contributions à ce sujet seront
plus qu'appréciée !</simpara></note>
2021-02-03 15:09:25 +01:00
<sect1 id="api-auth">
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<para>L'authentification à l'API utilise le même composant <literal>LSauth</literal> que
lors d'une authentification à l'interface web, cependant, ce composant s'adapte pour
prendre en compte de mode de connexion. Par défaut, la méthode d'authentification utilisée
sera &LSauthMethod_HTTP; et permettra de se connecter en spécifiant le nom d'utilisateur
et le mot de l'utilisateur cherchant à se connecter via une authentification basique HTTP.
<warning><simpara>Il est à noter que tous les types d'utilisateur ne peuvent pas forcément
utiliser l'API : le paramètre <literal>api_access</literal> doit être explicitement
positionné à <literal>True</literal> dans <link linkend='config-srv-ldap'>la configuration
du serveur LDAP</link>.</simpara></warning>
<para>Une fois connecté, l'utilisateur endossera les droits associés à ses &LSprofiles;,
tout comme un utilisateur connecté à l'interface web.</para>
2021-02-03 15:09:25 +01:00
<sect1 id="api-methods">
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<title>Méthodes exposées</title>
<para>Les URLs des méthodes de l'API ont été construites par mimétisme sur celle de l'interface
web et sous la racine web <literal>api/</literal>. Par ailleurs, un numéro de version d'API a
été insérée dans chacune d'elles afin d'anticiper toutes évolutions futures majeures nécéssitants
de conserver une rétrocompatibilité avec les anciennes versions de l'API.</para>
<para>Toutes les méthodes retournent des informations au format JSON et accepte le paramètre
<literal>pretty</literal> permettant d'obtenir un retour plus facilement lisible. Les chaines de
caractères échangées doivent par ailleurs être encodées en UTF-8. On trouvera par ailleurs dans
le retour JSON :
<listitem><simpara>Booléen précisant si l'action demandée a correctement été exécutée.</simpara>
<listitem><simpara>Ce tableau pourra être présent et lister les messages d'informations générées
par l'action demandée. Il s'agira des mêmes messages que ceux affichés dans l'interface web
lorsque les actions équivalentes y sont faites.</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Ce tableau pourra être présent et lister les messages d'erreurs générées
par l'action demandée.</simpara></listitem>
<note><simpara>Les messages d'informations et d'erreurs générées par l'application sont traduites dans
la langue courante qui peut être spécifiée via le paramètre <literal>lang</literal> accepté par toutes
les méthodes (exemple : <literal>fr_FR</literal> ou <literal>en_US</literal>).</simpara></note>
<para>Lorsqu'une méthode cible un type d'objets, voir un objet en particulier, ces informations seront
transmises dans l'URL appelée. Si le type d'objet ou l'objet demandé est introuvable, une erreur HTTP
404 sera générée.</para>
<important><simpara>Sauf précision contraire, toutes les méthodes exposées sont accessibles uniquement
via les méthodes HTTP <literal>GET</literal> ou <literal>POST</literal>. L'accès via une autre méthode
retournera une erreur 404.</simpara></important>
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<!-- Début Liste des méthodes exposées -->
<title>Liste des méthodes exposées</title>
<term>/api/1.0/object/[object type]</term>
<para>Cette méthode permet de rechercher/lister les informations d'un type d'objets de
l'annuaire en particulier. Le type de l'objet est précisé dans l'URL et doit être encodé en
conséquence. Par mimétisme du comportement de l'interface web, la recherche est paginée et
accepte des paramètres similaires en plus de paramètre plus appropriés à un fonctionnement
programmatique :
<title>Paramètres acceptés</title>
<listitem><simpara>Permet de spécifier un filtre de recherche LDAP personnalisé. Celui-ci
sera combiné avec les paramètres propres au type d'objets recherchés et aux autres
paramètres spécifiés (<literal>pattern</literal> par exemple).</simpara>
<warning><simpara>Du fait d'une limitation de la classe <literal>Net_LDAP2_Filter</literal>
utilisée pour analyser le filtre passé en paramètre, seuls les filtres simples du type
<literal>(attribut=valeur)</literal> sont acceptés ici. Pour les mêmes raisons, il est
important que le filtre spécifié soit toujours entourné de paranthèses.</simpara></warning>
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<listitem><simpara>Permet de spécifier un des filtres de recherche LDAP prédéfinis dans la
configuration du type d'objet.</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Permet de spécifier un mot clé de recherche, comme proposé dans
l'interface web.</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Booléen permettant d'activer/désactiver la recherche approximative
sur le mot clé. Les valeurs acceptées sont <literal>1</literal> ou <literal>0</literal>.
