Make logging & message handling functions accept extra parameters to format messages using sprintf

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Renard 2022-04-24 18:20:44 +02:00
parent efc7352404
commit dba4c6fa9e
6 changed files with 126 additions and 127 deletions

View file

@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ function add_cli_command($command, $handler, $short_desc, $usage_args=false, $lo
$override=false) {
global $cli_commands;
if (array_key_exists($command, $cli_commands) && !$override) {
logging('ERROR', sprintf(_("The CLI command '%s' already exists.", $command)));
logging('ERROR', _("The CLI command '%s' already exists.", $command));
return False;
if (!is_callable($handler)) {
logging('ERROR', sprintf(_("The CLI command '%s' handler is not callable !"), $command));
logging('ERROR', _("The CLI command '%s' handler is not callable !"), $command);
return False;
@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ $cli_command = null;
function usage($error=false) {
global $cli_commands, $cli_command, $argv;
// If more than 1 arguments passed, format error message using sprintf
if (func_num_args() > 1) {
$error = call_user_func_array(
array_merge(array($error), array_slice(func_get_args(), 1))
if ($error)
echo "$error\n\n";
printf(_("Usage: %s [-h] [-qd] command\n"), basename($argv[0]));
@ -115,10 +123,10 @@ function handle_cli_args() {
$command_args[] = $argv[$i];
_("Invalid parameter \"%s\".\nNote: Command's parameter/argument must be place ".
"after the command."), $argv[$i]
"Invalid parameter \"%s\".\nNote: Command's parameter/argument must be place ".
"after the command."
), $argv[$i]
@ -128,11 +136,8 @@ function handle_cli_args() {
'DEBUG', sprintf(
"Run %s command %s with argument(s) '%s'.",
basename($argv[0]), $cli_command,
implode("', '", $command_args)
'DEBUG', "Run %s command %s with argument(s) '%s'.",
basename($argv[0]), $cli_command, implode("', '", $command_args)
try {
@ -141,7 +146,7 @@ function handle_cli_args() {
catch(Exception $e) {
log_exception(sprintf(_("An exception occured running command %s"), $cli_command));
log_exception($e, _("An exception occured running command %s"), $cli_command);
@ -259,7 +264,7 @@ function cli_show($command_args) {
$item = get_item($item_id);
if (!$item)
logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("Item #%s not found."), $item_id));
logging('FATAL', _("Item #%s not found."), $item_id);
return True;
@ -283,7 +288,7 @@ function cli_delete($command_args) {
$item_id = $command_args[0];
$item = get_item($item_id);
if (!$item)
logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("Item #%s not found."), $item_id));
logging('FATAL', _("Item #%s not found."), $item_id);
@ -298,7 +303,7 @@ function cli_delete($command_args) {
echo "\n";
if (!delete_item($item['id']))
logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("An error occured deleting item #%d."), $item_id));
logging('FATAL', _("An error occured deleting item #%d."), $item_id);
return True;
@ -376,31 +381,27 @@ function cli_cron($command_args) {
foreach($items['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['date'] < $limit) {
if ($just_try) {
logging('DEBUG', sprintf(
'Just-try mode: do not really delete item #%s (%s, creation date: %s)',
logging('DEBUG', 'Just-try mode: do not really delete item #%s (%s, creation date: %s)',
$item['id'], $item['name'], format_time($item['date'])
else if (delete_item($item['id'])) {
logging('INFO', sprintf(
'Item #%s (%s) deleted (creation date: %s)',
logging('INFO', 'Item #%s (%s) deleted (creation date: %s)',
$item['id'], $item['name'], format_time($item['date'])
else {
logging('ERROR', sprintf(
'Fail to delete item "%s" (%s, creation date: %s)',
logging('ERROR', 'Fail to delete item "%s" (%s, creation date: %s)',
$item['id'], $item['name'], format_time($item['date'])
$error = true;
else {
logging('DEBUG', sprintf(
'Item "%s" (%s) still valid (creation date: %s)',
logging('DEBUG', 'Item "%s" (%s) still valid (creation date: %s)',
$item['id'], $item['name'], format_time($item['date'])

