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2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
* Configured URL patterns :
* Example :
* array (
* '|get/(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$|' => array (
* 'handler' => 'get',
* 'authenticated' => true,
* 'api_mode' => false,
* 'methods' => array('GET'),
* ),
* '|get/all$|' => => array (
* 'handler' => 'get_all',
* 'authenticated' => true,
* 'api_mode' => false,
* 'methods' => array('GET', 'POST'),
* ),
* )
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
$url_patterns =array();
* Add an URL pattern
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $pattern string The URL pattern (required)
* @param $handler callable The URL pattern handler (must be callable, required)
* @param $authenticated boolean Permit to define if this URL is accessible only for
* authenticated users (optional, default: true)
* @param $override boolean Allow override if a command already exists with the
* same name (optional, default: false)
* @param $api_mode boolean Enable API mode (optional, default: false)
* @param $methods array|null HTTP method (optional, default: array('GET', 'POST'))
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
function add_url_handler($pattern, $handler=null, $authenticated=false, $override=true,
$api_mode=false, $methods=null) {
if (is_null($methods))
$methods = array('GET', 'POST');
elseif (!is_array($methods))
$methods = array($methods);
global $url_patterns;
if (is_array($pattern)) {
if (is_null($handler))
foreach($pattern as $p => $h)
add_url_handler($p, $h, $authenticated, $override, $api_mode, $methods);
foreach($pattern as $p)
add_url_handler($p, $handler, $authenticated, $override, $api_mode, $methods);
else {
if (!isset($url_patterns[$pattern])) {
$url_patterns[$pattern] = array(
'handler' => $handler,
'authenticated' => $authenticated,
'api_mode' => $api_mode,
'methods' => $methods,
elseif ($override) {
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
"URL : override pattern '$pattern' with handler '$handler' ".
"(old handler = '".$url_patterns[$pattern]."')");
$url_patterns[$pattern] = array(
'handler' => $handler,
'authenticated' => $authenticated,
'api_mode' => $api_mode,
'methods' => $methods,
else {
logging('DEBUG', "URL : pattern '$pattern' already defined : do not override.");
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
2022-04-24 19:11:37 +02:00
* Show error page
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $request UrlRequest|null The request (optional, default: null)
2022-04-24 19:11:37 +02:00
* @param $error_code int|null The HTTP error code (optional, default: 400)
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return void
2022-04-24 19:11:37 +02:00
function error_page($request=null, $error_code=null) {
global $smarty;
$http_errors = array(
400 => array(
'pagetitle' => _("Bad request"),
'message' => _("Invalid request."),
401 => array(
'pagetitle' => _("Authentication required"),
'message' => _("You have to be authenticated to access to this page."),
403 => array(
'pagetitle' => _("Access denied"),
'message' => _("You do not have access to this application. If you think this is an error, please contact support."),
404 => array(
'pagetitle' => _("Whoops ! Page not found"),
'message' => _("The requested page can not be found."),
$error_code = ($error_code?intval($error_code):400);
if (array_key_exists($error_code, $http_errors))
$error = $http_errors[intval($error_code)];
$error = array(
'pagetitle' => _('Error'),
'message' => _('An unknown error occurred. If problem persist, please contact support.'),
$smarty -> assign('message', $error['message']);
display_template('error_page.tpl', $error['pagetitle']);
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
2022-04-24 19:11:37 +02:00
* Error 404 page
* Error 404 handler
* @param[in] $request UrlRequest|null The request (optional, default: null)
* @retval void
function error_404($request=null) {
error_page($request, 404);
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
$_404_url_handler = 'error_404';
function set_404_url_handler($handler=null) {
global $_404_url_handler;
$_404_url_handler = $handler;
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* Interprets the requested URL and return the corresponding UrlRequest object
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $default_url string|null The default URL if current one does not
* match with any configured pattern.
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return UrlRequest The UrlRequest object corresponding to the the requested URL.
function get_request($default_url=null) {
global $url_patterns, $_404_url_handler;
$current_url = get_current_url();
if ($current_url === false) {
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
_('Unable to determine the requested page. '.
