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translations_data = {"messages":{"No template specified.":"Aucun template sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9.","An error occurred while displaying this page.":"Une erreur est survenue en affichant cette page.","Unexpected error occurred. If problem persist, please contact support.":"Une erreur inconnue est survenue. Si le probl\u00e8me persiste, merci de prendre contact avec le support.","Unknown":"Inconnu","Unable to connect to the database.":"Impossible de se connecter \u00e0 la base de donn\u00e9es.","Invalid username or password.":"Nom d'utilisateur ou not de passe invalid.","Sign in":"Connection","Authentication required":"Authentication requise","Access denied":"Acc\u00e8s interdit","You must login to access this page.":"Vous devez vous connecter pour acc\u00e9der \u00e0 cette page.","Bad request":"Mauvaise requ\u00eate","Invalid request.":"Requ\u00eate invalid.","You have to be authenticated to access to this page.":"Vous devez \u00eatre authentifi\u00e9 pour acc\u00e9der \u00e0 cette page.","You do not have access to this application. If you think this is an error, please contact support.":"Vous n'avez pas acc\u00e8s \u00e0 cette application. Si vous pensez qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, merci de prendre contact avec le support.","Whoops ! Page not found":"Oups ! Page introuvable","The requested page can not be found.":"La page demand\u00e9e est introuvable.","Error":"Erreur","An unknown error occurred. If problem persist, please contact support.":"Une erreur inconnue est survenue. Si le probl\u00e8me persiste, merci de prendre contact avec le support.","Unable to determine the requested page. If the problem persists, please contact support.":"Impossible de d\u00e9terminer la page demand\u00e9e. Si le probl\u00e8me persiste, merci de prendre contact avec le support.","Unable to determine the requested page (loop detected). If the problem persists, please contact support.":"Impossible de d\u00e9terminer la page demand\u00e9e (boucle d\u00e9tect\u00e9e). Si le probl\u00e8me persiste, merci de prendre contact avec le support.","This request cannot be processed.":"Cette requ\u00eate ne peut \u00eatre trait\u00e9e.","Authentication required but fail to authenticate you.":"Authentication requise mais impossible pour vous authentifier.","This request could not be processed correctly.":"Cette requ\u00eate n'a put \u00eatre trait\u00e9e correctement.","Create a new project using EesyPHP framework":"Cr\u00e9er un nouveau project utilisant le framework EesyPHP","This command could be used to easily build the structure of a new project using the EesyPHP framework.":"Cette commande peut-\u00eatre utilis\u00e9e pour construire facilement la structure d'un nouveau project utilisant le framework EesyPHP.","Start the PHP built-in HTTP server to serve the application":"D\u00e9marrer le service HTTP int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 PHP pour servir l'application","This command could be used to start the PHP built-in HTTP server to serve\nthe application.\n\nAdditional parameters:\n -p\/--public-url Define the public URL (default: based on listen address)\n -P\/--enable-profiler Enable Xdebug profiler\n -O\/--profiler-output [path] Xdebug profiler output directory path":"Cette commande peut-\u00eatre utilis\u00e9e pour d\u00e9marre le serveur HTTP int\u00e9gr\u00e9\n\u00e0 PHP pour servir l'application.\n\nParam\u00e8tres additionnels :\n -p\/--public-url D\u00e9finir l'URL publique (par d\u00e9faut:\n d\u00e9finie \u00e0 partir de l'adresse d'\u00e9coute)\n -P\/--enable-profiler Activer le profilter Xdebug\n -O\/--profiler-output [path] Chemin du dossier de sortie du profiler\n Xdebug","The CLI command '%s' already exists.":"La commande CLI '%s' n'existe pas.","The CLI command '%s' handler is not callable !":"La function impl\u00e9mentant la commande CLI '%s' n'est pas ex\u00e9cutable !","Usage: %s [-h] [-qd] command\n":"Utilisation: %s [-h] [-qd] commande\n"," -h Show this message\n":" -h Affiche ce message\n"," -q \/