Benjamin Renard 444c1ec2fc Improve translations
- Add support for translations in JavaScript code using babel lib and
  a custom PO file converter to JSON (using sepia/po-parser lib for
  PO files parsing)
- Put translation CLI commands in a dedicated file
- update_messages CLI command now provide PO file initialization feature
  using msginit and support of compendium files
2022-04-24 16:46:38 +02:00

11 lines
276 B

"require": {
"envms/fluentpdo": "^1.1",
"pear/console_table": "^1.3",
"brenard/php-unidecode": "dev-master",
"smarty-gettext/smarty-gettext": "^1.6",
"smarty-gettext/tsmarty2c": "^0.2.1",
"sepia/po-parser": "^6.0"