View file

@ -353,7 +353,10 @@ function search_items($params) {
logging('ERROR', 'search_items() : search in DB return false');
catch (Exception $e) {
log_exception($e, "An exception occured searching items with params ".preg_replace("/\n[ \t]*/"," ",print_r($params,1))." infos from database : ");
$e, "An exception occured searching items with params %s infos from database : ",
preg_replace("/\n[ \t]*/", " ", print_r($params, true))
return false;

View file

@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ function logging($level, $message) {
$_log_file_fd = fopen($log_file, 'a');
// If more than 2 arguments passed, format message using sprintf
if (func_num_args() > 2) {
$message = call_user_func_array(
array_merge(array($message), array_slice(func_get_args(), 2))
if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
$msg = implode(' - ', array(
date('Y/m/d H:i:s'),
@ -110,18 +118,27 @@ function get_debug_backtrace_context($ignore_last=0) {
return implode("\n", $msg);
function log_exception($exception, $prefix='') {
function log_exception($exception, $prefix=null) {
// If more than 2 arguments passed, format prefix message using sprintf
if ($prefix && func_num_args() > 2) {
$prefix = call_user_func_array(
array_merge(array($prefix), array_slice(func_get_args(), 2))
($prefix?"$prefix :\n":"An exception occured :\n").
get_debug_backtrace_context(1). "\n" .
"## ".$exception->getFile().":".$exception->getLine(). " : ". $exception->getMessage());
"ERROR", "%s:\n%s\n## %s:%d : %s",
($prefix?$prefix:"An exception occured"),
$exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine(),
// Handle PHP error logging
function log_php_eror($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
logging("ERROR", "A PHP error occured : [$errno] $errstr\nFile : $errfile (line : $errline)");
logging("ERROR", "A PHP error occured : [%d] %s\nFile : %s (line : %d)",
$errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);
return False;
if ($log_level == 'DEBUG')

View file

@ -85,13 +85,27 @@ $smarty->assign('session_key', $_SESSION['session_key']);
if (!isset($_SESSION['errors']))
function add_error($error) {
// If more than one arguments passed, format error message using sprintf
if (func_num_args() > 2) {
$error = call_user_func_array(
array_merge(array($error), array_slice(func_get_args(), 1))
$_SESSION['errors'][] = $error;
if (!isset($_SESSION['messages']))
function add_message($message) {
// If more than one arguments passed, format message using sprintf
if (func_num_args() > 2) {
$message = call_user_func_array(
array_merge(array($message), array_slice(func_get_args(), 1))
$_SESSION['messages'][] = $message;
// Handle CSS & JS files included
@ -133,6 +147,13 @@ function display_template($template, $pagetitle=false) {
if (!$template)
logging("FATAL", _("No template specified."));
global $smarty;
// If more than 2 arguments passed, format pagetitle using sprintf
if ($pagetitle & func_num_args() > 2) {
$pagetitle = call_user_func_array(
array_merge(array($pagetitle), array_slice(func_get_args(), 2))
try {
_defineCommonTemplateVariables($template, $pagetitle);

