# Docker image providing common Python test tools Image with common dependencies and common Python test tools: - common python packages: `python3-all python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv pylint3` - `build-essential` to allow local python package using `pip` - `git` - pip installed version of `pytest`, `flake8`, `pylint`, `pyupgrade` (with `pyupgrade-directories` helper lib), `black` and `isort` - associated tools to produce JUnit tests result files: `pylint-junit`, `flake8-junit-report` and `black-junit` - `junitparser` tool to merge JUnit tests result files ## Usage example: ```bash docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/src -w /src brenard/python-tests pip install . pytest --junitxml=pytest.xml tests pylint --load-plugins=pylint_junit --output-format=junit --output pylint.xml mysoft tests flake8 --output-file flake8.txt mysoft tests flake8_junit flake8.txt flake8.xml black --verbose --target-version py37 --line-length 100 mysoft tests 2>&1 | black-junit > black.xml junitparser merge pytest.xml pylint.xml flake8.xml black.xml tests-report.xml pyup_dirs --keep-percent-format --py37-plus mysoft tests isort --profile black --line-length 100 mysoft tests ```