<listitem><simpara>Permet de spécifier une base de recherche personnalisé pour la recherche.
<listitem><simpara>Dans le cas d'un serveur LDAP configuré avec des <link linkend="config-subDn">
sous-niveaux de connexion</link>, permet de spécifier le sous-niveau pour la recherche.</simpara>
<listitem><simpara>Permet de spécifier l'étendue de la recherche dans l'annuaire. Valeurs acceptées:
<literal>sub</literal>, <literal>one</literal> et <literal>base</literal>.</simpara>
<listitem><simpara>Booléen permettant d'activer/désactiver la recherche recursive, c'est à dire une
recherche à la racine de l'annuaire (ou du <link linkend="config-subDn">sous-niveau de connexion</link>)
avec une étendue de recherche maximale. Les valeurs acceptées sont <literal>1</literal> ou
<listitem><simpara>Permet de spécifier un &LSformat; personnalisé pour le nom des objets dans le résultat
de recherche.</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Booléen permettant d'activer le retour des colonnes personnalisées dans le résultat
de recherche. Les valeurs acceptées sont <literal>1</literal> ou <literal>0</literal>.</simpara>
<listitem><simpara>Liste des attributs supplémentaires que devra retourner la recherche.</simpara>
<listitem><simpara>Permet d'obtenir les détails sur les valeurs des attributs (au lieu des valeurs
au format attendu en cas de création/modification de l'objet). Seul la présence de ce paramètre
suffit à activer ce comportement, sa valeur n'a pas d'importance.</simpara>
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<listitem><simpara>Permet de préciser sur quelle information le résultat de recherche doit être
trié. Valeurs acceptées : <literal>displayName</literal>, <literal>subDn</literal> ou un des noms
des colonnes personnalisées.</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Permet de préciser l'ordre de tri du résultat de recherche. Valeurs acceptées :
<literal>ASC</literal> (A-Z) ou <literal>DESC</literal> (Z-A).</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Permet de préciser la page du résultat de recherche.</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Permet de préciser le nombre maximum d'objets retournés par page du résultat de
<listitem><simpara>Permet de réclamer le résultat complet de la recherche (désactivation
de la pagination). Seul la présence de ce paramètre suffit à activer ce comportement, sa
valeur n'a pas d'importance.</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Permet de réclamer un résultat de recherche dans lequel, la clé <literal>
objects</literal> sera une liste et non un dictionnaire. Dans ce cas, le DN de l'objet est fourni
dans la clé <literal>dn</literal> des détails des objets.</simpara></listitem>
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<listitem><simpara>Booléen permettant de désactiver l'utilisation du cache. Les valeurs acceptées
sont <literal>1</literal> ou <literal>0</literal>.</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Booléen permettant d'activer/désactiver le stockage en session des paramètres de
2021-07-19 16:54:00 +02:00
recherche (optionnel, par défaut : <literal>Faux</literal>). Les valeurs acceptées sont
<literal>1</literal> ou <literal>0</literal>.</simpara></listitem>
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<![CDATA[# curl -u username:secret 'https://ldapsaisie/api/1.0/object/LSpeople?extraDisplayedColumns=1&pretty'
"success": true,
"objects": {
"uid=hmartin,ou=people,o=ls": {
"name": "Henri MARTIN",
"Mail": "henri.martin@ls.com"
"uid=s.ldapsaisie,ou=people,o=ls": {
"name": "Secretariat LdapSaisie",
"Mail": "secretariat@ldapsaisie.biz"
"uid=ls,ou=people,o=ls": {
"name": "LdapSaisie",
"Mail": "ldap.saisie@ls.com"
"uid=erwpa,ou=people,o=ls": {
"name": "Erwan PAGE",
"Mail": "erwan.page@ldapsaisie.biz"
"uid=user2,ou=people,ou=company1,ou=companies,o=ls": {
"name": "prenom2 nom2",
"Mail": "user2@ls.com"
"total": 14,
"params": {
"keepParamsBetweenSearches": false,
"filter": null,
"pattern": null,
"predefinedFilter": false,
"basedn": null,
"scope": null,
"sizelimit": 0,
"attronly": false,
"approx": false,
"recursive": true,
"attributes": [],
"onlyAccessible": true,
"sortDirection": null,
"sortBy": null,
"sortlimit": 0,
"displayFormat": "%{cn}",
"nbObjectsByPage": 25,
"withoutCache": false,
"extraDisplayedColumns": true
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
"page": 1,
"nbPages": 3
<term>/api/1.0/object/[object type]/[dn]</term>
<para>Cette méthode permet de récupérer les informations d'un objet de l'annuaire au format
JSON. Le type de l'objet et son DN sont précisés dans l'URL et doivent être encodés en
conséquence. Par défaut, les valeurs des attributs retournées sont au format tel qu'attendu
en cas de création/modification de l'objet. Il est cependant possible d'ajouter le paramètre
<literal>details</literal> afin d'obtenir des informations complémentaires sur les valeurs
des attributs.