View file

@ -162,24 +162,14 @@ function cli_update_messages($command_args) {
$compendium_args = array();
foreach ($command_args as $path) {
if (!file_exists($path))
'FATAL', sprintf(
_("Compendium file %s not found."),
logging('FATAL', _("Compendium file %s not found."), $path);
$compendium_args[] = '-C';
$compendium_args[] = $path;
$pot_file = "$root_lang_dir/messages.pot";
if (!is_file($pot_file))
'FATAL', sprintf(
_("POT file not found (%s). Please run extract_messages first."),
logging('FATAL', _("POT file not found (%s). Please run extract_messages first."), $pot_file);
if ($dh = opendir($root_lang_dir)) {
$error = False;
@ -191,16 +181,14 @@ function cli_update_messages($command_args) {
logging('DEBUG', sprintf(_("Lang directory '%s' found"), $file));
logging('DEBUG', _("Lang directory '%s' found"), $file);
// Check LC_MESSAGES directory exists
$lang = $file;
$lang_dir = $root_lang_dir . '/' . $file . '/LC_MESSAGES' ;
if (!is_dir($lang_dir)) {
logging('DEBUG', sprintf(
_("LC_MESSAGES directory not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."),
logging('DEBUG', _("LC_MESSAGES directory not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."),
@ -214,10 +202,8 @@ function cli_update_messages($command_args) {
if (is_array($result) && $result[0] == 0) {
$created = true;
} else {
logging('ERROR', sprintf(
_("Fail to init messages in %s PO file using msginit (%s)."),
$lang, $po_file)
logging('ERROR', _("Fail to init messages in %s PO file using msginit (%s)."),
$lang, $po_file);
$error = True;
@ -234,25 +220,20 @@ function cli_update_messages($command_args) {
if (!is_array($result) || $result[0] != 0) {
logging('ERROR', sprintf(
_("Fail to update messages in %s PO file using msgmerge (%s)."),
$lang, $po_file)
logging('ERROR', _("Fail to update messages in %s PO file using msgmerge (%s)."),
$lang, $po_file);
$error = True;
elseif (!$created) {
logging('DEBUG', sprintf(
_("PO file not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."),
logging('DEBUG', _("PO file not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."), $lang);
return !$error;
logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("Fail to open root lang directory (%s)."), $root_dir_path));
logging('FATAL', _("Fail to open root lang directory (%s)."), $root_dir_path);
@ -286,70 +267,53 @@ function cli_compile_messages($command_args) {
if (dirname($real_lang_dir) != '.' || !is_dir($root_lang_dir . '/' . $real_lang_dir))
$lang = $file;
logging('DEBUG', sprintf(_("Lang alias symlink found: %s -> %s"), $lang, $real_lang_dir));
logging('DEBUG', _("Lang alias symlink found: %s -> %s"), $lang, $real_lang_dir);
// Create JSON catalog symlink (if not exists)
$json_link = "$root_dir_path/public_html/translations/$lang.json";
$link_target = "$real_lang_dir.json";
if (!file_exists($json_link)) {
if (symlink($link_target, $json_link)) {
_("JSON catalog symlink for %s -> %s created (%s)"),
$lang, $real_lang_dir, $json_link)
logging('INFO', _("JSON catalog symlink for %s -> %s created (%s)"),
$lang, $real_lang_dir, $json_link);
else {
_("Fail to create JSON catalog symlink for %s -> %s (%s)"),
$lang, $real_lang_dir, $json_link)
logging('ERROR', _("Fail to create JSON catalog symlink for %s -> %s (%s)"),
$lang, $real_lang_dir, $json_link);
$error = True;
elseif (readlink($json_link) == $link_target) {
_("JSON catalog symlink for %s -> %s already exist (%s)"),
$lang, $real_lang_dir, $json_link)
logging('DEBUG', _("JSON catalog symlink for %s -> %s already exist (%s)"),
$lang, $real_lang_dir, $json_link);
else {
_("JSON catalog file for %s already exist, but it's not a symlink to %s (%s)"),
$lang, $real_lang_dir, $json_link)
_("JSON catalog file for %s already exist, but it's not a symlink to %s (%s)"),
$lang, $real_lang_dir, $json_link
$error = True;
logging('DEBUG', sprintf(_("Lang directory '%s' found"), $file));
logging('DEBUG', _("Lang directory '%s' found"), $file);
// Check LC_MESSAGES directory exists
$lang = $file;
$lang_dir = $root_lang_dir . '/' . $file . '/LC_MESSAGES' ;
if (!is_dir($lang_dir)) {
logging('DEBUG', sprintf(
_("LC_MESSAGES directory not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."),
logging('DEBUG', _("LC_MESSAGES directory not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."),
// Test .PO file is present
$po_file = $lang_dir . '/' . TEXT_DOMAIN . '.po';
if (!is_file($po_file)) {
logging('DEBUG', sprintf(
_("PO file not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."),
logging('DEBUG', _("PO file not found in lang '%s' directory, ignore it."),
@ -360,9 +324,10 @@ function cli_compile_messages($command_args) {
array("msgfmt", "-o", $mo_file, $po_file)
if (!is_array($result) || $result[0] != 0) {
logging('ERROR', sprintf(
_("Fail to compile messages from %s PO file as MO file using msgfmt (%s)."),
$lang, $po_file)
$lang, $po_file
$error = True;
@ -371,31 +336,24 @@ function cli_compile_messages($command_args) {
$json_catalog = po2json($lang, $po_file);
$json_file = "$root_dir_path/public_html/translations/$lang.json";
if(!$fd = fopen($json_file, 'w')) {
logging('ERROR', sprintf(
_("Fail to open %s JSON catalog file in write mode (%s)."),
$lang, $json_file)
logging('ERROR', _("Fail to open %s JSON catalog file in write mode (%s)."),
$lang, $json_file);
$error = True;
elseif (fwrite($fd, $json_catalog) === false) {
logging('ERROR', sprintf(
_("Fail to write %s JSON catalog in file (%s)."),
$lang, $json_file)
logging('ERROR', _("Fail to write %s JSON catalog in file (%s)."),
$lang, $json_file);
$error = True;
else {
logging('INFO', sprintf(
_("%s JSON catalog writed (%s)."),
$lang, $json_file)
logging('INFO', _("%s JSON catalog writed (%s)."), $lang, $json_file);
return !$error;
logging('FATAL', sprintf(_("Fail to open root lang directory (%s)."), $root_dir_path));
logging('FATAL', _("Fail to open root lang directory (%s)."), $root_dir_path);

