diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b25c15b..3d0d534 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/.pylintrc b/.pylintrc
index d9cf072..fa0c9d4 100644
--- a/.pylintrc
+++ b/.pylintrc
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
+	too-many-locals,
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 07f21ff..b9660f2 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 FROM node:16-alpine
 ADD aptly-publish /bin/
 RUN chmod +x /bin/aptly-publish
-RUN apk -Uuv add python3 py3-requests py3-urllib3 py3-pip bash
-RUN pip install debian-parser
+RUN apk -Uuv add python3 py3-requests py3-urllib3 py3-pip py3-debian py3-chardet bash
 ENTRYPOINT /bin/aptly-publish
diff --git a/aptly-publish b/aptly-publish
index c9fb012..0390a79 100755
--- a/aptly-publish
+++ b/aptly-publish
@@ -1,183 +1,113 @@
 Entrypoint of a Woodpecker CI docker image plugin that permit to publish Debian
 packages on a Aptly repository using its API
+import argparse
 import datetime
+import logging
 import os
 import re
 import sys
-from debian_parser import PackagesParser
+from debian.deb822 import Changes
+from debian.debfile import DebFile
 from requests import Session
 from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
 from urllib3.util import Retry
-def from_env(name, default=None):
-    """Retrieve a parameter from environment"""
-    for var in (f"PLUGIN_{name}", f"APTLY_{name}"):
-        if var in os.environ:
-            return os.environ[var]
-    return default
+included_in_changes_files = {}
-# Handle parameters from environment
-API_URL = from_env("API_URL", None)
-if not API_URL:
-    print("API URL not provided")
-    sys.exit(1)
-API_USERNAME = from_env("API_USERNAME", None)
-    print("API username not provided")
-    sys.exit(1)
-API_PASSWORD = from_env("API_PASSWORD", None)
-    print("API password not provided")
-    sys.exit(1)
-MAX_RETRY = from_env("MAX_RETRIES", None)
-REPO_NAME = from_env("REPO_NAME", None)
-PREFIX = from_env("PREFIX", ".")
-REPO_COMPONENT = from_env("REPO_COMPONENT", "main")
-INPUT_PATH = from_env("PATH", "dist")
-FORCE_OVERWRITE = from_env("FORCE_OVERWRITE", "false").lower() in ["1", "true", "yes"]
-# List changes files
-changes_files_regex = (
-    # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
-    re.compile(r"^%s_.*\.changes$" % SOURCE_NAME)
-    else re.compile(r"^.*\.changes$")
-changes_files = []
-    for filename in os.listdir(INPUT_PATH):
-        filepath = os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, filename)
-        if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
-            continue
-        if changes_files_regex.match(filename):
-            changes_files.append(filepath)
-except FileNotFoundError:
-    print(f'Specified directory path "{INPUT_PATH}" not found')
-    sys.exit(1)
-except NotADirectoryError:
-    print(f'Specified path "{INPUT_PATH}" is not a directory')
-    sys.exit(1)
-if not changes_files:
-    print(f"No changes file found in {INPUT_PATH}")
-    sys.exit(1)
-# Initialize Aptly API client
-session = Session()
-session.auth = (API_USERNAME, API_PASSWORD)
-    retries = Retry(total=int(MAX_RETRY), status_forcelist=list(range(500, 600)))
-    session.mount(API_URL, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
-def get_repo_name(dist):
+def get_repo_name(args, dist):
     """Compute and retrieve repository name"""
-    if REPO_NAME:
-        return REPO_NAME
-    value = f"{dist}_{REPO_COMPONENT}"
-    if PREFIX != ".":
-        value = f"{PREFIX}_{value}"
+    if args.repo_name:
+        return args.repo_name
+    value = f"{dist}_{args.repo_component}"
+    if args.prefix != ".":
+        value = f"{args.prefix}_{value}"
     return value
 def parse_changes_file(filepath):
-    """Parse changes file to detect distribution and included files"""
+    """Parse changes file to detect source package name, distribution and included files"""
     dirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath)
     with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as file_desc:
-        changes_file = file_desc.read()
+        changes = Changes(file_desc)
-    parser = PackagesParser(changes_file)
-    package_name = None
-    distribution = None
-    files = []
-    for infos in parser.parse():
-        for info in infos:
-            if info["tag"].lower() == "files":
-                for line in info["value"].split("  "):
-                    if not line:
-                        continue
-                    files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, line.split()[-1]))
-            if info["tag"].lower() == "distribution":
-                if distribution:
-                    print(
-                        "More than one distribution found in changes file"
-                        f"{os.path.basename(filepath)}."
-                    )
-                    sys.exit(1)
-                distribution = info["value"]
-            if info["tag"].lower() == "source":
-                if package_name:
-                    print(
-                        "More than one source package name found in changes "
-                        f"file {os.path.basename(filepath)}."