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<![CDATA[# curl -u username:secret 'https://ldapsaisie/api/1.0/object/LSpeople/uid=hmartin,ou=people,o=ls?pretty'
"success": true,
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
"dn": "uid=hmartin,ou=people,o=ls",
"type": "LSpeople",
"name": "Henri MARTIN",
"details": false,
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
"attributes": {
"uid": "hmartin",
"givenName": "Henri",
"sn": "MARTIN",
"cn": "Henri MARTIN",
"mail": "henri.martin@ls.com",
"personalTitle": "M.",
"description": [],
"jpegPhoto": null,
"lsGodfatherDn": [
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
"uidNumber": "101022",
"gidNumber": "102001",
"loginShell": "no",
"homeDirectory": "\/home\/com",
"gecos": null,
"shadowExpire": null,
"shadowMax": null,
"shadowInactive": null,
"shadowLastChange": null,
"sambaSID": "S-1-5-21-2421470416-3566881284-3047381809-203044",
"sambaPrimaryGroupSID": "S-1-5-21-2421470416-3566881284-3047381809-205003",
"sambaAcctFlags": [
"sambaHomeDrive": null,
"sambaHomePath": null,
"sambaProfilePath": null,
"sambaLogonScript": null,
"sambaLogonTime": null,
"sambaLogoffTime": null,
"sambaKickoffTime": null,
"sambaPwdLastSet": null,
"sambaPwdMustChange": null,
"sambaPwdCanChange": null
"relations": {
"groups": {
"cn=direction,ou=groups,o=ls": "direction",
"cn=secretariat,ou=groups,o=ls": "secretariat"
"godfather": []
<term>/api/1.0/object/[object type]/create</term>
<para>Cette méthode permet de créer un objet dans l'annuaire. Le type de l'objet qui sera créé est
précisé dans l'URL et doit être encodé en conséquence. Les informations de l'objet doivent est
transmises au format <literal>x-www-form-urlencoded</literal>. Elles peuvent également être au
format <literal>multipart/form-data</literal>, en particulier si votre requête contient une image.
Par mimétisme avec l'interface web, seuls les attributs prévus dans le formulaire de création du
type d'objet peuvent être passées ici. De la même manière, les attributs non-spécifiés ici, pouront
être auto-générés en accord avec leur configuration et la requête sera acceptée uniquement si tous les
attributs obligatoires y sont spécifiés ou s'ils peuvent être auto-générés.</para>
<para>Le format et la syntaxe des valeurs des attributs dépends de leur type HTML. Ainsi, par exemple,
un attribut de type HTML <literal>boolean</literal> acceptera comme valeurs possibles <literal>yes
</literal> ou <literal>no</literal>. Pour plus de détails sur le type de valeur acceptée par un type
d'attribut HTML en particulier, consultez sa documentation. Vous pouvez également analyser le code de
la méthode <literal>getPostData()</literal> de la classe PHP correspondante.</para>
<para>Si l'application détecte un souci avec les informations transmises pour les attributs, un tableau
<literal>fields_errors</literal> sera présent dans la réponse JSON et contiendra pour chacun des attributs
problématique, un tableau des messages d'erreurs générées par l'application.</para>
<para>Si le type d'objet en prévoit, vous pouvez également utiliser un
<link linkend="config-LSobject-LSform-dataEntryForm">masque de saisie</link> via le paramètre <literal>
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<![CDATA[# curl -u username:secret 'https://ldapsaisie/api/1.0/object/LSpeople/create?pretty' -d "uid=foo.bar&personalTitle=M.&givenName=foo&sn=bar&cn=Foo Bar&mail=foo.bar@example.com&userPassword=Y0urS3cr3t&lsGodfatherDn[]=uid=admin,ou=people,o=ls&gidNumber=70000"
"success": true,
"type": "LSpeople",
"dn": "uid=foo.bar,ou=people,o=ls",
"name": "Foo Bar",
"messages": [
"Le mail de notification a \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9.",
"L'objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9."