View file

@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ function handle_show($request) {
sprintf(_("Element %s"), (is_array($item)?$item['name']:"#".$request -> id))
"show.tpl", _("Element %s"),
(is_array($item)?$item['name']:"#".$request -> id)
add_url_handler('|^item/(?P<id>[0-9]+)$|', 'handle_show');
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ function handle_create($request) {
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && empty($field_errors)) {
$item = add_item($info);
if (is_array($item)) {
add_message(sprintf(_("The element '% s' has been created."), $item['name']));
add_message(_("The element '% s' has been created."), $item['name']);
else {
@ -180,11 +180,11 @@ function handle_modify($request) {
logging('DEBUG', 'Changes : '.vardump($changes));
if (empty($changes)) {
add_message(sprintf(_("You have not made any changes to element '% s'."), $item['name']));
add_message(_("You have not made any changes to element '% s'."), $item['name']);
else if (update_item($item['id'], $changes) === true) {
add_message(sprintf(_("The element '% s' has been updated successfully."), $item['name']));
add_message(_("The element '% s' has been updated successfully."), $item['name']);
else {
@ -207,7 +207,10 @@ function handle_modify($request) {
display_template("form.tpl", sprintf(_("Element %s: Modification"), (is_array($item)?$item['name']:"#".$request -> id)));
"form.tpl", _("Element %s: Modification"),
(is_array($item)?$item['name']:"#".$request -> id)
add_url_handler('|^item/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/modify$|', 'handle_modify');
@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ function handle_archive($request) {
$item = get_item_from_url($request -> id);
if(!is_array($item)) {
add_error(sprintf(_("Item #% s not found."), $request -> id));
add_error(_("Item #% s not found."), $request -> id);
elseif ($item['status'] == 'archived') {
@ -226,9 +229,7 @@ function handle_archive($request) {
add_error(_('You cannot archive this item.'));
else if (archive_item($item['id']) === true) {
_("The element '% s' has been archived successfully."),
add_message(_("The element '% s' has been archived successfully."), $item['name']);
else {
add_error(_('An error occurred while archiving this item.'));
@ -242,15 +243,13 @@ function handle_delete($request) {
$item = get_item_from_url($request -> id);
if(!is_array($item)) {
add_error(sprintf(_("Item #% s not found."), $request -> id));
add_error(_("Item #% s not found."), $request -> id);
else if (!can_delete($item)) {
add_error(_('You cannot delete this item.'));
else if (delete_item($item['id']) === true) {
_("The element '% s' has been deleted successfully."),
add_message(_("The element '% s' has been deleted successfully."), $item['name']);
else {
add_error(_('An error occurred while deleting this item.'));