-                    )
-                    sys.exit(1)
-                package_name = info["value"]
+    package_name = changes["Source"]
+    distribution = changes["Distribution"]
+    files = [os.path.join(dirpath, f["name"]) for f in changes["files"]]
     if not package_name:
-        print(
-            "Fail to detect source package name from changes file " f"{os.path.basename(filepath)}."
+        logging.error(
+            "Failed to detect source package name from changes file %s.", os.path.basename(filepath)
     if not distribution:
-        print("Fail to detect distribution from changes file " f"{os.path.basename(filepath)}.")
+        logging.error(
+            "Failed to detect distribution from changes file %s.", os.path.basename(filepath)
+        )
     if not files:
-        print("No included file found in changes file" f"{os.path.basename(filepath)}.")
+        logging.error("No included file found in changes file %s.", os.path.basename(filepath))
-    return (package_name, distribution, files)
+    return package_name, distribution, files
-def get_published_distribution_other_components_sources(distribution):
+def parse_deb_package(filepath):
+    """Parse Debian package to detect package name and distribution"""
+    with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
+        deb_package = DebFile(fileobj=f)
+        # Lire les métadonnées
+        control = deb_package.debcontrol()
+        changelog = deb_package.changelog()
+    return control["Package"], control["Version"], changelog.distributions
+def get_published_distribution_other_components_sources(args, distribution):
     """Retrieve current published distribution using Aptly API"""
-    url = f"{API_URL}/publish"
+    url = f"{args.api_url}/publish"
     result = session.get(url)
     if result.status_code != 200:
-        print(
-            "Fail to retrieve current published distribution "
-            f"{distribution} using Aptly API (HTTP code: {result.status_code})"
+        logging.error(
+            "Failed to retrieve current published distribution %s using Aptly API (HTTP code: %s)",
+            distribution,
+            result.status_code,
     for data in result.json():
-        if data["Prefix"] != PREFIX:
+        if data["Prefix"] != args.prefix:
         if data["Distribution"] != distribution:
         if data["SourceKind"] != "snapshot":
-            print(
-                f"The distribution {distribution} currently published on "
-                f'prefix "{PREFIX}" do not sourcing packages from snapshot(s) '
-                f'but from {data["SourceKind"]}.'
+            logging.error(
+                "The distribution %s currently published on prefix '%s' do not sourcing packages "
+                "from snapshot(s) but from %s.",
+                distribution,
+                args.prefix,
+                data["SourceKind"],
-        return [source for source in data["Sources"] if source["Component"] != REPO_COMPONENT]
-    print(
-        f"Distribution {distribution} seem not currently published on prefix "
-        f'"{PREFIX}". Please manually publish it a first time before using '
-        f"{os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])}."
+        return [source for source in data["Sources"] if source["Component"] != args.repo_component]
+    logging.error(
+        "Distribution %s seem not currently published on prefix '%s'. Please manually publish it "
+        "a first time before using %s.",
+        distribution,
+        args.prefix,
+        os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
-def upload_file(package_name, filepath):
+def upload_file(session, package_name, filepath):
     """Upload a file using Aptly API"""
-    url = f"{API_URL}/files/{package_name}"
+    url = f"{args.api_url}/files/{package_name}"
     with open(filepath, "rb") as file_desc:
         result = session.post(url, files={"file": file_desc})
     return (
@@ -186,60 +116,142 @@ def upload_file(package_name, filepath):
-def include_file(repo_name, package_name, changes_file):
+def include_changes_file(repo_name, package_name, changes_file):
     """Include a changes file using Aptly API"""
-    url = f"{API_URL}/repos/{repo_name}/include/{package_name}/" f"{os.path.basename(changes_file)}"
+    url = (
+        f"{args.api_url}/repos/{repo_name}/include/{package_name}/"
+        f"{os.path.basename(changes_file)}"
+    )
     result = session.post(url)
     data = result.json()
     if data.get("FailedFiles"):
-        print()
-        print(f"Some error occurred including {changes_file}:")
-        print("Failed files:")
-        for failed_file in data["FailedFiles"]:
-            print(f"  - {os.path.basename(failed_file)}")
-        if data.get("Report", {}).get("Warnings"):
-            print("Warnings:")
-            print("  - %s" % "\n  - ".join(data["Report"]["Warnings"]))
-        print()
+        logging.error(
+            "Some error occurred including %s:\nFailed files:\n  - %s\nWarnings:  - %s",
+            changes_file,
+            "\n  - ".join(data["FailedFiles"]),
+            "\n  - ".join(data.get("Report", {}).get("Warnings"))
+            if data.get("Report", {}).get("Warnings")
+            else "No warning",
+        )
         return False
     if not (result.status_code == 200 and data.get("Report", {}).get("Added")):
-        print(f"Unknown error occurred including {changes_file}" "See APTLY API logs for details.")
