
143 lines
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namespace EesyPHP;
class App {
* Options
* @var array
protected static $options = array();
* Root directory path
* @var string|null
protected static $root_directory_path = null;
* Initialization
* @param string|null $config_file Application configuration file path
* @param array|null $options Application options (default: null)
* @param string|null $root_directory_path Application root directory path (default: null)
* @return void
public static function init($config_file, $options=null, $root_directory_path=null) {
if (is_array($options)) self :: $options = $options;
if (is_null($root_directory_path)) {
$traces = debug_backtrace();
$root_directory_path = realpath(dirname($traces[0]['file']).'/../');
self :: $root_directory_path = $root_directory_path;
Config::register_extra_variable('root_directory_path', $root_directory_path);
$config_file = Config::replace_variables($config_file);
if ($config_file && !Config::load($config_file)) {
Log::fatal('Fail to load configuration file (%s)', $config_file);
// Load overwrite configuration file
foreach (self :: get('overwrite_config_files', array(), 'array') as $file) {
$file = Config::replace_variables($file);
if (is_file($file)) Config::load($file, true);
if (self :: get('sentry.enabled', true, 'bool'))
SentryIntegration :: init();
$sentry_transaction = new SentryTransaction();
$sentry_span = new SentrySpan('app.init', 'Application initialization');
// Define upload_tmp_dir
if (is_string(self::get('upload_tmp_directory')))
ini_set('upload_tmp_dir', self::get('upload_tmp_directory'));
if (self :: get('log.enabled', true, 'bool'))
if (self :: get('session.enabled', true, 'bool'))
if (self :: get('templates.enabled', true, 'bool'))
Tpl :: init();
if (self :: get('url.enabled', true, 'bool')) {
Url :: add_url_handler('#^$#', array('EesyPHP\\App', 'handle_homepage'));
if (Auth :: enabled()) {
Auth :: init();
Url :: add_url_handler('#^logout$#', array('EesyPHP\\App', 'handle_logout'), null, false);
if (self :: get('mail.enabled', true, 'bool'))
Email :: init();
if (self :: get('i18n.enabled', true, 'bool'))
* Check if the application is initialized
* @return bool
public static function initialized() {
return !is_null(self :: $root_directory_path);
* Get a specific option value
* @param string $key The configuration variable key
* @param mixed $default The default value to return if configuration variable
* is not set (Default : null)
* @param string $cast The type of expected value. The configuration variable
* value will be cast as this type. Could be : bool, int,
* float or string. (Optional, default : raw value)
* @param bool $split If true, $cast is 'array' and value retreived from configuration
* is a string, split the value by comma (optional, default: true)
* @return mixed The configuration variable value
public static function get($key, $default=null, $cast=null, $split=true) {
return Config::get(
Config::loaded()?Config::get($key, $default, $cast, $split):$default,
self :: $options
* Retreive application root directory path
* @return string|null
public static function root_directory_path() {
return self :: $root_directory_path?self :: $root_directory_path:'.';
* Default homepage handler
* @param UrlRequest $request
* @return void
public static function handle_homepage($request) {
if (Tpl::initialized())
Tpl :: display("homepage.tpl", I18n::_("Hello world !"));
echo "<h1>".I18n::_("Hello world!")."</h1>";
* Default logout handler
* @param UrlRequest $request
* @return void
public static function handle_logout($request) {
if (Tpl::initialized())
Tpl :: display("logout.tpl", I18n::_("Disconnected"));
echo "<h1>".I18n::_("You are now disconnected.")."</h1>";