# Docker image to get access to your Home Assistant via OpenVPN and a reverse proxy This Alpine Linux based image allow you to mount a tunnel to your external host that have to run OpenVPN server and a reverse proxy to access to your Home Assistant. In this container, you have: - a Rsyslog (for logging) - a SSH service with root access (if you declare your SSH pub key) - a OpenVPN client - a Haproxy configured to get access to your Home Assistant ## Installation ```bash git clone https://gitea.zionetrix.net/bn8/ha-remote-vpn /srv/ha-remote-vpn docker pull brenard/ha-remote-vpn ``` ## Configuration ### On the container You have to: - put your external host IP address or domain name in `srv/openvpn/client.conf` (on the `remote` line at the begining of the file) - put your Home Assistant IP address in `srv/haproxy/haproxy.cfg` (on the `server` line at the end of the file) - pur your SSH public key in `srv/ssh/authorized_keys` ## On your external host You have to: - install and configure OpenVPN using the provide `srv/openvpn/server.conf` and the `secret.key` file that will be generated by the client container on its first start - install and configure the reverse proxy of your choice, for instance, Apache2: on a Debian host : - Install it : `apt install apache2` - Copy `apache2.conf` in `/etc/apache2/sites-available/home.conf` and ajust it for your needs - Enable required modules and the site : `a2enmod proxy_http proxy_wstunnel rewrite ssl && a2ensite home && service apache2 restart` ### On your Home Assistant You have to authorized access via your reverse proxy by adding the following lines in your `configuration.yaml` file: ```yaml http: use_x_forwarded_for: true trusted_proxies: - ``` **Note:** Adjust your docker container IP address in the list `trusted_proxies`. ## Start the container ```bash cd /srv/ha-remote-vpn docker run -it --rm -v "$( realpath srv ):/srv" --cap-add=NET_ADMIN brenard/ha-remote-vpn ```