$handler, 'short_desc' => $short_desc, 'usage_args' => $usage_args, 'long_desc' => $long_desc, ); return True; } /* ************************************************************************************************************** * /!\ Code after this message will only be execute on CLI context /!\ ************************************************************************************************************** */ if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") return true; // Store current CLI command $cli_command = null; /** * CLI Helpers **/ function usage($error=false) { global $cli_commands, $cli_command, $argv; if ($error) echo "$error\n\n"; printf(_("Usage: %s [-h] [-qd] command\n"), basename($argv[0])); echo _(" -h Show this message\n"); echo _(" -q / -d Quiet/Debug mode\n"); echo _(" --trace Trace mode (the most verbose)\n"); echo _(" command Command to run\n"); echo "\n"; echo _("Available commands:\n"); foreach ($cli_commands as $command => $info) { if ($cli_command && $command != $cli_command) continue; echo " ".str_replace("\n", "\n ", wordwrap("$command : "._($info['short_desc'])))."\n\n"; echo " ".basename($argv[0])." $command ".($info['usage_args']?_($info['usage_args']):'')."\n"; if ($info['long_desc']) { if (is_array($info['long_desc'])) { $lines = array(); foreach ($info['long_desc'] as $line) $lines[] = _($line); $info['long_desc'] = implode("\n", $lines); } else $info['long_desc'] = _($info['long_desc']); echo "\n ".str_replace("\n", "\n ", wordwrap($info['long_desc']))."\n"; } echo "\n"; } exit(($error?1:0)); } function handle_cli_args() { global $log_level, $cli_commands, $cli_command, $argv; $log_level = 'INFO'; $cli_command = false; $command_args = array(); for ($i=1; $i < count($argv); $i++) { if (array_key_exists($argv[$i], $cli_commands)) { if (!$cli_command) $cli_command = $argv[$i]; else usage(_("Only one command could be executed !")); } else { switch($argv[$i]) { case '-h': case '--help': usage(); break; case '-d': case '--debug': $log_level = 'DEBUG'; break; case '-q': case '--quiet': $log_level = 'WARNING'; break; case '--trace': $log_level = 'TRACE'; break; default: if ($cli_command) $command_args[] = $argv[$i]; else usage( sprintf(_("Invalid parameter \"%s\".\nNote: Command's parameter/argument must be place after the command."), $argv[$i]) ); } } } if (!$cli_command) usage(); logging('DEBUG', 'Run '.basename($argv[0])." command $cli_command with argument(s) '".implode("', '", $command_args)."'"); try { $result = call_user_func($cli_commands[$cli_command]['handler'], $command_args); exit($result?0:1); } catch(Exception $e) { log_exception(sprintf(_("An exception occured running command %s"), $cli_command)); exit(1); } } function print_item_info($item) { printf(_("Item #%s:\n"), $item['id']); printf("\t"._("ID: %s")."\n", $item['id']); printf("\t"._("Name: '%s'")."\n", $item['name']); printf("\t"._("Date: %s")."\n", format_time($item['date'])); printf("\t"._("Description: %s")."\n", ($item['description']?"'".$item['description']."'":_("Not set"))); printf("\t"._("Status: %s")."\n", $item['status']); return true; } /** * Common CLI commands **/ $orderbys = array('id', 'name', 'date', 'status', 'description'); function cli_list($command_args) { global $orderbys; $params = array( 'order' => $orderbys[0], 'order_direction' => 'ASC', 'all' => true, ); $patterns = array(); for($i=0; $i < count($command_args); $i++) { switch($command_args[$i]) { case '-o': case '--orderby': $i++; if(!in_array($command_args[$i], $orderbys)) usage('Invalid --orderby clause'); $params['order'] = $command_args[$i]; break; case '-r': case '--reverse': $params['order_direction'] = 'DESC'; break; case '-s': case '--status': $i++; if(!check_status($command_args[$i])) usage('Invalid -s/--status clause'); $params['status'] = $command_args[$i]; break; default: $patterns[] = $command_args[$i]; } } if (!empty($patterns)) $params['pattern'] = implode(' ', $patterns); $items = search_items($params); if (!is_array($items)) { logging("ERROR", "Invalid DB info return.\n"); return False; } if ($items['count'] == 0){ echo _("No item.\n"); return True; } $tbl = new Console_Table(); $tbl->setHeaders( array( 'ID', 'Name', 'Date', 'Status', 'Description', ) ); foreach($items['items'] as $info) { $tbl->addRow( array( $info['id'], $info['name'], format_time($info['date']), $info['status'], ($info['description']?$info['description']:''), ) ); } echo $tbl->getTable(); echo "\n".sprintf(_("%d item(s)"), $items['count'])."