<term>/api/1.0/object/[object type]/[dn]/modify</term>
<para>Cette méthode permet de modifier un objet dans l'annuaire. Le type de l'objet et son DN sont
précisés dans l'URL et doivent être encodés en conséquence. Les informations de l'objet à modifier
doivent être transmises au même format que pour la méthode <literal>create</literal> (voir ci-dessus).
Comme pour cette dernière, seuls les attributs prévus dans le formulaire de modification du type
d'objet peuvent être passées ici et la réponse JSON pourra contenir un tableau <literal>fields_errors
</literal> contenant les erreurs générées par l'application au sujet des valeurs transmises pour les
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
2021-02-03 15:00:45 +01:00
<![CDATA[# curl -u username:secret 'https://ldapsaisie/api/1.0/object/LSpeople/uid=foo.bar,ou=people,o=ls/modify?pretty' -d "givenName=foo&sn=bar&cn=Foo Bar"
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
"dn": "uid=foo.bar,ou=people,o=ls",
"type": "LSpeople",
"name": "Foo Bar",
"success": true,
"messages": [
"L'objet a bien \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9."
<term>/api/1.0/object/[object type]/[dn]/remove</term>
<para>Cette méthode permet de supprimer un objet dans l'annuaire. Le type de l'objet et son DN sont
précisés dans l'URL et doivent être encodés en conséquence.</para>
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<![CDATA[# curl -u username:secret 'https://ldapsaisie/api/1.0/object/LSpeople/uid=foo.bar,ou=people,o=ls/remove?pretty'
"dn": "uid=foo.bar,ou=people,o=ls",
"type": "LSpeople",
"name": "Foo Bar",
"success": true,
"messages": [
"Foo Bar a bien \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9."
2021-02-08 12:42:00 +01:00
<term>/api/1.0/object/[object type]/import</term>
<para>Cette méthode permet d'importer des objets d'un type en particulier à partir de données
d'import formatées selon un &ioFormat; configuré pour ce type d'objets. Le type de l'objet
est précisé dans l'URL et doit être encodé en conséquence. Par mimétisme du comportement de
l'interface web, cette méthode accepte des paramètres similaires et s'attend à récupérer les
données d'import dans le corps de la requête.
<title>Paramètres acceptés</title>
<listitem><simpara>Le nom de l'&ioFormat; des données d'import.</simpara></listitem>
<listitem><simpara>Booléen permettant d'activer/désactiver la mise à jour des données
des objets s'ils existent déjà. Si ce mode est inactif et qu'un objet des données
d'import existe déjà, une erreur sera remontée. Les valeurs acceptées sont <literal>1
</literal> ou <literal>0</literal>.
<listitem><simpara>Booléen permettant d'activer/désactiver le mode de vérification des
données d'import uniquement. Si ce mode est actif, les données d'import seront analysées
pour vérifier qu'elles sont correctes, mais l'import en lui-même ne sera pas effectué.
Les valeurs acceptées sont <literal>1</literal> ou <literal>0</literal>.
<note><simpara>Le retour de cette méthode en mode <literal>justTry</literal> est identique
à une exécution en mode normal. Ce mode permet donc d'anticiper le résultat d'un import à
partir d'un jeu de données sources.</simpara></note>
<warning><simpara>En mode <literal>justTry</literal>, seul la vérification syntaxique des
données est fiable, car les informations doublonnées au sein des données d'import ne pourront
être détectées.</simpara></warning>
<para>En cas d'erreurs détectées dans les informations des objets des données d'import, le tableau
<literal>errors</literal> du retour de la méthode contiendra une entrée pour chaque objet en erreur
sous le format d'un dictionnaire dont la clé <literal>data</literal> reprendra les informations de
l'objet telle que chargé (ou générée) depuis les données sources, ainsi qu'un dictionnaire sous la
clé <literal>errors</literal> qui contiendra les erreurs globales concernant l'objet sous la clé
<literal>globals</literal> et les erreurs propres à ses attributs dans un dictionnaire sous la clé
<note><simpara>Les erreurs d'importation sur un objet sont non-bloquantes : l'importation des autres
objets ne sera pas interrompue.</simpara></note>
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<![CDATA[# curl -u username:secret --data-binary @/path/to/input.file 'https://ldapsaisie/api/1.0/object/LSpeople/import?ioFormat=mycsv&pretty'
"success": false,
"LSobject": "LSpeople",
"ioFormat": "mycsv",
"updateIfExists": false,
"justTry": false,
"imported": {
"uid=rturin,ou=people,o=ls": "M. Roger TURIN"
"updated": [],
"errors": [
"data": {
"uid": [
"personalTitle": [
"givenName": [
"sn": [
"mail": [
"userPassword": [
"gidNumber": [
"loginShell": [
"cn": [
"Mme Ludivine MARTIN"
"errors": {
"globals": [
"Un objet existe d\u00e9j\u00e0 dans l'annuaire LDAP avec le DN uid=lmartin,ou=people,o=ls."