+        logging.error(
+            "Unknown error occurred including %s. See APTLY API logs for details.", changes_file
+        )
         return False
     return True
-for changes_file in changes_files:
-    print(f"Handle changes file {changes_file}:")
+def include_deb_package(repo_name, path):
+    """Include a changes file using Aptly API"""
+    url = f"{args.api_url}/repos/{repo_name}/file/{os.path.basename(path)}"
+    result = session.post(url)
+    if result.status_code < 200 or result.status_code > 299:
+        data = result.json()
+        logging.error("Failed to include Debian package %s: %s", path, data.get("error"))
+        return False
+    return True
+def list_changes_and_deb_packages(args):
+    """List changes files according to specified script arguments"""
+    changes_files_regex = (
+        # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
+        re.compile(r"^%s_.*\.changes$" % args.source_package_name, re.I)
+        if args.source_package_name
+        else re.compile(r"^.*\.changes$", re.I)
+    )
+    deb_packages_regex = re.compile(r"^.*\.deb$", re.I)
+    changes_files = []
+    deb_packages = []
+    try:
+        for filename in os.listdir(args.path):
+            filepath = os.path.join(args.path, filename)
+            if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
+                continue
+            if changes_files_regex.match(filename):
+                changes_files.append(filepath)
+            elif deb_packages_regex.match(filename):
+                deb_packages.append(filepath)
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        logging.error('Specified directory path "%s" not found', args.path)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    except NotADirectoryError:
+        logging.error('Specified path "%s" is not a directory', args.path)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    return changes_files, deb_packages
+def handle_changes_file(args, session, changes_file):
+    """Handle one changes file"""
+    logging.info("Handle changes file %s:", changes_file)
     package_name, distribution, filepaths = parse_changes_file(changes_file)
-    filepaths += [changes_file]
-    repo_name = get_repo_name(distribution)
+    logging.info("  Detected package: %s (distribution=%s)", package_name, distribution)
+    logging.debug("  Included files:\n  %s", "\n  ".join(filepaths))
+    filepaths.append(changes_file)
+    repo_name = get_repo_name(args, distribution)
-    other_components_sources = get_published_distribution_other_components_sources(distribution)
+    other_components_sources = get_published_distribution_other_components_sources(
+        args, distribution
+    )
-    print(" - Upload files:")
+    logging.info("  Uploading files:")
     for filepath in filepaths:
-        if not upload_file(package_name, filepath):
-            print(f"    - {filepath}: fail to upload file. See APTLY API logs " "for details.")
+        if not upload_file(session, package_name, filepath):
+            logging.error("Failed to upload %s. See APTLY API logs for details.", filepath)
-        else:
-            print(f"    - {filepath}")
+        logging.info("    %s", filepath)
+        included_in_changes_files[filepath] = changes_file
-    print(f" - Include changes file {changes_file}:")
-    if include_file(repo_name, package_name, changes_file):
-        print("    - Changes file included")
+    logging.info("  Including changes file %s...", changes_file)
+    if include_changes_file(repo_name, package_name, changes_file):
+        logging.info("  Changes file %s included", changes_file)
+    return distribution, repo_name, other_components_sources
+def handle_deb_package(args, session, path):
+    """Handle one debian package"""
+    logging.info("Handle Debian package %s:", path)
+    package_name, version, distribution = parse_deb_package(path)
+    logging.info(
+        "  Detected package: %s (version=%s, distribution=%s)", package_name, version, distribution
+    )
+    repo_name = get_repo_name(args, distribution)
+    other_components_sources = get_published_distribution_other_components_sources(
+        args, distribution
+    )
+    logging.info("  Uploading Debian package %s...", path)
+    if not upload_file(session, package_name, path):
+        logging.error("Failed to upload file. See APTLY API logs for details.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    logging.info("  Debian package %s uploaded.", path)
+    logging.info("  Adding Debian package %s...", path)
+    if not include_deb_package(repo_name, path):
+        logging.error("Failed to add file. See APTLY API logs for details.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    logging.info("  Debian package %s added.", path)
+    return distribution, repo_name, other_components_sources
+def publish_repo(args, session, distribution, repo_name, other_components_sources):
+    """Publish repository of specified distributions"""
     # Create a snapshot of the repository
     snap_name = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(f"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S_{repo_name}")
-    print(f'Create new snapshot "{snap_name}" of repository "{repo_name}"')
+    logging.info('Create new snapshot "%s" of repository "%s"', snap_name, repo_name)
-    url = f"{API_URL}/repos/{repo_name}/snapshots"
+    url = f"{args.api_url}/repos/{repo_name}/snapshots"
     payload = {"Name": snap_name}
     result = session.post(url, json=payload)
         data = result.json()
-    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
+    except ValueError:
         data = {}
     error = (
         result.status_code < 200
@@ -248,33 +260,119 @@ for changes_file in changes_files:
         or not data.get("CreatedAt")
     if error:
-        print(
-            f'Fail to create snapshot "{snap_name}" of repository '
-            f'"{repo_name}". See APTLY API logs for details.'
