new AttrInt(['autoincrement' => true]), 'name' => new AttrStr(['required' => true]), 'date' => new AttrTimestamp(['default' => 'time']), 'status' => new AttrStr(['required' => true, 'default' => 'pending']), 'description' => new AttrStr(), ]; } /** * Change item status in DB * @param string $status New item status * @return bool */ public function change_status($status) { $this->status = $status; if ($this -> save()) { Log :: info("Status of item #$this->id changed to $status."); return true; } return false; } /** * Set item as archived in DB * @return bool */ public function archive() { return $this -> change_status('archived'); } /** * Compute WHERE clauses from word pattern * @throws \EesyPHP\Db\DbException * @return array */ public static function word_to_filters($word) { $patterns_word = []; // If numeric pattern ? if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $word)) { // Numeric pattern $word = intval($word); $patterns_word['id = ?'] = $word; } else { // Text pattern foreach (array('name', 'description') as $field) { if (self :: DB_CLASS :: is_pgsql()) { $word = Unidecode::unidecode($word); $patterns_word["unaccent($field) ILIKE ?"] = "%$word%"; } else $patterns_word["$field LIKE ?"] = "%$word%"; } } return $patterns_word; } /** * Search objects * @throws \EesyPHP\Db\DbException * @see \EesyPHP\Db\DbObject::search() * @return array|false The search result as an array, or False in case of error. */ public static function search($params) { if ( $params && isset($params['filters']) && isset($params['filters']['status']) && $params['filters']['status'] == 'all' ) unset($params['filters']['status']); return parent :: search($params); } /** * Export items * @param resource|null $fd The file pointer where to export (optional, default: php://output) * @param array>|null $items Items to export * @param array $schema The object schema (optional) * @return boolean */ static function export($fd=null, $items=null, $schema=null) { $schema = $schema ? $schema : static :: get_schema(); $export = new CSV(static :: csv_export_fields($schema)); $items = $items?$items:static :: list(); if ($items === false) return false; $rows = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $row = []; foreach($schema as $attr => $attr_type) $row[$attr] = $item->$attr; $rows[] = $row; } return $export->export($rows, $fd); } static function restore($fd=null, $schema=null) { $schema = $schema ? $schema : static :: get_schema(); $import = new CSV(static :: csv_export_fields($schema)); $items = $import->load($fd); if ($items === false) { Log :: error("Error loading items."); return false; } if (!$items) { Log :: error("No item loaded."); return false; } try { if (self :: DB_CLASS :: truncate(self :: TABLE)) { Log :: debug("Table %s truncated", self :: TABLE); } else { Log :: error("An unknown error occurred truncating table %s in database.", self :: TABLE); return false; } } catch (\Exception $e) { Log :: error("Error truncating item table in database : ".$e->getMessage()); return false; } $success = true; foreach($items as $item) { $obj = new Item(); $obj->apply($item); $success = $success && $obj->save(); } // Trigger hooks Hook :: trigger('items_restored'); return $success; } }