'If the problem persists, please contact support.')
if (!is_array($url_patterns)) {
logging('FATAL', 'URL : No URL patterns configured !');
logging('DEBUG', "URL : current url = '$current_url'");
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
"URL : check current url with the following URL patterns :\n - ".
implode("\n - ", array_keys($url_patterns))
foreach ($url_patterns as $pattern => $handler_infos) {
$m = url_match($pattern, $current_url, $handler_infos['methods']);
if (is_array($m)) {
$request = new UrlRequest($current_url, $handler_infos, $m);
// Reset last redirect
if (isset($_SESSION['last_redirect']))
logging('DEBUG', "URL : result :\n".varDump($request, 1));
return $request;
if ($default_url !== false) {
logging('DEBUG', "Current url match with no pattern. Redirect to default url ('$default_url')");
// Error 404
$api_mode = (strpos($current_url, 'api/') === 0);
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
"Current URL match with no pattern. Use error 404 handler (API mode=$api_mode).");
return new UrlRequest(
'handler' => $_404_url_handler,
'authenticated' => false,
'api_mode' => $api_mode,
* Check if the current requested URL match with a specific pattern
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $pattern string The URL pattern
* @param $current_url string|false The current URL (optional)
* @param $methods array|null HTTP method (optional, default: no check)
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return array|false The URL info if pattern matched, false otherwise.
function url_match($pattern, $current_url=false, $methods=null) {
if ($methods && !in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $methods))
return false;
if ($current_url === false) {
$current_url = get_current_url();
if (!$current_url) return False;
if (preg_match($pattern, $current_url, $m)) {
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
"URL : Match found with pattern '$pattern' :\n\t".
str_replace("\n", "\n\t", print_r($m, 1)));
return $m;
return False;
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* Retreive current requested URL and return it
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return string|false The current request URL or false if fail
function get_current_url() {
logging('DEBUG', "URL : request URI = '".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."'");
$base = get_rewrite_base();
logging('DEBUG', "URL : rewrite base = '$base'");
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == $base)
return '';
if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strlen($base)) != $base) {
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
"URL : request URI (".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].") does not start with rewrite base ($base)");
return False;
$current_url = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen($base));
// URL contain params ?
$params_start = strpos($current_url, '?');
if ($params_start !== false)
// Params detected, remove it
// No url / currrent url start by '?' ?
if ($params_start == 0)
return '';
return substr($current_url, 0, $params_start);
return $current_url;
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
* Try to detect rewrite base from public root URL
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return string The detected rewrite base
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
function get_rewrite_base() {
global $public_root_url;
if (preg_match('|^https?://[^/]+/(.*)$|', $public_root_url, $m))
return '/'.remove_trailing_slash($m[1]).'/';
elseif (preg_match('|^/(.*)$|', $public_root_url, $m))
return '/'.remove_trailing_slash($m[1]).'/';
return '/';
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
* Trigger redirect to specified URL (or homepage if omited)
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $go string|false The destination URL
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return void
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
function redirect($go=false) {
global $public_root_url;
if ($go===false)
$go = "";
if (is_absolute_url($go))
$url = $go;
elseif (isset($public_root_url) && $public_root_url) {
// Check $public_root_url end
if (substr($public_root_url, -1)=='/') {
$public_root_url=substr($public_root_url, 0, -1);
// Prevent loop
if (isset($_SESSION['last_redirect']) && $_SESSION['last_redirect'] == $url)
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
_('Unable to determine the requested page (loop detected). '.
'If the problem persists, please contact support.'));
$_SESSION['last_redirect'] = $url;
logging('DEBUG',"redirect($go) => Redirect to : <$url>");
header("Location: $url");
* Handle the current requested URL
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $default_url string|null The default URL if current one does not
* match with any configured pattern.
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return void
function handle_request($default_url=null) {
global $smarty, $api_mode;
$request = get_request($default_url);
if (!is_callable($request -> handler)) {
logging('ERROR', "URL handler function ".$request -> handler."() does not exists !");
logging('FATAL', _("This request cannot be processed."));
if ($request -> api_mode)
$api_mode = true;
if (isset($smarty) && $smarty)
$smarty -> assign('request', $request);
// Check authentication (if need)
if($request -> authenticated && function_exists('force_authentication'))
try {
return call_user_func($request -> handler, $request);
catch (Exception $e) {
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
$e, "An exception occured running URL handler function ".$request -> handler."()");
logging('FATAL', _("This request could not be processed correctly."));
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
* Remove trailing slash in specified URL
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $url string The URL
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return string The specified URL without trailing slash
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
function remove_trailing_slash($url) {
if ($url == '/')
return $url;
elseif (substr($url, -1) == '/')
return substr($url, 0, -1);
return $url;
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
* Check an AJAX request and trigger a fatal error on fail
* Check if session key is present and valid and set AJAX
* mode.