\n"; return True; } add_cli_command( 'list', 'cli_list', ___("List/search items"), ___("[patterns]"), array( ___("-o|--orderby Ordering list criterion. Possible values:"), " - ".implode("\n - ", $orderbys), ___("-r|--reverse Reverse order"), ___("-s|--status Filter on status. Possible values:"), " - ".implode("\n - ", array_keys($status_list)), ) ); function cli_show($command_args) { if (count($command_args) != 1 || !check_id($command_args[0])) usage(_('You must provide a valid ID.')); $item_id = $command_args[0]; $item = get_item($item_id); if (!$item) logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("Item #%s not found."), $item_id)); print_item_info($item); return True; } add_cli_command( 'show', 'cli_show', ___("Show item"), ___("[ID]") ); function cli_delete($command_args) { if (count($command_args) != 1) usage(_('You must provide item ID.')); // Check URI if (!check_id($command_args[0])) logging('FATAL', _("Invalid item ID")); // Check exist $item_id = $command_args[0]; $item = get_item($item_id); if (!$item) logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("Item #%s not found."), $item_id)); print_item_info($item); // Sure ? echo _("Are you sure you want to delete this item? Type 'yes' to continue: "); $handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r"); $line = fgets($handle); if(trim($line) != 'yes'){ logging('WARNING', _("User cancel")); exit; } echo "\n"; if (!delete_item($item['id'])) logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("An error occured deleting item #%d."), $item_id)); return True; } add_cli_command( 'delete', 'cli_delete', ___("Delete item"), ___("[item ID]") ); function cli_export($command_args) { $fd = fopen((count($command_args) >= 1?$command_args[0]:'php://output'), 'w'); export_items($fd); fclose($fd); logging('INFO', "Items export to '".(count($command_args) >= 1?$command_args[0]:'STDOUT')."'."); } add_cli_command( 'export', 'cli_export', ___("Export items (as CSV)"), ___("[output file path]") ); function cli_restore($command_args) { $fd = fopen((count($command_args) >= 1?$command_args[0]:'php://stdin'), 'r'); restore_items($fd); fclose($fd); logging('INFO', "Items restored from '".(count($command_args) >= 1?$command_args[0]:'STDIN')."'."); } add_cli_command( 'restore', 'cli_restore', ___("Restore items (from CSV)"), ___("[input file path]") ); function cli_cron($command_args) { global $item_max_age; if (!isset($item_max_age)) $item_max_age = 30; $just_try = false; for($i=0; $i < count($command_args); $i++) { switch($command_args[$i]) { case '-m': case '--max-age': $i++; if(!check_id($command_args[$i])) usage('Invalid -m|--max-age clause'); $item_max_age = $command_args[$i]; break; case '-j': case '--just-try': $just_try = true; break; default: usage('Invalid parameter '.$command_args[$i]); } } if (!is_int($item_max_age) || $item_max_age <= 0) logging('FATAL', 'Invalid $item_max_age value set in configuration: it\'s must be a positive integer.'); logging('DEBUG', "cli_cron(): item max age = $item_max_age day(s)"); $limit = time() - ($item_max_age * 86400); logging('DEBUG', "Handle items expiration with creation date limit ".format_time($limit)."."); $items = search_items(array('all' => true)); $error = false; foreach($items['items'] as $item) { if ($item['date'] < $limit) { if ($just_try) { logging('DEBUG', 'Just-try mode: do not really delete item #'.$item['id'].' ('.$item['name'].', creation date: '.format_time($item['date']).')'); } else if (delete_item($item['id'])) { logging('INFO', 'item #'.$item['id'].' ('.$item['name'].') deleted (creation date: '.format_time($item['date']).')'); remove_item_attachments($item['id']); } else { logging('ERROR', 'Fail to delete item "'.$item['id'].'" ('.$item['name'].', creation date: '.format_time($item['date']).')'); $error = true; } } else { logging('DEBUG', 'item "'.$item['id'].'" ('.$item['name'].') still valid (creation date: '.format_time($item['date']).')'); } } exit($error?1:0); } add_cli_command( 'cron', 'cli_cron', ___("Cron to handle item expiration"), false, array ( ___("-j/--just-try Just-try mode : do not really removed expired item(s)"), ___("-m/--max-age Item expiration limit (in days, optional)"), ) ); function cli_extract_messages($command_args) { global $root_dir_path, $root_lang_dir, $smarty_templates_dir; // List PHP files to parse $php_files = run_external_command( array('find', escapeshellarg($root_dir_path), '-name', "'*.php'"), null, // no STDIN data false // do not escape command args (already done) ); if (!is_array($php_files) || $php_files[0] != 0) { logging('FATAL', _("Fail to list PHP files.")); } // Extract messages from PHP files using xgettext $result = run_external_command( array( "xgettext", "--from-code utf-8", "--language=PHP", "-o", "$root_lang_dir/php-messages.pot", // Output "--omit-header", // No