"attrs": []
"messages": [
"Le mail de notification a \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9."
<term>/api/1.0/object/[object type]/export</term>
<para>Cette méthode permet d'exporter les objets d'un type en particulier dans un &ioFormat;
configuré pour ce type d'objets. Le type de l'objet est précisé dans l'URL et doit être encodé
en conséquence.</para>
<title>Paramètres acceptés</title>
<listitem><simpara>Le nom de l'&ioFormat;.</simpara></listitem>
<para>En tant normal, le retour de cette méthode sera directement le fichier d'export demandé.
Cependant, si une erreur survient, les paramètres d'export seront repris dans le retour
<literal>JSON</literal> de la méthode qui contiendra également les erreurs survenues.</para>
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<![CDATA[# curl -u username:secret --data-binary @/path/to/input.file 'https://ldapsaisie/api/1.0/object/LSpeople/export?ioFormat=mycsv&pretty'
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
<term>/api/1.0/object/[object type]/[dn]/relation/[relation]</term>
<para>Cette méthode permet de gérer les objets en relation avec un objet en particulier de
l'annuaire. Le type de l'objet, son DN et le nom de la relation sont précisés dans l'URL et
doivent être encodés en conséquence. Cette méthode accepte les paramètres <literal>add
</literal> et <literal>remove</literal> permettant de lister le ou les DN d'objet(s) à
respectivement ajouter ou supprimer parmis les objets actuellement en relation avec l'objet
spécifié. Si aucun DN n'est spécifié comme devant être ajouté ou supprimé, la méthode
retournera simplement les DN des objets en relation. En cas de modification demandée, la
méthode retournera la nouvelle liste des DNs des objets en relation, quel que soit le résultat
de l'opération de mise à jour.</para>
<programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered">
<![CDATA[# curl -u username:secret 'https://ldapsaisie/api/1.0/object/LSpeople/uid=foo.bar,ou=people,o=ls/relation/groups?pretty&add[]=cn=ls,ou=groups,o=ls&add[]=cn=invite,ou=groups,o=ls'
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
"dn": "uid=foo.bar,ou=people,o=ls",
"type": "LSpeople",
"name": "Foo Bar",
"relation": "groups",
"success": true,
"relatedObjects": [
Add API feature Some major changes have been made to handle this new feature : - LSsession now have a flag about API mode. The displayTemplate() and displayAjaxReturn() methods have been adjust to correctly handle this mode. - LSauth system have been adjust to handle a custom API mode : - LSauthMethod can support or not this mode : the $api_mode_supported permit to defined if supported (default, false). Currently, only HTTP (default in API mode) and annonymous mode support it. - An api_access parameter permit to configure witch type of user LSobject types could use the API. This flag must be set to True to allow a type of LSobject (default: False). In a same way, a web_access parameter now permit to disable Web access for some types of users (but this parameter is optional and its default value is True). - The HTTP method is the privileged first method for API mode. In this mode, if auth data aren't present in environment, it will request it by triggered a 403 HTTP error. Realm can be configured with new LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_API_REALM constant. - The LStemplate system handle API mode to correctly react on errors: it return a JSON answer instead of HTML page. Error pages also now return adjusted HTTP code (404 or 500). - The LSurl system have been adjust to handle API mode : - On declaring handlers, we could now specify if it's an API view with new $api_mode paremeter of add_handler() method - The LSurlRequest object have a new attribute to check if it's an API request - The error_404() method handle the API mode to return JSON answer. Furthermore, if no handlers matched with the requested URL, API mode is automatically enabled if the requested URL starts with 'api/'. - LSform implement it own API mode flag and a new submited flag that be toggle via the new setSubmited() method. Some major changes also occured on LSformElement classes to specifically handle API input/output for each types of attributes: - a new getApiValue() method permit to retrieve the API value of the attribute (on show API view) - the getPostData() method now have to correctly handle API input for the attribute (on create/modify API views). A programmatic way have been adopted for each types of attributes. - The LSimport and LScli create/modify commands also evolved to enable API mode of the LSform. This permit to take advantage of the new capability of LSform/LSformElement to handle input values with a programmatic way. - New routes have been add to handle API views. All this new routes start with 'api/1.0/' and use the same URL schema as the web UI. The API currently permit to search/show/add/modify/remove LSobjects and manages their relations.
2021-02-03 14:40:28 +01:00
"messages": [
"Objects in relation updated."