+        logging.error(
+            'Failed to create snapshot "%s" of repository "%s". See APTLY API logs for details.',
+            snap_name,
+            repo_name,
     # Update published snapshot of the distribution
-    print(
-        f'Update published snapshot of distribution "{distribution}" to '
-        f'"{snap_name}" (prefix: {PREFIX}, component: {REPO_COMPONENT})'
+    logging.info(
+        "Update published snapshot of distribution '%s' to '%s' (prefix: '%s', component: '%s')",
+        distribution,
+        snap_name,
+        args.prefix,
+        args.repo_component,
     if other_components_sources:
-        print("Note: keep other currently published components:")
+        logging.info("Note: keep other currently published components:")
         for source in other_components_sources:
-            print(f'- {source["Component"]}: {source["Name"]}')
-    url = f"{API_URL}/publish/:{PREFIX}/{distribution}"
+            logging.info("  %s: %s", source["Component"], source["Name"])
+    url = f"{args.api_url}/publish/:{args.prefix}/{distribution}"
     payload = {
-        "Snapshots": other_components_sources + [{"Component": REPO_COMPONENT, "Name": snap_name}],
-        "ForceOverwrite": FORCE_OVERWRITE,
+        "Snapshots": other_components_sources
+        + [{"Component": args.repo_component, "Name": snap_name}],
+        "ForceOverwrite": args.force_overwrite,
     result = session.put(url, json=payload)
     if result.status_code < 200 or result.status_code > 299:
-        print(
-            "Fail to update published snapshot of distribution "
-            f'"{distribution}" to "{snap_name}" (prefix: {PREFIX}, '
-            f"component: {REPO_COMPONENT}). See APTLY API logs for details."
+        logging.error(
+            "Failed to update published snapshot of distribution '%s' to '%s' "
+            "(prefix: '%s', component: '%s'). See APTLY API logs for details.",
+            distribution,
+            snap_name,
+            args.prefix,
+            args.repo_component,
+    return True
+def from_env(name, default=None):
+    """Retrieve a parameter from environment"""
+    for var in (f"PLUGIN_{name}", f"APTLY_{name}", f"APT_{name}"):
+        if var in os.environ:
+            return os.environ[var]
+    return default
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument("--api-url", help="APTLY API URL", default=from_env("API_URL"))
+parser.add_argument("--api-username", help="APTLY API username", default=from_env("API_USERNAME"))
+parser.add_argument("--api-password", help="APTLY API password", default=from_env("API_PASSWORD"))
+parser.add_argument("--max-retries", default=from_env("MAX_RETRIES"))
+parser.add_argument("--repo-name", default=from_env("REPO_NAME"))
+parser.add_argument("--prefix", default=from_env("PREFIX", "."))
+parser.add_argument("--repo-component", default=from_env("REPO_COMPONENT", "main"))
+parser.add_argument("--path", default=from_env("PATH", "dist"))
+parser.add_argument("--source-package-name", default=from_env("SOURCE_PACKAGE_NAME"))
+    "--force-overwrite",
+    action="store_true",
+    default=from_env("FORCE_OVERWRITE", "false").lower() in ["1", "true", "yes", "on"],
+parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Enable debug mode")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# Handle parameters from environment
+if not args.api_url:
+    parser.error("API URL not provided")
+if not args.api_username:
+    parser.error("API username not provided")
+if not args.api_password:
+    parser.error("API password not provided")
+    level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s - %(message)s"
+# Initialize Aptly API client
+session = Session()
+session.auth = (args.api_username, args.api_password)
+if args.max_retries:
+    retries = Retry(total=int(args.max_retries), status_forcelist=list(range(500, 600)))
+    session.mount(args.api_url, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
+to_publish = []
+changes_files, deb_packages = list_changes_and_deb_packages(args)
+if not changes_files and not deb_packages:
+    logging.error("No changes file or Debian package found in %s", args.path)
+    sys.exit(1)
+for changes_file in changes_files:
+    pub = handle_changes_file(args, session, changes_file)
+    if pub not in to_publish:
+        to_publish.append(pub)
+for deb_package in deb_packages:
+    if deb_package in included_in_changes_files:
+        logging.debug(
+            "Debian file %s already handled by %s",
+            deb_package,
+            included_in_changes_files[deb_package],
+        )
+        continue
+    pub = handle_deb_package(args, session, deb_package)
+    if pub not in to_publish:
+        to_publish.append(pub)
+for pub_args in to_publish:
+    publish_repo(args, session, *pub_args)