POT header "--keyword=___", // Handle custom ___() translation function "--files=-" // Read files to parse from STDIN ), $php_files[1] // Pass PHP files list via STDIN ); if (!is_array($result) || $result[0] != 0) logging('FATAL', _("Fail to extract messages from PHP files using xgettext.")); // Extract messages from templates files using tsmarty2c.php $result = run_external_command( array ( "$root_dir_path/vendor/bin/tsmarty2c.php", "-o", "$root_lang_dir/templates-messages.pot", $smarty_templates_dir, ) ); if (!is_array($result) || $result[0] != 0) logging('FATAL', _("Fail to extract messages from template files using tsmarty2c.php script.")); // Merge previous results in ldapsaisie.pot file using msgcat $result = run_external_command(array( 'msgcat', "$root_lang_dir/php-messages.pot", "$root_lang_dir/templates-messages.pot", "-o", "$root_lang_dir/messages.pot", )); if (!is_array($result) || $result[0] != 0) logging('FATAL', _("Fail to merge messages using msgcat.")); } add_cli_command( 'extract_messages', 'cli_extract_messages', ___("Extract messages that need to be translated"), null, ___("This command could be used to generate/update lang/messages.pot file.") ); function cli_update_messages($command_args) { global $root_dir_path, $root_lang_dir, $smarty_templates_dir; $pot_file = "$root_lang_dir/messages.pot"; if (!is_file($pot_file)) logging( 'FATAL', sprintf( _("POT file not found (%s). Please run extract_messages first."), $pot_file ) ); if ($dh = opendir($root_lang_dir)) { $error = False; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (!is_dir($root_lang_dir . '/' . $file) || in_array($file, array('.', '..')) || is_link($root_lang_dir . '/' . $file)) continue; logging('DEBUG', sprintf(_("Lang directory '%s' found"), $file)); // Check LC_MESSAGES directory exists $lang = $file; $lang_dir = $root_lang_dir . '/' . $file . '/LC_MESSAGES' ; if (!is_dir($lang_dir)) { logging('DEBUG', sprintf( _("LC_MESSAGES directory not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."), $lang) ); continue; } // Test .PO file is present $po_file = $lang_dir . '/' . TEXT_DOMAIN . '.po'; if (!is_file($po_file)) { logging('DEBUG', sprintf( _("PO file not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."), $lang) ); continue; } // Update messages in PO file from POT file using msgmerge $result = run_external_command( array("msgmerge", "-q", "-U", $po_file, $pot_file) ); if (!is_array($result) || $result[0] != 0) { logging('ERROR', sprintf( _("Fail to update messages in %s PO file using msgmerge (%s)."), $lang, $po_file) ); $error = True; } } closedir($dh); return !$error; } logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("Fail to open root lang directory (%s)."), $root_dir_path)); } add_cli_command( 'update_messages', 'cli_update_messages', ___("Update messages in existing translation PO lang files"), null, ___("This command could be used to update PO files in lang/*/LC_MESSAGES directories.") ); function cli_compile_messages($command_args) { global $root_dir_path, $root_lang_dir, $smarty_templates_dir; if ($dh = opendir($root_lang_dir)) { $error = False; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (!is_dir($root_lang_dir . '/' . $file) || in_array($file, array('.', '..')) || is_link($root_lang_dir . '/' . $file)) continue; logging('DEBUG', sprintf(_("Lang directory '%s' found"), $file)); // Check LC_MESSAGES directory exists $lang = $file; $lang_dir = $root_lang_dir . '/' . $file . '/LC_MESSAGES' ; if (!is_dir($lang_dir)) { logging('DEBUG', sprintf( _("LC_MESSAGES directory not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."), $lang) ); continue; } // Test .PO file is present $po_file = $lang_dir . '/' . TEXT_DOMAIN . '.po'; if (!is_file($po_file)) { logging('DEBUG', sprintf( _("PO file not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."), $lang) ); continue; } $mo_file = preg_replace('/\.po$/', '.mo', $po_file); // Compile messages from PO file to MO file using msgfmt $result = run_external_command( array("msgfmt", "-o", $mo_file, $po_file) ); if (!is_array($result) || $result[0] != 0) { logging('ERROR', sprintf( _("Fail to compile messages from %s PO file as MO file using msgfmt (%s)."), $lang, $po_file) ); $error = True; } } closedir($dh); return !$error; } logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("Fail to open root lang directory (%s)."), $root_dir_path)); } add_cli_command( 'compile_messages', 'cli_compile_messages', ___("Compile messages from existing translation PO lang files to corresponding MO files"), null, ___("This command could be used to compile PO files in lang/*/LC_MESSAGES directories to MO files.") );