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $session_key string The current session key (optional)
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return void
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
function check_ajax_request($session_key=null) {
global $ajax, $debug_ajax;
if (check_session_key($session_key))
fatal_error('Invalid request');
if ($debug_ajax)
logging('DEBUG',"Ajax Request : ".vardump($_REQUEST));
* Get the public absolute URL
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $relative_url string|null Relative URL to convert (Default: current URL)
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return string The public absolute URL
function get_absolute_url($relative_url=null) {
global $public_root_url;
if (!is_string($relative_url))
$relative_url = get_current_url();
if ($public_root_url[0] == '/') {
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
"URL :: get_absolute_url($relative_url): configured public root URL is relative ".
"($public_root_url) => try to detect it from current request infos.");
$public_root_url = (
'http'.(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on'?'s':'').'://'.
"URL :: get_absolute_url($relative_url): detected public_root_url: $public_root_url");
if (substr($relative_url, 0, 1) == '/')
$relative_url = substr($url, 1);
$url = remove_trailing_slash($public_root_url)."/$relative_url";
logging('DEBUG', "URL :: get_absolute_url($relative_url): result = $url");
return $url;
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
* Check if specified URL is absolute
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $url string The URL to check
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return boolean True if specified URL is absolute, False otherwise
function is_absolute_url($url) {
return boolval(preg_match('#^https?://#', $url));
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* Add parameter in specified URL
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param &$url string The reference of the URL
* @param $param string The parameter name
* @param $value string The parameter value
* @param $encode boolean Set if parameter value must be URL encoded (optional, default: true)
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return string|null The completed URL
function add_url_parameter(&$url, $param, $value, $encode=true) {
if (strpos($url, '?') === false)
$url .= '?';
$url .= '&';
$url .= "$param=".($encode?urlencode($value):$value);
return $url;
* URL request abstraction
* @author Benjamin Renard <>
class UrlRequest {
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00
// The URL requested handler
private $current_url = null;
// The URL requested handler
private $handler = null;
// Request need authentication ?
private $authenticated = true;
// API mode enabled ?
private $api_mode = false;
// Parameters detected on requested URL
private $url_params = array();
public function __construct($current_url, $handler_infos, $url_params=array()) {
$this -> current_url = $current_url;
$this -> handler = $handler_infos['handler'];
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
$this -> authenticated = (
$this -> api_mode = (
$this -> url_params = $url_params;
* Get request info
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $key string The name of the info
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return mixed The value
public function __get($key) {
if ($key == 'current_url')
return $this -> current_url;
if ($key == 'handler')
return $this -> handler;
if ($key == 'authenticated')
return $this -> authenticated;
if ($key == 'api_mode')
return $this -> api_mode;
if ($key == 'referer')
return $this -> get_referer();
if ($key == 'http_method')
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->url_params)) {
return urldecode($this->url_params[$key]);
// Unknown key, log warning
logging('WARNING', "__get($key): invalid property requested\n".get_debug_backtrace_context());
* Check is request info is set
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $key string The name of the info
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return boolval True is info is set, False otherwise
public function __isset($key) {
if (in_array($key, array('current_url', 'handler', 'authenticated')))
return True;
return array_key_exists($key, $this->url_params);
* Get request parameter
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @param $parameter string The name of the parameter
* @param $decode string If true, the parameter value will be urldecoded
* (optional, default: true)
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return mixed The value or false if parameter does not exists
public function get_param($parameter, $decode=true) {
if (array_key_exists($parameter, $this->url_params)) {
if ($decode)
return urldecode($this->url_params[$parameter]);
return $this->url_params[$parameter];
return false;
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* Get request referer (if known)
2022-04-24 17:43:44 +02:00
* @return string|null The request referer URL if known, null otherwise
public function get_referer() {
return null;
2020-04-18 00:51:33 +02:00