false, 'status' => 'all', 'order' => 'name', 'order_direction' => 'ASC', ); if (isset($_REQUEST['clear']) && $_REQUEST['clear']=='true') Url :: redirect($request -> current_url); } Log :: debug('Request params : '.vardump($_REQUEST)); $status_list['all'] = _('Any'); if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) { if (check_status($_REQUEST['status']) || $_REQUEST['status'] == 'all') $_SESSION['search']['status'] = $_REQUEST['status']; else Tpl :: assign('status_error', true); } if (isset($_REQUEST['pattern'])) { if (trim($_REQUEST['pattern']) == '') $_SESSION['search']['pattern'] = false; else if (Check :: search_pattern($_REQUEST['pattern'])) $_SESSION['search']['pattern'] = $_REQUEST['pattern']; else Tpl :: assign('pattern_error', true); } // Order if(isset($_REQUEST['order'])) { if( $_SESSION['search']['order']==$_REQUEST['order']) { if ($_SESSION['search']['order_direction']=='ASC') $_SESSION['search']['order_direction']='DESC'; else $_SESSION['search']['order_direction']='ASC'; } else $_SESSION['search']['order_direction']='ASC'; $_SESSION['search']['order']=$_REQUEST['order']; } else { if($_SESSION['search']['order']=='') { $_SESSION['search']['order']='date'; $_SESSION['search']['order_direction']='DESC'; } } // Page if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $_SESSION['search']['page']=intval($_REQUEST['page']); } else { $_SESSION['search']['page']=1; } // Nb par page $nbs_by_page=array(10,25,50,100,500); if (isset($_REQUEST['nb_by_page']) && in_array(intval($_REQUEST['nb_by_page']),$nbs_by_page)) { $_SESSION['search']['nb_by_page']=intval($_REQUEST['nb_by_page']); $_SESSION['search']['page']=1; } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['search']['nb_by_page'])) { $_SESSION['search']['nb_by_page']=$nbs_by_page[0]; } Log :: debug('Search params : '.vardump($_SESSION['search'])); $result = search_items($_SESSION['search']); if (!is_array($result)) Tpl :: fatal_error( _("An error occurred while listing the items. ". "If the problem persists, please contact support.") ); Tpl :: assign('result', $result); Tpl :: assign('search', $_SESSION['search']); Tpl :: assign('nbs_by_page', $nbs_by_page); Tpl :: assign('status_list', $status_list); Tpl :: add_js_file( 'lib/bootstrap4dialog/dist/js/bootstrap4dialog.min.js', 'js/myconfirm.js', 'js/search.js' ); Tpl :: display("search.tpl", _("Search")); } Url :: add_url_handler('|^item/?$|', 'handle_search'); /** * Show one item page handler * @param EesyPHP\UrlRequest $request * @return void */ function handle_show($request) { $item = get_item_from_url($request -> id); if (!$item) Url :: error_404(); Tpl :: assign('item', $item); // Dialog Tpl :: add_js_file( 'lib/bootstrap4dialog/dist/js/bootstrap4dialog.min.js', 'js/myconfirm.js', ); Tpl :: display( "show.tpl", _("Element %s"), (is_array($item)?$item['name']:"#".$request -> id) ); } Url :: add_url_handler('|^item/(?P[0-9]+)$|', 'handle_show'); /** * Create one item page handler * @param EesyPHP\UrlRequest $request * @return void */ function handle_create($request) { global $status_list; $info = array(); $field_errors = handle_item_post_data($info); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && empty($field_errors)) { $item = add_item($info); if (is_array($item)) { Tpl :: add_message(_("The element '% s' has been created."), $item['name']); Url :: redirect('item/'.$item['id']); } else { Tpl :: add_error(_("An error occurred while saving this item.")); } } Log :: debug('Validated data : '.vardump($info)); Log :: debug('Fields errors : '.vardump($field_errors)); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($field_errors)) Tpl :: add_error( _("There are errors preventing this item from being saved. ". "Please correct them before attempting to add this item.")); Tpl :: assign('submited', isset($_POST['submit'])); Tpl :: assign('info', $info); Tpl :: assign('field_errors', $field_errors); Tpl :: assign('status_list', $status_list); Tpl :: display("form.tpl", _("New")); } Url :: add_url_handler('|^item/new$|', 'handle_create'); function handle_modify($request) { global $status_list; $item = get_item_from_url($request -> id); if(is_array($item)) { if (!can_modify($item)) { Tpl :: add_error(_('You cannot edit this item.')); Url :: redirect('item/'.$item['id']); } $info = array(); $field_errors = handle_item_post_data($info); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && empty($field_errors)) { $changes = array(); foreach ($info as $key => $value) { if ($value != $item[$key]) $changes[$key] = $value; } Log :: debug('Changes : '.vardump($changes)); if (empty($changes)) { Tpl :: add_message(_("You have not made any changes to element '% s'."), $item['name']); Url :: redirect('item/'.$item['id']); } else if (update_item($item['id'], $changes) === true) { Tpl :: add_message(_("The element '% s' has been updated successfully."), $item['name']); Url :: redirect('item/'.$item['id']); } else { Tpl :: add_error(_("An error occurred while updating this item.")); } } Log :: debug('Validated data : '.vardump($info)); Log :: debug('Fields errors : '.vardump($field_errors)); Tpl :: assign('submited', isset($_POST['submit'])); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($field_errors)) Tpl :: add_error( _("There are errors preventing this item from being saved. ". "Please correct them before attempting to save your changes.")); Tpl :: assign('info', (!empty($info)?$info:$item)); Tpl :: assign('item_id', $item['id']); Tpl :: assign('field_errors', $field_errors); Tpl :: assign('status_list', $status_list); } else { Url :: error_404(); } Tpl :: display( "form.tpl", _("Element %s: Modification"), (is_array($item)?$item['name']:"#".$request -> id) ); } Url :: add_url_handler('|^item/(?P[0-9]+)/modify$|', 'handle_modify'); /** * Archive one item page handler * @param EesyPHP\UrlRequest $request * @return void */ function handle_archive($request) { $item = get_item_from_url($request -> id); if(!is_array($item)) { Tpl :: add_error(_("Item #% s not found."), $request -> id); Url :: redirect('item'); } elseif ($item['status'] == 'archived') { Tpl :: add_message(_("This item is already archived.")); } else if (!can_archive($item)) { Tpl :: add_error(_('You cannot archive this item.')); } else if (archive_item($item['id']) === true) { Tpl :: add_message(_("The element '% s' has been archived successfully."), $item['name']); } else { Tpl :: add_error(_('An error occurred while archiving this item.')); } Url :: redirect('item/'.$item['id']); } Url :: add_url_handler('|^item/(?P[0-9]+)/archive$|', 'handle_archive'); /** * Delete one item page handler * @param EesyPHP\UrlRequest $request * @return void */ function handle_delete($request) { $item = get_item_from_url($request -> id); if(!is_array($item)) { Tpl :: add_error(_("Item #% s not found."), $request -> id); } else if (!can_delete($item)) { Tpl :: add_error(_('You cannot delete this item.')); } else if (delete_item($item['id']) === true) { Tpl :: add_message(_("The element '% s' has been deleted successfully."), $item['name']); } else { Tpl :: add_error(_('An error occurred while deleting this item.')); Url :: redirect('item/'.$item['id']); } Url :: redirect('item'); } Url :: add_url_handler('|^item/(?P[0-9]+)/delete$|', 'handle_delete'); # vim: tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab